Dynamic Structuralism The Struggle of Annisa Against Patriarchal Culture in Nover “Perempuan Berkalung Sorban” by Abidah Khalieqy

9 above, it can be concluded that literature discusses about the problem which was happened in society. The problems are regarded as uncommon things. This theory can help the process of this analysis because it does not only discuss about the society in the novel, but also the society where the writer of this novel lived. The society of the writers can be an inspiration for the novelist in creating the novel and mixing it with her imagination and also her brilliant ideas. The novelist has done feminism movement by creating this novel which criticizes how men can dominate their wife’s right and why women have to receive everything which men want their wife to do. It means that men has been already broken women’s basic right, even though the women are their wife. This kind of problems can be taken as a data to make a novel, therefore it is clear that the story which is told in the novel was taken from the realities which are happening in the society.

2.2 Dynamic Structuralism

The first steps in carrying out a literary analysis is to identify the elements that are in the literary works. These are important because they are the raw data that are going to interpreted in the study. These elements consist of character, plot, setting, theme, background and so on. The theories that are going to be used to analyze this literary work will help peel as much detail as possible in order to gain new meaning and conclusions. Etymologically speaking, structure came from word, structura Latin, means form or building. Structuralism is an understanding of elements of the structure itself. Definitively, structuralism gives attention to the analysis of elements in literary works. The elements of prose are theme, conflict, setting, characters, plot, point of Universitas Sumatera Utara 10 view, and style of language. According to Mukarovsky and Felik Vodicka, literary works are the process of communication, fact of semiotic, consists of sign, structure, and values. The analysis of literary works should focus on the work itself without attention to things outside of work called extrinsic. This can be done by way of close reading, which is reading in detail. Structural Analysis aims to unpack and explain as carefully, as precisely, as much detail, and in-depth and entanglement all elements and aspects of literature that together produce a comprehensive meaning. Teeuw 1984:135 In dynamic structuralism, according Mukarovsky, the chain of relationship is between four factors: the creator, literature, readers, and reality. Manifested as a sign of literary works in its intrinsic structure, in conjunction with the reality, society, creators, and readers Teeuw, 1984:190. From the description above, before applying dynamic structuralism in studying Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, the researcher has to look at structural aspects that consist of plot, character, setting, theme, style, and point of view. From these aspects, the researcher will discuss about the phenomenon of female social construction and the main character’s struggles of Annisa againts patriarchal culture novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El khalieqy.

2.3 Feminism