A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009






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Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A Nip: 130535807

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Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

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Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


I am, SYAIDATI IFDARI to declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


Penguasaa kosa kata (Vocabulary) adalah suatu kemestian bagi seseorang yang ingin memahami suatu bacaan, percakapan atau tulisan yang berbahasa inggris. Tanpa kosa kata yang cukup mustahil bagi kita untuk dapat mencapai tujuan. Oleh karena itu, di dalam kertas karya ini mengangkat judu l “ A Brief Description of How to Enrich and Use Learner’s English Vocabulary” untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kita dalam bahasa inggris dengan menguasai kosa kata. Hal ini akan membantu kita tidak hanya belajar arti kata-kata tersebut tetapi juga bagaimana menggunakannya. Penulis memutuskan untuk memilih topic ini sebagai tugas akhir untuk menyelesaikan proses belejar mengajar di Program Diploma III Bahasa Inggris. Kertas karya ini berisikan langkah-langkah dalam belajar kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah membuat rencana-rencana untuk belajar kosa kata atau menghasilkan kosa kata dalam pikiran, belajar kosa kata dengan nasehat-nasehat umum, mengorganisasikan kosa kata, mengembangkan kosa kata dengan membaca dan mendengarkan bahasa inggris, dan memperbaiki kosa kata yang kita pelajari untuk mengetahui beberapa kosa kata yang dapat kita hafal atau ingat. Kertas karya ini juga berisikan kata-kata yang membingungkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Memilih kata yang efektif dalam penggunaannya dan kata baru dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan penjelasan tentang kosa kata, penulis berharap kertas karya in dapat memberikan manfaat bagi setiap orang yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuannya dalam bahasa Inggris.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


In the name of Allah SWT, The Benefit and Merciful. Praise be to Allah. Firstly, I would like to thank and praise Allah SWT for blessing and guidance given to me during the process of completing this paper to finish my study in Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara.

My deep love and special gratitude are sent to my beloved parents, who have patiently given me their moral and financial support, advice, love, and prayers so that I can accomplish my study on time, my beloved young sister, Siti Hazar Maulidia, my beloved brother, Wawan Hardana. Then my special thanks to someone who has always accompanied in my life daily since a years ago.

My sincere thanks are expressed to my supervisor Dr. Syahron Libis, M.A, who has spent his precious time to provide me with guidance and suggestion during the process ofwriting this paper, and to Drs. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S who is as my reader.

I also thank the head of Diploma III English Program, Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE, the Dean of Faculty of Letters University of Sumatera Utara, Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A, Phd. I also express my sincere gratitude to all my lectures for their valuable knowledge, guidance, and advice during my study.

Then I would like to express my special thanks for my best friends, Dinda Artika, Winda Maya Sari, Dewi Salfia, Maryam Damanik, and Ermila Sari Sikumbang, Kakak Darlina Sari Dewi, Yayuk Evawati, Afrida and who usual


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

gave suggestions and help me when I was in difficult condition. Especially, Maisyarah who always give mw information, good and bad news about her condition and so do i.

I would like to thank all my classmates of class A and B. I am also grateful to all my junior in Diploma III Study Program and to all the members of SOLIDAS.

Finally, as the Writer I would like to admit that this paper may be far from being perfect. Therefore, I am open to any constructive critics and suggestions

Medan, 2008 The writer



Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009




ABSTRACT ... iii



CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Background of the Study ... 1

2. The Scope of the Study ... 3

3. The Purpose of the Study ... 3

4. The Significance of the Study ... 4

5. The Method of the Study ... 4

CHAPTER II. THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY 2.1 English Vocabulary ... 5

2.2 Importance of Enriching ... 7

CHAPTER III. THE WAYS OF LEARNER’S ENGLISH VOCABULARY 3.1 Making Plane for Vocabulary Learning ... 9

3.2 Learning Vocabulary-General Advice ... 10


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

3.4 Developing Vocabulary ... 14

3.4.1 Reading and Listening ... 14

3.4.2 Vocabulary Study Book ... 16

3.4.3 Idiom ... 16

3.5 Revising Vocabulary ... 21

CHAPTER IV. WORD USE 4.1. Common Confusing Words ... 24

4.2 Effective Words Choice ... 26

4.3 New Words in English ... 29



Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


1.1 Background of the study

In the world, people need a common language so that all of people any country in the world can communicate to other people. According to Siahaan (2008:1)

“Language is a set of rules used by human as a tool of their communication. The use of language is governed by the conventional rules shared by the speakers of the language. Each of them must obey the rules. Otherwise, they can not use it effectively for the sake of their communication. They can not communicate well. Event most, they can not understand each other. Therefore, in order to be successful to join commutative interaction, the members of speech community must use their language according to the conventional rules they share among themselves”.

English is international language. It is used by all of country in the world. Although every countries have native language in, but they have the second language to communication to other people in the world. The language is English. So, to enter the international world we need English to communicate.

We have known that learning English is very important. We learn English not only to pass examination, but also to improve our knowledge about English and also to develop our ability in English to communicate. Learning English by enriching our vocabulary can increase our skill in English.

Vocabulary is about words. A good vocabulary is an important part of effective communication. A command of many words will make us a better writer, speaker, listener, and reader, because having good vocabulary makes us easy to understand meaning in reading from each word in it, easy to choose


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

effective words to write, easy to speak about what we want to tell to someone and they understand it. What happens if we do not know about words that we want to use? Of course, we are not confident and brave to speak. Perhaps, many people are confused because they do not understand. To be a good listener, because we can understand what they say to us in English and of course, we can respect it directly without asking again what they say. Besides that, we will often listen to the radio, songs and news on TV in English. So, learning and controlling vocabulary is very important to overcome all of difficulties which are met in English.

A research found that good vocabularies, more than any others factors was common to people enjoying successful career, and also studies have shown that student with a strong vocabulary and students who work to improve a vocabulary are more successful in school. However, it must be supported by a good grammar. Having good vocabulary without a good grammar is impossible for us to understand reading. So, our skill in English will be perfect and then we have to always improve continually our vocabulary.

In this paper, the writer chose the topic of vocabulary. The writer wanted to describe some ways of enriching vocabulary. The writer wants to improve her ability in English. We can do everything besides learning vocabulary, like learning grammar, conversation, and how they are used because we do not only enrich vocabulary but we use it in conversation, in making sentences, etc.

In this case, the writer cannot hope so much, she only hopes that the paper can be helpful and useful for all, especially, to improve our English vocabulary.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Speaking English well with enough vocabulary; the difficulties in English will be overcome.

1.2 The Scope of the Study

In learning English, we need to enrich our vocabulary, because it can improve our ability in English. In this topic, the writer wants to explain about learning English by enriching English vocabulary. The writer will show some useful techniques to enrich vocabulary. They will help us to learn not only the meanings of words but also how they are used. We will learn more about the words. However, it is impossible to explain them all in this paper. Therefore, the writer has limited the scope of the study to how to enrich our vocabulary, how to use them and how to activate new words.

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

The purposes of writing the paper are to

1. Improve our ability in English by enriching our vocabulary 2. know how to enrich vocabulary

3. Understand meaning of words and how to use them

4. Have enough vocabulary that will make us a better speaker, reader, writer, listener.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

1.4 The Significance of the Study

It is written to help us improve out English vocabulary. It will also help us learn not only the meaning of words, but also how they are used as well to know their meanings. We can use this paper either for self-study.

If we want to learn about language, of course we have to know more about vocabulary of the language, the writer hope that this paper will help readers and the other people to enrich vocabulary in English.

1.5 The Method of the Study

This study was made by doing a library research, some data were also collected from internet.

The method of study is further justified as follows: 1. Collecting reference books that can support the study. 2. Reading reference books which are relevant to the paper

3. Selecting some important information from the reference book to complete the paper.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



2.1 English Vocabulary

In learning English, of course we must learn a lot of English vocabularies. How many words are there in English? The question is unanswerable because according to Bauer (1998:13),

“English keeps getting new words and probably in excess of 500 per years are deemed worthy of listing in mayor dictionaries. If all possible technical words are included, it seems likely that the total member of word of English exceeds one million”.

English vocabulary has a remarkable range, flexibility, and adaptability. English seems to have far more words in its core vocabulary than other language. All this tell you about how many words you know and how many you need to know. Sometimes, we know how many words have to know when we are reading, writing, hear them. We simply need to understand them. Clearly, we need to spend most time learning the words and we would like to able to use.

In English vocabulary, there are some common words. The very common words in English are article (a, an, the) preposition (to, at, in, etc) demonstrative (this, these, etc) pronoun (I, you, she, he, etc) auxiliary verb (am, have, can, etc). Beside that, we can find many words in an English-English dictionary; we will find thousands of entries. Each word in the listing is called an entry. Each entry begins with the correct spelling of the word. After the spelling, we will find the pronunciation. After the pronunciation, we will find the part of speech. The part of


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

speech is very important to know function and position of the word in a sentence. A common system to indicate the part of speech for an entry is:

- A noun (n) is the name of person, place, thing or feeling. A word is a noun if we can say “the….’ or ‘a….’. For example, boy is a noun. It is possible to say “the boy” or “a boy”. Other example of noun is girl, school, room,

cat, pencil, etc.

- A pronoun (pron) is a word that we use to replace or rename a noun. For example of pronouns are I, you, he, me, us, and them.

- A verb (v) is a word that shows action or being. A verb is word that we can conjugate. Conjugate means to change the form of the verb depending on the noun or pronoun. For example: eat is a verb. It is possible to say, “I eat, you eat, he eats”. Other examples of verbs are: see, go, and run. - An adjective (adj) is a word that describes a nouns or pronoun. A word is

an adjective if we can use it in front of a noun. For example, good is an adjective. It is possible to say “the good boy” or “the good cars”. Other example of an adjective are: bad, tall, short, important, possible, and


- An adverb is a word that tells how, when, or where. Here some example: He drives his car slowly. (“Slowly” tell how he drives)

I called her yesterday. (“Yesterday” tell when I called) He went there after lunch. (“There” tell where he went)

Other examples of adverbs are quickly, really, always, now, then, and


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

- A preposition is a word that shows the relation of noun (or pronoun) to a verb, and adjective, or another noun (or pronoun). For example of prepositions are at, in, with, under, and near.

- A conjunction is a word that connects words, groups of words, or

sentences. Examples of conjunction are and, or, because, and however.

All of statement above is the first lesson to introduce about English. Then we learn about structure language in English, because it is different with our language.

English language has also idiomatic expression. This idiom language is one of difficult part in learning English, because we must memorize to master idiom. Idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the individual words (Lou, 2007:1). For example; never mind, call down. Therefore, English vocabulary is thing that we must master to improve our ability English.

2.2. The Importance of Enriching Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is very important if we are learning English. If we make a mistake in grammar, perhaps listener can still understand. However, if we do not know word exactly to tell about something, it makes people confused. Speaking English fluently means it needs rich vocabulary.

Perhaps, learning to know many words more intimately and any new word that we learn in our study will add to our power to think well. However, the Chinese say, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. So


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

continue with our word study, watch for new words at all the time. Studying new word, every day will add our vocabulary-collection tremendously.

We cannot always produce a word exactly when we want it, and sometime, we do not know how many words we need to know. However, in

English vocabulary in use by McCarthy and O’Dell (1994:2) says:

“There are many words you do not need at all and there are other words that you simply need to understand when you read them. Finally, there are words, which you need to be able to use yourself. Clearly you need to spend most time learning this last group”.

The easiest way to extend our vocabulary is by acquiring group of word from new experience. We can learn in hearing a radio station or some other new place for the first time, new word come from experience, from job, sport, art, book, and study. Perhaps, in that way, we can get vocabulary without making us confused.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



3.1 Making Plans for Vocabulary Learning

First of all if we want to do something, of course, we have planned firstly about the planning. Besides, we learn grammar or structure an English language, and we enrich our vocabulary. Do you learn English only to pass examination? In addition, what do you want to hope better than only to pass examination? The writer sure that all of us do not only want to pass examination, but we want to improve our knowledge about English and improve our skill to use it as a means of communication.

How are we going to plan our vocabulary learning? We will think how to attend words in our mind every day, week, or month. Any question to make planning in learning vocabulary. Here are some of the questions:

1. How many words and expressions do you intend to lean each week?

a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) more than 15

2. Where and when are you going to learn them?

a) in school b) in bed c) at leisure time d) other 3. How often are you going to revise your vocabulary?

a) Once a week b) once a month c) once a year d) other

Perhaps, the questions can help us to make planning in learning vocabulary. Besides that, we can do our plans in enriching vocabulary through:


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

2. learning idiom

3. making group with our friends that is called English club 4. card method

5. etc

After you make planning in learning vocabulary, you must do it like what you plan so that your effort can be successful and perfect. Clearly making plan in learning to enrich vocabulary is the first step toward success and master English.

3.2 Learning Vocabulary-General Advice

When we are studying English, we research many source to add our knowledge in English. We read many books about English to know so much about English. It is the same thing as when we are learning English vocabulary. We read books about how to improve our vocabulary. In the books, we can read the words. We can also know how many words that we have because the exercise can test our vocabulary. It is a lesson. There are many ways of learning vocabulary; we can memorize the words in our mind every day. We can do it anywhere in school on the road, at home, in the library. May be in the library is a place where we learn seriously. We can learn them whenever and wherever if we open our mind to get information everything at the entire place. The information becomes knowledge for all of us.

On this occasion, we do not only learn to memorize many words in our mind, but also we learn to understand the meaning of word and how to ways of using them. We must know parts of speech, pronunciation of the words that we


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

are studying. There are some ways to know a new word according to Mccarthy and O’Dell(1994:2), they are:

• It is not enough just to know the meaning of a word. You also need to know:

a) What words it is usually associated with

b) Whether it has any particular grammatical characteristics c) How it is pronounced

• Try to learn new words not only in isolation but also in phrases.

• Write down adjective together with nouns they are often associated with and vice versa, e.g. royal family; rich vocabulary

• Write down nouns in phrases, e.g. in contact with; a train set; shades of opinion.

• Write down words with their preposition, e.g. at a high level; thanks to your help.

• Note any grammatical characteristics of the words you are studying. For example, note when a verb is irregular and when a noun is uncountable or is only used in the plural.

• Make a note of any special pronunciation problem with the words you are learning.

We can also learn vocabulary by reading or listening to English, talking to native speakers in English. They are good and useful advice to increase our vocabulary. The important thing is you can understand the meanings of the words simply when you read and hear them.

3.3 Organizing a Vocabulary

Organizing a vocabulary is a good idea to think about possible ways of enriching vocabulary. It is an easy way to memorize words in our mind without making us confused and causing difficulty to memorize. It is also more flexible and practical. Here are some possibilities of the way of organizing word:


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Sunbathing a. Organizing words by meaning

In this way, you need a notebook. This notebook divides vocabulary into a large number of different topics. You could build families of words related in meaning. For example, organize words for feelings, words for describing places, words for education, etc.

Examples of organizing words for feelings are sad, confuse, love, happy, nice,

hate, like or dislike, etc. It is a similar way of organizing words for describing places and education.

b. Using various type of diagrams

A more general word can be drawn as a tree-diagram. We search words that can be grouped at the general word or words that can be grouped under a heading. As shown below.


Living room bedroom kitchen Television

Sofa bookcase lamp wardrobe mirror stool dresser You can draw any other diagram with the different topic; it would help

you to remember vocabulary.

Holiday beach



Around the world Shopping


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c. Organizing by word-class

This section draws your attention to the traditional part of speech. The importance of mastering word-class seems self-evident and it is the learner’s duty to recognize a word-class that is an item belongs to especially when dealing with the sentence structure and translation of phrase. In this way, you learn how to operate word in the sentence and hope that this strategy is facility learning.

You can note words that have been organized by using card. Here are some ways to make a vocabulary card,

1. Write down English words or phrases who you are not known meaning. Write down each the word into the card or small paper. Do not forget to write part of speech at each word.

2. At the back card, we can write meaning of the vocabulary. Beside the meaning of the word, you also write the example of sentence from the word. It is very useful because we can know how to use them

3. After you have 20 cards or more, you could play with them. You take each the card, and then you learn word and meaning of the word. Do not memorize them without voice, using our voice hardly. Therefore, you could hear your pronunciation what it wrong or true is.

4. You can to test your memory ability whether you have mastered

vocabulary that is in the card. Repeat it repeatedly so that you have mastered so much and vocabulary will not forget it.

One of the efforts to keep our vocabulary that we have in your mind is to use it in our daily conversation and writing.


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3.4 Developing Vocabulary

This section will describe four ways of developing your word power. They are reading and listening, vocabulary study book, idiom and making a new word active. You should keep in mind from the start; however, that none of the approaches will help unless you truly decide that vocabulary development is an important goal.

3.4.1 Reading and listening

Reading and listening can be done as hobbies. we can read interesting books and listen to the music and speaking in English to improve our vocabulary.


Learning by reading English will certainly help ours self in learning English vocabulary not only study with the book’s vocabulary. When we are reading, we have just heard some new words. Moreover, we do not know the meaning of word. When you have finished reading, look back what you have read, afterwards write down the new word or expression that interest you. Before you ask its meaning, decide first what part of speech word is and then look for clues in its context or form. If it cannot help you, you can go to a dictionary.

Through reading a good deal, we will learn word by encountering them a number of times in variety of sentences. We should develop the habit a daily newspaper and one or more weekly magazines. In addition, we should try to read


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

some book for pleasure. Doing so, you may eventually reap the rewards of an improved vocabulary and discover that reading can be truly enjoyable.


AND IDIOM” (Pora, 2002:10) tell about the simply effort to improve our ability in reading. Here some ways of improving reading are:

a. Read as mush as possible

There is a very beautiful proverb tell that success today would lose tomorrow if stopping read. Reading by many topics will help to add insight and also vocabulary. More and more your vocabulary, more easy you read reading well and exactly. Moreover, you do not one only reading, but also the another one.

b. Read a challenge reading

You should not always read an easy reading but look for difficult enough subject, so if you have mastered it, of course the subject easy reading could handle.

c. Read critically

There is a proverb again tell that to read only give insight material for you. Think so that the reading becomes our own (John locke). Yes all right, think what b you are reading, ask to yourself about what the reading subject are you reading? and how the writer defend him ideas.


Listening is different from reading. Listening can introduce words in our ears. If we never hear words in conversation’s native English speaker, although we know the word in reading matter, it means we also know when we are hearing them. Listening can help to improve our English in pronunciation.

Similarly with reading, when we listen to English do not panic when we hear some or expressions that we do not know. Keeping listening and the overall meaning will often become clear.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

3.4.2. Vocabulary study book

The way to increase you word power is to use vocabulary study books. Many vocabulary books and programs are available. These books will help you increase your vocabulary if you have the determination required to work with them on a regular basis.

3.4.3 Idiom

English has a lot of idiom. It is not only used in conversation but also in writing like books, newspapers, magazines etc. if someone speak no use idiom, so the language that is use certainly will monotonous. Idiom make a language become beautiful. Ability’s someone use idiom in daily conversation or in writing, it means someone really understand language that is used.

In this section, we will learn about the meaning of idioms and types of idioms.

a. The meaning of idioms

Idiom is a group words with a special meaning, which cannot be understood by taking the meanings of the words one at a time (Robby lou, 2007:1) Examples:

- He failed his test; it served him right because he had not studies.

Meaning of idiom ‘to serve one right’ by harfiah in Indonesian is “melayani dia dengan benar”. However, the right translation is “itu adalah imbalan yang tepat”.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

From the examples and definition of idioms, Robby Lou (2007:1) in his book “The Handbook of English idioms” can conclude that:

1. Idiom cannot be understood from the word by word, but it should be learned on the whole

2. Position of idiom is often strange, illogical, and frequently in grammatical cannot be accepted.

Idioms have become from combination vocabulary that form new meaning. Combination of the words is unexpected and does no have exact pattern because they can be gotten from culture, histories, proverbial, and in fact daily. For example,

- Crocodile tears, means “sadness which is actually not felt”. This idiom was gotten from legend that crocodile have a sad voice to interest attention sacrifice and crying when it eat them.

- Cry wolf, means “give emergency warming which is actually not true”. Idioms were gotten from history about a shepherd child that gave a false scream. It means that the wolf is eating sacrifice just for nicely.

- Pay the piper or pay the fiddler means “take consequence

The idiom was gotten from the proverbial ‘who dances must pay the piper or the fiddler’.

- Tail between one’s leg means that “lose feeling, shy, and very

discipline”. The idiom was gotten from a dog that is stroked, usually it hides tail between thighs, and then go”.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

b. Types of idioms

Idiom can be grouped into eight parts, namely; idioms with adjectives and noun in combination, idioms with preposition or adverbs, two-two verbs, idioms in comparison, idiomatic verbal expressions, verbs and nouns used together idiomatically, idiomatic adjective phrases, verbs, and preposition used together idiomatically. Each of the types has some combination. We can study them in the idiom books. In the book have been explained all about idiom.

A. Idiom with adjectives and nouns in combination

1. Pairs of adjectives

The both adjectives is usually joined with and, or and but, etc. Examples:

a. Short and sweet (not wasting time; direct; brisk) - Today’s lecture is short and sweet. b. Far and wide (everywhere)

- His name has spread far and wide

c. Last but not least (important although coming at the end)

- Last but not least i would like to thank God for every think.

2. Pairs of nouns



Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

- They left the place bag and baggage. b. Heart and soul (wholly)

- do it heart and soul, and you will be successful. c. Flesh and blood (one’s family or relations)

- No matter how sinful he is, he is your own flesh and blood.

3. Pair of adverbs and prepositions


a. Again and again (very often, repeatedly)

-haven’t I told you again and again not to do it? b. Once and for all (finally and completely)

- Let’s settle his once and for all.

c. Here and now (immediately, at this very time and place) - I want my money back, and I want it here and now.

4. Pairs of verb


a. Hope and pray

- hope and pray for the best b. Wait and see (wait patiently)

- Let’s wait and see for a while before we make any decision. c. Moan and goan (complain)


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

- do not moan and groan all the time. You are actually much luckier that most people

5. Collective noun phrases a. people


1. a company of actor 2. a troupe of dancer 3. a party of friends 4. a gang of laborers 5. a band of musicians 6. a tribe of natives 7. a team of players 8. a posse of policeman 9. a class of pupils 10.a crew of sailor

b. things


1. a flight of aero planes 2. a heap of sand 3. a library of book 4. a pack 0f cigarette 5. a suit of clothes


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

6. a bale of cotton 7. a chest of drawers 8. a suit of furniture 9. a group of islands 10.a set of tools 11.etc

c. animals


1. a brood of chicken 2. a flight of bird 3. a flock of sheep/bird 4. a nest of ants/mice/rabbits 5. a swarm of bees/insects

6. a herd of buffaloes/cattle a shoal of fish a pack of wolves a team of oxen 7. a litter of kittens/puppies etc

In this section, explanation about idiom is enough here, it is still so many else types of idiom. The other explanations about types of idiom, you can get it in the book’s robby lou by title ‘The Handbook of English Idioms’.

3.5 Revising Vocabulary

When you have done all the steps each ways of enriching vocabulary, close your book and notebook and remind yourself of what you have been studying. How much can you remember?


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

In this section, you can revise your vocabularies that have been studying. One of the great advantages of revising vocabulary is it help you make the step from having something in your passive vocabulary to having it in your active vocabulary.

Here are some suggestions to revise your vocabulary;

 Highlight any word and expression that you forgot when you remind them

 Look at the vocabulary and choose ten words and expressions or more that you particularly want or need to learn. Write down them.

 Look up any word that you selected in an English-English dictionary.

 Perhaps the dictionary can help you find some other word based on the root. Look up the noun, employment, will lead you to the verb “employ”, to the noun “employer and employee, and, perhaps, to the adjectives “employable, unemployed” and “self-employed”.

 Write down the words and expression you wish to learn in phonetic script. Use a dictionary to help you.

 Write down the word and phrase from the unit in your notebook in a different way.

 The next day, ask yourself again, how much can I remember?

 Test your self. Cover part of a word or phrase. Can you remember the complete word or phrase?

The great way to memorize our vocabulary is you must use them in your daily activity. You have time to present them in your life or make the new word active. Here is some advice of doing it.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

 Write the words and expressions, you are trying to use it in a sentence relating to your life and interests at the moment.

 Make a point of using the new words and expressions in your homework

 Keep a learning diary in which you note down thing that particularly interest you about the words you have learnt.

 Watch out for the words and expressions you are trying to learn in your general reading of English. If you come across any of them in use, write them in their context in your diary or notebook

 Write a paragraph or story linking the words and expressions you want to learn.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


4.1 Some Common Confusing Words

Some common confusing words have the same sound but different meaning and spelling. Such word are known as homonyms (examples, all ready

and already), the same pronunciation and spelling (example, specially and

especially, a number of and the number of), one word have many functions (example, before as adverb, conjunction, and preposition). It should be learnt similarity and difference of function of those confusing words. Knowing similarity and difference of function of the confusing words, can avoid snares of the questions in the TOEFL.

- All ready completely prepared Already previously; before

We are all ready to start the play. I have already called the police. - All together all people; all thing Altogether very; really

The teacher and student sang all together

My new house is not altogether finished

- Brake stop; the stopping device in a vehicle

Break rest; pause

He braked suddenly He breaks for coffee

- Hear perceive with the ear


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

“The salespeople act as though they do not see or hear me, even though I have been standing here for fifteen minutes,” the woman complained.

- Knew past form of know

New not old

I read new book about English

I knew there was some reason the place looked better.

Many kinds of confusing word have the same sound but different meaning and spelling.

Following is a list of other words that frequently make people confuse.

- a, an.

Both a and an are used before other word to mean, approximately, “one” Generally you should use a before words starting with a vowel (a,e,u,i,o):

An experiment an elephant an ache

Generally, you should use a before word starting with a consonant (all other letters): a coke, a brain, a television.

- Among implies three or more

Between implies only two

We had to choose from among fifty shades of paint but between only two fabrics.

- Beside along the side of Besides in addition to

I was lucky I was not standing beside the car when it was it.

Besides being unattractive, these uniforms are impractical.

- Advice noun meaning “an opinion”

Advise verb meaning “to counsel, to give advice


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

- Affect verb meaning, “to influence”

Effect verb meaning, “to bring about something”; noun meaning “result” The full effects of marijuana and alcohol on the body are only partly known; However, both drugs clearly affect the brain in various ways.

Finally, you should learn the function the word that have same sound, but different meaning and spelling, or same meaning but different function in the sentences. Therefore, we would not be confused to choose word exactly in conversation or writing.

4.2 Effective Word Choice

In writing, you should choose word carefully. Effective word choice means you must have enough vocabulary. You must know word exactly in writing. We should develop the habit of selecting words that are appropriate and exact for our purposes. One way we can show sensitivity to language is by avoiding slang, clichés, and pretentious words.


We often use slang expression when we talk because they are so vivid and colorful. However, slang is usually out of place in formal writing. Here are some examples of slang expression:

My girlfriend got straight with me by saying she wanted to see other man My boss keeps riding me about coming to work late.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Slang expressions have a number of drawbacks: they go out of date quickly, they become tiresome of use excessively in writing and they may communicate clearly too some readers but not to others. In addition, the use of slang can be a way of evading the specific detail that are often needed to make one’s meaning clear in writing. For example, in “The tires on the Corvette make the car look like some thing else,” the writer has not provided the details about the tires necessary for us to understand the statement clearly. In general, then, you should avoid slang in your writing. If you are in doubt about whether an expression is slang, it may help to check a recently published hardbound dictionary.

Examples: The movie was a real bomb, so we cut out early (slang) The movie was terrible, so we left early (formal word)


A cliché is an expression that has been worn out through constant use (Langan, 2002:531). Some typical clichés are listed below:

All work and no play saw the light

At a loss for words short but sweet

Better late than never sigh of relief

Drop in the bucket singing the blues

Easier said than done taking a big chance

Had a hard time of it time and time again


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

In this day and age too little, too late

It dawned on me took a turn for the worse

It goes without saying under the weather

Last but not least where he (she) is coming from

Make ends meet word to the wise

On top of the world work like a dog

Sad but true

According to Langan (2002:532)

“Cliché are common in speech but make your writing seem tired and stale. In addition, cliché like slang, they are often a way of evading the specific details that we must work to provide in our writing. We should avoid cliché and try to express our meaning in fresh, original ways”.

Examples: I passed the test by the skin of my teeth (cliché) I barely passed the test (trite expression)

Pretentious word

According to Langan (2002:532) says,

“some people feel that they can improve their writing by using fancy, elevated words rather than simple, natural words. They use artificial and stilted language that more often obscures their meaning than communicates it clearly”.

Here are some unnatural-sounding sentences: I comprehend her statement.

While partaking of our morning meal, we engaged in an animated conversation. I am a stranger to excessive financial sums.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

The same thoughts can be expressed more clearly and effectively by using plain, natural language, as below:

I understood what she said

While eating breakfast, we had a lively talk. I have never had much money

Police officers directed traffic when the lights stopped working.

4.3 New Word in English

No language stands still. New words and expressions are always being created, usually because something new is invented or sometimes just for fun. No government committee decides whether a new word is acceptable or not; if it is used frequently, and in a variety of context, it will find its ways into dictionary. Here are some of the words and expression that have come into English since 1980.

New science and technology

Faxable : able to be sent by fax machine

Junk fax : unsolicited material, such as adverts, sent by fax

Tummy tuck : a plastic surgery operation to remove fat from the stomach Sound bite : a brief excerpt from a speech or statement, broadcast on TV

New sports and fashions


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Snow surfing : skiing downhill sideways on a large single ski

Vogueing : a style of dancing to house music incorporating the movements and gestures of models displaying clothes

Political and social trend

Eco-friendly : not harming the environment

Cardboard city: area occupied by cardboard boxes serving as homes for the homeless

Teleworking : working from home communicating by computer and fax Advertocracy : pursuit of public policy by mass advertising campaigns

Destatisation : withdrawal of the state from areas that was previously state-controlled as in the (former) soviet bloc in the 80s and 90s

Gorbymania : extreme enthusiasm for the former Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev

Newmannery : behavior of the new man (gentle, caring, non-sexist) Couch potato : a lazy person who prefers watching TV to being active

New words from other languages

Fatwa : formal legal opinion delivered by an Islamic leader (Arabic) Karaoke : singing pop songs solo to recorded music in bars (Japanese) Glasnost : policy of openness or frankness (Russian)


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

New word or meanings for old words

Ageism : prejudice against someone because of their age Nostalgise : to indulge in nostalgia

Pre-schooler : a child not yet old enough for school Dark-green : holding radically green political beliefs Singlehood : the state of being single rather than married

Clegyperson : a male or female member of the clergy (a typical development from clergyman. Compare chairperson)


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



5.1 Conclusions

Enrich vocabulary is not an easy thing when we are learning English, but it is very important for us to develop our ability in English. Learning English is not only to pass examination, but also to improve our knowledge in English and also to improve our skill in using English to communicate. In this paper, it is clear that the ways of enriching and using learner’s English vocabulary are by learning vocabulary-general advice, organizing a vocabulary and then developing vocabulary by reading and listening, vocabulary study book, idiom. This paper also let the readers know about the step in learning vocabulary, namely, planning, studying, and revising vocabulary.

5.2 Suggestions

By writing this paper, the reader can learn about how to enrich and use English vocabulary. It is also necessary to improve ability in English by mastering vocabulary. Rich vocabulary will make us a good listener, writer, reader and speaker. However, it is not only enough to know ways of enriching and using it without practicing it.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


Arief, Nusraddin, 2004. Commonly Used idiom British & American. Jakarta: Purika Nusinda.

Beaur, Laurie. 1998. Vocabulary. London: Rout ledge

Djamal, Murni, Dkk. 2006. Improving Reading Skill in English. Jakarta: Kencana Halim, Paul. 2005. Percaya Diri Berbahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Puspa Suara

Langan, John. 2002. English Skill with Reading. New York: McGraw-Hill Lou, Robby. 2007. The Handbook of English Idioms. Jakarta: V-print.

McCarthy, Micheal and Fecility O’Dell. 1997. English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-Intermediate & Pre-Intermediate. Cambridge: ERLANGGA

McCarthy, Micheal and Felicity O’Dell. 1994. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate & Advanced. Cambridge: ERLANGGA

Poran, Yusran. 2002. Enrich our Vocabulary through Reading and Idiom. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar

Rambadeta, Alex H. 1991. English for College Students. Yogyakarta: STIE YKPN

Solahudin, 2008. The Great Problems in English. Jogjakarta: DIVA Press


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

In this day and age too little, too late

It dawned on me took a turn for the worse

It goes without saying under the weather

Last but not least where he (she) is coming from

Make ends meet word to the wise

On top of the world work like a dog

Sad but true

According to Langan (2002:532)

“Cliché are common in speech but make your writing seem tired and stale. In addition, cliché like slang, they are often a way of evading the specific details that we must work to provide in our writing. We should avoid cliché and try to express our meaning in fresh, original ways”.

Examples: I passed the test by the skin of my teeth (cliché) I barely passed the test (trite expression)

Pretentious word

According to Langan (2002:532) says,

“some people feel that they can improve their writing by using fancy, elevated words rather than simple, natural words. They use artificial and stilted language that more often obscures their meaning than communicates it clearly”.

Here are some unnatural-sounding sentences: I comprehend her statement.

While partaking of our morning meal, we engaged in an animated conversation. I am a stranger to excessive financial sums.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

The same thoughts can be expressed more clearly and effectively by using plain, natural language, as below:

I understood what she said

While eating breakfast, we had a lively talk. I have never had much money

Police officers directed traffic when the lights stopped working.

4.3 New Word in English

No language stands still. New words and expressions are always being created, usually because something new is invented or sometimes just for fun. No government committee decides whether a new word is acceptable or not; if it is used frequently, and in a variety of context, it will find its ways into dictionary. Here are some of the words and expression that have come into English since 1980.

New science and technology

Faxable : able to be sent by fax machine

Junk fax : unsolicited material, such as adverts, sent by fax

Tummy tuck : a plastic surgery operation to remove fat from the stomach Sound bite : a brief excerpt from a speech or statement, broadcast on TV

New sports and fashions


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Snow surfing : skiing downhill sideways on a large single ski

Vogueing : a style of dancing to house music incorporating the movements and gestures of models displaying clothes

Political and social trend

Eco-friendly : not harming the environment

Cardboard city: area occupied by cardboard boxes serving as homes for the homeless

Teleworking : working from home communicating by computer and fax Advertocracy : pursuit of public policy by mass advertising campaigns

Destatisation : withdrawal of the state from areas that was previously state-controlled as in the (former) soviet bloc in the 80s and 90s

Gorbymania : extreme enthusiasm for the former Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev

Newmannery : behavior of the new man (gentle, caring, non-sexist) Couch potato : a lazy person who prefers watching TV to being active

New words from other languages

Fatwa : formal legal opinion delivered by an Islamic leader (Arabic) Karaoke : singing pop songs solo to recorded music in bars (Japanese) Glasnost : policy of openness or frankness (Russian)


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

New word or meanings for old words

Ageism : prejudice against someone because of their age Nostalgise : to indulge in nostalgia

Pre-schooler : a child not yet old enough for school Dark-green : holding radically green political beliefs Singlehood : the state of being single rather than married

Clegyperson : a male or female member of the clergy (a typical development from clergyman. Compare chairperson)


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



5.1 Conclusions

Enrich vocabulary is not an easy thing when we are learning English, but it is very important for us to develop our ability in English. Learning English is not only to pass examination, but also to improve our knowledge in English and also to improve our skill in using English to communicate. In this paper, it is clear that the ways of enriching and using learner’s English vocabulary are by learning vocabulary-general advice, organizing a vocabulary and then developing vocabulary by reading and listening, vocabulary study book, idiom. This paper also let the readers know about the step in learning vocabulary, namely, planning, studying, and revising vocabulary.

5.2 Suggestions

By writing this paper, the reader can learn about how to enrich and use English vocabulary. It is also necessary to improve ability in English by mastering vocabulary. Rich vocabulary will make us a good listener, writer, reader and speaker. However, it is not only enough to know ways of enriching and using it without practicing it.


Syaidati Ifdari : A Brief Description Of How To Enrich And Use Learner’s English Vocabulary, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


Arief, Nusraddin, 2004. Commonly Used idiom British & American. Jakarta: Purika Nusinda.

Beaur, Laurie. 1998. Vocabulary. London: Rout ledge

Djamal, Murni, Dkk. 2006. Improving Reading Skill in English. Jakarta: Kencana Halim, Paul. 2005. Percaya Diri Berbahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Puspa Suara

Langan, John. 2002. English Skill with Reading. New York: McGraw-Hill Lou, Robby. 2007. The Handbook of English Idioms. Jakarta: V-print.

McCarthy, Micheal and Fecility O’Dell. 1997. English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-Intermediate & Pre-Intermediate. Cambridge:ERLANGGA

McCarthy, Micheal and Felicity O’Dell. 1994. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate & Advanced. Cambridge:ERLANGGA

Poran, Yusran. 2002. Enrich our Vocabulary through Reading and Idiom. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar

Rambadeta, Alex H. 1991. English for College Students. Yogyakarta: STIE YKPN

Solahudin, 2008. The Great Problems in English. Jogjakarta: DIVA Press