Harry Stanford THE ANALYSIS


5.1 Harry Stanford

Harry Stanford is the protagonist of Morning, Noon and Night and one of the wealthiest men in the world. Harry Stanford is an easy target to follow. He is six feet tall, with white hair lapping over his collar and an aristocratic, almost imperious face. He is accompained by a striklingly lovely young brunette, a pure- white German sherped, and Dimitri Kaminsky, a six-foot four-inch bodyguard with a bulging neck and sloaping for a head. Harry Stanford is fill with a sense of imminent danger. He has learn long ago to trust his instict. Instinct and intuition have help him one of the wealthiest men in the world. Forbes magazine estimates the value of Stanford Enterprises at six billion. The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, dan The Financial had done profiles on Harry Stanford, trying to explain his mystique, his amazing sense of timing, the ineffable acu-men that has create the giant Stanford Enterprises. None had fully succeeded. What they all agree on was that he has an almost palpable, manic energy. He is inexhaustible. His philosophy is simple: “ A day without making a deal is a day wasted”. He wears out his competitors, his staff, and everyone else who come in contact with him. He is a phenomenom larger than life. He thinks of himself as religious man. He beleives in God, and the God he believes in wanted him to be rich and successful, and his enemies die. Universitas Sumatera Utara Harry Stanford prides himself on being a gourmet. He order a green salad and fricassee de lotte for Sophia. It can be seen quoted below: Stanford turned to sophia, “ May I order for you my dear, please?” Sidney Sheldon, Morning, Noon and Night, 1995, p. 5 Harry Stanford is really larger than life. He is a colossus. He has an energy and ambition. He is a great athlete. He box in college and a ten-goal polo player. He is the only man who has ever known who wag a totally without compassion. He is sadistic and vindictive, and he has the insticts of a vulture. On the other hand, he is a kind and generous man. It can be seen quoted below: “He had instincts of a vulture. He loved forcing his competitors into bankruptcy. It was rumored that there was more than one suicide because of him. Sounds like a monster.” Said Fitzgerald. Sidney Sheldon, Morning, Noon and Night, 1995, p. 31 “He founded orphanage in New Guinea and a hospital in Bombay, and he gave millions to charity-anonymously” said Fitzgerald. Sidney Sheldon, Morning, Noon and Night, 1995, p. 31 When he finishes college, his father brings him into the business as a partner and puts him on the board of directors. Harry is ambitious. He has big reams instead of buying meat from packing houses, he wants the chain to raise its own livestock. He want it to buy land, and grow its own vegetables, can its own goods. His father disagree, and they fight a lot. Then, Harry has his biggest brainstorm of all. He tells his father he wants the company to build of supermarket that sell everything from automobiles to furniture to life insurance, at a discount, Universitas Sumatera Utara and charge costumers as membership free. Harry’s father thinks that is crazy, and he turns down the idea. But Harry do not intend to let anything get in his way. Harry Stanford kills his father to get his mother’s vote. It can be seen quoted below: Harry decided he had to get rid of the old man. He persuaded his father to take a long vacation, and while his father was away, harry went to work charming the board of directors. His persuaded his aunt and uncle, who were on the board, to vote for him. He romanced the other members of the board. He took thenm to lunch, went fox hunting with one, golfing with another. He slept with a board membees wife who had influence over her husband. But it was his mother who held the largest block of stock and had the final vote. Harry persuaded her to give it to him and had the final vote. Harry’s father returned, he learned that his family had voted him out of the company. Sidney Sheldon, Morning, Noon and Night, 1995, p. 31 Harry Stanford is not a good father for all his children. He always gets angry, speaks loudly for his chidren everytime. He never shows his love for his children. It can be seen quoted below: “What the hell are you doing?” Tyler looked up,startled. His father stood in the doorway, furious. “Who told you could sit behind that desk?” The young boy was trembling, “ I .... I .... just wanted to see what it was like.” His father stormed over to him, “You’ll never know what it’s like Never Now get the hell out of here” Sidney Sheldon, Morning, Noon and Night, 1995, p. 44-45 Universitas Sumatera Utara

5.2 Tyler Stanford