Starting Point Word Power Reading the text What You Know Your Task Note

Klaten looks like. This section consists of the description of the designed materials and the materials instructional presentation.

1. The Description of the Designed Instructional Materials

The reading instructional materials consist of four topics which are organized into four units. Each unit of the reading instructional material is divided into some sections. They are:

a. Starting Point

Starting Point is an activity in the beginning of the meeting which is provided to increase students’ motivation in the topic and direct the students to activate their background knowledge related with the text that they are going to be discussed.

b. Word Power

In this part, students are guided to find the meaning of the difficult words in the reading text by referring to the words in the reading text. The students are trained not to depend too much on dictionary or their teacher every time they found difficult words.

c. Reading the text

Reading the text provides students with the reading passage which is going to be discussed. The activities in this section are not mainly focused on reading the text, the students are also guided to find the main idea of the paragraph they read, make a reflection of the content of the passage to their daily experience, making a prediction and also have a discussion on the content of the passage. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

d. What You Know

In this part, students are asked to show their comprehension on the content of the passage. The activities in this part are presented in the form of answering comprehension questions related to the content of the passage or deciding whether the statements provided are true or false.

e. Your Task

This section is the practice for the students in which the students are asked to complete some tasks given. This section is also the follow up section from the previous section. The activities in this section are varied. They are performing role play, doing a survey, and making a reflection.

f. Note

Note provides the students with the explanation related to the types of genre and generic structure of the text being discussed on the unit. this part invites students to recall their understanding on the types of genre and generic structure of each genre.

2. The Materials Instructional Presentation

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