Method Instrument of Research

C. Research Questions

The question in this research is how does the main character represent the capitalism characteristics of the trading aspect in the film “Lord of War”? D. Objective of the Study Hopefully this research would be useful for those who want to learn about Capitalism. Besides, the research could give accurate and precise information about the representation of Capitalism characteristics which is reflected in the film Lord of War. E. Significances of the Study Through this research, the writer hopes the result may be used for: 1. To enhance the writer’s capitalism knowledge, especially the capitalism characteristics that is reflected on the main character in the film Lord of War.

F. Research Methodology

The research methodology comprises some important aspects such as method, technique of data analysis, instrument of research, and unit analysis.

1. Method

The method used in this research is qualitative method, which is analyzing the relation among words or sentences which produces particular meaning. Descriptive research means the type of research that provides lengthy description without any treatment to the object of the study. 10 The result of the research will be described in analytical description. Meanwhile, this research will be attached with the theory of representation, the theory of capitalism by Adam Smith and the concept of Mise en scene. 2. Data Analysis The writer will explain the data qualitatively. The writer uses the theory of capitalism by Adam Smith based on critical study and sharp analysis to the qualitative data. Qualitative research is a research that relies on the verbal data and another nonnumeric data as the basic of analysis and the problem solving. 11 First, the writer watches the film carefully for several times. This is aimed to learn the contents of film intensively so it can prevent misunderstanding in the analyzing. Then, the writer gives annotations about the film. Finally, the writer relates it to the Capitalism theory.

3. Instrument of Research

The instrument is the tool or the way that is used to obtain the data or information that is needed in a research. 12 Observation is the instrument that is used to obtain the verbal data; which involves the researcher with the object of the research. 13 If collecting data is done through observation or interview, so the instrument is the 10 Ronny Kountur, Metode Penelitian untuk Penulisan Skripsi dan Tesis Jakarta: PPM, 2005, p. 105 11 Muhammad Farkhan, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Jakarta: Cella Jakarta, 2007, p. 2 12 Ibid, p. 28 13 Ibid, p. 29 observer or the interviewer. 14 So, it can be concluded that the writer is the instrument of this research. The writer has been watching the film Lord of War carefully. Then the writer show the way the main character represent the Capitalism characteristics in the film.

4. Unit of Analysis