English instructional reading materials using contextual teaching and learning for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.



Kusumo, Galih. 2007. English Reading Instructional Materials Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the seventh Grade Students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English as an international language has become one of the subjects learnt in Junior High School. There are four main skills developed in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In order to master the four skills students need to study and enrich their knowledge. Studying and enriching knowledge can happen if someone reads many books. Thus, students need to be able to read well. The writer chooses Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to develop the reading skills. CTL is one of the most appropriate methods applied to teach reading since it facilitates the students to be active and learn English in natural context/real situation.

This study was conducted to design a set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The objectives of this study were to answer two questions which were stated in the problem formulation. The questions were (1) How is a set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta designed? (2) What does the set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta look like?

In this study, the writer adapted R&D cycle (Research and Development method) to answer the research question above. The writer employed five out of ten steps of R&D cycle. They were (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Development of Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Product evaluation, and (5) Main Product Revision.

To answer the first question, the writer combined the models of instructional design from Kemp and Yalden. Those models are modified into eight steps, namely, (1) conducting needs survey, (2) determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics, (3) Determining indicators, (4) Listing subject content, (5), Designing the materials (6) selecting the teaching and learning activities, (7) evaluating, and (8) revising.

The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to obtain opinions, suggestions, and comments toward the materials. The respondents consist of three English teachers of Junior High School Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. After the evaluation on the materials designed had been conducted, the writer analyzed the data. The results of the analysis indicated that the mean ranged from 3.5 to 4 on five point scale. This result shows that the designed materials are acceptable and appropriate for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.


To answer the second question, the writer designed the final version of the designed materials after making some revisions based on the comments, evaluation, and suggestions from the respondents in the materials evaluation. The materials consist of eight parts. Each part consists of three sections. They are pre-reading, whilst pre-reading, and post reading.

Finally, it is hoped that the designed materials will be useful for teachers as an alternative materials in teaching reading and the students of Junior High School in improving their skills in reading.



Kusumo, Galih. 2007. English Reading Instructional Materials Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Seventh Grade Students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa international telah menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Terdapat empat kemampuan utama dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu listening, speaking, reading, writing. Untuk menguasai keempat kemampuan tersebut siswa perlu belajar dan mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka. Untuk belajar dan mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa perlu banyak membaca buku. Oleh karena itu, siswa harus memiliki kemampuan membaca yang baik. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) untuk mengembangkan kemampuan reading siswa.CTL merupakan metode yang paling tepat untuk diterapkan dalam mengajarreading karena metode ini memfasilitasi siswa untuk menjadi aktif dan mempelajari bahasa Inggris dalam konteks/situasi yang nyata.

Studi ini dilaksanakan untuk merancang seperangkat materi reading dengan menggunakan metode Contexual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas satu SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab dua (2) pertanyaan yang ada dalam “problem formulation”. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi pembelajaran membaca dengan menggunakan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dirancang? (2) Bagaimanakah bentuk dari seperangkat materi reading dengan menggunakan metodeContextual Teaching and Learningtersebut?

Dalam studi ini penulis mengadaptasi metode lingkaran R&D (Research and Development) untuk menjawab pertantanyaan penelitian di atas. Penulis menerapkan lima dari sepuluh langkah dalam metode R&D. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) Mengumpulkan penelitian dan informasi, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan bentuk awal dari produk, (4) Evaluasi produk, dan (5) Perbaikan utama produk.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, penulis menggabungkan model pengajaran dari Kemp dan Yalden. Model-model tersebut kemudian dimodifikasi menjadi delapan (8) langkah yaitu, 1) Mengadakan survey untuk menganalisis kebutuhan siswa, (2) Menentukan dan menetapkan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan topik-topik, (3) Menetapkan indikator, (4) Merinci isi materi, (5) Merancang materi, (6) Memilih kegiatan pembelajaran dan sumbernya, (7) Mengevaluasi materi, dan (8) Memperbaiki materi.

Kuisioner disebarkan pada responden untuk mendapatkan pendapat, saran, dan komentar mengenai materi yang dirancang. Para responden terdiri dari tiga guru bahasa Inggris SMP dan dua dosen bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Sanata Dharma. Setelah evaluasi pada materi dilaksanakan, penulis menganalisa data. Hasil dari analisa menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-ratanya berkisar antara 3,5 sampai 4 pada skala 5. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa materi yang dirancang dapat


diterima dan digunakan untuk mengajarkan reading pada siswa kelas satu SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, penulis menyajikan versi akhir dari materi yang dirancang setelah melalui beberapa revisi berdasarkan dari pendapat, komentar, dan saran dari responden dalam langkah mengevaluasi materi. Material yang didisain terdiri delapan (8) unit. Setiap unit terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitupre-reading, whilst reading, and post reading.

Akhirnya, Penulis berharap bahwa desain ini akan berguna untuk guru sebagai materi alternatif dalam mengajar reading dan bagi siswa SMP untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam kemampuanreading.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education

By: Galih Kusumo

Student Number: 02 1214 095




A Thesis on




By Galih Kusumo

Student Number: 021214095

Approved by:

Major sponsor

C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. August 18, 2007



A Thesis On




By Galih Kusumo

Student Number: 021214095

Defended before the Board of Examiners on August 27, 2007

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ... Secretary Drs. P.G. Purba, M.Pd. ...

Members C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. ………..

Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. ……….. F.X. OudaTeda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd. ...

Yogyakarta, August 27, 2007

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma Univeristy



It’s just your doubts that bind you,

just drop those thought behind

By All American Reject

I dedicate this thesis for my family,

my girlfriends and my friends



I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and bibliography, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, August 18, 2007 The writer,



First and foremost, I would like to thank my almighty Lord Jesus Christ for being always at my side during my life and never leaving me even for a second. He gives me light when I am in the dark; He gives direction when I am lost; and He encourages me when I stop hoping. His love helps me to finish this thesis and to obtain my“Sarjana Pedidikan Degree”.

My deep gratitude goes to C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., my major sponsor, for her patience, support, encouragement, guidance and contribution of ideas in helping me finish my thesis. At the same time, my gratitude goes to Christina Kristiyani S.Pd. M.Pd. my co-sponsor, for her guidance, criticisms, and suggestions even when she is busy.

My deep thankfulness goes to Sr. Maureen who has spent her precious time reading and correcting my thesis. I owe her much for her patience, kindness, and advice when I faced some problems during the time I finished my thesis.

I would like to thank Drs. J. B. Gunawan, M.A., my academic sponsor, for his guidance during the semester I passed in the PBI study program. I also would like to thank all PBI lecturers, especiallyDian Fransiska Maharani, S.Pd. and Dr. Antonius Herujiyanto for their willingness to be my respondents. Furthermore, I thank them all for teaching and giving me useful knowledge so that I can be a better person. Besides, I thank the secretariat staff, mbak Tari and mbakDanifor helping and giving information that I need for my study.


Junior High School for their cooperation and giving me suggestions and evaluation for my design. I would also like to thank theseventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School for spending their time filling in the questionnaire for my needs survey.

My deepest and sincerest gratefulness goes to my lovely parents, my mom Dra. Tri Subekti,my fatherDrs. Puji Purnomo. M.Si. They have not been tired to encourage me in every condition. They are spirit and light to finish my study soon. I sincerely express my special thank to my brother,Wahyu Pramudita,and my girlfriend, Wieda who always supports me and helps me when I have a problem. The happiness, sadness, and problem we had faced brought us to be more understanding and mature.

My gratitude is extended to all my friends in the PBI students especially Wawan, Udjo, Dedi, Christian, Gede (jix), Dany, Ook, Mawar, Cecil, Cicil, Ila, Ari, Echi, Shasha, Miko, Vivin, Ita, Haryana, Rendi, Gaby, Tomo, Timur, and other friends that I cannot mention one by one. I will never forget their contribution in improving the quality of my life. I hope our friendship will be everlasting.














ABSTRAK ... xvii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Identification ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 4

D. Problem Formulation ... 5

E. Objectives of the Study ... 5

F. Benefits of the Study ... 5



A. Theoretical Description ... 8

1. Reading ... 8

a. The Nature of Reading ... 8

b. Teaching Reading skill ... 9

1) Pre-Reading Activities ... 9

2) Whilst Reading Activities ... 10

3) Post Reading Activities ... 11

c. Reading Techniques ... 11

1) Skimming ... 12

2) Scanning ... 12

3) Reading with Comprehension ... 12

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) ... 13

a. The definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 13

b. The Importance of Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 13

c. Basic Principle of Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 14

d. The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Class .. 16

3. Curriculum ... 18

a. The 2006 Curriculum for Junior High School ... 18

b. The Nature of English Language Based on 2006 Curriculum ... 18

c. The Goals and Functions ... 19


4. Material Development ... 20

5. Instructional Design Models ... 22

a. Kemp’s Model ... 22

b. Yalden’s model ... 25

B. Theoretical Framework ... 27


A. Method of the Study ... 32

1. Research and Information Collecting ... 33

2. Planning ... 33

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product ... 34

4. Product evaluation ... 34

5. Main Product Revision ... 34

B. Respondents ... 35

1. Research and Information Collecting ... 35

2. Product evaluation ... 35

C. Instruments ... 36

1. Research and Information Collecting Instrument ... 36

2. Product evaluation Instruments ... 38

D. Data Gathering Techniques ... 39

1. Research and Information Collecting ... 39


E. Data Analysis Techniques ... 40

1. Research and Information Collecting ... 40

2. Product evaluation ... 42

F. Procedures ... 43


A. Conducting Needs Survey ... 45

1. The Results of the Questionnaires for the English Teachers ... 45

2. The Results of the Questionnaires for Students ... 47

B. Determining Competency Standard, Basic competence, and Topics .. 50

C. Determining Indicators ... 52

D. Listing Subject Contents ... 52

E. Designing the Materials ... 53

F. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Resources ... 54

G. Evaluating ... 54

1. The Description of the Respondents ... 55

2. Data Presentation ... 55

3. Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions on the Materials Design .. 57

H. Revising ... 58

1. Response to the Respondents’ Evaluation ... 58

2. The Presentation of the Designed Materials ... 58



B. Suggestions ... 63



Appendix A: Letter of Permission ... 67

Appendix B: Questionnaire of Research and Information Collecting for Students ... 69

Appendix C: Interview of Research and Information Collecting for teachers 72 Appendix D: Questionnaire for Feedback Gathering ... 74

Appendix E: Syllabus ... 80




Figure 2.1 Materials Development Model ... 21

Figure 2.2 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model ... 24

Figure 2.3 Yalden’s Instructional Design Model ... 26




Table 3.1. The Description of Product Evaluation Respondents ... 36

Table 3.2. The Format of the Presentation of Product Evaluation Results ... 42

Table 4.1. The Results of the Questionnaire for Students ... 47

Table 4.2. The Basic Competencies ... 51

Table 4.3. The Indicators ... 52

Table 4.4. The Results of the Evaluation Questionnaires ... 56

Table 4.5. The Topics, the Sections and Subsections of the Designed Materials . ... 59



Kusumo, Galih. 2007. English Reading Instructional Materials Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the seventh Grade Students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English as an international language has become one of the subjects learnt in Junior High School. There are four main skills developed in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In order to master the four skills students need to study and enrich their knowledge. Studying and enriching knowledge can happen if someone reads many books. Thus, students need to be able to read well. The writer chooses Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to develop the reading skills. CTL is one of the most appropriate methods applied to teach reading since it facilitates the students to be active and learn English in natural context/real situation.

This study was conducted to design a set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The objectives of this study were to answer two questions which were stated in the problem formulation. The questions were (1) How is a set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta designed? (2) What does the set of reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta look like?

In this study, the writer adapted R&D cycle (Research and Development method) to answer the research question above. The writer employed five out of ten steps of R&D cycle. They were (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Development of Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Product evaluation, and (5) Main Product Revision.

To answer the first question, the writer combined the models of instructional design from Kemp and Yalden. Those models are modified into eight steps, namely, (1) conducting needs survey, (2) determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics, (3) Determining indicators, (4) Listing subject content, (5), Designing the materials (6) selecting the teaching and learning activities, (7) evaluating, and (8) revising.

The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to obtain opinions, suggestions, and comments toward the materials. The respondents consist of three English teachers of Junior High School Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. After the evaluation on the materials designed had been conducted, the writer analyzed the data. The results of the analysis indicated that the mean ranged from 3.5 to 4 on five point scale. This result shows that the designed materials are acceptable and appropriate for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.


To answer the second question, the writer designed the final version of the designed materials after making some revisions based on the comments, evaluation, and suggestions from the respondents in the materials evaluation. The materials consist of eight parts. Each part consists of three sections. They are pre-reading, whilst pre-reading, and post reading.

Finally, it is hoped that the designed materials will be useful for teachers as an alternative materials in teaching reading and the students of Junior High School in improving their skills in reading.



Kusumo, Galih. 2007. English Reading Instructional Materials Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Seventh Grade Students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa international telah menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Terdapat empat kemampuan utama dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu listening, speaking, reading, writing. Untuk menguasai keempat kemampuan tersebut siswa perlu belajar dan mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka. Untuk belajar dan mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa perlu banyak membaca buku. Oleh karena itu, siswa harus memiliki kemampuan membaca yang baik. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) untuk mengembangkan kemampuan reading siswa.CTL merupakan metode yang paling tepat untuk diterapkan dalam mengajarreading karena metode ini memfasilitasi siswa untuk menjadi aktif dan mempelajari bahasa Inggris dalam konteks/situasi yang nyata.

Studi ini dilaksanakan untuk merancang seperangkat materi reading dengan menggunakan metode Contexual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas satu SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab dua (2) pertanyaan yang ada dalam “problem formulation”. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi pembelajaran membaca dengan menggunakan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dirancang? (2) Bagaimanakah bentuk dari seperangkat materi reading dengan menggunakan metodeContextual Teaching and Learningtersebut?

Dalam studi ini penulis mengadaptasi metode lingkaran R&D (Research and Development) untuk menjawab pertantanyaan penelitian di atas. Penulis menerapkan lima dari sepuluh langkah dalam metode R&D. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) Mengumpulkan penelitian dan informasi, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan bentuk awal dari produk, (4) Evaluasi produk, dan (5) Perbaikan utama produk.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, penulis menggabungkan model pengajaran dari Kemp dan Yalden. Model-model tersebut kemudian dimodifikasi menjadi delapan (8) langkah yaitu, 1) Mengadakan survey untuk menganalisis kebutuhan siswa, (2) Menentukan dan menetapkan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan topik-topik, (3) Menetapkan indikator, (4) Merinci isi materi, (5) Merancang materi, (6) Memilih kegiatan pembelajaran dan sumbernya, (7) Mengevaluasi materi, dan (8) Memperbaiki materi.

Kuisioner disebarkan pada responden untuk mendapatkan pendapat, saran, dan komentar mengenai materi yang dirancang. Para responden terdiri dari tiga guru bahasa Inggris SMP dan dua dosen bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Sanata Dharma. Setelah evaluasi pada materi dilaksanakan, penulis menganalisa data. Hasil dari analisa menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-ratanya berkisar antara 3,5 sampai 4 pada skala 5. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa materi yang dirancang dapat


diterima dan digunakan untuk mengajarkan reading pada siswa kelas satu SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, penulis menyajikan versi akhir dari materi yang dirancang setelah melalui beberapa revisi berdasarkan dari pendapat, komentar, dan saran dari responden dalam langkah mengevaluasi materi. Material yang didisain terdiri delapan (8) unit. Setiap unit terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitupre-reading, whilst reading, and post reading.

Akhirnya, Penulis berharap bahwa desain ini akan berguna untuk guru sebagai materi alternatif dalam mengajar reading dan bagi siswa SMP untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam kemampuanreading.





This chapter covers six important parts of the thesis: background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms.


Nowadays, English is a very important device in communication. English language is usually found in many places such as in guidebooks, newspapers, and novels. This happens because English has become an international language. It means that most countries use English as the first or second language in communication. Consequently, this reason makes people try to be competent in English. Some countries have considered that English becomes an important language. Indonesia is one of them. Most schools in Indonesia have included English as one of the compulsory subjects to develop students’ knowledge.

Proficiency of English can be achieved by mastering four language skills; namely speaking, reading, listening, and writing. In order to master the four skills students need to study and enrich their knowledge. Studying and enriching knowledge can happen if someone reads many books. Therefore, students need to be able to read English well, find the meaning, and synchronize it with their own


ideas. Looking at this fact, reading can be considered as a skill that is important to be mastered.

Reading will be easier for the reader if the language which is used in the text uses the language of the reader. If people read in the texts which use their language, it will be easier for them because they know the structure and meaning of the language. On the other hand, people who read a book in a foreign language will consider reading as a difficult activity because the language has different structure and meaning from their own or native language. As the result, peoples’ interest in reading will decrease.

It is not easy to teach English to the students especially for those in the Junior High School. Teachers should be more creative and attractive in adapting texts and making them simple and interesting for the students. The teachers sometimes take the texts directly from magazines or newspapers directly. Actually, it is not bad but sometimes some of the vocabulary in those texts is not appropriate for the students or too difficult for the students especially in the beginner level. It makes reading considered as a boring subject because they could not understand the texts and become disinterested to practices reading. Whereas, reading is one of the important skills to be mastered for the students in the junior high school.

It is not easy to be a junior high school teacher because the characteristics of the students are different. Noar states that fun activities for children of junior


high school are needed to support their learning (1953: 31). Therefore, a teacher should be able to make the situation in the class interesting by providing new and interesting materials.

Concerning the importance of reading at the Junior high school, a good program for reading is needed. A good program must be supported by innovative strategies. Unfortunately, teachers sometimes forget that teaching children is totally different from teaching adults (Partee, 2006). Some schools still use traditional methods in their classes. Traditional methods mean that the learning is focused on the teacher. It makes lecturing become the main strategy in class. This method makes the study oriented on “memorization” It only makes the students "memorize" the knowledge for a short time. Study will be meaningful if children “experience” what they have learnt.

Nowadays, there is a method that has become an issue in education. The method is called Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Unfortunately,there is no good understanding from the teacher about this method. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning concept which helps the teachers to relate the materials which are taught in the class (theory) to the situation in the students’ real world. Using this approach the students’ learning will be meaningful for them. The process of study is conducted naturally in the form of students’ work and experience, not by transferring knowledge from teacher to the students. Some of our education is still dominated by a view that knowledge is a set of facts which


must be memorized. It makes the teacher become the main source in class. It will make speech uses more often and the students become passive. By using CTL in class, the teacher can overcome that problem. CTL will encourage the students to be more active in class.

Based on the reasons above, the writer designed a set of instructional materials which focuses on reading skill, using Contextual Teaching and Learning approach to support the teaching learning process.


A teacher is a person who is responsible for teaching learning process and plays an important role in the class. Therefore, the teacher has a responsibility for creating elements such as materials, and strategies to deliver the materials to the students that are needed to make the teaching learning process succeed. For the teacher, teaching sometimes can be difficult for him/her. “Creating and applying certain techniques must be done by teachers with certain considerations to achieve the purpose” (Richard & Rodgers 1996:15).

The materials made by the teacher must enable students to use language in their daily life. The teacher should prepare all the materials well, so they can be used to help the students increase their skill especially in reading.


The study focuses on how to design a set of English reading materials to teach English. The approach which is used in this design is Contextual Teaching


and Learning that can make a language teaching and learning activities to be communicative and interesting.


Considering the previous explanation about the background and scope of the study, the problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. How is a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School designed?

2. What does the designed set of English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the first grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School look like?

E. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study are:

1. To find out how a set of English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High school is designed.

2. To find out what the designed set of English reading instructional materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School looks like.

F. BENEFITS OF THE STUDY This study can be useful for:


1. The Junior High School Teachers.

The teachers are expected to be confident and have no difficulties in teaching English using Contextual Teaching and Learning anymore after learning from the design of this study.

2. Students

Students usually become easily bored and have difficulty since they only have to memorize the lesson without applying it in real life. It can raise students’ boredom and difficulty. Hopefully, this designed material can increase their motivation to learn English.

3. Other Researchers

Hopefully, the result of this study can provide helpful information and give stimulus for further study. Hence, better and more various reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach will be found.


There are some definitions that the writer had to clarify in order to make the study understandable, the terms are as follows:

1. Design

Design is defined as, “plan to guide education activity in the target situation” (Houle, 1978: 203). In this study, designing means an activity of making some strategies, materials, and teaching-learning activities in the target language. 2. Reading

According to Gibson and Levin, reading is extracting information from text (1979: 5). In this study, reading is the ability to understand the information from the text or the writer’s message.


3. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) helps us relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives, family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires (Johnson. 2002: 23). In this study, CTL is a strategy which can help students make connection between language which they have learned and its application.

4. Junior High School Students

In Indonesia, Junior High School is called as SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama). It is a part of educational line. It is included as a nine-year-basic education, which consists of three grades, each lasts for one year.





In this chapter the writer discusses some theories that are relevant in designing reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. This chapter is divided into two major parts. In the first part, the writer discusses the theoretical description and in the second part, the writer explains the theoretical framework.


a. The Nature of Reading

Goodman (1976) and Smith (1978) as cited by Vacca (1981: 2) proposed that reading is an “active process of deriving meaning”. It means that when reading the texts readers try to understand the author’s message by interacting with the text. A reader is a user of language whose task it is to make sense out of what she or he reads. Another view about reading comes from Karlin (1980: 7). He says that reading is the reconstruction of the ideas of others. It shows us about comprehensive processes in someone’s mind while he/she is reading. He/she receives thoughts and ideas that are conveyed through written expression. Similarly, Mitchell (1982: 1) proposes that reading is the ability to make sense of written or printed symbols. The reader uses the symbols to guide him/her to find


the writer’s message. From the definition above, the writer concludes that reading is an active thinking process of the written and printed symbol to build the meaningful interpretation from the writer’s message.

b. Teaching Reading Skill

According to Hughes (1989) there are two sub-skills of reading comprehension. They are macro skill and micro skill. The term “macro skill” refers to understanding the general ideas in the text (e.g., information, gist, argument) while “micro skill” refers to recognizing and interpreting the linguistic features of the text (e.g., referents, word meanings, discourse indicators). In this study, the writer uses micro skill to design the materials.

According to Pearson and Fielding’s generative learning quoted by Urquhart and Weir (1988:183) there are three phases that are used in teaching reading. They are pre-reading activities, whilst reading activities, and post reading activities. Each phase will be further explained as follows:

1) Pre-reading activities

This phase is important. It is to activate student’s knowledge about the text and motivate student so they will have interest in reading. The basic principles for pre-reading activities are:

a) Teaching vocabulary

New vocabulary is attending to facilitate comprehension. Sometimes students abandon reading assignments because they are too difficult in vocabulary. Students need to know the new vocabulary related to the topic so they can understand the text. According to Anderson (1991) as cited by Nunan (2003:


74), vocabulary should be taught in context to effectively guess the meaning of less frequently used vocabulary.

b) Providing essential background information

Adequate preparation for reading a piece of text includes helping students either recall or acquire information necessary for comprehending the text. c) Establishing purpose for reading

Purposes in reading will help the students focus their attention on what to look for as they read and help them to connect their knowledge with new information. The students sometimes are not ready to establish their own reason for reading. Therefore, the teacher must try to encourage them so they will have good reading habits.

d) Motivating students to be able to do the reading

The teacher must try to raise and develop interest of student to reading texts. This is important for the students. Students who have lack of motivation in reading will not be able to achieve all that is needed in reading.

2) Whilst Reading Activities

The activities, in whilst reading, are the activities to lead the students to understand the content of the reading passage. The activities are as follows:

a) Skimming

It helps the students to gain general ideas of the material by reading the texts quickly and selectively.

b) Scanning

It helps the students to gain specific information they wish to obtain from the text quickly.


c) Reading for explicitly stated main ideas

It helps the student to find the main idea which is stated explicitly. d) Reading for implicitly stated main ideas

It helps the students to find the main idea which is stated implicitly. e) Reading for details

This activity asked the students to find detailed information from the text. f) Reading between lines

This activity is done by reading each line of the text. It will help the students to have better understanding on how to draw an inference.

g) Deducing meaning from context

This activity requires the students to discover the meaning of a great number of unfamiliar words from the texts.

3) Post Reading Activities

Questions of evaluation and personal responses are also seen as the important things in post reading activities, relating the text to the outside world. This activity can be done in an oral or a written way.

c. Reading techniques

Reading technique plays an important role in understanding reading material (Kustaryo 1988: 3). Reading techniques help the students to be able to read efficiently. After finding out the purpose or what the students expect to gain from their reading, students should select the technique that is appropriate. There are some techniques that can be used by students to achieve their purpose. The techniques are as follows:


1) Skimming

Skimming is a reading technique that involves students looking through the text rapidly for the general meaning of an article (Thomas, 2002: 28). It is used by the reader to find the idea of what the author is saying in the text without many details. It can be done by knowing the key word which can be the topic, the descriptive adjective, the abstract noun or the functions word. If the reader wants to be able to do skimming, he/she has to understand the organized text, become aware of the main point in a paragraph, and be able to assume the main ideas of a text.

2) Scanning

Scanning is a reading strategy whose purpose is to find specific information from a text. In this technique the readers search for particular specific information that is needed in order to be able to locate the information. The reader has to know information that he/she wants to search, the place to find the information and the way the reader can identify the information at the time he/she sees the information to be able to do scanning. 3) Reading with comprehension

In reading with comprehension, the reader is supposed to be able to understand everything which has been read. Students need not only skills of comprehension but also the reader’s experiences and knowledge in this technique. To be able to do this technique, the reader should understand the vocabulary, see the relationship among words and concepts, organize ideas, know or recognize the purpose of the author, make judgment and evaluate it.


2. Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. The Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Contextual Teaching and learning (CTL) is a concept that helps teachers relate the material which is taught to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their daily life. They do this by using seven main components of study, namely constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment (www.dikdasmen.org). By using this concept it is hoped that the result of the study will be meaningful for students. The teaching learning process happens naturally in the form of students work and activities not just by transferring from teacher to students. Therefore, teachers have to provide a context which is meaningful for content (Purnomo, et al, 2007: 49).

In contextual class, the teacher becomes the facilitator and helps the students achieve their learning goals. Thus, the teacher should think that the teaching strategy is more important than giving information.

b. The Importance of Contextual Teaching and Learning

Most of our education is still dominated by a view that knowledge is a set of fact which must be memorized. As a result, the teaching learning process focuses on the teacher as the main source of knowledge. Therefore, lecturing becomes the main strategy to teach. Therefore, a new strategy which can make the students more active is needed. The strategy not only makes the students memorize a set of facts but also encourages students to construct knowledge in their mind.


Based on the fact above, CTL which emphasizes on constructivism in the teaching learning process can be promoted as an alternative strategy to make the students active and encourage the students to construct the knowledge.

c. Basic Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning

According to Purnomo et al.(2007: 50) there are some principles that must be applied to make teaching learning process using CTL a success. They are Problem based learning, authentic instruction, inquiry based learning, project based learning. The principles will be explained as follows:

1) Problem Based learning

This principle engages learners in problem solving investigations. The students must be able to use information which is available and think critically to solve problems in the real world.

2) Authentic Instruction

Authentic instruction is a contextual approach which is meaningful, for example learning how to sing by singing a song, learning how to sell by selling something, etc.

3) Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry based learning creates study as an activity to ask ourselves and find the answer by ourselves. The students are encouraged to find the answer by asking themselves.

4) Project Based Learning

According toProject-based Learning(2001) Project based learning focuses on the central concepts and principles of a discipline, involves students in


problem solving investigations and other meaningful tasks allowing students to work autonomously to construct their own learning and culminates in realistic project. This principle engages students to involve their mental, physics, nerve, sense and social skill.

5) Work Based Learning

This principle integrated workplace or workplace-like activities and classroom content (Smith, 2001). Work gives an opportunity to students not only to know someone’s experience but also experience something different.

6) Service Learning

Emotion of the students is important to be recognized in the teaching learning process. Emotion determines the process and the result of study. Positive feeling of student which emerges in the teaching learning process will accelerate the study.

7) Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning organizes instruction using small learning groups in which students work together to achieve learning goals (Holubes, 2001). Learning together will be better than learning individually. Each student can encourage the other students to learn better. If a student does not understand the lesson, other students can help him.

d. The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Class

There are some pillars needed in Contextual Teaching and Learning class. The pillars will be described as follows:


1) Constructivism

Constructivism is the philosophy of CTL approach. Constructivism considers that knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts which are ready to be obtained and remembered. Someone has to construct the knowledge and give meaning through real activity (Sungkowo, 2003). In constructivism, knowledge cannot be transferred directly from one person to another person such as teacher to students. Each person should try to interpret the knowledge by himself. Knowledge is not something that can be required instantly. Therefore, teachers have to give an opportunity for the students to study alone and be ready to become the source of information.

2) Inquiry

Knowledge and skills which are obtained by the students are not the result of remembering a set of facts but the students must discover by themselves. Learning is not only brain activities but also the relationship with other parts of bodies. If the teacher only emphasizes brain activities, “sit down, not move and be silent” approach will happen in class. There are some steps that are used in inquiry. There are observation, hypothesis, data gathering, and conclusion.

3) Questioning

Asking is considered an important part in inquiry based learning. Someone’s knowledge always begins from “asking” for example before knowing about English, student will ask “what is English?” Questioning can be used to probe information, confirm what is known by students, and direct


the attention to unknown aspects. This activity is not difficult to be implemented in class because it can be done between teacher with students, students with teacher, students with students, and students with other people who come into class. Discussion can be used to develop this activity.

4) Learning Community

Learning community suggests that the result of study is obtained through cooperation with someone else. Mejer (2002) said that cooperation in learning something is four times more effective in increasing the student’s achievement than learning by himself/herself. Learning communities need two requirements to make it a success:

a) The communication happens in two ways. b) There is no dominant person in communication. 5) Modeling

In teaching learning process, example from a model that can be imitated is needed. The model is not always the teacher. It can be any one such as, students, or someone outside the class.

6) Reflection

Reflection also becomes an important part in CTL. Reflection is the way of thinking about what has been learned or what is behind what has been learned. Reflection can also mean a response the activity, incident, or knowledge that has been gained.

7) Authentic assessment

Assessment is the process of collecting the data so that the teachers can see the student’s development. Teachers need to know the student’s development


because it can be used to make sure that the teaching learning process was done in a good way. Data which are compiled through assessment do not use to find student’s study. The good teaching learning process should be emphasized to help the student to learn “learning how to learn”. The assessments emphasizing on the study process make the data that are compiled be achieved through real activity. The data which are taken from outside and inside the class is called authentic.

3. Curriculum

a. The 2006 Curriculum for Junior High School

The 2006 curriculum is the newest curriculum from the National Education Department that was issued in 2006. This curriculum is also used as a guide to teach English. If the 2006 curriculum is compared to the 2004 curriculum, it can be found that actually they are not very different.

b. The Nature of English Language Based on 2006 Curriculum

English is a means to communicate both in oral and written form. Communicate is to comprehend and to express information, thought, feeling, through language. The learners are expected to be able to develop science, technology, and culture. In a heuristic meaning, communicative competence means discourse competence that is the ability to understand and produce oral or written texts which can be found in four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). These skills are used to perceive and create discourse in society life. Therefore, English is directed to develop those four skills to make the learners


able to communicate and have discourse in English in certain literacy level (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,2006: 277).

Literary level consists of performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative level, people are able to read, write, listen, and speak using symbols. In functional level, people are able to use language to fulfill their daily needs such as reading newspaper, and manuals. In informational level, people are able to access knowledge with their language ability while in epistemic level people are able to express knowledge into the target language (Wells, 1987). c. The Goals and Functions

English subject has goals and functions as follows:

1) Develop communicative competence in English both orally and written to achieve functional literacy level.

2) Develop the awareness about the nature and importance of English to increase the competitiveness of the nation in global society.

3) Develop the understanding of the learners about the relationship between language and culture.

d. Scope of English Lesson Based On 2006 Curriculum

According to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional(2006: 278) there are some scopes in English lesson based on 2006 curriculum. They are:

1) Discourse competency that is ability to create and produce oral or written text which is involved in four skills (Listening, speaking, reading, and writing) resolutely to achieve functional literacy level.


2) Ability to understand and produce not only many short functional texts and monologues but also essays in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report.

3) Supporting competence, namely linguistic competence (using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing), sociocultural competence (using formal expressions and grammar in every communication context), strategic competence (overcoming problems in many ways which appear through the process of communication so that the communication still takes place), and discourse competence (using discourse instrument).

4. Material Development

In designing the materials, the writer used the model proposed by Hutchinson and Waters. The purpose of this model is to provide coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning and it provides enough room for creativity and variety to grow (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 108). There are four elements in the model. They are:

a. Input

It can be in form of sound recording, a text, diagram or any piece of communication data, depending on the needs defined in analysis.

b. Content Focus

Language is a means of conveying information and feeling about something. Therefore, to generate meaningful communication non-linguistic content should be exploited.

c. Language Focus

Language focus is needed to make the students have enough necessary language knowledge. Therefore, the students will be able to do communicative


tasks and activities since the models’ aim is to enable students to use language.

d. Task

Materials should be developed to lead towards a communicative task in which learners use content and language knowledge they have built up through the unit.

The summary of the material development proposed by Hutchinson and Waters can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 2.1 Materials Development Model

In this model, task becomes the main focus of the unit. The model is a vehicle helping the students to do the task. The language and content are drawn from the input and are selected according to what the students will need to do the task. It is obvious that the important feature of the model is to create coherence in terms of both in language and content throughout the unit. This will provide complex activities by improving the students’ knowledge and skills.


5. Instructional Design Models a. Kemp’s Model

This model is taken because the structure of the instructional design by Kemp can be applied in all education levels (elementary to colleges). The model can also be used to design a single unit of instructional material.

According to Kemp (1977: 8), a plan is designed to answer these three primary questions:

1. What must be learned? (objectives)

2. What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning level? (activities and resources)

3. How will we know when the required learning has taken place? (evaluation) Kemp (1977: 8-9) offers eight elements in designing the program development. An interdependent is found among eight elements. Kemp’s model is a flexible process. It can move back and forth to the other steps. The steps are: Step 1 Goal, and then list topics, and general purpose.

In making instructional design, a designer should decide the goals of the system, select the topics to be taught by the teacher, and specify the general purposes of each topic. The goals can be obtained from society, students, and subject areas. When the designer selects the topics, he should arrange the topics into chronological order from simple levels to complex levels. The general purposes are made from the topics and explicitly express students’ expectation. Step 2 Learner Characteristics

In order to assure students’ success in his educational program, the designer should find the students’ needs, interests, and abilities. The students’ characteristics will affect the instructional design emphasized.


Step 3 Learning Objectives

Specifying learning objectives is difficult but essential in making instructional design. In this step, teacher is concerned with learning as the outcome of instruction. Learning requires active efforts by the learner. Therefore, objectives should be measurable and unambiguous so that students are able to do objectives.

Step 4 Subject Content

Subject content must be closely related to the objectives and to the students’ need. The subject content includes the organization of the content and task analysis. In organization of the content, the designer prepares the outline of the information that will be taught. Meanwhile, in task analysis, the designer lists all procedural elements that will be taught.

Step 5 Pre-assessment

Pre-assessment is used to find the students’ background and present knowledge about the topic. Therefore, the students do not waste their time on things they already know. There are two kinds of pre-assessments’ tests. They are pre-requisite testing and pre-testing. The designer uses pre-requisite testing to find whether the students have already had a basic knowledge of the topic. In order to find which of the objectives the students have already mastered, the designer can use pre-testing.

Step 6 Teaching/Learning Activities Resources

In this step, teachers should determine the most effective methods to be used in the teaching learning process and then select the materials to provide learning experiences that will utilize the content associated with each objective.


Step 7 Support Services

The support services are budget, personnel, facilities, equipment and schedules to carry out the instructional plan. If there is one element that cannot be fulfilled, it will influence the other elements.

Step 8 Evaluation

Evaluation is the pay-off step in the instructional design plan-for both the students and the teacher (Kemp, 1977: 91). The evaluation is conducted to find whether the materials are successfully implemented.

The summary of the steps proposed by Kemp can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 2.2 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model

In Kemp, developing an instructional system is continuous process. Each step in the diagram always requires revision. Therefore, the changes made in one

Goal, Topics, and General Teaching Learning Activities resources Support Services Learner Characteri stic Learning Objectives Subject Content Pre assessmen t Evaluation Revise


element will influence other elements because they are interdependent. Developing an instructional system Kemp’s model begins with the objective as a starting point and evaluation as the end.

The writer considered that this model is appropriate for designing reading material. The model is more flexible to be applied and the material is selectively chosen based on the learners’ needs and interest.

B. Yalden’s Model

In Yalden’s model, the syllabus emphasizes the communicative function. This means that it is important to ensure that learners acquire the ability to communicate in a more appropriate way. According to Yalden (1987: 89), there are eight stages offered in language program development.

1) Needs Survey

The purpose of this step is to find the learners’ need and the objectives that are suitable for the learner.

2) Description of the Purpose

The information gathered from the first step was used to determine and to describe the purpose of the program.

3) Selection of Syllabus Types

In this step, a syllabus designer should choose a syllabus that will be used in the language program. The syllabus which is used is the functional syllabus. It means that objective of learning is described in terms of communicative function.

4) Production of Proto-syllabus

In this step, the syllabus designer will determine the description of the content of a syllabus. The selection and combination of the content should fit with the type of the syllabus.


5) Production of Pedagogical Syllabus

According to Yalden, this step develops the teaching materials, the learning and testing approaches, testing sequence and decisions on testing instruments. 6) Development and Implementation of Classroom Procedure

The communicative syllabus has changed the teacher’s role. In class, the teacher should consider himself as a facilitator than a leader. Therefore, the teaching learning process should emphasize the learner’s activities rather than the teacher.

7) Evaluation

In this stage, the syllabus designer should assess all competence in a language program. According to Yalden, evaluation describes three things: the learners, the teaching, and overall design.

8) Recycling

Recycling is the last step in the process syllabus design. This step is done to match the goals and students’ performance. If the goals and students’ performance do not match the syllabus, designer should revise the content, materials, and teaching methodology.



This study focuses on designing a set of reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. CTL is a concept that helps students relate the materials which are learnt to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their daily life. CTL which emphasizes on constructivism in the teaching learning process can be promoted as an alternative strategy to create better learning process.

In developing the materials the writer used the model from Hutchinson and Waters. The model is chosen because the model provides coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning and it provides enough room for creativity and variety to grow.

Here, to develop the design, the writer combined Kemp’s instructional design model and Yalden’s instructional design model because they can complete each other. There is no need analysis in Kemp’s models. The use of need analysis from Yalden’s model can make the design better. Moreover, Yalden’s model emphasizes communicative function and the process of instructional design model and the steps in Kemp’s model are continuous.

The new framework is composed of several elements, namely, conducting a needs survey; determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics; determining indicators; listing subject contents; selecting teaching and learning activities; evaluating.


Step 1 Conducting needs survey

The writer adapted this step from Yalden’s model. A need survey was essential in planning the instruction. It could be used to learn about the students’ need. The writer conducted a survey through questionnaires to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School and interviewed two English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.

Step 2 Determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics The writer adapted this step from Kemp’s model. This step was used to determine the goals of the materials design based on the students’ need. The topics, then, were chosen based on the necessity to achieve the goals. In determining the standard competency, basic competency, and topics the writer developed them from 2006 curriculum.

Step 3 Determining Indicators

This step was adapted from Kemp’s model. According to Kemp (1977: 24) by specifying the indicators, the writer knew specifically whether the basic competence had been achieved or not. The writer made a list of what the learners had to learn in every meeting and at the end of each meeting the students were expected to be able to achieve the basic competence.

Step 4 Listing subject content

This step was adopted from Kemp’s model. The function of this step was to facilitate the achievement of each objective. Therefore, they should be closely related to the objectives of the learner’s needs.

Step 5 Designing the materials

In this step, the writer designed the materials utilizing the teaching learning activities and the instructional sources which had been previously


selected. The materials were designed based on the standard competence and basic competence.

Step 6 Selecting the teaching and learning activities

Producing a set of English learning materials for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta using CTL was the main focus of this study. The materials were designed based on the principles of the CTL theory as discussed in the previous section. Here, the writer looked for some books to gather relevant teaching learning sources and also the suitable teaching media.

Step 7 Evaluating

Evaluation was done to help the writer gain the final designed materials. The evaluation was done to the whole components of the material. It helped in making any necessary adjustment.

Step 8 Revising

Revising was done after the writer obtained the feedback from evaluation. This step was done to improve the design.






In this chapter the writer discusses the research methodology that was used to answer the problems presented in Chapter I. There are six points discussed in this chapter. They are: (1) method of the study; (2) respondents; (3) instruments; (4) data gathering techniques; (5) data analysis techniques; (6) procedures.


As it has been stated in the problem formulation in chapter one, this research attempted to solve two major problems. Firstly, it was conducted to find out how a set of English reading material using CTL approach for students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School was designed. Secondly, it was aimed to present the designed materials for students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.

In this study, the writer applied Research and Development method (R&D). According to Borg and Gall (1983: 772) R&D can be defined “as a process used to develop and validate educational products” such as teaching materials, teaching methods and method for organizing instruction. In addition, R&D tries to develop research knowledge and incorporate it into a product by becoming a bridge so that the gap between educational research and educational practice can disappear (Borg and Gall1983: 771). Research and Development method (R&D) consists of a cycle where the product is developed, field-tested and


revised based on the field-test data. Borg and Gall stated that there are ten major steps that are used in the Research and Development method (R&D) cycle to develop the products (1983: 775). They are research and information collecting, planning, development of preliminary form of product, product evaluation, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, dissemination and implementation.

In order to answer the two major problems mentioned above, the writer employed step one until step five. The steps are explained as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting

Research and information collecting included review of literature, classroom observation, and preparation of report of state of the art (Borg and Gall, 1983: 775). In this step, describing the designed material as specific as possible became the important thing. Thus, the writer distributed questionnaires to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School and conducted an informal interview for the teachers, and checked the curriculum in order to obtain the data. The data were used as a source to obtain the students’ needs and information and opinion from the teacher about the topics which were suitable for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School.

2. Planning

In this study, planning included defining skills, stating objectives and determining sequence. Those aspects would be applied to develop a suitable syllabus and lesson plans to teach English reading for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior high School. The statement of the specific objectives to


be achieved by the designed material became the important aspect in this step (Borg & Gall 1983: 779). Objective is the best basis to develop the instructional materials. Instructional materials can be tested and revised until it was suitable with the objectives.

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product

After completing the planning step, the next step was to develop the preliminary form of product. This step included preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices. In this step, designer had to organize the designed materials so as to permit obtaining as much feedback as possible. The materials were developed using the model proposed by Hutchinson and Waters.

4. Product Evaluation

This step is applied to obtain the evaluation for the instructional materials. In this study, the writer used questionnaires to gain the feedback. The feedback would be useful to revise and improve the designed material so that the designed material would work properly. The evaluation was obtained from the seventh grade teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School and English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University.

5. Main Product Revision

After obtaining the evaluation from the product evaluation, the writer applied the result or suggestions to revise the materials as recommended by the teachers and lecturers. Thus, the data collected from the product evaluation would be used as the basis to obtain the final designed material.



There were 121 seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta, three English teachers and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University who became respondents in this survey research and interview. In conducting this study, the writer obtained information from the respondents in research and information collecting to obtain the students’ need and from product evaluation to improve the designed set of material.

1. Research and Information Collecting

The seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School were involved in this survey as the respondents of questionnaires to find out the information about their interest, needs, lacks and wants in reading. It was also important to know the teaching learning methods that were used in teaching learning process.

The English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School was also involved as the interviewees to collect information. It was done to find out the students’ need from teachers’ view. Moreover, they were closely related to the teaching learning process. Thus, their comments provided the information for designing the materials.

2. Product Evaluation

There were five respondents in this step. They were two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University and three English teachers of Junior High school. All of the English teachers of Junior High School were Bachelor graduates.


However, one English lecturer had Bachelor degree while another lecturer had Doctor degree. The respondents were competent as shown from their teaching experience. Several respondents had a lot of experiences in teaching, which was indicated by their teaching experience. All of them had more than two years teaching experiences. The table 3.1. describes the respondents.

Table 3.1. The Description of Product evaluation Respondents

Group of Respondents

Educational Background Teaching Experience Sex D3 S1 S2 S3 < 1 1 - 5 5-10 10 < M F


Teachers - 3 - - - 1 - 2 1 2


Lecturers - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1


The instruments used to gather the data in this research were interviews and questionnaires. The data which were gathered gave valuable contribution for the writer in designing and revising a set of English reading materials for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Using CTL Approach. They are explained as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting Instruments

In the research and information collecting, the writer employed two kinds of instruments: questionnaire and interview. The first instrument is questionnaire. A questionnaire, according to Seliger and Shohamy (1989: 172), is defined as a


“printed form of data collection, which includes questions or statements to which the subject is expected to respond”. According to Ary et al (1979: 175), there are two types of questionnaires, structured or closed questionnaires and unstructured or open questionnaires. A closed questionnaire is a questionnaire, which encloses the choices of questions while an open questionnaire is a questionnaire, which does not enclose the expected choices (Ary et al 1979: 175). Here, the writer combined those two types of questionnaires in order to be able to give more accurate and appropriate information to design the instructional materials. The combination of open and closed questionnaires can be called semi-open questionnaire. It was distributed by the writer to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School. The questionnaire was used to find the student’s needs, interests, and difficulties in learning reading.

The second instrument, an interview, was conducted with the English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. Ary et al (1979: 418) stated that interview is an instrument which allows flexibility since the interviewer is able to observe the subject as well as the situation and paraphrase the question when needed. There are two kinds of interview questions, open ended questions and closed questions. The respondent’s answers in the open-ended question were freer than in the closed question because the answers are already provided. This instrument enabled the writer to explore more the answers of the respondents in this case the English teacher. It also helped the writer to develop materials


appropriate to students’ ability and need. The interviewees were the English teachers who were considered to know the ability of the students and what the students needed so the material would be more effective and efficient. Interview was used to find the teachers’ experience and opinions in teaching English reading including their techniques, materials, strategies, topic choices and teaching media. Information from the teacher was useful to develop the material since the teacher had an experience in teaching reading.

2. Product Evaluation Instruments

In the product evaluation, the writer only used one instrument that is questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to three of the English teachers of Junior High School and two lecturers of English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire was used to gain respondents’ opinions and comments on the designed material. Therefore, the writer could obtain feedback and evaluation to design suitable English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School. In the product evaluation survey the writer used likert scale items type and open ended question. The likert scale is one of the most widely techniques to measure attitudes. It assessed attitude toward a topic by presenting a set of statements about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree (Ary et al., 2002). Therefore, the writer used likert scale to measure the assessment of the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. There were five points of agreement as follows:


1 : strongly disagree with the statement 2 : disagree with the statement

3 : undecided with the statement 4 : agree with the statement

5 : strongly agree with the statement


In this study, the writer discussed the instrument used in Research and Information Collecting survey and Product evaluation.

1. Research and Information Collecting

In the Research and Information Collecting, the writer distributed questionnaires and gathered the data for the survey research from the students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The data gathered were closed and open questionnaires. The purpose of distributing the questionnaires was to figure the learners’ needs, interests and difficulties in learning reading.

The informal interview was also held to obtain information from the teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The questionnaires were distributed in March, 27 2007 and the informal interview was conducted in October, 19 2006. The purpose of the informal interview was finding out the teachers’ experience and opinions in teaching English reading including their techniques, materials, strategies, topic choices and teaching media.


The writer also did library study to find some sources that could be used to develop the designed materials. This activity was done by finding some books related to this study.

2. Product Evaluation

In the product evaluation, the writer also used questionnaires. In order to obtain final version of the materials, questionnaires on the developed materials were distributed to three English teachers of Junior High School Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire for the designed set of material evaluation was distributed in June 2007. The questionnaire was intended to figure out the respondents’ opinion and comments on the designed material. Besides, it was expected that the writer could obtain evaluation and feedback to improve the designed material so that the writer could obtain the best final version of the materials.

E. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 1. Research and Information Collecting

In the Research and Information Collecting, the analysis of the data was aimed at solving the problem of what the English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta looked like. The data here were used to find the learner’s needs which could be useful to determine whether they needed reading or not and determined the topics that were used for the materials.


In this research, a descriptive data analysis was chosen. The data to evaluate the proposed English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta were gained from the questionnaire and interviews.

The questionnaires were distributed to the students in the form of semi open ended questions. The data from the students in the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School were analyzed in Chapter IV. The data presented the respondents’ opinions about reading activity in class.

Each respondent’s opinion of the questionnaires was calculated in percentage to find exactly what they needed. The data were calculated as follows:

N X 100%


Where :

N = the number of students who choose certain answer



the total number of the students

For the teacher in Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School, the writer used an interview. The interview tried to reveal the teachers’ opinion about techniques, strategies, media, the situation in the class and the students’ characteristics. The data from the questionnaires and interviews helped the writer to develop appropriate materials for students’ abilities and needs.


2. Product Evaluation

After obtaining the data from Research and Information Collecting survey, the writer finished designing the material. The material was given to the respondents during the product evaluation survey in order to obtain some feedback, suggestion, or evaluation. Here, the writer gave the questionnaires in the closed form or likert scale form and open ended question to the English teachers of Junior High School and some English lecturers in Sanata Dharma University. The obtained data were used to make improvement and revision to the material. Afterward, the writer revised and improved the material.

The second one was about the descriptive statistic data about the participants’ statements. Here, the writer used five points of agreement. The data were measured by central tendency. The descriptive statistics would be presented as follows:

Table 3.2. The Format of the Presentation of Product Evaluation Results

No Respondents’ opinion on

Central Tendencies

Number Mean Median Mode

The data gathered were interpreted using statistics to find the median, mode, and mean. Median (Mdn) is the midpoint of any ordered set of scores. Mode is the most frequent score in a distribution. The mean ( X) is the average


point which is obtained by counting the sum of the score (∑X) then it is divided by the number of the subjects (N) (Brown, 1989:66). The formula is:

X = ΣX N


X = the mean



the sum of the scores N = the number of scores

The designed material would be good and acceptable if the score of the mean from the questionnaire was above 3.50. The designed material would need a revision for the designed material if the score of the mean is below 3.50.


The following parts are the procedures in conducting the study. The steps are research and information collectings, planning, development of preliminary form of product, product evaluation, and main product revision.

Step 1. Research and information collecting

In this step, the writer prepared and distributed questionnaires to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta for finding the need analysis and doing an informal interview with the teachers of


Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School. Here, the writer also did the library study to gather relevant sources related to this study.

Step 2. Planning

In this step, the writer determined goals, listed the topics, stated the general purposes for each topic, and stated the learning objectives.

Step 3. Development of preliminary form of product

In this step, the writer commenced to design the reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the seventh grade students of Junior High School. The steps to design the materials could be seen in the theoretical framework in Chapter II.

Step 4. Product evaluation

In this step, the writer distributed questionnaires to the two English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta and three English lecturers to obtain feedback or suggestions for the instructional materials.

Step 5. Product revision

Finally, the writer revised the materials. Based on the data in product evaluation, the writer revised the designed set of English reading materials in order to make the final version of the designed materials and presented it.




In this chapter, the writer discusses the research results and the discussion of the steps in this study. Here, the writer combined Kemp’s instructional design model and Yalden’s instructional design model. This chapter consists of eight parts. They are conducting needs survey, determining standard competency, basic competency, and topics, specifying indicators, listing subject contents, designing the materials, selecting the teaching learning activities, evaluating, and revising.


The writer adapted conducting needs survey from Yalden’s model. In this study, the writer distributed questionnaires to the seventh grade students and conducted interviews with the English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. This step consists of two parts. They are data presentation and discussion.

In this part, the writer presented the result of the questionnaires which were distributed to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta and the interviews which were conducted to the English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. They are presented as follows:

1. The Results of the Interview for the English Teacher of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta

The interviews were conducted on October, 19 2006 with the two English teachers of Pangudi luhur I Yogyakarta. There were nine items which were given


to the English teachers. Those items consisted of four general parts of questions. The first part was asking about the importance of English language for the students of Junior High School. It consisted of the reason why English became an important subject for the Junior High School students. The second part was asking about the reading subject for the Junior High School students. It consisted of the reason whether reading was needed for the students or not and the students’ interest in reading.

The third part was asking about the teaching learning process in class. It consisted of the method that was used by the teacher in class. The last part was asking about the method of Contextual Teaching and Learning. It consisted of the teachers’ understanding of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). The detailed information about the result of the interview can be seen below:

a. The teachers stated that English was needed and important for the seventh grade students of Junior High School. English became important because it was used as a basic language and prepared the students to continue their study. Another reason was that English was used as a device to communicate since English had become an international language. Therefore, English should be mastered by the students if they wanted to be able to face globalization.

b. The teacher stated that reading was a subject that was needed for the Junior High school students. They learnt reading to enable them to understand a text so as to obtain more information from the text and to improve their general knowledge. Usually, the students like to learn reading but there were some


4 I liked the task

5 I didn’t have problem with the lesson



B. Reflecti

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat what the teacher says about the brochure below!

Gembira Loka Zoo


 Over 1,000 animals – with fur, feathers, and scales – from all over the world  The penguins underwater in

the world’s biggest penguin pool

 The penguin parade every day at 2.00 p.m.

 The new animals: a family of meerkats.



 Get really close to big animals such as tigers, and elephants.

 Meet the keepers and learn about interesting and endangered animals  Find out more about

animals: touch their bones, horns, teeth, and skins


Easter Treasure Trail March 30 - 31

Follow the animals’ clue and find a chocolate surprise!

Rhino Week May 17 – 26

Games and fun to help raise money for wild rhinos

‘Into Africa’ summer school

July21 - August 15 For children aged 6-14. Go on a safari round Africa in the zoo! Art at the zoo July 27-September 5 Colourful and exciting paintings of animals Enquiries

For details of all events and our education programme, please telephone:

0131 334 9171

(Taken from: Assessing your learners, 2003

B. Read the text above and answer the questions below correctly! 1. Give the name of one special event at the zoo.

2. How many animals are there at the zoo? 3. What’s happening between 17thand 26thMay? 4. What is the telephone number for enquiries? 5. What time can you watch the penguin parade?


write false if the statement is wrong! 1. There are just one hundred animals in the zoo.

2. We can see penguins underwater in the world’s biggest penguin pool. 3. We can watch penguin parade at 3.00 p.m.

4. We can get really close with small animals. 5. Rhino week is held on 17thuntil 26thmay. D. Language focus

Possessive pronouns and adjectives. Pay attention to the examples below!

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

1. Ihave a cat 2. Youhave a dog 3. Theyhave a rabbit 4. Wehave a monkey 5. Shehas a cow 6. Hehas a bird

1. It’smycat 2. It’syourcat 3. It’stheirrabbit 4. It’sourmonkey 5. It’shercow 6. It’shisbird

1. It’smine

2. It’s yours

3. It’stheirs

4. It’sours 5. It’shers

6. It’shis

Fill in the blanks with the best answers based on your identification of the example!

Possessive pronouns and adjectives show ______________. The example above shows that possessive pronoun and noun have the same ___________. The possessive pronoun is used ____________ noun. While, we use possessive adjectives with ____________.



I My Mine

You Your Yours

They Their Theirs

We Our Ours

She Her Hers

He His His

Choose the correct words in italics! 1. A: what kind of bird is that?

B: It’s, itsa crow

2. A: Excuse me. Is thismy, minedictionary oryour, yours? B: This one ismy, mine.

3. Julia fell off her bicycle and brokehers’ herarm. 4. Children should obeyhis, theirparents

5. Our, oursdog does not bite

A. Let’s play a game Procedure:

The students make a group of five; each of group chooses one of the members to come in front. The teacher shows a card to the demonstrator about kind of animals and asks him/her to imitate the voice and the gesture of the animals, and then the other groups guess the voice of the demonstrator.




Answer the questions below by crossing the picture expressing your feeling! Name: ____________

Unit : ____________ Date : ____________ 1 I liked reading in English

2 I could understand the text

3 I did the task 4 I liked the task

5 I didn’t have problem with the lesson

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