The Background of Study

teaching materials about genre, descriptive text. The students were asked to describe people, visiting ecotourism destination, and historical place in general. Actually, the students having vocation of culinary art need to study English to support their vocation, but the English should be specialized, the English should be relevant to the specific purpose that they have, for example, the students are asked to describe someone who has a big influence in culinary, so that, they know the physical appearance and the personality. In addition, the students are also asked to describe thing, like food which is the most favorite food, and describing place, so that the students get more understanding about culinary by its description. As a vocational school, the curriculum they use should be representative to their needs. The curriculum in syllabus they use should cover most about their needs, culinary. Therefore, the government should integrate the English reading materials particularly descriptive text based on culinary art, so it is balance to their needs, in order that the students can understand about their vocation well and have good ability in English. Besides, because the reading text in the textbook is not suitable with the students’ needs, they are lazy to read the reading text in the textbook. The students also lack in comprehending the text. The way to help the students to comprehend the reading text material is by developing the reading text materials itself. This can effectively develop the students’ competence as reader because it is developed based on the students’ needs. From the fact above, it is important to develop reading materials and this study attempts to find out and develop the appropriate reading text materials which support the English reading material at SMK N 10 Medan based on the students’ needs as an application of ESP.

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background stated above, the problem of the study is formulated as the following: How should the English reading text materials about describing people, food and culinary spot be developed to meet the students’ needs of Culinary Art in Vocational School?

C. The Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to develop English reading text materials about describing people, food and culinary spot based on students’ needs of Culinary Art.

D. The Scope of Study

The material development is based on the students’ needs; it will be applied in first grade of Culinary-Art Department in first semester of vocational school in SMK N 10 Medan. The skill that will be concerned is reading comprehension, particularly in descriptive text. The developing reading text materials in this study are about describing people, food and culinary spot.

E. The Significance of Study

Findings of research are expected to be useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research is hoped be useful in the effort to develop the science, especially in the development of theories of English for specific purposes. It will be very valuable for the teachers to enhance the teaching of English for specific field. It can also serve as a source of references and valuables information for future researches. The practical value, it will give some ideas and thoughts to communicate effectively and efficiently to students who take it as a course of subject. This research is hoped to be use as guidelines for teacher in teaching English for Culinary Art and other teachers as well, in their attempt to develop specific materials as related to the students’ field of study. So, the findings should be very useful and become a sample of how teaching materials can be directed to the students’ needs. Also, for the teachers, it is expected that the findings will arouse the other English teachers in term of promoting the relevant materials based on students’ specific needs. 52


A. Conclusion

This research focused on developing English reading text materials in culinary for vocational school in SMKN 10 Medan. The material used through the handbook which published by Ministry of Culture and Education Kemdikbud was not relevant with their vocation. In other words, the students of culinary art needed the English reading materials which could support their learning activity and learning environment. The English reading text materials should be developed through 6 stages, they were: 1 Gathering information and data, 2 Analyzing data, 3 Designing new reading material, 4 Validating new reading materials by the teacher and English lecturer, 5 Revising new reading material based on expert’s suggestions, and 6 Final product of reading materials. The data were collected by distributed questionnaire and interview. Beside that, the development of new reading materials had been designed suitable with the students’ need in culinary and it was designed exactly with the experts’ validation. The reading material had been developed with adding one example in each exercise, adding the picture in each chapter, and showing the generic structure of descriptive text in the reading text. It can be concluded that the new reading materials is appropriate 4.32 = 86.55 to use by the students and hopefully this materials can improve the students’ knowledge and experience about culinary.

B. Suggestion

The basis of the developing English reading text materials can be suggested to the teacher, institution and other researchers. Teachers should be more creative in choosing and selecting the materials which is most suitable with the students. The learning process can be successful if the reading materials were useful for their daily life and their environment. The teacher should develop the reading materials if they found the materials were too general for the students of Culinary Art and could apply the result of this study in developing English reading materials. The institution should supervise the teachers and ensure them that the reading materials supported the school’s mission. The institution also should find the books which match to the students’ need. The number of references of English reading materials had to be increased to encourage the students learning English and Culinary at the same time. Other researchers should find many references to support in developing reading materials. The open questions of questionnaire should be considered to give the students’ chance to deliver their wants in new reading materials. Moreover, they have to know exactly how the steps were conducted to develop reading materials which is relevant with the students’ need. 54 REFERENCES Alderson, J. C. 2000. Assessing Reading. Cambridge: C.U.P Arka, I M., et al.2013. Developing Reading Comprehension Materials for Reading I Course In The English Education Department of FKIP Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. E-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Vol. 1 Borg and Gall. 1983. Educational Research and Introduction. New York: Continuum. Budiantari, P.Y., et al.2013. Developing Authentic Reading Material for the Tenth Year Students of State Vocational High School 1 Kubutambahan. E- journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Vol. 1 Chovancová, B. 2014. Needs Analysis and ESP Course Design: Self-Perception of Language Needs among Pre-Service Students. Studies in Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric.Vol. 38 No. 51 Ekawatiningsih., et al. 2008. P. 56. in http:www.scribd.comdocrestoran-dan- tata-boga Gall, M.D., Gall, J. P., Borg, W. R. 2003. Educational Research an Introduction. Boston: Pearson Education Grabe, W., Stoller, F L. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading. Great Britain: Pearson Education HafizhRatmaida. 2003. Analisis Kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tata Boga PKK UNP Padang. Harsono. Y. M. 2007. Developing Learning Materials for Specific Purposes. Universitas Katolik Atmajaya: Jakarta Herlina. 2012. Developing Reading Narrative Text Materials for Eighth Graders of Junior High School Implemented With Character Building. English Education Journal. EEJ 2 2