The Analysis Of Personality Disorder On Two Characters In The Animation Series Black Rock Shooter












Supervisor, Co-supervisor,

Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M. Pd. Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum. NIP. 19561214 198601 2 001 NIP. 19580517 198503 1 003

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




ii Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Study University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


iii Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Satra from Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on April 8th, 2015.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S .………

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph. D .……… Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M. Pd. ………. Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S ……….…… Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M. Hum. ……….





Signed :











Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul The Analysis of Personality Disorder on Two Characters in the Animation Series “Black Rock Shooter” yang merupakan sebuah pembahasan mengenai gangguan kepribadian yang dimiliki oleh dua karakter dari serial animasi Black Rock Shooter, yaitu Kagari Izuriha dan Yomi Takanashi. Dipilihnya serial animasi Black Rock Shooter sebagai bahan penelitian karena animasi ini merupakan sebuah animasi yang beraliran psikologikal dan mempresentasikan tentang kerumitan yang dialami dalam menjalin sebuah hubungan dengan orang lain, khususnya ketika menjalin sebuah hubungan persahabatan. Hal ini dikarenakan manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang memerlukan interaksi satu sama lain. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan teori gangguan kepribadian dari Durand & Barlow yang dikaitkan dengan teori hirarki kebutuhan dasar manusia yang dikemukakan oleh Abraham Maslow. Teori Maslow ini membagi kebutuhan dasar manusia menjadi empat tingkatan, yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan akan rasa aman, kebutuhan akan kasih sayang, kebutuhan akan harga diri dan apabila semuanya terpenuhi maka perwujudan diri akan tercapai. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif – kualitatif. Metode ini menngunakan data berupa paparan bahasa yang mengandung pikiran, sikap dan tindakan tokoh dalam bentuk dialog yang terjadi antar tokoh yang terkait. Sumber data dalam penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan dialog antar tokoh dalam serial animasi Black Rock Shooter. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi data yang diperoleh, memajang data, mengidentifikasi data dan terakhir membuat kesimpulan. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini adalah untuk mengetahui gangguan apa saja yang muncul pada karakter Kagari Izuriha dan Yomi Takanashi saat sang karakter utama, Mato Kuroi ingin menjalin persahabatan dan apa penyebab dari munculnya gangguan tersebut. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan menggunakan buku – buku psikologi dan kepribadian disertai juga film animasi Black Rock Shooter, khususnya teks dialog dari karakter terkait sebagai bahan pedoman penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa munculnya gangguan kepribadian memiliki kaitan erat dengan kebutuhan – kebutuhan hidup manusia. Tidak terpenuhinya sebuah kebutuhan menyebabkan munculnya gangguan kepribadian pada diri seseorang.



The title of this thesis is The Analysis of Personality Disorder on Two Characters in the Animation Series “Black Rock Shooter” which discusses about the personality disorder of two characters from this series; they are Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi. The animation series Black Rock Shooter is chosen as the source of data because this animation has psychological genre and represents the complexity of human relationship, especially when build up a friendship. It is because human is a social being who needs to interact with the others. The study of this thesis uses the personality disorder theory by Durand & Barlow which is connected to the hierarchy of need theory by Abraham Maslow. Maslow’s theory divides human needs into four categories; they are physiological need, security need, love and belonging need, esteem need and as top of it is the self actualization. The method that used in this study is descriptive – qualitative method which the used data is the language that contains the thought, the attitude, and the action of the characters and formed as the dialogue between characters. The source of data is the dialog of the characters and the analysis is done by reducing the collected data, displaying data, identifying data and draws the conclusion. The objective of this study is to know the kind of personality disorder that occurs from the two characters, Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi when the main character, Mato Kuroi builds up the friendship with them and also the cause of their disorder. After analyzed it with the help of psychology and personality books and the dialogue of the character as the source of data, it can be concluded that the personality disorder occurrence is connected with the human needs. The unfulfilled need can trigger the personality disorder.



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT, for all the mercy and blessing that I have and for the chance and power that given to me to complete this thesis. Praises and greets to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW who has brought us to the luminous era and lead us to the goodness of mankind.

The writer sincere gratitude also goes to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera, Dr. Syahron Lubis, MA, the Head and the Secretary of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D for all of the facilities and opportunities given to the writer during the study.

First and foremost, the writer would like to thank the writer supervisor and co-supervisor, Drs. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd and Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum for the guidance, support, advice, and constructive comments during the writing of this thesis. Special thanks to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum who gives the additional advices and suggestions to the writer in his free time.

The writer special thanks are expressed to the writer beloved parents, Amhar Astono and Sri Karni and also my sister Ulfa Nuke Astari and my brothers Indra Dzul Fanni and Andry Nugraha for giving the writer the endless support, love and attention. The other special thanks go to Wina Viqa Sari who always gives many supports and gives me love and affection.

Really big thanks are conveyed to the writer’s partners in crime, Ahmadzi and Fikri, to the seniors, Riko Pohan, Hadi Irawan, M. Savrizal, and to the happy and


ix sad friends, Aldi “kiteng”, Atun, Anis, Ninis, Fani “bencong”, Wahyu, Dimaz, Salim “abel”, Dannish, Ivan, Amsaldi, Agung, Septian and many more that I can’t mention them all one by one. And a sincere thanks for all people in IMSI’s big family.

I am really grateful to have everyone supporting me in the process of finishing this thesis. For their caring, support, love and affection, I really thank them. And I am really sorry if maybe I forget to mention some names here.

Finally, the writer has to admit that this thesis is far from being perfect. Thus any comments, suggestions, and criticism will be humbly accepted. May Allah SWT bless us. Amin.

Medan 21 April, 2015 The Writer

Rizki Andrian Ramadhana NIM : 100705031






ABSTRAK……… ... vii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study………. 1

1.2Problem of the Study………... 5

1.3Objective of the Study………. 6

1.4Scope of the Study………... 6

1.5Significance of the Study………. 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Literature and Psychology……… 8

2.2 Character and Literature………... 9

2.3 Character and Hierarchy of Needs………... 10

2.4 Personality Disorder………. 17

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design……… 29



3.2 Data Collection………. 30

3.3 Data Analysis……… 30


4.1.1 Kagari’s Personality Disorder……… 32

4.1.2 Yomi’s Personality Disorder……….. 38

4.2 Finding………. 43

4.2.1 Kagari Izuriha………. 43

4.2.2 Yomi Takanashi……….. 44


5.2 Suggestion……….. 47




Skripsi ini berjudul The Analysis of Personality Disorder on Two Characters in the Animation Series “Black Rock Shooter” yang merupakan sebuah pembahasan mengenai gangguan kepribadian yang dimiliki oleh dua karakter dari serial animasi Black Rock Shooter, yaitu Kagari Izuriha dan Yomi Takanashi. Dipilihnya serial animasi Black Rock Shooter sebagai bahan penelitian karena animasi ini merupakan sebuah animasi yang beraliran psikologikal dan mempresentasikan tentang kerumitan yang dialami dalam menjalin sebuah hubungan dengan orang lain, khususnya ketika menjalin sebuah hubungan persahabatan. Hal ini dikarenakan manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang memerlukan interaksi satu sama lain. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan teori gangguan kepribadian dari Durand & Barlow yang dikaitkan dengan teori hirarki kebutuhan dasar manusia yang dikemukakan oleh Abraham Maslow. Teori Maslow ini membagi kebutuhan dasar manusia menjadi empat tingkatan, yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan akan rasa aman, kebutuhan akan kasih sayang, kebutuhan akan harga diri dan apabila semuanya terpenuhi maka perwujudan diri akan tercapai. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif – kualitatif. Metode ini menngunakan data berupa paparan bahasa yang mengandung pikiran, sikap dan tindakan tokoh dalam bentuk dialog yang terjadi antar tokoh yang terkait. Sumber data dalam penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan dialog antar tokoh dalam serial animasi Black Rock Shooter. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi data yang diperoleh, memajang data, mengidentifikasi data dan terakhir membuat kesimpulan. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini adalah untuk mengetahui gangguan apa saja yang muncul pada karakter Kagari Izuriha dan Yomi Takanashi saat sang karakter utama, Mato Kuroi ingin menjalin persahabatan dan apa penyebab dari munculnya gangguan tersebut. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan menggunakan buku – buku psikologi dan kepribadian disertai juga film animasi Black Rock Shooter, khususnya teks dialog dari karakter terkait sebagai bahan pedoman penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa munculnya gangguan kepribadian memiliki kaitan erat dengan kebutuhan – kebutuhan hidup manusia. Tidak terpenuhinya sebuah kebutuhan menyebabkan munculnya gangguan kepribadian pada diri seseorang.



The title of this thesis is The Analysis of Personality Disorder on Two Characters in the Animation Series “Black Rock Shooter” which discusses about the personality disorder of two characters from this series; they are Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi. The animation series Black Rock Shooter is chosen as the source of data because this animation has psychological genre and represents the complexity of human relationship, especially when build up a friendship. It is because human is a social being who needs to interact with the others. The study of this thesis uses the personality disorder theory by Durand & Barlow which is connected to the hierarchy of need theory by Abraham Maslow. Maslow’s theory divides human needs into four categories; they are physiological need, security need, love and belonging need, esteem need and as top of it is the self actualization. The method that used in this study is descriptive – qualitative method which the used data is the language that contains the thought, the attitude, and the action of the characters and formed as the dialogue between characters. The source of data is the dialog of the characters and the analysis is done by reducing the collected data, displaying data, identifying data and draws the conclusion. The objective of this study is to know the kind of personality disorder that occurs from the two characters, Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi when the main character, Mato Kuroi builds up the friendship with them and also the cause of their disorder. After analyzed it with the help of psychology and personality books and the dialogue of the character as the source of data, it can be concluded that the personality disorder occurrence is connected with the human needs. The unfulfilled need can trigger the personality disorder.




1.1Background of the Study

Literature is the reflection of the daily life, experience, social, culture, history and the people around us, included their behaviors, psychology or their attitudes. Everything that the author has felt, seen, heard or even experienced can be put into a literary work using the author’s creative imagination. Wellek and Warren (1949:3) say that literature is a creative action; an art. Aristotle said that literature is divided into three major genres, they are poetry, prose and drama. Each of them has their own characteristics. In this modern era, literature develops significantly, especially drama. Drama is not only an act on the stage, but in this era, it is done in a movie, soap opera and even it has transformed into an animation series that aired in television

An animation series is categorized as a literary work because it has same elements, especially with drama. Waluyo (2008) divides the intrinsic elements of drama to six elements. They are plot, character, dialog, setting, theme and moral lesson. An animation series also has those elements, especially character, plot and setting, because character and setting shape up the event of a story (plot) (Culler, 1997). The only thing that distinguishes animation and drama is the animation doesn’t use a real person to act, but only a sequence of picture or puppets. In Oxford


2 advanced learner’s dictionary, “animation” is defined as the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence. Based on that idea, Conrad in Wijayanto (2009) says, “What I want to do with the help of written words is to make you hear and feel, and above all of them is to make you see.” Conrad means people are more interested watching scenes than reading a narration.

The word “animation” comes from Latin animātiō, "the act of bringing to life"; from animō ("to animate" or "give life to") and -ātiō ("the act of"). In the beginning, animation is something simple like drawing that can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are often depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion, but now animation develops significantly. There are three kinds of animation based on how it is made; they are two dimensional animation (2D), three dimensional animation (3D) and clay animation (retrieved from

2D animation is an animation that common people call “cartoon” which means a funny picture. 2D animation is also called cel animation or hand-drawn animation because the process used for this animated films using the individual frames from photographs of drawings, first drawn on paper. To create the illusion of movement, each drawing differs slightly from the one before it. Black Rock Shooter is one kind of 2D animation. Meanwhile, the 3D animation is also called computer generated image or CGI. CGI produces an animation which has 3D form and looks alive. The last is clay animation. Clay animation is made using a special frame for the character’s body and then this frame is covered using plascticine that fit to the character’s shape.


3 Character in a literary works, as well as in the animation series, cannot be separated from the plot and setting. Based on that idea, character is became the main focus in this thesis. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary (2000:208) defines character as a person or animal in a book, play or film. A character in a play, film and animation series has its own personality and psychological characteristics as well as the people in the real life. Peck (1984:79) says that character is the people in a play that can be assessed on the basis what they say and do, and what the other says about them.

Character is the reflection of a person or combination of several people in real life that has been seen or known by the writer of a literary work. As a living creature, person in the real life must have any needs that they have to fulfill in order to survive, as well as a character in a literary work which is a reflection of a person in real life. Concerning to that case, Abraham Maslow (1970) explained that human have biological needs that have to be fulfilled called hierarchy of needs. Those needs are divided into four aspects of needs; they are esteem, love and belonging, safety, physiological and as the goal is the self actualization. Those needs are portrayed by the two characters that become the focus of this thesis.

The unfulfilled needs lead to personality disorder as a form of distress. Personality disorder itself defined as a heterogeneous group of disorders defined by problems with forming a stably positive sense of self and with sustaining close and constructive relationships. (Kring & Johnson et al., 2012:466). People with personality disorders experience difficulties with their identity and their relationships in multiple domains of life, and these problems are sustained for years. The symptoms of personality disorders are pervasive and persistent. The problematic


4 patterns are manifested in at least two of the following areas: cognitions, emotions, relationship and impulse control. The character Kagari Izuriha got an accident when she was child that makes her suffer dependency and character Yomi Takanashi has complex relationship problem that makes her suffer borderline. Based on this problem, personality disorder becomes the analysis of this thesis.

Black Rock Shooter is eight episodes Japanese animation series directed by Shinobu Yoshioka and written by Mari Okada. This animation tells us about a girl named Mato Kuroi, who befriends with another girl, Yomi Takanashi, when she enters the junior high school school. Yomi Takanashi is also has a childhood friend named Kagari Izuriha. Kagari’s attitude is really bad. She really hates Mato Kuroi because she tries to befriend with Yomi. She does many extreme actions in order to prevent Mako and Yomi become friend. Kagari doesn’t want Yomi befriend with other people because she thinks Yomi doesn’t need anyone except her. Soon after that, Kagari recovered from her disorder and enrolled to the same school as Yomi and Mato, but unfortunately, after that, Yomi start showing the sign of disorder because she thinks Kagari ignores her and doesn’t want to become her friend anymore after she got new friends in school and Mato, whom she thinks as her best friend, has another close friend since childhood. Friendship between Mato and her other friends two things makes her feel being left behind and worthless. There are two settings of world in this animation; the reality and another world. Each of girls has their own personality embodiment which live in the another world. Black Rock Shooter is the name of the embodiment owned by Mato Kuroi. She soon faces personal troubles and the influence caused by another world where Black Rock


5 Shooter fights other girls. The writer chooses only episode one until episode five of this series where Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi take part.

The writer decided to analyze the personality disorder from two characters of Black Rock Shooter because these two characters, Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi have the most complex and sustainable problem than another characters in the story. Those two characters, Kagari and Yomi, portrayed the personality disorder as the form of unfulfilled needs and it is portrayed in the episode one until episode five. The main reason why does Black Rock Shooter animation series is chosen as a source of data because this animation series presents the complexity of human relationship, especially teenager while building a friendship with other people that is showed by the two characters; Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi when the main character, Mato Kuroi tries to befriend with them. That’s why this animation becomes unique and interesting to be analyzed. And the reason why does the writer chose this topic because as the same human being, we have to make social interaction to another people and it is hoped that this thesis can help to understand the characterizations and attitudes of other people in order to build up a relationship.

1.2Problem of the Study

There are several problems that would be analyzed, those are:

1. How is the personality disorder portrayed from the two characters Kagari and Yomi in Black Rock Shooter?


6 2. What is the cause of the personality disorder that suffered by the two

characters, Kagari and Yomi in Black Rock Shooter?

1.3Objective of the Study

In this research, the writer intends to find out that there are objectives based on the problem that has been decided:

1. To find out personality disorder that portrayed by the two characters, Kagari and Yomi in Black Rock Shooter.

2. To find the cause of personality disorder that suffered by the two characters, Kagari and Yomi in Black Rock Shooter.

1.4Scope of the Study

It is important for the writer to limit the analysis to concentrate on the specific object that has been chosen in order to get the best result on it. This research limits only on analyzing the personality disorder from the two characters that have the most complex problem, Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi when Mato Kuroi tries to befriend with them in episode one until episode five.


7 1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is really expected that it can achieve some significance, such as:

1. To help the readers understand about the personality disorder that portrayed by the two characters that found in the story.

2. To show that the story of an animation film isn’t always just a simple thing and not only as the kid’s favorite show, but also can be analyzed scientifically.

3. To be a reference for the students who learn psycho-literature in understanding about personality disorder.




2.1 Literature and Psychology

Literature is the reflection of human daily life, experience, social, culture, history and the people around, included their behaviors, psychology or their attitudes. All social problems in real life can be seen through a literary work. Wellek and Warren (1949) describe literature as a creative action; an art. They also state that there are two approaches of literature; the intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. The intrinsic approaches a literary work through the elements that build from inside, such as character, setting, plot, point of view, style and theme. Meanwhile, the extrinsic approaches aspects of literary works including the external factors that have influences in forming a literary works such as religion, culture, history, psychology, social, etc.

Psychology is defined as a study of mind (Roediger in Hutahean, 2010). Mind is owned by a person, person is a character, and literature also studies about character, including its mind. Both literature and psychology study about human behavior and they also have a relationship toward character. Literature consists of psychology of a character that conducts a story of a literary work. Everything that relate to a character, such as attitude, behavior and morality are parts of a person’s psychology. The thing that distinguishes them is psychology explores a person from


9 the real life; meanwhile literature explores the fiction person of a literary work that imitating from the real life.

2.2 Character in Literature

Character is a person represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it (dialogue) and from what they do (action) (Abrams, 1999). The grounds in character’s temperament, desires, and moral nature of their speech and action are called their motivation. E. M. Foster in Abrams, introduced popular new terms for an old distinction by discriminating between flat and round character. Flat characters are two dimensional in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the course of a literary work. In contrary, round characters is complex and undergo development, sometimes is capable to surprise the reader.

Flat characters have one or two qualities or traits that can be described in an easy summary. They are not complex characters and can be read easily by the reader. Some flat characters are recognized as stock characters; they personalize stereotypes like a “wise teacher” in a school or a “kind-hearted friend”. Round characters are more complex than flat ones and often showing the inconsistency about something or internal conflicts. They are fully developing and harder to summarize than flat characters.


10 On the other hand, in the literary works, especially novel and drama, there is something that called the protagonist character and antagonist character. The protagonist character is called hero for male character and heroine for female character, and also the bad ones called the villain or antagonist (Wellek, 1949). The protagonist is the central character who engages reader’s interest and empathy, meanwhile the antagonist is a character, force or collection of force that stands directly oppose the protagonist and raises the conflict of a story.

Peck (1984:79) says that character is the people in a play that can be assessed on the basis what they say and do, and what the other says about them. A wide distinction is often made between methods for characterizing; showing and telling. In showing, the writer simply showing the character talking and acting and leaves the reader to infer the motives and natures that lie behind what they say and do, not only external speech and action, but also a character’s inner thoughts and feelings. In telling, the writer has the authority to intervene in order to describe or evaluate the motives and nature qualities of a character (Abrams, 1999).

2.3 Character and Hierarchy of Needs

As a living creature, human or a person has various needs that have to be fulfilled in order to survive. Character in a literary work which is the reflection of a person in real life also has those needs, because originally the writer creates a character by imitating the people in real life.


11 According to Abraham Maslow (1970), there are four types of needs that must be satisfied before a person (character) can act unselfishly. The needs are arranged in a hierarchical order. The upward climb is made by satisfying one set of needs at a time. The most basic is physiological need. After that come the need for safety, then desire for love, the quest for esteem and as the goal is self actualization. We’re driven to satisfy the lower needs, but we’re drawn to meet the higher ones. The lower four layers of the pyramid called “deficiency needs”. Satisfying needs is healthy, but blocking it or unfulfilling it makes us sick or maybe a disorder could occur. The Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow can be seen in the diagram below:

Diagram 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Although everyone has the same set of needs, the ways of fulfilling those needs can be different. For example, the love and belonging need can be met by going to a party, whereas the roommate might go for a quiet walk with a friend, or


12 common desire for love makes us brother or sister. Maslow also stated that the one that has the greatest power or influence over our action called prepotent need. Everyone has prepotent need, but the need will different among individuals. Someone maybe motivated by craving for love, while the other maybe motivated by a desire for esteem.

Physiological Needs

Physiological needs are basic, such as the body needs foods, liquid, sleep, oxygen, sex, freedom of movement and moderate temperature. When any of these are in short supply, a person or character feel the distressing tension of hunger, thirst, fatigue, shortness of breath, sexual frustration, confinement or discomfort being hot or cold. For the man who is extremely hungry, no other interests exist but food. He dreams food, he remembers food, he thinks about food, he emotes only about food and he wants only food. The more subtle determinants that ordinarily fuse with psychological drives in organizing even feeding, drinking, or sexual behavior may now be so completely overwhelmed as to allow us to speak at this time of pure hunger drive and behavior with the one unqualified aim of relief. On the psychological level, all people are no different. But once these physical needs are met regularly, they no longer exert pressure.


13 Safety Needs

If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which may categorize as the safety needs. Safety needs operate mainly on psychological level. Naturally a person tries to avoid a poke in the eyes with a sharp stick. But once that person has managed a certain level of physical comfort, he/she will seek to establish stability and consistency in a chaotic world. For example, kids enjoy a set bedtime routine and grow visibly distressed if a parent tries to short-circuit the ritual. In world of work, these safety needs manifest themselves in such things as a preference for job security, grievance procedure for protecting the individual from unilateral authority, saving accounts and the like. Safety and security needs include:

 Personal security

 Financial security

 Health and well-being

 Safety net against accidents/illness and their negative effects

These safety needs perhaps more efficient by observes kids or teenager/adolescence, in which these needs are much more simple and obvious. Kids will react in total fashion as if they were endangered, if they are disturbed or dropped suddenly, startled by loud noise, flashing light, or other unusual sensory stimulation by rough handling, by general loss of support in the mother arms or by inadequate support.


14 In kids we can also see a much more direct reaction to bodily illness of various kinds. Sometimes these illnesses seem make the kids feel unsafe. For instance, vomiting, colic or other sharp pains seem to make the child look at the whole world in a different way. At such moment of pain, it may be proven that, for the kids, the whole world suddenly changes from sunniness to darkness and become a place in which anything might be happen, in which previously stable things suddenly become unstable. Thus, kids is taken ill because of some bad foods, may develop fear, nightmares and a need of protection.

Otherwise, the need for safety is seen as an active and dominant mobilizer of a person’s resources only in real emergencies.

Love and Belongingness Needs

The love and belongingness needs come into play after the physiological and safety needs are gratified. This aspect of Maslow’s hierarchy involves emotionally based relationship in general, such as:

 Friendship

 Intimacy

 Family

Gratification is a matter of degree rather than an accomplishment. But, once a need has been significantly satisfied over a long period of time, it becomes functionally absent. The action switches to the next highest level, in this case, love.


15 Human or a person (character) needs to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large social groups, such as clubs, office culture, religious groups, or small social connections (family member). He/she needs to love and be loved (sexual or not sexually) by the others. He/she will get hunger for affectionate relations with people in general and he will strive with great intensity to achieve this goal. He/she will want to attain such a place more than anything else in this world. In the absence of these elements, many people become susceptible to loneliness, rejection, friendlessness, social anxiety, and clinical depression or personality disorder might occur. This need can often overcome the physiological and safety needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure.

Maslow’s concept of belonging combines the twin urges to give and receive. Giving love is different from the passion of music lyric that announce “I want you, I’m going to have you”, that’s raw sex. For Maslow, giving love is seeking to fill a void by understanding and accepting selected others. Receiving love is a way of staving off the pangs of loneliness and rejection.

The love and belonging needs are more fragile than the previous needs. For example, this need is nonexistent in the psychopath, who feels no desire for warmth and affection. And some people get their esteem and belongingness wires crossed. They want respect before they want to love.

One thing that must be stressed at this point is that love is not synonymous with sex. Sex may be studied as a purely physiological need. Ordinarily sexual behavior is multidetermined, that is to say, determined not only by sexual, but also


16 by other needs, chief among which are the love and affection needs. Also no to be overlooked is the fact the love needs involve both giving and receiving love.

Esteem Needs

All humans have a need to be respected and to have self-esteem and selfrespect. Also known as the belonging need, esteem presents the normal human desire to be accepted and valued by others. People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby. Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem or an inferiority complex. People with low self-esteem need respect from others. They may seek fame or glory, which again depends on others. Psychological imbalances such as depression can also prevent one from obtaining selfesteem on both levels. Satisfaction of the self esteem need leads to feeling of self confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy of being useful an necessary in this world.

Most people have a need for a stable self-respect and self-esteem. Maslow noted that there are two versions of esteem needs, a lower one and a higher one. The lower one is the need for the respect of others, the need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention. The higher one is the need for self-respect, the need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence and freedom. The latter one ranks higher because it rests more on inner competence won through experience. Deprivation of these needs can lead to an inferiority complex, weakness and helplessness.


17 Self Actualization: The Ultimate Goal

Maslow describes the needs for self actualization as “the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” This is a broad definition of the need for self-actualization, but when applied to individuals the need is specific. For example one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent, in another it may be expressed athletically, and in another it may be expressed in painting, pictures, or inventions. Person (character) feels this gentle but persistent tug to maximize their potential only after he/she has satisfied their basic needs.

Self actualization can take many forms, depending on the individual. These variations may include the quest for knowledge, understanding, peace, self-fulfillment, meaning in life or beauty.

2.4 Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are a heterogeneous group of disorder defined by problems with forming a stably positive sense of self and with sustaining close and constructive relationship (Kring & Johnson et al., 2012: 466). Meanwhile, Durand and Barlow (2013) characterized it by “inflexible and maladaptive and cause significance functional impairment or subjective distress.” Therefore, we can say that personality disorder is a distress caused by the problems or difficulties of a person (character) with their identity and their relationship in multiple domain of life and these problems are sustained for years. Personality disorder unlike the other


18 disorders, they do not come and go but originate in childhood and continue throughout adulthood.

However, person with personality disorder may not feel any subjective distress, but indeed it may be others who actually feel distress because the action of the person with the disorder.

Durand and Barlow (2013: 415) divide the personality into three groups. The groups are based on their resemblances. Group A is called the odd or eccentric, group B is the dramatic, emotional or erratic group and group C is anxious or fearful.

Groups of personality disorder and their description can be seen below: Group A: Odd or Eccentric Disorder

 Paranoid: the strong tendency to mistrust the motives of others, leading to a high degree of suspiciousness.

 Schizoid: characterized by social detachment and a lack of emotional expression not to due to social anxiety.

 Schizotypal: social and interpersonal difficulties that are due to social anxiety but also involves distorted views of the world and unusual behavior. Group B: Dramatic, Emotional or Erratic Disorder

 Antisocial: characterized by behavior that show limited regard for other people.

 Borderline: characterized by a high level of unstable relationships and emotional outbursts, poor self-image, and a difficulty controlling impulses.  Histrionic: the tendency to display flamboyant emotions with the goal of


19  Narcissistic: pervasive belief that the individual is better than everyone else,

which leads to attention-seeking and a lack of concern for others. Group C: Anxious or Fearful Disorder

 Avoidant: characterized by strong feelings of being inadequate, which can result in inhibition in social situations and sensitivity to any negative feedback.

 Dependent: a strong need to be cared for by others, including patterns of submissiveness and fear of separation.

 Obsessive-compulsive: characterized by a desire for being perfect both mentally and interpersonally, a need for orderliness, and reduced flexibility and openness.

For Barlow and Durand’s theory in analyzing the two characters, the writer focuses on dependent and borderline. But, the writer also makes brief explanation about other personality disorder.


Person with paranoid personality disorder are excessively mistrustful and suspicious of others, without any justification. He/she assume other people are out to harm or trick them; therefore, they tend not to confide in others. Certainly, there may be times when someone is deceitful and “out to get you”; however, person with paranoid personality disorder are suspicious in situations in which most other people would agree their suspicions are unfounded. Even events that have nothing to do with him/her are interpreted as personal attacks. This person would view a neighbor’s barking dog or a delayed airline flight as a deliberate attempt to annoy


20 them. Unfortunately, such mistrust often extends to people close to them and makes meaningful relationships difficult.


Person with this personality disorder show a pattern of detachment from social relationships and a limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations. He/she seem aloof, cold, and indifferent to other people. The term schizoid is relatively old, having been used to describe people who have a tendency to turn inward and away from the outside world. This person were said to lack emotional expressiveness and pursued vague interests. Person with schizoid personality disorder seem neither to desire nor to enjoy closeness with others, including romantic or sexual relationships. Childhood shyness become the cause to later adult schizoid personality disorder. It may be that this personality trait is inherited and serves as an important determinant in the development of this disorder. Abuse and neglect in childhood are also suspected become the cause among individuals with this disorder.


Person with schizotypal personality disorder are typically socially isolated, like those with schizoid personality disorder. In addition, he/she also behave in ways that would seem unusual to many of us, and he/she tend to be suspicious and have odd beliefs. This person are often considered odd or bizarre because of how he/she relate to other people, how he/she think and behave, and even how he/she dress.


21 Person with schizotypal personality disorder also have odd beliefs or engage in “magical thinking,” believing, for example, that they are clairvoyant or telepathic.


Person with antisocial personality disorder is among the most puzzling of the individuals and are characterized as having a history of failing to comply with social norms. He/she performs actions most of us would find unacceptable, such as stealing from friends and family. He/she also tends to be irresponsible, impulsive, and deceitful. Completely lacking in conscience and empathy, he/she selfishly takes what he want and do as he/she please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. Person with antisocial personality disorder tends to have long histories of violating the rights of others (De Brito & Hoggins in Durand, 2013: 425). He/she appears unable to tell the difference between the truth and the lies they make up to further their own goals. He/she shows no remorse or concern over the sometimes devastating effects of their actions.


Person with borderline personality disorder leads restless lives. His/her moods and relationships are unstable and usually they have a poor self-image. This person often feels empty and at great risk of dying by his own hands. He/she tends to have turbulent relationships, fearing abandonment but lacking control over the emotions. He/she often engages in behaviors that are suicidal, selfmutilative, or both, cutting, burning, or punching themselves.


22 Person with this personality disorder is often intense, going from anger to deep depression in a short time. Dysfunction in the area of emotion caused by instability in relationship and mood is sometimes considered one of the core features of borderline personality disorder. This person also is characterized by impulsivity, which can be seen in his drug abuse and self-mutilation. Although not so obvious as to why, the self-injurious behaviors such as cutting sometimes are described as tension reducing by person who engage in these behaviors.

A person with this disorder will also often exhibit impulsive behaviors and have a majority of the following traits (retrieved from

1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. The perception of impending separation or rejection, or the loss of external structure, can lead to profound changes in self-image, affect, cognition, and behavior. These individuals are very sensitive to environmental circumstances. They experience intense abandonment fears and inappropriate anger even when faced with a realistic time-limited separation or when there are unavoidable changes in plans. Their frantic efforts to avoid abandonment may include impulsive actions such as self-mutilating or suicidal behaviors.

2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. They may idealize potential caregivers or lovers at the first or second meeting, demand to spend a lot of time together, and share the most intimate details early in a relationship. However, they may switch quickly from idealizing other people to devaluing them, feeling that other person does not care enough, does not


23 dramatic shifts in their view of others, who may alternately be seen as beneficent supports or as cruelly punitive.

3. Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self. There are sudden and dramatic shifts in self-image, characterized by shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations. There may be sudden changes in opinions and plans about career, sexual identity, values, and types of friends. These individuals may suddenly change from the role of a needy supplicant for help to a righteous avenger of past mistreatment. Although they usually have a self-image that is based on being bad or evil, individuals with this disorder may at times have feelings that they do not exist at all.

4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating).

5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior.

6. Emotional instability due to significant reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).

7. Chronic feelings of emptiness. Easily bored, they may constantly seek something to do. People with Borderline Personality Disorder frequently express inappropriate, intense anger or have difficulty controlling their anger. They may display extreme sarcasm, enduring bitterness, or verbal outbursts. The anger is often elicited when a caregiver or lover is seen as neglectful, withholding, uncaring, or abandoning.



8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).

9. Transient, stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms.

Majority of people who receive the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder have suffered terrible abuse, neglection from the one they love, sexual abuse, and physical abuse by others, or a combination of these (Ball in Durand, 2013: 435) and the core features of borderline personality disorder are impulsivity and instability in relationships and mood (Kring & Johnson et al., 2012).


Person with histrionic personality disorder tends to be overly dramatic and often seem almost to be acting, which is why the term histrionic, which means theatrical in manner, is used. Person with histrionic personality disorder is inclined to express their emotions in an exaggerated fashion, for example, hugging someone they have just met or crying uncontrollably during a sad movie. He/she also tend to be vain, self-centered, and uncomfortable when they are not in the limelight. He/she is often seductive in appearance and behavior, and that person is typically concerned about his/her looks.


We all know that person who thinks highly of themselves, perhaps exaggerating his/her real abilities. He/she consider themselves somehow different from others and deserving of special treatment. Person with narcissistic personality


25 disorder has an unreasonable sense of self-importance and are so preoccupied with themselves that they lack sensitivity and compassion for other people. His/her exaggerated feelings and his/her fantasies of greatness, called grandiosity, create a number of negative attributes (Duran & Barlow, 2013: 439). He/she requires and expects a great deal of special attention, like the best table in the restaurant or the illegal parking space in front of the movie theater. He/she also tends to use or exploit others for their own interests and show little empathy.


As the name suggests, person with avoidant personality disorder is extremely sensitive to the opinions of others and therefore avoids most relationships. He/she is so fearful of criticism, rejection, and disapproval that he/she will avoid jobs or relationships to protect themselves from negative feedback. In social situations, this person is restrained because of an extreme fear of saying something foolish, being embarrassed, blushing, or showing other signs of anxiety. This person believes he are incompetent and inferior to others and are reluctant to take risks or try new activities.

For example, suggests that this person may be born with a difficult temperament or personality characteristics. As a result, his/her parents may reject them, or at least not provide them with enough early, uncritical love. This rejection, in turn, may result in low self-esteem and social alienation, conditions that persist into adulthood. Limited support does exist for psychosocial influences in the cause of avoidant personality disorder.


26 Dependent

Person with dependent personality disorder, however, relies on others to make ordinary decisions and important ones, which results in an unreasonable fear of abandonment. Person with dependent personality disorder sometimes agree with other people when their own opinion differs so as not to be rejected. His/her desire to obtain and maintain supportive and nurturant relationships may lead to his other behavioral characteristics, including submissiveness, timidity, and passivity. Person with this disorder are similar to those with avoidant personality disorder in his feelings of inadequacy, sensitivity to criticism, and need for reassurance. However, person with avoidant personality disorder respond to these feelings by avoiding relationships, whereas those with dependent personality disorder respond by clinging to relationships

Many people with dependent personality feel distressed, lonely and sad. It is thought that such disruptions as the early death of a parent or neglect or rejection by caregivers may cause people to grow up fearing abandonment. Because they so fear rejection, they are overly sensitive to disapproval and keep trying to meet other people’s wishes and expectations, even if it means volunteering for unpleasant or demeaning tasks. This view comes from work in child development on “attachment,” or how children learn to bond with their parents and other people who are important in their lives.

The following list is a collection of some commonly observed traits of those who suffer from dependent (retrieved from outofthefog/Disorder/DPD.html). They are:


27 1. Avoidance, the practice of withdrawing from relationship with other people

as defensive measure to reduce the risk of rejection, criticism or exposure. 2. Blaming, the practice identifying person or people responsible for creating

problem rather than identifying ways of dealing the problem.

3. Catastrophizing, the habit of automatically assuming a “worst case scenario” and inappropriately characterizing minor or moderate problem as catastrophe events.

4. Domestic theft, consuming of taking control of a resource or asset belonging to a family member, partner or spouse without first obtain their approval. 5. Emotional blackmail, a system of threats and punishments used in an attempt

to control someone.

6. Engulfment, an unhealthy and overwhelming level of attention and dependency on another person which comes from imagining or believing someone exists only within the context of relationship.

7. Fear of abandonment, an irrational belief that one is imminent danger of being personally rejected, discarded or replaced.

8. Emptiness, a chronic sense that daily life has little significance, leading to an impulsive appetite for physical sensation and dramatic relationship experience.

9. Harassment, any sustained or chronic pattern of unwelcome behavior towards another.

10.Lack of object constancy, an inability to trust that people or objects are consistent, trustworthy and reliable, especially when they are out of immediate field of vision.


28 11.Mirroring, imitating another person’s characteristic, behavior or traits.

12.Panic attacks, short intense episode of fear or anxiety, often accompanied by hyperventilating, shaking, sweating and chills.

13.Perfectionism, the maladaptive practice of holding oneself or others to an unrealistic, unattainable or unsustainable standard of organization order, or accomplishment.

14.Projection, the act of attributing one’s own feelings or traits to another person and believing that the other person has those same feeling or traits.

15.Self – victimization, casting oneself in the role of victim.

16.Testing, forcing another individual to prove their love to a relationship. 17.FOG (fear, obligation and guilt), describes the feeling that a person has when

in a relationship with someone who suffer the disorder. 18.Low self esteem, low evaluation of self worth.

Sometimes, a person with dependent disorder expresses their fear of separation through outburst of anger directed at those who fail to appreciate their needs for security and safety (Millon, 2004). His/her fear of separation also leaves them particularly prone to suicidal thought. Unfortunately, person with dependent personality disorder are usually attracted to unpleasant tasks if his/her actions result in care and nurturing from others.

Obsessive - Compulsive

Person who has obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a fixation on things being done “the right way.” Although many might envy their persistence and dedication, this preoccupation with details prevents them from


29 completing much of anything. That person is perfectionist, preoccupied with details, rules, and schedules. Person with this disorder often pay so much attention to detail that he/she fail to finish projects. He/she is more oriented toward work than pleasure. That person has inordinate difficulty making decisions and allocating time. His/her interpersonal relationships are often troubled because he/she demands that everything be done the right way, their way.




3.1 Research Design

In this study, analyzing the psychological disorder of the main character of the animation, descriptive – qualitative method was used. This method is a scientific procedure to get conclusion from a particular thing to general idea based on the theory. Descriptive is used, when the data, which are used, are in form of written text or spoken text, such as words, phrase, clauses and sentences. According to Djajasudarma (2006: 11), “Metodologi kualitatif merupakan prosedur yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data tertulis atau lisan di masyarakat bahasa” (Qualitative method is a procedure resulting descriptive data in form of written text or spoken in language society). She also says, “Data yang dikumpulkan bukanlah angka – angka, dapat berupa kata – kata atau gambaran sesuatu.”(Djajasudarma, 2006: 16). (The collected data are not in the form of number, but words or description of something). Qualitative method also emphasizes the analysis on the deductive and inductive conclusion process toward the relation of observed phenomenon, using scientific logic. This method concerns on the effort of answering questions through formal way of thinking and argumentative way (Azwar, 2004).

This thesis focuses on the personality disorder of the characters which is related to psychology literature.


31 3.2 Data Collection

The source of data for this thesis is Black Rock Shooter animation series which consist of eight episodes that aired in 2012. The selected episodes are episode one until episode five where Kagari Izuriha and Yomi Takanashi take part. This animation was produced by Ordet and directed by Shinobu Yoshioka and Hiroyuki Imaishi also written by Mari Okada. The data are the dialogue between characters.

3.3 Data Analysis

Three steps were applied in analyzing the data. Miles and Huberman (1994: 10) states that there are three steps analyzing the data; data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/ verification. First, eight episodes were watched to find and got the understanding about the attitude of disorder from the selected characters. The information about the personality disorder of the character that had been selected from the acting and the attitude of the characters, the dialogue or the surrounding of the characters were collected and identified After collecting the data, reduction was done by reading the dialogue and identified the attitude of the characters to find the indications of disorder from them. The theories of psychology books and theory of literature books were used to identifying the indication. Some information from the internet also used to support the analysis. Second, the data were displayed. And third, if data collection and reduction was done, conclusion and verification can be


32 made by analyzing the data using personality disorder theories by Barlow and Durand and hierarchy of needs theories by Abraham Maslow.




4.1 Analysis

In order to identifying and analyzing the data that had been collected, the writer used the personality disorder theory by Durand and Barlow which is connected with hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow. As it had been mention before that there is a connection between someone’s needs and the occurrence of a disorder. It would occur as the absence of the needs.

4.1.1 Kagari’s Personality Disorder

The plot of Black Rock Shooter is started with a girl named Mato Kuroi, who befriends with another girl, Yomi Takanashi, when she enters the junior high school school. Yomi Takanashi also has a childhood friend named Kagari Izuriha. She is the person with dependant personality disorder caused by the car accident she got when she was child. She really hates Mato Kuroi because she tries to befriend with Yomi. She does many unpleasant actions in order to prevent Mako and Yomi become friend. Kagari doesn’t want Yomi befriend with other people because she thinks Yomi doesn’t need anyone except her.


34 In psychology, person with dependent personality feel distressed, lonely and sad. It is thought that such disruptions as the early death of a parent or neglect or rejection by caregivers. The Neglection or rejection by caregivers or the one that loved in childhood time as the form of unfulfilled safety need may lead them become dependent and grow up fearing abandonment. Their desire to obtain and maintain supportive and nurturant relationships may lead them to timidity and passivity (Durand & Barlow , 2013: 441). It is admitted by Kagari.

Yomi : “Kagari!” Kagari : “What?”

Yomi : “Let’s leave this place!” Kagari : “Haaa??”

Yomi : “Don’t lock yourself at home! Go to school! Let’s stop with the wheelchair!”

Kagari : “Don’t…don’t be ridiculous! You creepy four eyes!

Yomi : “I won’t let you be lonely! I won’t run away to another town. If you go out and we become friends with Mato, I’ll never let you be lonely. I’ll be with you. I won’t run away. So let’s leave this place together.”

Kagari : “I…I can’t do that.”

Yomi : “You have to. You have to leave. Otherwise, we’ll never change!” Kagari : “No…No! I won’t go outside! Because going outside…”

“Going outside is scary!” (episode 2 at 18.28 – 19.45)


35 Maslow (1970) says that if people are starting to feel unsafe, the whole world suddenly changes from brightness to darkness and become a place in which anything might be happen, in the other words, stable things suddenly become unstable. They will develop fear, nightmares and a need of protection.

Kagari become unstable after the accident.

Mother : “Kagari has loved her since they were little.”

“We had to live abroad for a few years because of my husband’s job.”

(flashback when Kagari was hit by a car) Mato : “So that’s what happened to her.”

Mother : “They couldn’t find anything wrong with her legs, no matter how many

times they examined her.” “It wasn’t her leg, but her heart.” (episode 2 at 12.34 – 12.17)

Person with personality disorder, especially dependent may not feel any subjective distress, but indeed it may be others who actually feel distress because the action of the person with the disorder (Durand & Barlow, 2013:413).

Yomi feels distress caused by Kagari’s attitude. Yomi : “I wanted to go.”

Kagari : “What?”

Yomi : “I wanted to go to the festival.” Kagari : “What are you talking about?”


36 “I can’t go, so you can’t go either.”

Yomi : “I can’t take this.”

(episode 2 at 06.10 – 06.27)

These are several traits of dependent disorder that portrayed by Kagari. They are:

1. Avoidance, the practice of withdrawing from relationship with other people as defensive measure to reduce the risk of rejection, criticism or exposure.

Kagari is scared to go outside. Kagari : “I…I can’t do that.”

Yomi : “You have to. You have to leave. Otherwise, we’ll never change!” Kagari : “No…No! I won’t go outside! Because going outside…”

“Going outside is scary!” (episode 2 at 18.28 – 19.45)

2. Catastrophizing, the habit of automatically assuming a “worst case scenario” and inappropriately characterizing minor or moderate problem as catastrophe events.

Kagari jumps from the second floor just because Yomi wants to meet Mato.

Kagari : “Where are you going?” Yomi : “K-kagari, why are you…”

Kagari : “You know, Kagari was here all day. I waited all day for you to come


37 Yomi : “Kagari?”

Kagari : “I’ll fall.” Yomi : “Kagari!”

Kagari : “They’ll never forgive you if I fall from here.” Yomi : “Kagari, stop!”

Kagari : “They’ll never forgive you if I die, and you’ll die too.” Yomi : “No! Stop!”

(episode 2 at 11.30)

3. Harassment, any sustained or chronic pattern of unwelcome behavior towards another.

Kagari harasses Mato to drive her out. Kagari : “Here, have some macaroons.” Mato : “Ah, thanks.”

Kagari : “Try the brown one.” Mato : “I’ll try it.”

“It’s good”

Kagari : “Now the mulberry one.” Mato : “Thanks.”

Kagari : “Now the messy blue.”

“The pink is Yomi’s. The red is mine.” “The dirty color is yours.”


38 4. Emotional blackmail, a system of threats and punishments used in an attempt

to control someone.

Kagari controls Yomi because the accident Kagari got when she was child caused by the neglection of Yomi’s family.

5. Lack of object constancy, an inability to trust that people or objects are consistent, trustworthy and reliable, especially when they are out of immediate field of vision.

Kagari doesn’t believe any activities that Yomi does when she is not around. Yomi has to give a report to Kagari.

Kagari : “Report.”

Yomi : “I met an interesting girl. Her facial expressions change really quickly.”

Kagari : “You must not.” Yomi : “I know.” Kagari : “You must not.”

(episode 1 at 04:14 – 04.34)

6. Perfectionism, the maladaptive practice of holding oneself or others to an unrealistic, unattainable or unsustainable standard of organization order, or accomplishment.

Kagari forbids Yomi to go out, even to go to the summer festival. Yomi : “I wanted to go.”

Kagari : “What?”

Yomi : “I wanted to go to the festival.” Kagari : “What are you talking about?”


39 “I can’t go, so you can’t go either.”

Yomi : “I can’t take this.”

(episode 2 at 06.10 – 06.27)

7. Testing, forcing another individual to prove their love to a relationship. Kagari makes scar on Yomi’s chest using a sewing needle. Kagari : “Don’t cry, Yomi. It’s alright. So…undress.”

Yomi : “What?”

Kagari : “You’re suffering. I’ll carve that suffering out of you.”

At 08.22 the scar is accidentally seen by Mato when they are changing clothes.

Mato : “H-hey…Takanashi, what’s that scar?” Yomi : “Don’t look!”

Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that the accident which Kagari got when she was child is the form of the unfulfilled needs of safety. It makes Kagari suffers dependent disorder.

4.1.2 Yomi’s Personality Disorder

Kagari recovers from her disorder. She starts to attend the school along with Yomi and Mato. But, the relationship doesn’t run smoothly like Yomi’s expectation before. She thinks that after Kagari incident, she already got Mato and Kagari as only her best friend, but Mato has another friend named Yuu and Kagari who always


40 be taken care by Yomi starts to act independently by joining the cooking club and makes new friends. These problems become the obstacle in Yomi’s relationship with Kagari and Mato. These problems also make Yomi suffers borderline personality disorder.

Person with borderline personality disorder lead restless lives. His/her moods and relationships are unstable and usually have a poor self-image (Durand & Barlow, 2013:432). This person often feel empty.

Yomi starts to lose focus and walk aimlessly in the corridor Teacher : “What’s wrong?”

Yomi : “N –nothing.”

(episode 3 at 11.23 – 11.55)

Yomi starts to feel hungry of affection because she thinks that Mato prefers Yuu than her. The obstacles in Yomi’s relationship occur due to the absence of love and belonging need. Maslow (1970) says that in the absence of love elements, many people become susceptible to loneliness, rejection, friendlessness, social anxiety, and clinical depression and this is become the beginning of the borderline occurrence. Yomi is starting feel lonely

Yuu : “Mato!” Mato : “Yuu?”

Yuu : “Koha came to school!” Mato : “What, really?”

“Sorry, Yomi, I gotta go!”

Yomi : “It feels like I’m always watching their back.” (episode 4 at 04.04 – 04.07)


41 Not only that. Beside Yomi’s needs of love, her need for esteem was also being threatened. If the need of belonging cant’t be fulfilled; automatically the need esteem is can’t be fulfilled, too. Based on the Maslow’s pyramid, if someone couldn’t fulfill a need, it is impossible to fulfill the next need in the upper side (in this case esteem is after love and belonging). People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby.

Yomi feels that she no longer needed anymore. Yomi : “The cooking club?”

Kagari : “Yeah. We make sweets.” Yomi : “But alone?”

Friend A : “She’s not alone! Right, Kagari?”

Friend B : “Let’s go take a look. The seniors want to have a word with you.” (episode 4 at 04.52 – 05.03)

Yomi : “How should I put this…I’m a bit discouraged.”

“We’ve been together since we were little. I didn’t think she could do anything without me around. I promised I wouldn’t let her be

alone. That I wouldn’t run away from her.” Saya : “You should relax a bit.”

Yomi : “Ms. Saya…”

Saya : “Would you like a cup of coffe? Yomi : “Y-yes.”


42 Saya : “Nobody would have a hard time just because you’re not around.”

“No one needs you that much.” Yomi : “No one needs me?”

Saya : “Sorry, sorry, don’t mind me!” (episode 4 at 05.07 – 05. 23)

Before Kagari recovered, Yomi is the one who always play with her, nurture her, and Yomi did everything when Kagari asked her. But after Kagari recovered, she could do one or two things by her own and she started to act independently without depend on Yomi anymore. Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem or an inferiority complex, depression, weakness and helplessness. People with low self-esteem need respect from others. They may seek fame or glory, which again depends on others (Maslow, 1970).

These are some traits of the borderline personality disorder portrayed by Yomi, they are:

1. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger.

Yomi can’t control her anger when she and Kagari are playing monopoly. Kagari : “You got Baltic Avenue! Sell it to me!”

Yomi : “No.”

Kagari : “Come on, sell it, sell it, sell it! Yomi : “I said no, damn it!”

“It’s only at times like this…”

“Now that you have friends, I could die for…” Kagari : “Yomi…”


43 Yomi : “Sorry, I’m just tired.”

“You can have BalticAvenue.” (episode 4 at 07.02 – 07.26)

2. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior. Yomi cut her hair when in the middle of handicraft class.

Teacher : ”Hey, keep it down, please!

“Cut up the materials, and arrange them as you want!” Mato : “Yomi! Stop it! Stop it!”

“Yomi! Stop it!”

Teacher : “Takanashi! What are you doing? Stop it! Give me the scissor!” (episode 5 at 05.36 – 06.15)

3. Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self. There are sudden and dramatic shifts in self-image, characterized by shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations.

Mato and Yuu realizes the significance change of Yomi’s attitude.

Yomi : “You’re wearing it.” Mato : “Huh?”

Yomi : “The bracelet.” Mato : “Oh, yeah.”

Yomi : “I made one for you too, Yuu.” Yuu : “For me?”


44 Yuu : “Thanks.”

Mato : “Yomi looked cheerful, but…” Yuu : “I think I get it.”

(episode 5 at 04.53 – 05.30)

4. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. They may idealize potential caregivers or lovers at the first or second meeting, however they may switch quickly from idealizing to devaluing them.

The sudden change of Yomi’s attitude by devaluing Mato for the first time. Mato : “Here!”

Yomi : “Is that mine?”

Mato : “Eat it! The samples were really good.” Yomi : “Thanks.”

“Was the training trip fun?”

Mato : “Yeah. But, someone was snoring so loudly, you wouldn’t believe it.

The rhythm was so weird that it took me awhile to fall asleep.” “What’s wrong?”

Yomi : “Nope.” Mato : “Really?” Yomi : “Really.”

Mato : “All right, then!”


45 Yomi : “But, I’m not your best friend.”

Mato : “Huh?”

Yomi : “Never mind. Thanks for the sweets.” (episode 3 at 13.08 – 14.03)

Dysfunction in the area of emotion caused by instability in relationship and mood is sometimes considered one of the core features of borderline personality disorder (Durand & Barlow, 2013: 433).

Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that Yomi has one personality disorder caused by turbulent relationship with Mato and Kagari due to her unfulfilled needs of love and esteem; it is borderline personality disorder.

4.2 Finding

4.2.1 Kagari Izuriha

The character named Kagari Izuriha sudffers dependant disorder. It is caused by the accident that she got when she was child and as the form of safety need absence. Because of that, she is scared to go out and feel safer stays indoor and taken care by Yomi. Yomi who felt guilty, looked after her since then. In this animation series, Kagari portrays her disorder like drove away Mato with unpleasant way when she came to Yomi’s house, made a scar to Yomi’s chest using needle, and jumping from the second floor when Yomi would go downstairs to meet Mato.


46 4.2.2 Yomi Takanashi

The character named Yomi Takanashi suffers borderline personality disorder, especially discouraged borderline. It is caused by the unstable relationship between Yomi toward Kagari and Mato as the absence of love and esteem needs. She thinks that Kagari and Mato don’t need her anymore. It makes her became temperamental and easy to angry. Yomi portrays the person who suffers borderline disorder like cut her hair and mixed her hair with thread to make a knitted bracelet for Yuu, and again, cut her own hair as if there was nothing happened by using scissor when in the middle of class.

So, in the other words, the two characters of Black Rock Shooter get their disorder alternately. First, Kagari gets dependent personality disorder that makes her clinged and nurtured by Yomi , and after Kagari recovers, it is Yomi’s turn to get the borderline because the one who depend on her already became independent. It makes Yomi thinks that she isn’t needed anymore because Kagari is taken care by Yomi all this time. And also the fulfilling and the absence of human needs have a role as the trigger for disorder occurrence.




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the problem using personality disorder theory by Durand and Barlow that relates to hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow, it can be concluded that personality disorders is a form distress caused by the problems or difficulties of a person (character) with their identity and their relationship in multiple domain of life. It is related to the needs of a person (physiological, safety, love esteem) as a biological being and become a factor which can determine her/his personality depends on whether that person can fulfill it or not. The unfulfilled needs can drive someone become unstable, especially adolescence, from about age eleven to the late teens when children develop adult physical characteristics, and it is possible that a disorder will occur as a form of distress and unfulfilled needs.

Kagari Izuriha suffers dependent personality disorder, caused by the accident that she got when she was child because of the neglection from Yomi. It was hinted in the first time when Mato Kuroi tried to befriend with Yomi Takanashi. Kagari portrays her dependent disorder based on the dependent personality disorder traits, those are:

 Kagari is scared to go outside.




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the problem using personality disorder theory by Durand and Barlow that relates to hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow, it can be concluded that personality disorders is a form distress caused by the problems or difficulties of a person (character) with their identity and their relationship in multiple domain of life. It is related to the needs of a person (physiological, safety, love esteem) as a biological being and become a factor which can determine her/his personality depends on whether that person can fulfill it or not. The unfulfilled needs can drive someone become unstable, especially adolescence, from about age eleven to the late teens when children develop adult physical characteristics, and it is possible that a disorder will occur as a form of distress and unfulfilled needs.

Kagari Izuriha suffers dependent personality disorder, caused by the accident that she got when she was child because of the neglection from Yomi. It was hinted in the first time when Mato Kuroi tried to befriend with Yomi Takanashi. Kagari portrays her dependent disorder based on the dependent personality disorder traits, those are:

 Kagari is scared to go outside.


48  Kagari harasses Mato to drive her out.

 Kagari controls Yomi because the accident Kagari got when she was child caused by the neglection of Yomi’s family.

 Kagari doesn’t believe any activities that Yomi does when she is not around. Yomi has to give a report to Kagari.

 Kagari forbids Yomi to go out, even to go to the summer festival.  Kagari makes scar on Yomi’s chest using a sewing needle.

The occurrence of her disorder relates to her safety need. The accident that she got when she was child makes her feels unsafe and afraid to go to the outside world. Her need to keep safe by staying with Yomi makes her suffer dependent disorder.

Meanwhile, Yomi Takanashi suffers borderline personality disorder, caused by the unstable relationship between Yomi toward Kagari and Mato. She thought that Kagari and Mato didn’t need her anymore. Yomi portrays her dependent disorder based on the borderline personality disorder traits, like:

 Yomi can’t control her anger when she and Kagari are playing monopoly.  Yomi does self mutilation behavior with cutting her hair when in the middle

of handicraft class.

 Mato and Yuu realizes the significance change of Yomi’s attitude.  The sudden change of Yomi’s attitude devaluing Mato for the first time. The occurrence of her disorder relates to love and belonging need and her esteem need. First, she thinks that Mato doesn’t want to befriend with her anymore because Mato is busy with Yuu. The second is Kagari doesn’t need her anymore because


49 Kagari starts to act independently. The combination of these things lead her suffer borderline personality disorder.

5.2 Suggestion

In this opportunity, the writer would like to suggest the students who read this thesis to do another analysis with psychological aspect using another personality theory on the other literary works, such as play, poetry, novel or film and animation. This thesis also can be as a step stone for the next analysis and become the reference in analyzing a literary work through different perspective or expand it to another level. As for the readers who want to know more about literary work, this thesis can help you to enrich your knowledge with the information about literary works and the way how to analyze the literary works using scientific theories.

The writer also would like to suggest the readers or students who read this thesis to start pay attention to your own needs. You should know anything that you need. If comes the time when one of your needs couldn’t be fulfilled, you can do the anticipation to keep the balance of your needs. Don’t let the stress or disorder occur because of the unfulfilled needs of the readers or students

The writer still need the correction and suggestion to this thesis because the writer is an ordinary human, far away from the perfection and also the writer realize has limited knowledge to finish this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will help the readers understanding about the relation between human needs and personality


50 disorder and help readers who are going to analyze another literary works using personality hierarchy of needs and personality disorder theory. And also helps reader understanding their own selves.




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