
viii Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


By : Fitri Rizki Amalia

Main Supervisor : Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamied, MA

Co-Supervisor : Lulu Laela Amalia, S.S., M.Pd.


This paper presents the report on the use of project work technique in teaching speaking, especially in dealing with how to deliver a presentation. This qualitative study

identifies students’ response toward the use of the technique. The research is conducted at

one vocational school in Bandung. The subjects of the research are 37 first grade students. The data of the research are gained from observation, questionnaire, and interview. The result of the research shows that the students have positive response on the technique. Most of them agree that by having implemented the technique in delivering their presentation, they can improve their speaking skill in terms of having more vocabulary and improving their confidence to speak.

Keyword: Speaking skill, project work, presentation.


Tulisan ini memaparkan penggunaan teknik project work dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, terutama yang berhubungan dengan cara menyampaikan presentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengidentifikasi respon siswa terhadap penggunaan teknik project work. Kemudian, penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu SMK swasta di Bandung. Subjek dari penelitian ini sebanyak 37 orang siswa kelas satu. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen observasi, kuisioner, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa merespon dengan baik penggunaan teknik project work. Mayoritas siswa setuju bahwa penggunaan project work dapat memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka serta kosa kata dan rasa percaya diri mereka meningkat.



iii Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



PREFACE ... ii



ABSTRACT ... vii


1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Statements of Problems... 3

1.3 The Aims of the Study ... 3

1.4 Significance of The Research ... 3

1.5 Research Methodology ... 4

1.6 Clarification of Key Terms ... 5

1.7 Organization of Paper ... 6


2.1 Definition of Speaking ... 7

2.2 Basic Knowledge of Speaking ... 8

2.3 Fluency and Accuracy ... 11

2.4.1 Definition of Presentation ... 12

2.4.2 Elements of good Presentation... ... 12

2.5 Teaching Speaking ... 13

2.6 Definition of Project Work... 13

2.6.1 Procedures in Project Work ... 15



3.1 Formulation of Problems ... 18

3.2 Research Method ... 18

3.3 Population and Sample ... 18

3.4 Data Collection ... 19

3.4.1 Observation ... 23

3.4.2 Interview ... 20

3.4.3 Questionnaire ... 21

3.5 Data Analysis and Interpretation ... 22

3.5.1 Interview ... 23

3.5.2 Observation ... 23

3.5.3 Questionnaire ... 23


4.1 The Students’ Perceptions Toward Project Work ... 25

4.1.1 Data from Observation ... 27

4.1.2 Data from Questionnaire ... 27

4.1.3 Data from Interview ... 32



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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |








This chapter elaborates the background of the study, statement of the problems, aims of the study, significance of the research, research methodology, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper.


Project work was not a new method in Western countries. Several subjects such as History, Science, and Geography used project work. Since 1990s, project work had been used to teach English (Hutchinson, 1991). Project work was used to modify activities in teaching some subjects. Besides, project work helps students to develop their cognitive skill, affective skill, and experience. In Indonesia education system, there is a type of education known as vocational school which has similiar level as senior high school. However, English language teaching in the vocational school has different aims from those in senior high school. One of them is to make the students ready for their future job. Nonetheless, English language teaching in vocational school emphasizes in teaching grammar instead of preparing the students with communications skills, which will be benefitable for their job (Hersulastri, 2012 cited from Bramantyo at Thus, project work is one of the techniques that is expected to facilitate both students and teacher in English language teaching in vocational school which will help the students to be ready for their future job.

Project work is a teaching technique that requires the students to collect some information from many kinds of sources. The collected information is organized into certain structures, among other is poster. According to Morris (2002: p.65-66), poster is “an informal mode of presentation in which speaker display the key element of their project and the interested audience can browse the display and discuss the project with the speaker on a one and one informal


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

2 basis”. Poster used in this project is an educational poster. This kind of poster is used to publish the result of the students’ work. Therefore, this study uses poster because it contains many things that can stimulate the students’ creativity. Afterwards, the information is written into poster form. Picture, map, diagram, or words can be added to the project. At the end, the project is presented by the students in the classroom. By presenting the project, the students are expected to be familiar with one form of English communication skills, which will be useful for them when they have jobs.

In line with this, Ursula (1988) conducted research in project work. Project work was used to teach an English course for immersion program. The samples were teenagers from 12 to 19 years old. The theme for this project was shopping. Then, the students were divided into some groups and they visited shopping centers to get information by interviewing the visitors and taking brochures. As a common project work, Ursula used the common stages, for instance preparation, presentation, and evaluation. Related to this study, the researcher used similiar procedures and techniques in conducting project work. However, there are some modifications in presenting the project and collecting data.

This research conducted at the first grade of a vocational school in Bandung. It took several days to conduct project work. The research explained what project work is presenting the project in front of the class. Because project work needs a lot of information and materials, the combination of techniques is used by the researcher. By using discussion and jigsaw techniques, the reseacher can deliver some chapters of the lesson quickly and after that the students just find out some additional information and materials.

Project work is not a new technique in teaching and learning English, however only a few teachers use it. Moreover, the students in this research say that they never heard or try project work technique in learning English so that it is important to develop and do the research in project work. In line with this, the context of this research is vocational school so that project work is adapted with english lesson for vocational school. The lesson was taken from the first grade


syllabus and it is combined with another sources. Furthermore, most of project work theorists, Hutchinson (1991), Ribe and Vidal (1993), Philips et al (1999), agrue that a project usually has 3 steps: preparation, presentation, and evaluation. However, when this research is conducted the last step cannot be conducted, because the time is limited and there are a lot of students in the class. Thus, the research should be done because the need in using certain technique in teaching English.

1.2 Statements of Problems

1. How does the project work run in an English classroom?

1.3 Aims of The Study

In every research, there are aims that should be achieved. Here are the aims :

1. To describe how a project work runs in an English classroom.

1.4 Significance of The Research

This study is expected to contribute new things in teaching English both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, it expands the knowledge about project work, generalizes the steps of project work, and catagorize the level of project work. This research is expected to enrich a reference for using project work. Furthermore, some theories in project work is quite hard to be understood. This research tries to generalize the complicated theory of project work, particularly the steps. Beside that, general school is quite different from vocational school and this research shows how a project work is implemented. Practically, it expected to add more techniques in teaching speaking.


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

4 1.5 Research Methodology

To gain the data, the researcher chooses 37 students of the first grade of one private vocational school in Bandung as participants. The students’ ages are between 15-16 years old and most of them speak Bahasa Indonesia or Sundanese as their mother tongue. This research employed a qualitative method. The data gathered by observation, questionnaire, and interview. First, observation and teaching are done at the same time. In this part, the researcher teaches and observes more detail about the sequence of activities and interaction between one participant toward others.

Then a set of questionnaire was distributed to all participants, however only 24 students. The reseacher recorded every interview session, wrote the transcription, and stored the data in a computer file to be analyzed. To analyze the data, the researcher conducted interviews and carried out observation. First, Interview and observation use three steps namely transcriptions, coding, and categorization. Initially, the researcher views, reviews, and listens to field notes and videorecord. Field notes and videorecord are put into a transcriptions and this is the way to start the analysis. Second, questionnaire uses some formulas and the formulas are based on descriptive statisctic. In analyzing the questionnaire, it is catagorized into 5 classification. The formula used to classify is :

Interval range = Range Total level

Then calculate the percentage of each response based on the frequency by using this formula:

P = Fo x 100% N

Where : P = percentage

Fo = frequency of answers N = total response


1.6 Clarification of Key Terms

Project Work : in this study refers to a method in which students foster their communicative skills, cognitive skills, and personality experience through different kind of activities (Hutchinson 1991; Ribe and Vidal 1993: p.5; Philips, Burwood, and Dunford 1999; Haines as cited from Stoller 2002)

Speaking : in this study refers to a productive skill developed through the simultanious use of various kind of abilities and roles rely on the situation and context (Harris 1969: p.81; Cameron 2001; Thornbury 2005; Chaney c.f. Kayi 2006).


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

6 1.7 Organization of paper

This paper consists of five chapters namely introduction, theoretical foundation, research methodology, findings and discussion, and conclusion and suggestion. The elaboration of each chapter as follow:

Chapter 1: Introduction

In this chapter, the paper elaborates the background of the study, statement of problems, aims of the study, significance of the research, research methodology, clarification of terms, and organization of paper.

Chapter 2 : Theoretical Foundation

This chapter elaborates related theories used in this study. Speaking theory is put forward by definition of speaking, definition of presentation, elements of good presentation, basic knowledge of speaking, teaching speaking as well as accuracy and fluency in teaching speaking. Then, project work theory is started by the definition of project work and procedure in using project work.

Chapter 3 : Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the research method which includes formulation of problems, research method, data collection, data analysis and interpretation.

Chapter 4 : Findings and Discussion

This chapter provides the outcome of the study after conducting experiment and gainning the data. It consisted of data analysis, research findings, and discussion.

Chapter 5 : Conclusion

This chapter reports conclusion and suggestion on the basis of the findings of the research.




Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter discusses the research methodology which includes formulation of problems, research method, data analysis and interpretation.

3.1Formulation of Problem

1. How does the project work run in English classroom?

3.2 Research Method

This research employed a qualitative method. Based on Hennik, Hutter, and Bailey (2011: p. 8-9) qualitative research is ”approach that allows you to examine

people’s experiences in detail by using a specific set of research methods such as

in depth interviews, focus group discussion, observation, content analysis, visual methods and life histories or biographies”.There are two reasons why this method is taken. The researcher used this method because the research questions were about the steps in using project work and the students’ speaking performance. The researcher should observes the steps in conducting project work and record the supporting data. In addition, students’ speaking performance can be described more detail by using qualitative method. Thus, qualitative method is the suitable method for this research.

3.3Population and Sample

The population of this research is the first grade of one private vocational school in Bandung. Then, the sample is one class and it consists of 37 students. Their age between 15-16 years old. Mostly, they speak Bahasa Indonesia as the first language and they use English as foreign language (Cahyono & Widiati, 2006).


3.4 Data Collection 3.4.1 Observation

According to Ary et al (2006: 431) “observation is a basic method for obtainning data in qualitative research and is more than just ‘hanging out.’”. Observation has both advatages and disadvantages. The advantage of observation is the researcher can determine if what is said matches actions or not. In this research, observation is aimed to gain a complete description about the student’s attitude in certain setting rather than a summary of observed behaviours.

In this research, the role of the researcher is observer as participant. Furlong, Lovelace, and Lovelace (2000:528) explain that observer as participant is

a technique where the researcher becomes a member of the group under the study and consequently is able to interact directly with others as they engage in the natural activities of the group”. It means that the researcher has two roles: researcher and teacher. Teaching and observing are done at the same time. The researcher takes part in the classroom activities, however the interaction between the researcher and the students is limited.

To record all data in observation, the reseacher takes notes and it is called field notes. Alwasilah (2002), Cresswell (2002), and Ary et al (2006) suggest that in a field note, there are two recorded parts. First is descriptive part or part that describes situation, students, interaction, and series of events. Second is reflective part or part that describes the observer’s feeling about the occassion and

comments about the research method, teacher’s decision’s and difficulties. The researcher takes notes while the students are doing their exercise or discussing their work. The researcher do two types of field notes as suggested by Alwasilah (2002), Cresswell (2002), and Ary et al (2006).



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.4.2 Interview

This research takes semi structured interview. Based on Sage encyclopedia, semistructured interviewing is

an overarching term used to describe a range of different forms of interviewing most commonly associated with qualitative research. The characteristic of semistructured interviews is that they have a flexible and fluid structure, unlike structured interviews, which contain a structured sequence of questions to be asked in the same way of all interviewees.”

The interview is quite easy to conduct because the researcher does not have to arrange a series of question based on certain criteria. The interview questions are random questions related to the project work.

In line with this, the researcher asked seven questions to the respondents and the researcher expects to get specific information which can be compared and contracted with information gained in other interviews. To do this, the same qustions need to be asked in each interview and the interwiever can still arise other questions (Dawson, 2007). Then, the reseacher wrote the transcription. In this research, the interviewees were 24 of the first graders of a private vocational school in Bandung. The type of interview is one on one interview. It is a process of data collection where the researcher asks one by one participant some questions and records the answers (Cresswell, 2002). The interview questions are in Bahasa Indonesia because the students are not used to asking and answering questions in English orally so that it is easier to interview them in Bahasa Indonesia. The questions and responses will be recorded by an audiotape and noted briefly. The followings are questions in interview :

Indonesian version

1. Apakah penggunaan project work dapat membantu anda memahami bahasa inggris?


3. Apakah kamu menyukai kegiatan belajar bebicara dengan menggunakan project work?

4. Adakah kesulitan yang kamu hadapi saat mengerjakan portofolio/project work?

5. Bagaimana kamu mengatasi kesulitan yang kamu hadapi saat mengerjakan project work?

6. Menurut kamu apa kelebihan dari teknik project work/portofolio? 7. Menurut kamu apa kekurangan dari teknik project work?

English Version

1. Does the use of project work help you to learn English?

2. Does the use of project work make the lesson more interesting?

3. Does you like the use of project work in teaching and learning English? 4. What is the difficulties in doing the project?

5. How did you solve the difficulties? 6. What are the advantages of project work? 7. What are the disadvantages of project work?

3.4.3 Questionnaire

Questionnaire is used to discover the students’ attitude toward project work technique. It consists of a sets of statements that the students should respond. As Fraenkel and Wallen (1990) and Ary et al (2006) suggest that questionnaire comprises numbers placed on continuum in which the students circle the number representing their feeling about the teaching technique included in the statement/questions in the scale. Thus, to complete the questionnaire, the students should mark one of the options (strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree) in responding to each statement. The form of questionnaire consists of 15 positive statements with the framework as follow :



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Table 3.1

Aspects in the questionnaire

No Aspects Item Numbers Total

1. Response to the implementation of

project work technique

1 and 2 2

2. Response to the importance of

learning English through project work technique.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10


3. Response to the lesson content given

in learning English using project work.

11 and 12 2

4. Response to the role of the teacher in

teaching and learning English using project work.

13, 14, and 15 3

Total 15

3.5Data Analysis and Interpretation 3.5.1 Observation

There are three steps to analize the observation, namely transcriptions, coding, and catagorization (Cresswell, 2002). Initially, the researcher views, reviews, and listens to field notes and video records. Field notes and video records are put into transcriptions and it is the way to start the analysis. According to Alwasilah (2002: 158)

transcription can be used by the researcher to review what kind of questions she asked, when those questions are asked, and how all of them is asked by the researcher. After reviewing those questions, the researcher will know what should be improved, eleminated, and explored on the next interview”.


Every word is transcribed directly so that it can avoid potential bias in interpretation. As transcriptions are made, notes are made to provide non verbal information that can give added meaning. After transcriptions, coding process is

done. Cresswell (2002: 243) stated that “coding is the process of segmenting and labeling text to form descriptions and broad themes in the data. Although there are no set guidelines for coding data, some general procedures exist”. The researcher uses coding categories to sort out the descriptive data by catagorizing them. The observation transcripts are read and each data is assigned with appropriate coding category. Labelling or coding is done in order to recognize differences and similiarities in the data. After coding is completed, begin considering whether codes can be put together into categories and catagorization is based on emic substantive catagories. Ary et al (2006: 486) explained that

substantive catagories is catagories developed from participants’ perspective and words”. By catagorize the data, a number of themes gradually comes up and they enable the researcher to interpret the data.

3.5.2 Interview

The analysis for interview is quite similiar with observation. However, the process of interpreting interview transcriptions does not take a long time. The interpretation does not use coding and labelling as in observation does. The analysis is started by listening to audio records and then transcribing them. After doing the transcriptions, the reseacher reviews the interview questions and collects the same answer. At the end, the researcher makes some interpretation toward the answer and combines it with some theories.

3.5.3 Questionnaire

In analyzing the questionnaire, four categories are used to classify students’ responses to each statement: strongly disagree (STS: sangat tidak setuju), disagree (TS: tidak setuju), agree (S: setuju) and strongly agree (SS: sangat setuju). The



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

researcher counts the result of each respond and then calculate the percentage of each response based on the frequency by using this formula:

P = fo x 100% N

Where : P = percentage

Fo = frequency of answers N = total response




This chapter discuss the conclusion of the conducted research and the suggestion for the further research with the same or similar topic.

5.1 Conclusion

This paper has given an account of the implementation of Project Work in teenage learners classroom. In this investigation, the aims were to discover: the

students’ perceptions toward project work. Based on the data analysis, some

conclusions can be drawn as the following.

First, this study has shown that nearlly all the students responded positively toward the use of project work which is one of the ways of improve their speaking performance. The students ageed that by having the presentation, they can improve their speaking performance, broaden vocabulary and improve their confidence to speak in classroom.

Despite the positive response toward the use of project work in teaching speaking above, students also agreed that they had many challenges and dificulties in doing the project and presentation. There were unite some ideas from different person, the length of time, feeling nervous, difficulty in pronouncing english words, and speed in speaking that can impact their presentation performance.

Overall, it is envisaged that this study can enrich literature on students’ speaking performance in presentation, which is still sparse. Furthermore, for those who concerned with speaking and project work issues, this study may provide them with useful information and serve as insights and reflection about the use of


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

37 5.2 Suggestion

The findings have important implications for developing the techniques in teaching speaking to vocational school student as it provides holistic description of how certain speaking activities conducted in the classroom and what the

students’ response toward project work.

However, a number of important limitation need to be considered. First, the fascilities provided at school. Project work need a lot of materials and photocopiable paper so that the cost for conducting a project work spend a lot of money. Because of the limitation teacher should buy those stuff by herself. Second, the reseacher only conduct the observation for 6 meetings. It made the treatment for speaking activities is not enough and the teacher teaches the material as quickly as possible. As the result, the students can not practice the whole given materials in discussion and do their project work.

Thus, the reseracher suggested that further study to conduct similar research prepare all the needed stuff and do the research as soon as possible because if the time is close to final exam or UAS the researcher will get a little time to conduct the project. Besides that, selecting the class is important. Because in giving the instruction there are some complicated instruction so that selection of the class is quite important, not too low or not too high ability in english.

As for teachers, the implications of these findings may motivate to use project work technique in designing lesson for teaching speaking to vocational school student since it provides rich speaking activities needed by students to enhance their communication skill. Besides, the activites have their own purpose from which teacher may choose them based on their needs.

There are some challenging things on conducting project work. First, the reseacher has to manage the project from the first to the last steps by herself. Doing the note taking and teaching at the same time. Sometimes it makes the reseacher dizzy to organize the students and notice her note. Second, preparing materials for discussion. The reseacher has to read the whole material and make


the summary so that the students will know the general outline about their materials that will be presented by them. Third, motivating the students to speak english. Some students feel unconfident to speak english because speaking is rarely used by their teacher in the classroom. Only a few students who can speak english without any booster from the teacher. But, it is challenging to encourage them to speak english because the reseacher has to giver the example of prouncing every words and encourage them to pronounce every expression until they can create a monologue.



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Table 3.1

Aspects in the questionnaire

No Aspects Item Numbers Total

1. Response to the implementation of project work technique

1 and 2 2

2. Response to the importance of learning English through project work technique.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10


3. Response to the lesson content given in learning English using project work.

11 and 12 2

4. Response to the role of the teacher in teaching and learning English using project work.

13, 14, and 15 3

Total 15

3.5Data Analysis and Interpretation 3.5.1 Observation

There are three steps to analize the observation, namely transcriptions, coding, and catagorization (Cresswell, 2002). Initially, the researcher views, reviews, and listens to field notes and video records. Field notes and video records are put into transcriptions and it is the way to start the analysis. According to Alwasilah (2002: 158)

transcription can be used by the researcher to review what kind of questions she asked, when those questions are asked, and how all of them is asked by the researcher. After reviewing those questions, the researcher will know what should be improved, eleminated, and explored on the next interview”.



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Every word is transcribed directly so that it can avoid potential bias in interpretation. As transcriptions are made, notes are made to provide non verbal information that can give added meaning. After transcriptions, coding process is done. Cresswell (2002: 243) stated that “coding is the process of segmenting and labeling text to form descriptions and broad themes in the data. Although there are no set guidelines for coding data, some general procedures exist”. The researcher uses coding categories to sort out the descriptive data by catagorizing them. The observation transcripts are read and each data is assigned with appropriate coding category. Labelling or coding is done in order to recognize differences and similiarities in the data. After coding is completed, begin considering whether codes can be put together into categories and catagorization is based on emic substantive catagories. Ary et al (2006: 486) explained that substantive catagories is catagories developed from participants’ perspective

and words”. By catagorize the data, a number of themes gradually comes up and they enable the researcher to interpret the data.

3.5.2 Interview

The analysis for interview is quite similiar with observation. However, the process of interpreting interview transcriptions does not take a long time. The interpretation does not use coding and labelling as in observation does. The analysis is started by listening to audio records and then transcribing them. After doing the transcriptions, the reseacher reviews the interview questions and collects the same answer. At the end, the researcher makes some interpretation toward the answer and combines it with some theories.

3.5.3 Questionnaire

In analyzing the questionnaire, four categories are used to classify students’ responses to each statement: strongly disagree (STS: sangat tidak setuju), disagree (TS: tidak setuju), agree (S: setuju) and strongly agree (SS: sangat setuju). The



Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

researcher counts the result of each respond and then calculate the percentage of each response based on the frequency by using this formula:

P = fo x 100% N

Where : P = percentage

Fo = frequency of answers N = total response


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter discuss the conclusion of the conducted research and the suggestion for the further research with the same or similar topic.

5.1 Conclusion

This paper has given an account of the implementation of Project Work in teenage learners classroom. In this investigation, the aims were to discover: the students’ perceptions toward project work. Based on the data analysis, some conclusions can be drawn as the following.

First, this study has shown that nearlly all the students responded positively toward the use of project work which is one of the ways of improve their speaking performance. The students ageed that by having the presentation, they can improve their speaking performance, broaden vocabulary and improve their confidence to speak in classroom.

Despite the positive response toward the use of project work in teaching speaking above, students also agreed that they had many challenges and dificulties in doing the project and presentation. There were unite some ideas from different person, the length of time, feeling nervous, difficulty in pronouncing english words, and speed in speaking that can impact their presentation performance.

Overall, it is envisaged that this study can enrich literature on students’ speaking performance in presentation, which is still sparse. Furthermore, for those who concerned with speaking and project work issues, this study may provide them with useful information and serve as insights and reflection about the use of project work which may ultimately apply students’ speaking competence.


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

37 5.2 Suggestion

The findings have important implications for developing the techniques in teaching speaking to vocational school student as it provides holistic description of how certain speaking activities conducted in the classroom and what the students’ response toward project work.

However, a number of important limitation need to be considered. First, the fascilities provided at school. Project work need a lot of materials and photocopiable paper so that the cost for conducting a project work spend a lot of money. Because of the limitation teacher should buy those stuff by herself. Second, the reseacher only conduct the observation for 6 meetings. It made the treatment for speaking activities is not enough and the teacher teaches the material as quickly as possible. As the result, the students can not practice the whole given materials in discussion and do their project work.

Thus, the reseracher suggested that further study to conduct similar research prepare all the needed stuff and do the research as soon as possible because if the time is close to final exam or UAS the researcher will get a little time to conduct the project. Besides that, selecting the class is important. Because in giving the instruction there are some complicated instruction so that selection of the class is quite important, not too low or not too high ability in english.

As for teachers, the implications of these findings may motivate to use project work technique in designing lesson for teaching speaking to vocational school student since it provides rich speaking activities needed by students to enhance their communication skill. Besides, the activites have their own purpose from which teacher may choose them based on their needs.

There are some challenging things on conducting project work. First, the reseacher has to manage the project from the first to the last steps by herself. Doing the note taking and teaching at the same time. Sometimes it makes the reseacher dizzy to organize the students and notice her note. Second, preparing materials for discussion. The reseacher has to read the whole material and make


Fitri Rizki Amalia, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


the summary so that the students will know the general outline about their materials that will be presented by them. Third, motivating the students to speak english. Some students feel unconfident to speak english because speaking is rarely used by their teacher in the classroom. Only a few students who can speak english without any booster from the teacher. But, it is challenging to encourage them to speak english because the reseacher has to giver the example of prouncing every words and encourage them to pronounce every expression until they can create a monologue.