Competence Standard Basic Competence Indicators Learning strategies Learning activities

LESSON PLAN School : SMA N 1 Klaten GradeSemester : X1 Subject : English Unit : 1 TopicTitle : Family LifeMy Family Time allocation : 2x45’

A. Competence Standard

5. Understand the meaning in simple functional text and short essay in daily context and use it to access science.

B. Basic Competence

5.2. Respond the meaning in short functional text either formalinformal accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily context and use it to access science in the form of recount, narrative and procedure text.

C. Indicators

 The students are able to get the main idea in a recount text.  The students are able to predict the forthcoming story in a recount text.  The students are able to identify specific information in a recount text.  The students are able to reflect the value in the story with their own experience. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

D. Learning strategies

 Lectures  Group discussions  Assignments

E. Learning activities

No Activities Time Allocation 1 Pre reading activities: 1. The teacher asks the students to see some pictures related with family life and tell their opinions on the pictures. 2. The teacher asks the students to answer questions related with the topic they are going to discuss. 3. The teacher and the students discuss the answer of the preceding questions. 5’ 5’ 10’ 2 While – reading activities: 1. The teacher asks the students to find the appropriate meaning of the unknown words on the passage by matching them with the correct definition provided. 2. The teacher asks the students to read the passage by following the instructions provided on the passage. 3. The teacher and the students discuss the reading passage together. 4. The teacher asks the students to answer comprehension questions related with the passage they have read before. 10’ 10’ 15’ 10’ 3 Post – reading activities: 1. The teacher asks the students to make a reflection about their family value in their life. 2. The teacher asks some students to share their reflection with their classmates. 3. The teacher ends the lesson by reviewing the lesson. 5’ 5’ 10’ 90’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

F. Learning aids

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