Adjacency Pairs in Sydney White

60 and asked for a help. At that time, she met Lenny, a strange boy who was asking for help. She asked him to be her date. A question leads to an answer and non-answer. In the conversation above, the question led to an answer. In the first conversation, the bold sentence “What do we do? ” which was uttered by Sydney showed that she asked Dinky what she should do. Sydney asked for information to Dinky because she did not understand what should she did. The implied meaning of her question was that she did not want to have the wrong action about the first pledge task because the task seemed to be strange action for her to convey. She chose to use WH- questions; “What” in order to get the information. The “?” punctuation mark that was put at the end of a phrase or sentence also showed that it was a question. As the response to Sydney’s question in the first conversation, Dinky gave an answer of what being asked her. Her utterance “Oh, you just grab a guy,” implied that what Sydney should do was finding the boy for date. Moreover, there were no special requirements to get the boy for a date. 2. Request–Acceptance or Rejection The adjacency pair used in the second type is request –acceptance. A request is an action of asking somebody to do something formally or politely OALD, 2010, p. 1254. It usually leads to an acceptance. Acceptance is the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc OALD, 2010, p. 7. While rejection is something which cannot be used because there is something wrong with it OALD, 2010, p. 1241. 61 Dialogue 2 Ron : Hold me, please. Sydney : Oh, all right Good hug Back to work. OK, you’re crushing me. Ow, my collarbone. 2 Disc A min 2 The conversation above happened in a construction place; a place where Sydney and her father worked every day. At that time, Sydney got good news in a form of congratulations card that she would enter in college. As a gift, her father and her construction workers gave her something in a box. She was very happy after she opened the box because it was a portable computer, a thing which will be helpful for her in college. At the sa me time, Sydney’s father reminded her not to spend all her time on the portable computer and kept friendly to others. The fact that Sydney would leave them for college made Sydn ey’s father and his friends felt sad. It made Sydney verbally said that she was going to miss everybody; people who had lived around her since was child. One of the construction workers, Big Ron seemed to cry after he heard S ydney’s words. Then, Sydney came closer to Big Ron. A request is an action of asking somebody to do something formally or politely. A request leads to an acceptance and a rejection. In the conversation above, the request leads an acceptance. T he bold sentence “Hold me, please” showed that Big Ron uttered request for holding him to Sydney White. He requested Sydney to let him in doing something in which in this case Sydney had a chance for not complying his request. Besides, Big Ron hoped that Sydney would give him a permission to hug her after saying the request of permission. 62 An acceptance is the act of accepting an action or thing given by somebody else. As the response to Big Ron in the first conversation, Sydney finished the sequence of conversation by doing an acceptance for the request by saying “Oh, all right Good hug Back to work. OK, you’re crushing me. Ow, my collarbone ”. It implied that Sydney also wanted the same thing to hug Big Ron before she was going to college. 3. Assessment–Agreement or Disagreement The adjacency pairs used in this third types are assessment –disagreement and assessment –agreement. Assessment will lead to either agreement or disagreement. An assessment is an opinion or a judgment about somebody or something that has been thought about very carefully OALD, 2010, p. 74. It is usually followed by an agreement. However, in this conversation, the assessment is followed by disagreement. Disagreement is a situation where people have different opinions about something and often argue OALD, 2010, p. 413 Dialogue 3 Rachel : OK, girls. It’s time for your next pledge task. The date-dash ditch. This year’s unsuitable date belongs to... Sydney. Sorry, you’re gonna have to ditch him. Sydney : But my guy’s really nice. And I dragged him all the way down here. And he has a sinus infection and his athlete’s foot is flaring up. And he has glaucoma... he thinks. I cannot just ditch him. 3 Disc A min 24 The conversation above happened in Kappa Phi Nu house at midnight. After Sydney successfully found a boy to be her date, she immediately went back to the house and met Rachel at the State Street Diner. Lenny felt so excited so that 63 he tended to throw up. For him, it was the first time he met a girl who invited him to be his date. Then, Sydney held Lenny ’s hand and run as quick as possible because of the time limitation. At the State Street Diner in Kappa Phi Nu house, Rachel and all the girls already sat down and had a meal together. The time was almost up but Sydney did not come yet. Rachel thought that she would be late because all the girls sat down with her dates. For tunately, at 12.14 48’, there was a voice of Sydney who was keep running with her date because the time almost reached 12.15 as the latest time. On the way she and Lenny sat down, they crashed one of the waitresses and all the people suddenly stared at them. However, they did not care about it. Dinky appreciated what Sydney did because finally she could find a boy to be her date. After Sydney and Lenny sat down, Rachel congratulated all the girls because all of them successfully did a good job for the first pledge task. Then, she asked all to enjoy their meal. A few times after enjoying their meal, Rachel invited all the Kappa pledge to join her for a moment. She gave the next pledge task about the date-dash ditch. She announced the unsuitable date and it belonged to Sydney. The next task for her was she should ditch her date. Therefore, Sydney showed her disagreement about the assessment of Rachel about her date. An assessment is used when somebody judges something. Judgment is a decision or opinion about someone. In the conversation above, the bold sentence uttered by Rachel “Sydney. Sorry, you’re gonna have to ditch him” showed her assessment about the result of the first pledge task. An assessment delivered by Rachel as the student council was an expression of her thought that the unsuitable 64 date for that year which belonged to Sydney. Rachel assessed from Sydney’s inappropriate behavior when she ate. Thus, it made Rachel thought that the first pledge task was like a so-rority, not a horority. The other reason was Sydney’s date was sneezing all the time during the pledge ritual and it was really annoying for Rachel. It could be seen from her expression that she did not like Sydney’s date, Lenny. Disagreement is an argument or a situation in which people do not have the same opinion. As the following sequence of main assessment, disagreement delivered by Sydney in this sentence “But my guy’s really nice. I cannot just ditch him ”. She showed disagreement that actually her date was really nice for her. She explained the reason why he was sneezing all the times. It was because he had sinus infection and his athlete’s foot is flaring up. Besides, according to her, her date was kind because he let her drag his hand all the way down went back to the Kappa Phi Nu house. The sentence “I cannot just ditch him” emphasized that Sydney totally did not agree with the Rachel’s decision. The discussion of adjacency pairs used in the previous conversation was assessment –disagreement types. In the contrary, the conversation given below was the example of assessment –agreement types. Dialogue 4 George : Yeah, but you’re pretty, Sydney. Sydney : Thanks, George. But I’ve had about as much dating experience as you guys. 4 Disc B min 11 65 Sydney would hang out together with Tyler for the first time, she confused about the outfit that was suitable to be used to hang out. So, she asked her friends some opinions. Therefore, her friends gave some suggestions about the outfit which was suitable for her because Sydney seemed did not really understand about fashion. She went a changing room to change the cloth and immediately went back to the living room to ask some opinions. She did so many times until one of her friend, Lenny, asked question why she was so nervous because he thought that Sydney had plenty of dates before. Sydney answered Lenny’s question about the reason why she was nervous because she was not exactly the prom-queen type. Knowing that Sydney still had a problem about the outfit, George gave a compliment to her that she was pretty. As the response, Sydney accepted his compliment. George gave an assessment to Sydney by saying “Yeah, but you’re pretty, Sydney ” in a bold sentence. George actually wanted to give response about what Sydney said which she was not exactly the prom-queen type. Therefore, George gave her a compliment that she was pretty. He wanted to emphasize whatever the outfit which she would wear, she was beautiful. It was kind of encouragement to Sydney not to be worried or confused about the outfit. An assessment is usually followed by an agreement. In the conversation in dialogue 4, George’s assessment led an agreement. As the response, Sydney said “Thanks, George.” It implied that Sydney agreed with George. By saying thanks, Sydney wanted to express her feeling pleased about George’s utterance which made her more confident. 66 4. Greeting–Greeting The adjacency pair used in this fourth types is greeting –greeting. Greeting will lead to greeting. Greeting is something that someone says or does to greet somebody OALD, 2010, p. 657. Besides, greeting is a message of good wishes. It is usually followed by greeting. The example is in the conversation below. Dialogue 5 Sydney : Hi. Come on in. Tyler : Hi. 5 Disc B min 19 Tyler came to vortex to pick Sydney up because he actually had planned to go out for da te. However, Sydney’s friends did not like with Tyler’s presence. Therefore, Sydney asked her friends to give Tyler chance to meet her. However, from their face, they did not want Sydney to go so that she changed her plan. Instead of going for date with Tyler, Sydney preferred to have fun with her friends by ordering a pizza. Without any complaining, Tyler finally agreed to Sydney’s idea. It showed that Tyler was not a selfish boy. At that time, one of Sydney’s friends, Gurkin, was playing a game. Tyler seemed curious with the game which was played by Gurkin so that he asked him about what the game was. He answered that the game was about Medal of Honor, God of War, Halo, and Viva Pinata . Gurkin told Tyler that those games were made by himself. Tyler asked Gurkin’s permission for trying to play those games. Then, they were playing games together. The winner was Tyler so that Gurkin congratulated and recognized Tyler’s ability. 67 A greeting leads to another greeting. The word “hi” is used as an informal greeting and usually to people who somebody knows. The bold utterance of Sydney “Hi. Come on in” showed that she greeted Tyler when he came in the vortex. Sydney seemed felt very happy and excited with Tyler’s presence. She let Tyler came and joined with her and her friends. As the response, Tyler also greeted Sydney back. 5. OfferInvitation–Acceptance or Rejection An offer is an act of saying that somebody is willing to do something for somebody or to give something to somebody else OALD, 2010, p. 1019. In this conversation below, an offer leads to an acceptance. Acceptance is the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc OALD, 2010, p. 7. Dialogue 6 Dinky : Yeah, uh, you know what ? Why don’t you just wear something of mine to the first rush party? Sydney : Oh, OK. Yeah. That might be best. You know, this is gonna be fun. I’ve never really had a lot of girlfriends before. 6 Disc A min 8 After arriving in Greek, Sydney went to her dormitory. There, she met her new friend, Dinky. Sydney did not even know that there was anyone there. Sydney and Dinky stayed in the same room before they would be moved to Kappa Phi Nu house. They introduced and told about their self. They really felt so excited. They jumped together to express their happiness that soon they would be the others Kappa legacy. Besides, they were going to be sisters. After having an acquaintance, they were talking about the dress that they would wear in their first rush party. Dinky had many feminine dresses while Sydney had none. Dinky also 68 had top five while Sydney did not even have a top one. Then, she said to Dinky that she might have her skirt somewhere. Unfortunately, she did not find it. As a good friend, Dinky offered Sydney to use one of her dresses to the first rush party. As the response, Sydney accepted Dinky ’s offering. She felt very happy to have a sister like Dinky. An offer is used when the speaker wants to provide something to the hearer as the speaker thinks that the hearer wants his or her help. The sentence typed in bold character “Why don’t you just wear something of mine to the first rush party? ” showed that Dinky uttered offering expression. In addition, Dinky asked Sydney to accept something, to wear one of her dresses. It implied that the perspective of the offering was carried by Dinky for the benefit of Sydney. As we could see in the context, Dinky has many dresses even she had top five. So, as a good friend, it implied that Dinky was really care with Sydney. She wanted Sydney to attend the first rush party by wearing her dress although in the reality the dress was quite small for Sydney. However, it did not become a matter for Sydney as long as she felt comfortable to use Dinky’s dress. As the response, what Sydney said “Oh, OK. Yeah. That might be best. You know, this is gonna be fun. ” implied that she accepted Dinky’s offering. Sydney thought that it might be best for her to use her dress because she did not have dress to be used. It was such a blessing for Sydney to know and be friend even sister with Dinky because Sydney had not never have a lot of girlfriends before. Her friends were mostly boys which were construction workers. 69 Dialogue 7 Tyler : You guys should come hang out sometime. Bring Gurkin of Honor. You know, actually, we’re having a party tomorrow night. You guys wanna come? All : nod head Yeah. Uncertainly 7 Disc B min 21 When Sydney realized that her friends did not want her to go out to hang out with Tyler, she chose to have time together just at home. Some of them were playing games, while the others were busy with their own stuff while eating a delicious pizza. Tyler noticed that Sydney’s friend were naïf because they never interacted with other students in Southern Atlantic University. Thus, he invited them to come to the party. He just wanted to make them having interactions with others. For the first time after Tyler said about the invitation, all of Sydney’s friends gasped. They seemed shocked about his invitation. Fortunately, one by one nodded her head and agreed with his invitation. From the bold utterance of Tyler “You know, actually, we’re having a party tomorrow night. You guys wanna come? ” showed that he asked all of Sydney’s friends to attend an event that would be held by Beta Omega Rho fraternity and Kappa Phi Nu. The kind of invitation was oral invitation because it did not give the written or the formal form of invitation. Tyler was a very kind person. He paid attention to Sydney’s friends. He wanted them to socialize together with the others fraternity around Greek because he realized that they never hanged out together. By doing this, he hoped that they would get new experiences in their life in Greek. 70 As the response, they moved their heads down and then up several times to show their agreement and approval ab out Tyler’s invitation. They said “yeah” but in uncertain way. It implied that they actually did not believe that they were invited by Tyler to go to one of events in Greek. However, it was a big chance for them to socialize with others in Greek. 6. Apology–Acceptance or Refusal An apology is playing role as the first part of the adjacency pair. Apology is a word or statement saying sorry for something that has been done wrong or that causes a problem. OALD, 2010, p. 57. It is followed by an acceptance. Dialogue 8 Tyler : I’m sorry. Sydney : Oh, it’s OK. 8 Disc A min 14 Tyler as th e Dinky and Sydney’s guide kept trying to tell what was inside in Greek. There were many kinds of houses; The Gamma Phis, Pi Beta Omega, and Vortex. He explained that every houses had different characters. After having acquaintance with Tyler, Dinky left Sydney and Tyler. When Sydney stepped her foots to go with Dinky, suddenly Dinky stopped her not to go with her. She said that she was going to meet her inside. However, she did not tell the reason why. Dinky wanted to let Sydney and Tyler talk intensively together. Tyler gave an information to Sydney that being a Kappa was difficult. Sydney acknowledged what Tyler said and she told that Kappa Phi Nu house was her mother ’s house. Therefore, Tyler thoughts that it was such a legacy. Moreover , he thought that Sydney’s mother compelled her to join to Kappa. 71 However, it was wron g because Sydney’s mother died nine years ago. It made a pause just for seconds between them. Sydney’s face looked sad so that Tyler begged forgiveness because he did not want to make her sad. The word “sorry” is used when apologizing for something. In the other words, an apology is an act of saying “sorry”. An apology by Tyler was done because he felt guilty to Sydney that made her sad because of his utterance. The notion in the conversation above between Sydney and Tyler implied to ask for forgiveness. However, it was followed by type of second turns. It was an acceptance. Sydney accepted his apology because by doing this, it would not be a problem between them. 7. Summons–Answer A summon is an order to somebody to come to somebody OALD, 2010, p. 1496. It usually leads to an answer, something that somebody says, write or do to reach to a question or situation OALD, 2010, p. 51, as it appears in the conversation below. Dialogue 9 Lenny : Sydney? Sydney : Oh, hi. Come in. 9 Disc A min 43 At the of the held to pledge the new members of Kappa Phi Nu sorority, Rachel as the president and the jury announced that Sydney White had exhibited inappropriate Kappa behavior. She told all the audiences about Sydney’s mistakes. Moreover, Sydney was dismissed from her status because her dad was only a plumber. As Kappa president, according to status 25 A of the sorority 72 charter, she was not include in the Kappa pledge class and would never be a Kappa anymore. It implied that she had to go out from the Kappa Phi Nu house. All the audience gasped on that judgment. However, after being humiliated in front of many people, Sydney White tried to survive by saying that she did not want any part of Kappa anymore and she realized that those were what sisterhood’s all about. She also gave the Milan’s finest back to Rachel by putting off the dress in front of all audiences. She packed all her things and went out from the house although the rains were falling heavily. Having no place to say, Sydney White was sitting in the street next to the Vortex. At that time, Sydney was so disappointed because she could not satisfy her mother’s want to spend her college period in Kappa Phi Nu. She remembered what her mother said how enjoyable living in Kappa Phi Nu house. So that was why she cried. When Embele wanted to go out from the Vortex, he saw Sydney sitting in front of the house. He told to his friends so that Lenny and Spanky came closer to Sydney. Sydney realized that they did not want her sitting out near Vortex because the mistakes that she ever did to Lenny. She told that they were right about the whole Kappa thing and she asked permission to go. Therefore, Lenny offered her to stay in vortex. He welcomed her in the Vortex and introduced his friends; Gurkin, Embele, Spanky, Jeremy, Terrence, and George. After that, he told the place where she would be used as her bedroom. The place was so messy and dirty. There were so much dust which made her cough. Knowing that fact, 73 Lenny called Sydney because he wanted to know the condition of Sydney whether she felt comfortable or not to stay in that place. Summons leads to an answer. In the conversation between Sydney and Lenny, Lenny wanted to come to see her because he had something to be asked to Sydney. He called her with the low tone. Sydney answered his summon in happily and asked him to come in to her bedroom. Therefore, in this conversation, the adjacency pair is summons –answer. 8. Blame–Denial or Admission Blame is a verb to think or say that somebody or something is responsible for something bad OALD, 2010, p. 140. Denial is a statement that says something is not true or does not exist OALD, 2010, p. 390. While admission is the fact of accepting something such as guilt, failure, and defeat OALD, 2010, p. 18-19. Dialogue 10 Sydney : Witch burn-Prince, huh? So you wanted to tear down the vortex. Tyler : Yeah, I did, but... 10 Disc B min 26 Tyler welcomed Sydney and her friends in his party. It was a nightclub. He explained some parts in the party such as the bars, the dance floor and the DJ booth, where a DJ played recorded music and took requests. Knowing about the DJ’s requests, Terrence interested to have a song request. He asked Tyler about Dr. Who theme song. Unfortunately, Tyler thought that the song was not available. However, Terrance already brought the Dr. Who song in a form of CD. 74 Laser lights illuminated the dance floor. Some people were dancing, drinking refreshments, alcoholic beverages or soft drinks, and playing games. Tyler and Sydney chose to have a dance together. Sydney’s friends seemed confused what they did. In the other part of the party, they heard all the people were cheering happily. They counted from the lowest number until number 32. It made Sydney’s friends were curious about that. They came closer to see what happened and surprisingly, it was a wonderful game that they ever seen and the name of the game was hands stand. The person balanced vertically on his hands with his legs pointing straight up in the air. Then, one of them, Terrance, interested to try that game. For the first time, the audiences laughed at him. They did not believe that the dork, Terrance, can beat that game later on. Then, all the audiences started counting from number one. All the girls screamed because he reached number 155. While the others were screaming to see Terrence’s action, Dinky came closer and greeted Lenny. However, when she was talking with Lenny, suddenly Katy came and asked her to go because Rachel needed her at that time. Katy added that it was emergency and Dinky could not refuse that request. There, Katy, Christy and 5 others girls tried to flatter the 7 boys to go out from the place and found a hot tub out back. The girls asked them to leave their clothes at that place. Knowing that request from seven sexist girls, they immediately run and put off their clothes to the back. They were looking for the girls by calling where they were. Fortunately, none of them emerged and it was 75 the trap of Rachel’s action. She turned the light on and all of the audience laughed at the seven boys because they were naked. As their best friends, Sydney, came closer to Rachel and abused her. Rachel told the truth that Terrence would be disqualified from running the president for some reasons. However, Sydney did not appr ove Rachel’s statement and seemed angry. Then, Tyler came and asked Rachel to go out from the party. However, it made her tell the others topics. One of the topics was the golden opportunity plan about the Witch-Prince Greek Life Center and she explained more about it to Sydney. The plan was not only her plan but also Tyler’s plan also. Knowing that truth, Sydney was getting angry and pointing him. She blamed him that he wanted to tear down the vortex with Rachel. She did not want to hear Tyler’s explanation anymore and immediately left the party. Blame is an act which to say to someone did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening. From the bold sent ence of Sydney’s utterance showed that she blamed Tyler. She thought that Tyler did something wrong. He has bad plan with Rachel to build the Witch-Prince Greek Life Center which caused bad happening for vortex. The vortex would be condemned and all the tenants would be homeless. They would not have place to live anymore. Sydney seemed confused. She suddenly looked Rachel’s face, then looked the others sides. She confirmed to Tyler whether he had something to do with the plan or not. As the response, Tyler did not admit that he also had the plan with Rachel. He tried to explain the truth. He felt guilty about his action that made all the vortex’s tenants homeless. 76 From the analysis of adjacency pairs’ utterances, the researcher found eight types of adjacency pairs uttered by the characters. The researcher finally got fixed data as shown in the Table 4.0 below. Table 4.0. The form of Data Sheet for Adjacency Pairs by the Characters in the Movie Sydney White. No. First Pairs Second Pairs Numbers of data 1. Question Answer Non-answer 92 2. Request Acceptance Refusal 29 3. Assessment Agreement Disagreement 24 4. Greeting Greeting 16 5. Offer Invite Acceptance Rejection 12 6. Apology Acceptance Refusal 4 7. Summons Answer 4 8. Blame Admission 1 Total 182 See in the Appendix A According to Table 4.0, the total number of data which contained types of adjacency pairs were 182 conversations. The characters of the movie Sydney White mostly used the first adjacency pairs which was the question –answer or non-answer type. The total numbers of their utterances were ninety two. It was found in the first datum and it had the highest frequency of occurrence. It implied that the characters showed their eagerness to know something by asking questions to the others. In the second was the request –acceptance or refusal type. There were twenty nine conversations. It implied that the characters called or asked someone to do something. In the third was the assessment –agreement or disagreement type. An assessment was about an opinion or a judgment about somebody or something that has been thought about very carefully. There were twenty four conversations. The greeting-greeting pair’s type was in the fourth 77 number. It was something that someone said or did to greet somebody. There were sixteen conversations. In the fifth was the offerinvite –acceptance or rejection type. An offer was an act of saying that somebody was willing to do something for somebody or to give something to somebody else. There were twelve conversations. In the sixth was apology –acceptance or refusal which the numbers of data were four conversation. Summons –answer was in the seventh number. There were four conversations. In the last number was blame –admission pairs. There were only one conversation.

B. Politeness Strategies in Sydney White

Politeness allows people to perform many interpersonally sensitive actions in a nonthreatening or less threatening manner. There are four types of politeness strategies, described by Brown and Levinson 1987 that sum up human “politeness” behavior: Bald On-record, Negative Politeness, Positive Politeness, and Off-record. In the discussion below, the researcher found the four types of politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson 1987. The analysis of four type’s politeness strategies as follows. 1. Bald on record Bald-on-record strategy is employed as an attempt to minimize the efficiency of speaking. Brown and Levinson 1987, p. 95 state bald-on-record is used in different situations since speakers can have different motives in doing Face Threatening Acts FTAs. Face is essentially our self-esteem in social interactions with others. By trying to preserve face instead of threatening it, we 78 show our solidarity and our respect to our communicative partners. The findings and discussion of bald-on-record politeness strategy were below as follows. Dialogue 1 Sydney: Hi. Come on in. Tyler : Hi. 1Disc B min 19 Tyler came to vortex to pick Sydney up because they actually had a planned to go out for date. However, Sydney’s friends did not like with Tyler’s presence. So, Sydney asked her friends to give Tyler a chance to meet her. However, from their face, they seemed not want Sydney to go so that she changed her plan. Instead of going for date with Tyler, Sydney preferred to have fun by ordering a pizza. Without any complaining , Tyler finally agreed to Sydney’s idea. It showed that Tyler was not a selfish boy. At that time, one of Sydney’s friends, Gurkin, was playing a game. Tyler seemed curious with the game which was played by Gurkin so that he asked him about what the game was. He answered that the game was about Medal of Honor, God of War, Halo, and Viva Pinata. Gurkin told to Tyler that actually those games were made by himself. Tyler asked Gurkin’s permission for trying to play those games. They were playing games together. The winner was Tyler so that Gurkin congratulated and recognized Tyl er’s ability. The dialogue above showed that Sydney employed bald-on-record strategy 8, permission that hearer has requested. Sydney did not have to redress his expression to Tyler since he granted Tyler’s permission. Sydney friendly invited 79 Tyler to come in with smiling face and normal intonation for granting Tyler’s permission. Sydney wanted to show her hospitality to Tyler in order to make him feel comfortable and pleased. Dialogue 2 Rachel : Don’t ask. We had to take her. Tyler : I think she’s cool. And cute . 2 Disc A min 30 The conversation above between Rachel and Tyler took place in the bathroom. It happened in the morning when Rachel and the other Kappa sisters came to the room of Kappa future sisters. They asked all of them to get their lazy asses up. They brought some stuff to clean up the bathroom such as mops, buckets, liquid soap, and many others. They had to clean up all bathrooms at the Beta fraternity house such as the washbasin, the floor, water closet, the wall and many others. Some of the girls were a little traumatized to do that. However, for Sydney, it was a usual thing to do because she usually had a lot of time in bathrooms. At that time, Tyler greeted Sydney near the bathroom after she finished to clean up the bathroom. He seemed impressed and admired her. They talked each other. Knowing that, Rachel came immediately while they were talking about something and then asked Sydney to get back to Kappa Phi Nu house. As the president of Kappa Phi Nu house, Rachel said to Tyler that she had to take Sydney to be Kappa sisters. The dialogue above showed that Rachel employed bald on record strategy 6, power difference between speaker and hearer speaker is higher. Rachel prohibited Tyler not to ask her about Sydney without redressing her expression.