Yomi’s Personality Disorder

39 “I can’t go, so you can’t go either.” Yomi : “I can’t take this.” episode 2 at 06.10 – 06.27 7. Testing, forcing another individual to prove their love to a relationship. Kagari makes scar on Yomi’s chest using a sewing needle. Kagari : “Don’t cry, Yomi. It’s alright. So…undress.” Yomi : “What?” Kagari : “You’re suffering. I’ll carve that suffering out of you.” At 08.22 the scar is accidentally seen by Mato when they are changing clothes. Mato : “H-hey…Takanashi, what’s that scar?” Yomi : “Don’t look” Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that the accident which Kagari got when she was child is the form of the unfulfilled needs of safety. It makes Kagari suffers dependent disorder.

4.1.2 Yomi’s Personality Disorder

Kagari recovers from her disorder. She starts to attend the school along with Yomi and Mato. But, the relationship doesn’t run smoothly like Yomi’s expectation before. She thinks that after Kagari incident, she already got Mato and Kagari as only her best friend, but Mato has another friend named Yuu and Kagari who always 40 be taken care by Yomi starts to act independently by joining the cooking club and makes new friends. These problems become the obstacle in Yomi’s relationship with Kagari and Mato. These problems also make Yomi suffers borderline personality disorder. Person with borderline personality disorder lead restless lives. Hisher moods and relationships are unstable and usually have a poor self-image Durand Barlow, 2013:432. This person often feel empty. Yomi starts to lose focus and walk aimlessly in the corridor Teacher : “What’s wrong?” Yomi : “N – nothing.” episode 3 at 11.23 – 11.55 Yomi starts to feel hungry of affection because she thinks that Mato prefers Yuu than her. The obstacle s in Yomi’s relationship occur due to the absence of love and belonging need. Maslow 1970 says that in the absence of love elements, many people become susceptible to loneliness, rejection, friendlessness, social anxiety, and clinical depression and this is become the beginning of the borderline occurrence. Yomi is starting feel lonely Yuu : “Mato” Mato : “Yuu?” Yuu : “Koha came to school” Mato : “What, really?” “Sorry, Yomi, I gotta go” Yomi : “It feels like I’m always watching their back.” episode 4 at 04.04 – 04.07 41 Not only that. Beside Yomi’s needs of love, her need for esteem was also being threatened. If the need of belonging cant’t be fulfilled; automatically the need esteem is can’t be fulfilled, too. Based on the Maslow’s pyramid, if someone couldn’t fulfill a need, it is impossible to fulfill the next need in the upper side in this case esteem is after love and belonging. People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby. Yomi feels that she no longer needed anymore. Yomi : “The cooking club?” Kagari : “Yeah. We make sweets.” Yomi : “But alone?” Friend A : “She’s not alone Right, Kagari?” Friend B : “Let’s go take a look. The seniors want to have a word with you.” episode 4 at 04.52 – 05.03 Yomi : “How should I put this…I’m a bit discouraged.” “We’ve been together since we were little. I didn’t think she could do anything withou t me around. I promised I wouldn’t let her be alone. That I wouldn’t run away from her.” Saya : “You should relax a bit.” Yomi : “Ms. Saya…” Saya : “Would you like a cup of coffe? Yomi : “Y-yes.” 42 Saya : “Nobody would have a hard time just because you’re not around.” “No one needs you that much.” Yomi : “No one needs me?” Saya : “Sorry, sorry, don’t mind me” episode 4 at 05.07 – 05. 23 Before Kagari recovered, Yomi is the one who always play with her, nurture her, and Yomi did everything when Kagari asked her. But after Kagari recovered, she could do one or two things by her own and she started to act independently without depend on Yomi anymore. Imbalances at this level can result in low self- esteem or an inferiority complex, depression, weakness and helplessness. People with low self-esteem need respect from others. They may seek fame or glory, which again depends on others Maslow, 1970. These are some traits of the borderline personality disorder portrayed by Yomi, they are: 1. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger. Yomi can’t control her anger when she and Kagari are playing monopoly. Kagari : “You got Baltic Avenue Sell it to me” Yomi : “No.” Kagari : “Come on, sell it, sell it, sell it Yomi : “I said no, damn it” “It’s only at times like this…” “Now that you have friends, I could die for…” Kagari : “Yomi…” 43 Yomi : “Sorry, I’m just tired.” “You can have Baltic Avenue.” episode 4 at 07.02 – 07.26 2. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior. Yomi cut her hair when in the middle of handicraft class. Teacher : ”Hey, keep it down, please “Cut up the materials, and arrange them as you want” Mato : “Yomi Stop it Stop it” “Yomi Stop it” Teacher : “Takanashi What are you doing? Stop it Give me the scissor” episode 5 at 05.36 – 06.15 3. Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self. There are sudden and dramatic shifts in self-image, characterized by shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations. Mato and Yuu realizes the significance change of Yomi’s attitude. Yomi : “You’re wearing it.” Mato : “Huh?” Yomi : “The bracelet.” Mato : “Oh, yeah.” Yomi : “I made one for you too, Yuu.” Yuu : “For me?” Yomi : “It matches Mato’s.” 44 Yuu : “Thanks.” Mato : “Yomi looked cheerful, but…” Yuu : “I think I get it.” episode 5 at 04.53 – 05.30 4. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. They may idealize potential caregivers or lovers at the first or second meeting, however they may switch quickly from idealizing to devaluing them. The sudden change of Yomi’s attitude by devaluing Mato for the first time. Mato : “Here” Yomi : “Is that mine?” Mato : “Eat it The samples were really good.” Yomi : “Thanks.” “Was the training trip fun?” Mato : “Yeah. But, someone was snoring so loudly, you wouldn’t believe it. The rhythm was so weird that it took me awhile to fall asleep.” “What’s wrong?” Yomi : “Nope.” Mato : “Really?” Yomi : “Really.” Mato : “All right, then” “If you got something on your mind, then tell me We’re friends.” 45 Yomi : “But, I’m not your best friend.” Mato : “Huh?” Yomi : “Never mind. Thanks for the sweets.” episode 3 at 13.08 – 14.03 Dysfunction in the area of emotion caused by instability in relationship and mood is sometimes considered one of the core features of borderline personality disorder Durand Barlow, 2013: 433. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that Yomi has one personality disorder caused by turbulent relationship with Mato and Kagari due to her unfulfilled needs of love and esteem; it is borderline personality disorder.

4.2 Finding