Watching the movie Research Procedure

56 getting all the data. The analysis of the data was in the form of qualitative approach. The data were discussed based on the theories provided. The researcher focused on adjacency pairs and politeness strategies utterance by the characters in the movie. Those expressions were classified into two sections: kinds of adjacency pair’s classifications and the politeness strategies. The following Table 2.0 showed the example of the analysis of the types of adjacency pairs found in the data by the characters in the movie Sydney White. Description: FAP : First part of Adjacency Pair SAP : Second part of Adjacency Pair PST : Preferred Second Turns DST : Dispreferred Second Turns Table 2.0. The Example List of Adjacency Pairs Produced by the Characters of Sydney White Movie No. Dialogue Types of AP Preference Organization Reasons FAP SAP PST DST 1. Sydney: Dinky Dinky What do we do? Dinky : Oh, you just grab a guy. Disc A min 21p.9 Question Answer √ Sydney asked for information to Dinky. She chose to use WH- question; “What” in order to get the information. The “?” punctuation mark showed that it was a question. 2. Sydney :Hi, guys. All : Hey. Disc B min 16p.27 Greeting Greeting √ The wor d “hi” was used as an informal greeting and usually to people who somebody knew. Sydney greeted all her friends in the vortex, a place where they lived. 57 Table 3.0 below gave the example from the analysis of politeness strategies in having adjacency pairs found in the data by the characters in the movie Sydney White. Table 3.0. The Example List of Politeness Strategy Produced by the Characters of Sydney White Movie No Politeness strategy Character Utterance Reasons 1. Positive Politeness Sydney What do we do? Include both speaker and hearer in the activity. 2. Off-record Lenny Yeah, vision not impaired. Sense of balance restored. Feeling in fingers and toes. No visible... -Be incomplete. - “hanging in the air” 3. Negative Politeness Sydney’s father Just a little something. -Hedges on illocutionary force. -As a modifier of propositional content. -Act as a weakener 4. Positive Politeness Sydney’s father Its actually something you could use at college. -Be optimistic. -Emphasize a fact or a comment or that something is really true. 5. Negative Politeness Dinky Oh... Oh, I wish. -Be pessimistic. -The speaker is not taking full responsibility for the truth of the utterance.