Pre – reading activity Designing the materials

regulated learning, using interdependent learning groups, and employing authentic assessments. Each unit is divided into three major sections in teaching reading as has been stated in chapter two; pre – reading activity, while – reading activity, and post – reading activity. The clear explanation on those three stages will be described as follows:

a. Pre – reading activity

This activity is presented in the Starting Point section. The pre – activity in these reading instructional materials is presented in the form of learning activities that activating students’ background knowledge on the topic that will be discussed and enhancing their motivation to read. These activities involve reading strategies such as predicting, questioning and clarifying. b. While – reading activity The while – reading activity is presented in three sections, they are Word Power, Reading the Text and What You Know section. The Word Power section is provided to prepare students dealing with the difficult words they may encounter in the text they are going to read. In this section, the writer tries not to give away all the definitions of the difficult words instead help the students to understand the difficult words by asking them to guess the meaning of the word in the context of the reading text. This will help students become independent learners without too much depending on their dictionary or their teacher. The students will also have better understanding of the meaning of the words since they found the meaning themselves. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the “Reading the Text” section, the writer tries to provide the students with the strategies of finding the main idea of each paragraph of the text, predicting, making a reflection and also answering comprehension questions. Through these strategies students are expected to gain better comprehension toward the text they read. In this section, the writer adapted some examples of text from magazine and internet which are considered suitable with the topics in each unit. The next section is “What You Know”, this section is provided to measure students’ comprehension in understanding the text. In this section, students are asked to answer some comprehension questions by referring to the text they have just read.

c. Post – reading activity

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