Research Method of the Analysis Data Collecting Method of the Analysis

Rama R. Marpaung : An Analysis Of Racial Issues In Some Langston Hughes’ Poems, 2010. individuals are classified into racial groups varies from person to person, and from place to place, and from time to time. Furthermore, it is now understood why this is so: the superficial characteristics which are associated with racial groupings are poor predictors of genetic variability. There can be more genetic variation within a racial grouping than between two racial groupings. Accessed on http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiRacialism.


3.1 Research Method of the Analysis

In completing this thesis, I am performing the descriptive qualitative method. The method is applied by describing the data and analyzing them, related to the focus of analysis. According to Bogdan and Biklen in their book entitled Qualitative Research for Education: an Introduction to Theory and Method 1982:2, Qualitative research may be used either as the primary strategy for data collection, or in conjunction with observation, document analysis or other techniques. There are several steps in applying this method. The first step is collecting the books which relate to the racialism. The second step is reading the collected books, including journals, notes and relevant sources to the thesis, Selected Poems Rama R. Marpaung : An Analysis Of Racial Issues In Some Langston Hughes’ Poems, 2010. of Langston Hughes book is treated as primary source. The third step is choosing Hughes’ poems that related to the racialism. The next step is quoting the data and describing them into the analysis. The analysis will be performed by explaining the negatively racial discriminations that happened to the Black people as it is portrayed in some Hughes’ poems.

3.2 Data Collecting Method of the Analysis

The beginning of thesis procedures is to collect the books related to the title of thesis. The focus of analysis is about racialism as portrayed in some Langston Hughes’ poems. The books are collected from several sources such as library, book store and internet. The books which are collected contain vast information about analysis. Thus I try to select the relevant books to the analysis only, which is the study of racialism. One of the books that I used for data is Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Kauffer, 1969 and The Negro in the United States Franklin, 1957, and other books and thesis that can be used as source of the data about racialism. I also accessed some sites that related to the analysis.

3.3 Data Analyzing Method of the Analysis