The results of the questionnaire and students’ interview

was mainly focused on understanding general information on English teaching and learning in SMA N 1 Klaten. The second one was interview with 10 students of grade X to find out their perception, difficulties and interests in reading lesson. There was also an interview with a tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1 Kalten. This interview was done to gain information on the teaching learning process in teaching English especially on reading lesson. The complete description of the need analysis result will be explained as follows:

a. The results of the questionnaire and students’ interview

Based on the questionnaire, the writer found following information: 1 Many students of grade X of SMA N 1 Klaten have difficulties in learning English. Most of them are lack on understanding vocabulary, especially when they have to read an English text. They also have difficulties with grammar. 2 In the learning process, the students use a certain textbook which already chosen by their school. Sometimes they also get a note from their teacher. This makes them felt that the materials are uninteresting. 3 The teaching process that the students experienced mostly is lecturing. Most of them like to work in group and have discussion with their friends. In the process of this material design, after having that information, the writer continued with interviewing 10 students of grade X of SMA N 1 KLATEN. On this interview, the writer tried to gain information on students’ perception, lack, and interest on reading. The interview result will be described as follows: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Most of students have difficulties in reading English text. This is caused by their lack of understanding vocabulary. They look up on their dictionary every time they found a difficult vocabulary. Most of the time, the students have to translate the English text to be able to comprehend the content of the text. Besides that they often face a long text which is made them unwilling to read the text. 2 The topics of the text sometimes are not interesting and unfamiliar for the students. This is resulted in students’ boredom in reading English text. Therefore, the writer asked them to give their opinions on the selection of topics that is provided by the writer. The following are the result: Table 4. 1. Topics that most preferred by Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten No Topic Percentage 1 Family life 60 2 Green living 40 3 Health 10 4 Legend 30 5 School 20 6 Social Network 80 7 Sport - 8 Transportation 10 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

b. The results of the teacher’s interview

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