Determining competence standard, basic competence and topics Determining indicators

Based on the result of students’ questionnaire, interview with the students and interview with the English teacher, the writer can conclude that the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten are having difficulties in reading English text. They are also sufficient of authentic English text. They need to read authentic text to make them get accustomed with any informational contents that they may face in their daily life. The activities that are given are also not varied. The students need variety of reading activities that will make them more motivated to read the text. The topics that are going to be discussed mostly not directly related with the students’ daily life. Therefore, the writer will use this conclusion as the basic consideration in designing the reading materials for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten.

2. Determining competence standard, basic competence and topics

In this second steps, the writer formulated the competence standard as the goals of the lesson and also generating basic competence as the general purposes by referring to the competence standard and basic competence in teaching reading skill for grade X students as stated in the School-based Curriculum KTSP. In this curriculum the competence standard of teaching English for grade X students is stated as “understand the meaning in simple functional text and short essay in daily context and use it to access science.” Meanwhile, the basic competence is stated as “respond the meaning in short functional text either formalinformal accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily context and use it to access science in the form of recount, narrative and procedure text.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The topics in this materials design was derived from the most preferred topics selected by the students. The writer selected four most preferred topics out of the eight topics offered. Those four topics are family life, social network, green living and legend. Based on these four topics, the writer developed the reading instructional materials based on contextual teaching learning for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten.

3. Determining indicators

The next steps after determining the competence standard and basic competence were formulating the indicators as the learning objectives in every meeting. These indicators were used to measure the students’ achievement on the competence standard and basic competence in each unit of the reading instructional materials. The presentation of the indicators can be seen in the table below: Table 4.2 Learning indicators in each unit Unit Topic Indicators 1 Family life  The students are able to identify the word meaning in the context.  The students are able to get the main idea of each paragraph in a recount text.  The students are able to predict the forthcoming story in a recount text.  The students are able to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit Topic Indicators identify specific information in a recount text.  The students are able to reflect the value in the story with their own experience. 2 Social network  The students are able to identify the word meaning in the context.  The students are able to get the main idea of each paragraph in a recount text.  The students are able to identify specific information in a recount text.  The students are able to reflect the value in the story with their own experience. 3 Legend  The students are able to identify the word meaning in the context.  The students are able to predict the forthcoming story in a narrative text.  The students are able to identify specific information in a narrative text. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Unit Topic Indicators  The students are able to describe the characters in a narrative text.  The students are able to perform a role play based on the narrative text they have read. 4 Green living  The students are able to identify the word meaning in the context.  The students are able to make a reflection based on the procedure text they read.  The students are able to explore ideas on the topic being discussed.  The students are able to perform a role play based on the topic being discussed.

4. Designing the materials

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