Extrinsic Motivation Kinds of Motivation a. Intrinsic Motivation

5 Need Everyone has a need in their life, as biologic and psychological needs. So we can the idea that motivation is always related by a need, because will be motivate to do something if they feel need it. According to Morgan and rewrite by Sardiman says people live is need to:  Do something for the activity  Make people feel happy  Reach the result or goal  Solve the problem 17 There are some many other physiological needs such as the need of activity, the need of sexual interest and the need of curiosity that pupils have in the classroom. Along with the needs listed, Murray considered the need to avoid the injury, and the need for release of sexual tension. He also takes into account the needs for air, water, food, urination, and defecation. These more psychological needs often play a great part in determining the student’s behaviour. 18

b. Extrinsic Motivation

While intrinsic motivation is not necessary to be stimulated from outside, extrinsic motivation is functioned because of outside stimulation. As Sadirman A.M. said, motivasi ekstrinsik adalah motif-motif yang aktif dan berfungsinya karena adanya perangsang dari luar. 19 Extrinsic motivation is an active motives and its function because of the outside stimulation. And Penny Ur mentioned his definition on this, Extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence 17 Sardiman, op.cit., p. 79-80 18 John M. Stephens, The Psychology of Classroom Learning, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc: 1966p.80 19 Sardiman, p. 90-91 of some kind of external incentives, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in tasks. 20 We have to remember that everything we do in our daily activities is motivated by extrinsic motivation and also by intrinsic motivation or both of them. Nevertheless, the better thing that can help learning process is intrinsic motivation. There are some factors, which can increases extrinsic motivation, this include: 1 Teacher Teacher is one of the human components in teaching learning process, who has roles to establish a potential human resource. The teacher is one of the elements of education who can do his or her roles as a professional worker. Beside that, teachers function is a motivator who can motivate his or her students in learning. A teacher can inspire children to use their potentials for maximum self realization. This is the most important task for the teacher. Obviously the most important task facing by the teacher, in the last analysis; it is he or she who is the key to the motivation of children in the classroom. 21 Talking about the task of teacher Callahan and Clark described as follow:  To make pupils idea clear  To present new or different materials  To show pupils how to do things  To accept or change attitudes, opportunities  To give security  To motivate  To evaluate or to measure  To guide or direct pupils work 20 Penny Ur, A course in Language Teaching: Practice and TheoryCambrige: Cambrige University Press, 1996 P.276  To arise, to direct or assuage emotion. 22 To motivate students in learning, the teacher often gives reward to the students who get a good score in their test. Punishment is also necessar y to give to students as o ne of ways to motivate them to aware of their learning. 2 Environment A student who has highest interest and motivation in learning and taught by a qualified teacher is not always guaranteed to study or get success well, but there is still other factor that can motivate him or her in order to study hard, that is environment. On talking about environment, many experts say that they have the same purpose and meanings. As the psychologist says: Segala sesuatu yang di dalam dan di luar individu yang bersifat mempengaruhi sikap, tingkah laku atau perkembangannya. 23 Everything that inside or outside individual can influence behavior, attitude and growth. Environment is a factor to influence students motivation in learning. The influence of environment can affect childrens growth, their growth depend on their environment it self and also depend on their physical and spiritual effects and it can be influence their environment in learning. According to Mahfudh Shallahudin environment will involve three kinds such as:  Pengaruh lingkungan keluargaThe influence of family environment  Pengaruh lingkungan sekolah The influence of school environment  Pengaruh lingkungan masyarakat The influence of social environment. 24 22 Joseph F. Callahan and Leonard H. Clark, Introduction to America Education: Planning for Competence New York: Mac Millan Publishing Co., 1977, p. 14 23 Netty Hartati and Rahman Shaleh, Psikologi Umum I, UIN SYAHID fak. Psikologi, 2003, p. 25 24 Mafudh Shallahudin, Pengantar Psikologi Pendidikan, Surabaya: PT. Bina Ilmu, 1990, p. 91 So, from the explanation above the writer can conclude that extiinsic motivation can derive from family environment, school environment, and society environment.

C. Folktales