Examination of Aggregate Gradation

7 Average 13,53 45 12,83 12,34 Average 12,58 Table 8. The results of the VIM intact Marshall compactor Number of VIM Blows 1 2 25 14.32 15.04 Average 14.68 50 13.52 13.92 Average 13.72 75 11.80 12.22 Average 12.01 The more the number of passes it into a smaller VIM value obtained. This is because more and more passing and impact, but given the increasingly dense layer and the closer the air cavity. Table 9. Results VMA values intact slab roller compactor Number of VMA Passing 1 2 15 19,30 18,95 Average 19,13 30 18,61 18,29 Average 18,45 45 17,79 17,33 Average 17,59 Table 10. Results VMA values intact Marshall compactor Number of VMA Blows 1 2 25 19,20 19,88 Average 19,54 50 18,44 18,82 Average 18,63 75 16,82 17,22 Average 17,02 8 VMA is a cavity volume of air contained in dense asphalt concrete. VMA will increase if the blanket thicker than asphalt.From Table9and 10 shows that the larger passing, then the value of the smaller VMA. This is due to each additional the passing will lead to a mixture of the closer, so that the cavities filled by asphalt. Table 11. Results VFWA values intact slab roller compactor Number of VFWA Passing 1 2 15 25,47 26,03 Average 25,75 30 26,63 27,19 Average 26,91 45 28,13 29,05 Average 18,59 Table 12. Results VFWA values intact Marshall compactor Number of VFWA Blows 1 2 25 25,62 24,54 Average 25,08 50 26,93 26,27 Average 26,60 75 30,11 29,27 Average 29,69 VFWA is empty air cavity volume occupied by asphalt. From Table 11and 12 shows that the larger passing is given, then the greater the value VFWA. This is due to each additional the passing will lead to a mixture of the closer, thus diminishing cavities. In the graph it can be concluded that the compaction using Marshall will be more compact than using a slab roller for the given pressure more Marshall large and evenly so that are smaller and closed.

3.3.2 The test specimen was cut into 3 parts slab roller and Marshall hammer

a. Slab roller In this study, the test specimen was cut into three parts, the top, middle, and bottom to determine the spread void. based on Figure 3 -5 shows the value of a void, a