The results of the teacher’s interview

b. The results of the teacher’s interview

Some important points are obtained as a result of the interview with a tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1 Klaten. Those will be explained as follow: 1 The first point concern with time allocation for English lesson. There are 5 contact hours in a week for English lesson, 2 hours of it focusing in reading since reading is considered important to make students become familiar with variety of English genre and to prepare them for the national exam. 2 The second is about students’ participation in English lesson. The tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten are considered active students. They quite interested in English lesson. Most of them are actively participated in the teaching – learning activities. Meanwhile, they also have difficulties in learning English, especially in vocabulary and grammar. 3 The major problem that the students faced in reading is lack of understanding vocabulary. They often get frustrated when they face many difficult words in a text. The teacher usually overcomes this problem by asking the students to find the meaning of difficult words in a dictionary. They are also asked to translate that text for they can understand the content of the text. 4 The materials used in reading are taken from certain English textbook. Most of the texts are not authentic. The teacher sometimes adding movie as variation for the students before reading a certain text. It will make the students interested and motivated in the English lesson. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Based on the result of students’ questionnaire, interview with the students and interview with the English teacher, the writer can conclude that the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten are having difficulties in reading English text. They are also sufficient of authentic English text. They need to read authentic text to make them get accustomed with any informational contents that they may face in their daily life. The activities that are given are also not varied. The students need variety of reading activities that will make them more motivated to read the text. The topics that are going to be discussed mostly not directly related with the students’ daily life. Therefore, the writer will use this conclusion as the basic consideration in designing the reading materials for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten.

2. Determining competence standard, basic competence and topics

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