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A. Standard Competence

Using the meaning of the text in essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in context of daily life activity.

B. Basic competence

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition in essay form.

C. Teaching and learning objectives

1. Cognitive Product a. Students are able to make the text analytical exposition b. Students are able to make generic structure of the text analytical exposition Process a. Students are able to identify the material about analytical exposition b. Students are able to give the respond of material about analytical exposition c. Students are able to make the text about analytical exposition in essay form 2. Affective Characters: students are able honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible 3. Psychomotor Students are able making a text analytical exposition in essay form and determining a generic structure of the text about analytical exposition in essay form

D. Material

Analytical Essay

E. Activities Plan

1. Opening Activities 10 minutes a. Greeting and checking student attendance b. Students identify the material about analytical exposition 2. Main Activities 70 minutes a. Students give the respond of material about analytical exposition b. Teacher give the explanation about analytical exposition in essay form c. Students make the text about analytical exposition in essay form as their pre-test 3. Closing activities 10 minutes a. Summarizing the lesson b. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material c. Giving homework d. Closing the lesson

F. Learning Sources

1. Internet 2. Introduction to Academic Writing textbook.

G. Media and Tools

1. LCD 2. Infocus 3. Laptop

H. Evaluation

1. Technique : Writing test 2. Form : write a text about analytical exposition in essay form Mengetahui, Guru Pamong __________________________ Jakarta, 21 Februari 2014 Guru Mata Pelajaran _______________________ RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN RPP-1 School : SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang Subject : English Material : Analytical Essay Skill : Writing ClassSemester : XI IPAI Experimental ClassPost-Test Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence