The Descriptive Statistics of the Respondents’ Opinion

2. Data presentation

This section consists of two parts. The first part describes the presentation of the descriptive statistics of the respondents’ opinions. The second part presents the respondents’ comments, criticism and suggestions on the designed materials.

a. The Descriptive Statistics of the Respondents’ Opinion

The respondents of this second survey evaluated the designed materials by selecting one of the points of agreements. The degree of the agreement was transformed into numbers. The numbers were ranged from 1 up to 4. The degrees of agreement are as follows: 1 : strongly disagree with the statement 2 : disagree with the statement 3 : agree with the statement 4 : strongly agree with the statement The complete statistical description of respondents’ opinions on the designed materials can be seen in the table below: Table 4.4 : The Respondents’ Opinion in the Designed Materials No Respondents’ opinion on Central Tendencies N Mn 1 The indicators are well formulated 3 3 2 The indicators are able to support the accomplishment of competence standard and basic competence 3 3.3 3 The topics are well selected and arranged 3 3 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI No Respondents’ opinion on Central Tendencies N Mn 4 The instructions of each task are clear and easy to understand 3 3 5 The pre-reading activity, while-reading activity, and post – reading activity are well developed 3 3 6 The designed materials are interesting, suitable and relevant for the grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten 3 3 7 The designed materials are able to help students enhancing their ability in reading English text. 3 3 8 The learning experience are relevant with School Based Curriculum KTSP 3 3 9 The use of Contextual Teaching Learning to teach reading is well developed 3 3 10 Generally, the designed materials are well elaborated 3 3 Overall Means 3.03 Note: N : Number of respondents Mn : Mean an indicator of central tendencies of the sources set The mean was counted using the formulation below: Χ = Σ Χ Ν Note: Χ : The range point Σ χ : The sum of all scores Ν : The number of respondents PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

b. Respondents’ Comments, Criticism and Suggestions on the Designed

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