Modul Bhs Inggris | UNG REPOSITORY Soal Uraian Bab VII

Soal Uraian Bab VII
1) Write and explain the category of circumstances (the adverbial groups and the
prepositional phrases) to occur in the following sentences.
a. An unidentified man became a hero in Argentina on Tuesday February 09.
b. The video shows the man jump of the back of motorcycle and push a white van across the
c. The train narrowly missed him.
d. After a brief discussion with the man driving the motorcycle, he got back on the motorcycle
and the two drove away.
e. Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard behind a house near
Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.
f. The injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.
g. An Indonesian migrant worker Munti Binti Bani has died on Monday after being hospitalized
for several days due to alleged torture by her employees in Selangor, Malaysia.

2) Write a news item text in at least 400 words!
3) Classify the linguistic features of news item based on the text above.