The Activities at Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo Final Project Report sigit


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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Arts

Sebelas Maret University

by Sigit Utoro S.N.







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“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort”


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I present this final project report to:

My beloved parents


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First, I would like to say thank to Allah SWT for all the blessings and gifts of grace given to me. I would like also to say thank to all people who support me in writing and finishing this final project report entitled “The Activities at Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo”.

My main purpose of writing this final project report is to describe activities I did during doing job training in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. Besides, I also describe the experiences I got and the solutions of the problems from the chefs and from the other kitchen staffs during the job training.

I hope that this final project report can be a good reference for the reader and it gives information about the activities of the kitchen staffs in Sahid Jaya Hotel.


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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, I say thank to Allah SWT for his blessings and chance given to me. Thanks for the guidance, support, strength, and inspiration given to me in writing and finishing this final project report.

It is very hard for me to finish this final project report without some hands from either the individuals or institution. Therefore, I want to express my highest appreciation to:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D. as the dean of Faculty of Letters and fine arts, Sebelas Maret University for his approval for this report. 2. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, the head of English Diploma Program, for

his highest dedication for the English Diploma Students.

3. Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum, Ph.D, my final project report supervisor, thanks for her valuable time and guidance during the process of writing this final project report.

4. Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism, my academic supervisor, thanks for the guidance and motivation during I study in the faculty.

5. The family of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. Thanks for the guidance and chance.

6. My beloved parents, thanks for everything given to me, I will always be proud of you and will always try to make you proud of me. My


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7. My class chairman, Aris Jatmiko, it’s nice having the best leader like you in the class B.

8. My classmates, Roby, Andre, Tegar, Sutarmanto, Handoko, Alex, Yulius, Yuda, Yoyo, Rio, and Bowo. Thanks for happiness.

9. My future wife, Intan Altama, for her affection given to me.

10.My close friends, Nova, Agnes, Sari, Nurul, Nesy, and Yuni. Thanks for giving me support.


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Sigit Utoro Setyo Nugroho, 2011, The Activities at Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report is written based on the job training activities I did in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The aim of this final project is to describe my experiences of doing job training activities, including the problems I faced and the problem solutions I applied.

The kitchen staff activity consists of briefing, doing the duties, assisting the chefs

and keeping the kitchen’s cleanliness. I found some problems during

apprenticeship. The chef was often unsatisfied with my works as his new assistant and trainee kitchen staff. Also, I found that there were many ingredients unavailable when it was needed in the kitchen stocks which could delay the cooking process in the kitchen.

The problem solutions based on my experiences there were that I had to keep learning hard, keep focus, and be positive thinking, and as the kitchen staffs I had to be creative in modifying the menu with available ingredients without decreasing the deliciousness of the menu. Therefore, the best services will be always enjoyed by the guests.


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TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv


PREFACE ... vi





A. Background ... 1

B. Objectives ... 2

C. Benefits ... 2


A. Hotel ... 4

A.1. Hotel Definition ... 4

A.2.Hotel Classification ... 5

B. Guest………... 7

C. Kitchen……… ... 7



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A.1. The brief history of Sahid Jaya Hotel ... 9

A.2. The Job Description of the Departments of Sahid Jaya Hotel ... 10

A.3. Terms of Facilities at Sahid Jaya Hotel ... 13

B. Kitchen of Sahid Jaya Hotel ... 14

C. Job Training Activities ... 17

C.1. Briefing ... 18

C.2. My Activities in the morning shifts………... ……. . 19

C.3. My Activities in the evening shifts ………... 20

C.4. My Activities in the night shifts ……….. . ... 21

C.5. The Obstacles I Faced ………. 21

C.6. The Applied Solutions ……….. 22


A. Conclusion……… ... 24

B. Suggestion……… 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY


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Hotel is one of the main sectors of tourism that can produce and increase

income for Indonesian. According to Darsono (1992: 2), “Hotel is a corporation

dealing with services and it is commercially managed where the guest can get

many facilities”. It suggests that a hotel must be able to give the best services for

its guests in order to make them satisfied. It is expected that if the guests get the satisfaction from the services of the hotel, they will be loyal customers of the hotel. In case of providing the best services, all departments of the hotel should be well organized and each department should realize and be cooperative to do the duties.

Every hotel has many different departments which have its own different role and function that can support each other, including Sahid Jaya hotel where I have done my job training. One of the departments in Sahid Jaya Hotel is Food and Beverage Department which has important role to support the activities in the hotel. Food and Beverage Department of Sahid Jaya consists of several sections, and one of the sections is Kitchen Section. Kitchen Section can provide income to the hotel by selling many kinds of food. The service from Kitchen Section is one

of the hotel’s ways to provide the best services to the guests and to make them


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As a apprentice, I got a chance to get experiences in Kitchen Section. I know that the Kitchen Section Staffs must have ability in cooking and serving various kinds of food so that the guests can get good taste of the food and good service. So, good taste and good served food are important factors for the Kitchen Section staff. Therefore, the activities in Kitchen Section are very interesting to observe and learn. Based on my job training experiences in the Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, I have decided to write a report entitled “The Activity at Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo”.

A. Objectives

This Final Project Report purposes:

1.To explain the general job description of the Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo.

2.To describe my experiences as kitchen staff in the Kitchen Section of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo.

B. Benefits

This report is expected to be beneficial to:

1.The Students

I expect that this report can provide more information and references to the students to know the activities of Kitchen Section Staff and it will be able to inspire the students, especially students of hotelier mainstream to develop their abilities in hotelier field.


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2.The Faculty

I hope that this report can be an additional reference and consideration or review for the Faculty in deciding materials of hotelier which is taught to the students in order to make the students be ready to face the real world of job.

3.The Hotel

This report is expected to be able to give additional input to the hotel in


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A.1. Hotel Definition

This part talks about the definitions of hotel. There are many definitions of hotel, many experts has their own definition about hotel. However, most of their definitions about hotel are relatively similar and the definitions strengthen each other. According to The Decree of Communication Minister no. PM 10/PW

301/Phb.77, “Hotel is a form of accommodation which is managed commercially,

and it is provided for public to get service and inn including its food and

beverage” (Abd. Rachman Arief, 2005: 10). It shows that an accommodation

which is opened for public, and provides service of food and beverage can be called as hotel.

Foster also produces a quite similar definition that (Foster, 1995: 124)

“hotel is building constructed specially provide lodging to travelers with food and beverage on the same premises”. Abd. Rachman (2005: 11) also defines that hotel is a kind of accommodation which utilizes the whole parts of its building to provide service of inn, food, beverage, and other services for public which is

managed commercially and follows the regulations produced by the government”.

The definitions above explain that even though, hotel is opened for public, it can not be managed freely but it must obey to the government’s regulation.


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A.2. Hotel Classification

Tourism Department has divided hotel into some classifications based on certain criteria. The Hotel classification can be observed from some characteristics of hotel which are related to each other. Hotel can be classified based on the number of the room, the location, and the plan usage. Based on the number of room, hotel can be classified into several classes, among other things are One – Star hotel, Two – Star hotel, Three – Star hotel, Four – Star hotel, and Five – Star hotel. Meanwhile, hotels which are classified based on the location are City hotel, Resort hotel, Suburb hotel, Urban hotel, and Airport hotel. Hotels that are included the plan usage classification are American plan, Bermuda plan, European plan, continental plan.

All rooms of Star hotel are facilitated with inner bathroom. One – Star hotel only provides 15 rooms. Meanwhile, the room width is minimally about 26 meters square. Two – Star hotel provides at least 20 rooms and one suit room and the room width is about 22 meters square and meanwhile the suit room width is about 24 meters square. Three – Star hotel commonly provides at least 20 rooms and two suit rooms. The room width is 24 meters square and for the suit room width is 48 meters square. Four – Star hotel provides at least 50 rooms and three suit rooms and its width is 24 meters square, meanwhile for the suit room width is about 48 meters square. Five – Star Hotel generally provides 100 rooms and 4 suit rooms. It’s room width is 26 meters square for the room width and 51 square meters square for the suit room width.


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Hotel classifications based on location among other things are first is City hotel which is located in a big city. It is usually in down town. Second is Resort Hotel which is located in near tourism resort and it is usually separated from crowded situation. Resort Hotel can be divided into five types of resort, namely Mount hotel which is located in mountainous area, beach hotel is located in shore, lake hotel is located in lake side, hill hotel is located in range of hill area, and forest hotel is located in protected forest. The third is Suburb hotel is located in the out – skirts of the city. The forth is Urban hotel is located in one complex of building. The fifth is airport hotel in which the hotel and the Airport are located in one complex of building.

For hotel classification based on the plan usage of hotel will be as follow: American plan: a hotel system in which the price includes the room rate and the meal price, it is divided into two parts, they are; Full American Plan (FAP) which means the room rate includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Modified American Plan (MAP) which means the room rate includes breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner; Bermuda Plan (BP) in which the room rate includes in ala American breakfast. European Plan (EP) in which the cost that has to be paid by the guests is for the room rate only, foods and meals are not included; Continental Plan (CP), in which the plan system includes both the room rate and continental breakfast.


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B. Guest

According to Agusnawar (2004:15) in the book entitled Receptionist hotel,

“A guest is person who deserves the courteous and attentive that can be

provided”. From this definition, it can be understood that guest is a person or an

individual who makes a trip or vacation and needs some facilities such as accommodation, food, and transportation. In this case, a guest is the most important target for hotel, because they are the resource income for hotel.

Guest can also be defined as “person who spends sometime at another person’s home in some social activities, as a visit, dinner, or party”. ( It means that they need some places to stay in the location the person is visiting. So it shows that hotel has important role for them to provide some facilities they need. From the two definitions above, it can be concluded that hotel and guest need each other.

C. Kitchen

Geddes and Grosset (2003:257) explain that “kitchen is room or other space (as a wall area or special building) with facilities for cooking. A kitchen room must be designed well and must be completed with cooking utilities to keep special as a room which is used to cook any kinds of food and beverage based on certain purpose”.

Kitchen has function as a place to process raw material of food and beverage, cook the food and beverage, and produce the food and beverage in the


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hotel. We can conclude that kitchen in hotel is a room which has complete utilities to cook various foods and beverages with commercial purpose.


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A. Profile of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo

A.1. The Brief History of Sahid Jaya Hotel

Sahid Jaya Hotel is one of star hotels in Solo, it is located at Gajah Mada 82 Solo. It is located in strategic area and accessible for all of important areas in Solo. It was established in 1965 by Sahid Group. Its owner is Mr. Dr. H. Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono and it was the first hotel built by Mr. Sukamdani.

The word “Sahid” comes from Sukamdani’s father, K.H. Sahid Djogosentono. Sahid Jaya Hotel had changed its name until three times, the first name was Sahid Sala Hotel, and the second name was Sahid Raya Hotel, and the third name was Sahid Jaya Hotel. It got the name Sahid Jaya Hotel since July 8, 2007. The name “Sahid Jaya Hotel” is still used until now, even though there are several local citizens still call the hotel with the previous name “Sahid Raya Hotel”.

At the first time, Sahid Jaya Hotel just had 26 rooms and three floors of building located on 3.000 meters square of land. However, time by time Sahid Jaya has changed significantly. Now, Sahid Jaya Hotel has become five star hotel, it provides at least a hundred rooms, and it is classified as Modified Continental Plan because the hotel rate includes accommodation and continental breakfast.


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A.2. Job Description of the Departments of Sahid Jaya Hotel

a. Personal Department

Personal department has responsibilities in hotel operation related to employees, such as the employee’s work performance, their salary and the staff recruitment.

b. Engineering Department

The duties of engineering department are maintaining and operating the hotel’s property, equipment, and other mechanical problem

c. Accounting Department

It is responsible to control the financial matters of the hotel and everything needed by the all departments.

d. Security Department

It is in charged to be responsible for the security and creating the comfortable feeling of the hotel’s guests and workers.

e. Food and Beverage Department

Its duties are providing any kinds of foods and beverages for the guests based on what they want and need without making them disappointed.


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f. Marketing and Sales Department

The duties of marketing and sales department are selling and promoting the hotel’s product, those are rooms, facilities, services, and foods and beverages. g. House Keeping Department

It has responsibility to keep and maintain the cleanliness, the comfortable, the beauty, and the function of the hotel’s room and area.

h. Front Office Department

The duties of this department are to sell the rooms, welcome and provide information to the guests about the facilities, the services of the hotels as well as handle the guest’s check in and check out process.

From the explanation above, it can be known that each department of the hotel has different responsibility in operating the hotel, and they should be cooperative and support each other in order to give the best services, create maximum result and good reputation. Therefore, the guests will need the hotel’s services for another time or next time.


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Organization Structure of Sahid Jaya Hotel





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A.3. Terms of Facilities in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo

Sahid Jaya Hotel is the best hotel I have ever known as it is the first star hotel which was built using a combination both traditional and modern architecture. It can be seen from the physical buildings and the name of certain rooms that uses Javanese names or Javanese terms. One of the most important things is Sahid Jaya Hotel has many facilities that the guests can enjoy.

First, as the five - star hotel, Sahid Jaya Hotel has 140 rooms with four types of room, they are: 78 Superior rooms, 20 Deluxe rooms, 24 Executive Suite rooms and Presidential Suite room. Second, Sahid Jaya Hotel has special site, it is called “Sekar Jagad Pub”, a place for all the guests where they can enjoy live music with movie screen, and enjoy many kinds of beverage, either alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages. Third, there is also a café and restaurant, it names “Ratu Ratih Café and Restaurant”. It provides many kinds of food, such as continental food, oriental food, and Indonesian food which are cooked by an expert chef and served well.

Forth, there is also a large room or hall called as “Pedan Ballroom”. Pedan Ballroom is a multi – function hall. It can be a meeting room in a big capacity and it can also be a room that has function for wedding party, completed with sophisticated facilities, such as video and sound system. There are four types of room arrangements based on the usage of the hall. The hall can be set up into the following types: restaurant style providing 225 seats, classroom style providing 210 seats, theater style providing 335 seats, standing style providing 750 seats.


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Beside that, there is a smaller hall than Pedan Ballroom named “Sukoharjo room”. It is also a multi - function hall. Sukoharjo room also has four styles in the room management, they are: restaurant style providing 100 seats, classroom style providing 125 seats, theater style providing 250 seats, standing style providing 750 seats.

Sahid Jaya Hotel also provides swimming pool and fitness facility, namely “Gajah Mungkur” swimming pool and fitness centre. It is a sport center having swimming pool and gymnasium offered by the hotel and facilitated with proponent facilities. Besides the all facilities mentioned above, Sahid Jaya Hotel also provides many ordinary facilities such as laundry and dry cleaning, beauty salon, baby sitter, valet parking, executive lounge, in house doctor, business center, safe deposit box, drug store, and taxi counter.

B. Kitchen of Sahid Jaya Hotel

Kitchen is one of the big sections in Sahid Jaya Hotel which is responsible for food and beverage production. The kitchen section is led by Executive Chef who is responsible for the kitchen operational. To assist the Executive Chef, there are several Chef De Parties who are responsible to their divisions in doing preparation and production of the foods and beverages.

Kitchen section has various places with different functions such as butcher (cutting meat place), pastry (place for making beverages such as juices, milk shake, etc.), dry store (saving dry food stuff), and chiller (big freezer, saving vegetables and fruits). Everyday, each staff has to be able to plan, manage, and do


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the preparation and production foods and beverages. Based on the result of observation, there are kitchen staffs who are in charged for some duties as follows

1. The Executive Chef

The executive chef has responsibility in the administration and policy formulation of the hotel. Beside that, executive chef has other responsibilities, among other things are planning and arranging the menu, controlling the order of the food, managing the layout of the kitchen utilities, making job description for each staff and arranging the schedule for the staff, keeping the stability of the profit in producing food, and responsible for the kitchen operation.

2. The Sous Chef

The sous chef is the right hand of the executive chef who has more duties in food production, the duties are as follows: controlling food production and keeping the quality of the food which are going to be served to the guests, taking over the executive chef when the executive chef cannot do the duties, doing the special duty from the executive chef.

3. The Division Head

The division head is responsible in the operation of cooking and coordinating the cooks to be responsible to their own duty. The followings are the examples of the division head’s duties; controlling the broth of making the sauce, controlling the making of hot sauce, controlling the process of cooking fowl and


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meat in order to keep the quality of the food, controlling the garnish making process, having cooperation with the other division heads in food production.

4. The Cook

The main duty of the cook is cooking food that will be provided or served to the guest. They cook food based on the order of each division head. For example, the cook of vegetable division must be responsible in cooking food from vegetable, etc.

5. The Cook Helper

The cook helper has duties which are less from risky and very simple, they just do early preparation, for examples, peeling potatoes, cutting vegetables, and cooking simple food. If they have increased their skills and become expert, they will get other duties that are heavier than their previous duties. To make the description clearer, the following chart is helpful.


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Organization Chart of Kitchen Section

C. Job Training Activities

The first thing I did during the job training was doing an observation, my object observation was the kitchen section, because at the time I got chance to have experiences in the kitchen section as a cook helper. There are two working shifts in Sahid Jaya Hotel, the morning shift and the evening shift. During the job training activity, I have undertaken both the morning shift and the evening sift. The morning shift starts from 07.00 a.m. until 15.00 p.m. and the evening shift starts from 15.00 p.m. up to 23.00 p.m. The activities done in each shift are different.

The activities that must be done in the morning shift were ten activities, first was cooking Ala carte menu such as oxtail soup (a kind of soup made from

Executive Chef

Sous Chef

Division Head



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oxtail), chicken curry (chicken broth mixed with some spices and vegetables), sambel goreng (chili and chayote cooked with coconut milk), siam gourd (vegetable soup cooked with secret ingredients), tum yam kung (Thai’s soup), soto ayam (chicken soup with special spices), and rice. The second was cooking the food and beverage in coffee shop. The third was making omelets in coffee shop. The fourth was preparing the material for the lunch and dinner menu for certain event. The sixth was making inventory list. The seventh was making canape, appetizer such as small sandwich for the Sekar Jagad Pub at 15.00 p.m. already set up there.

Meanwhile, there were four activities in the evening. The first was making Ala carte menu, wedang jahe (a warm drink made of ginger) and cooking rice. The second was helping the cook if there was an order from the Coffee Shop, Rooms, and Sekar Jagad Pub. The third was preparing the ingredients for breakfast and lunch menu if there was an event for the next day. The last was cleaning the kitchen.

C.1. Briefing

In my first day in kitchen section, I knew nothing related to the kitchen section. The first lesson I got was “briefing”. The briefing should be attended by all kitchen staffs before starting to work in kitchen. What had been discussed in the briefing was to decide the menu that would be cooked based on the menu requested list. If there was a problem such as the ingredients had not been complete yet or some components had not arrived yet, the way to solve was


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modifying the requested menu with the available ingredients in the kitchen, but the price was still the same with the requested menu.

Besides that, the function of the briefing was to listen the report from the staffs about any problem and obstacles coming out in the previous shift. It could be discussed and solved together in the briefing time, therefore any weakness could be minimized. Briefing activity was always done in every shift; morning shift, evening shift, and night shift. Such briefing was important to do and it should be attended by every staff to create well organized work among the staff. The main purpose of this briefing was to avoid possibly misunderstanding happened among the kitchen staffs while working.

C.2. My activities in the morning shift.

When I just arrived at morning shift, I tried to come earlier from the time scheduled. I did this because I wanted to help the kitchen staffs who got night shift or the previous shift. Before the night shifters went home, I expected to meet them and assist them to do their duties. Besides, I could make friend with the staff in the kitchen section so that I could create good relationship among the people. I realized that I was a new member there.

By coming earlier, I could assist them to prepare breakfast and check whether there was a left over food in the restaurant and reload it. Even though, it was not my duty as I would work in the next shift, I had learned from the staff of the morning shift how to handle some works in the restaurant. After the breakfast had been already prepared, I joined with the other staffs to attend the briefing. The


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briefing was to discuss the menu for “the event and the lunch” and to organize the duties.

At 10.30 a.m. I did “clear up”, I cleaned the left over food from the restaurant and brought them back to the kitchen. At 11.30 a.m. I prepared food for the event and the lunch, and at 12.00 a.m. up to 01.00 p.m. I took a rest and had lunch together with all kitchen staffs. At 1 o’clock I started to work again and continued working until 03.00 p.m. I prepared all ingredients that would be cooked for dinner menu. Before going home I should clean up the kitchen as it was required to keep the kitchen clean every time.

C.3. My activity in the evening shift.

I started my evening shift at 03.00 p.m. with a briefing to discuss and plan the menu for the event and the dinner, and also to share or rotate the duties. After that, all staffs went back to their section to do their duties. Then, at 04.00 p.m., I prepared the dinner for the guests. Meanwhile, at 07.00 p.m., I used to take some time for taking a rest before continuing to work. Then, I prepared the ingredients used for tomorrow morning breakfast menu. I stopped working at 11.00 p.m. and went home.

As it was required, I should check that the kitchen was clean before leaving. Cleaning the kitchen was part of cook’s profession. Cleanliness in the kitchen was very important. It was one of the factors to keep the quality of the food.


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C.4. My activity in the night shift.

On the night shift, the working activities started at 11.00 p.m.. As the other shift, the night shift was begun with briefing. After briefing, the first task to do was to cook porridge for breakfast, as cooking porridge needed a long time about 2 up to 3 hours. Therefore, by cooking porridge before doing the other meal, we could manage our time effectively to cook all menus. While cooking the porridge, I could prepare other ingredients that would be cooked. I took a break from 02.00 to 03.00 a.m. Then, I started to cook again for breakfast menu. All menu for breakfast must be ready at 05.00 a.m. After the breakfast was ready, I cleaned up the kitchen. When the clock showed 07.00 a.m. all night shifter were allowed to go home.

C.5. The Obstacles I Faced

1. The lack of ingredients to cook

Sometimes, various kinds of the ingredients did not arrive at the time. They were needed to cook. They were not available in the market, either locally or nationally and they must be imported. Sometimes, some ingredients were not available as the stock was used by another section like pastry section. In this case, the kitchen staffs have to wait until the next day. Such case was very annoying and it almost made the kitchen staffs frustrated.


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2. The Anger of the Chef

At the first time there, many chefs were angry to me because I did some mistakes while working with them. I did mistakes because I had not understood yet about what I had to do to assist the chefs in the kitchen. Sometimes, misunderstanding between me and the chefs happened. Working in the hotel kitchen was my new experience. Also, I was still nervous to do work in the kitchen. Such situation brought me into big problem. When I got nervous, I did more mistakes and it made the chefs angry. When he was angry, he shouted to me. At the time, I thought that I was in a big trouble as I had not adapted yet with them. Such problems made me down and unconfident in working.

C.6. The Applied Solutions

1. Change the menu

If the ingredients were not available at the time of cooking, I and other staffs had to be creative thinking to cook another menu to replace the menu order. Eventhough, the menu was changed, the taste should be similarly delicious as the ordered menu, and the cost spent for the replacing menu must be similar with the previous menu. So, the hotel would still get profit for this.

2. Focus and Learn Hard.

To solve such problems, I began to do introspection. I found a way to release my nervous and build more confidence while working. I tried to have positive thinking. I tried to focus on what the chefs wanted and what the chefs did


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not want. I tried to understand him, and I learned hard from the mistakes I had made. I considered what he said in angry expression was valuable advice, guidance, knowledge, and experience to me. I said to my self what he did to me had positive purpose to increase my ability working in the kitchen. Time by time, I could understand the job and I did all the jobs given to me well, so that the chefs and other staffs liked my working.

Keeping focus, learning hard, and being positive thinking are my ways to solve my problems in working. From my obstacles and problem solutions, I got valuable lesson and finally I could know directly what the real working experience was like. The important thing was what I and other staffs did still produce positive results. The guests enjoyed the best service whatever any situation happened in the kitchen for preparing the menu.


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A. Conclusion

Based on what discussed and explained in the previous chapter, I can draw the

conclusion as follow:

1. The general job description of kitchen section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo Generally, there are five section staffs in the kitchen section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, they are the executive chef, the sous chef, the chef de partie, the cooks, and the cook helper or assistant. The executive chef has responsibility for the administration and the policy formulation of the hotel. The sous chef is the executive chef’s right hand in charged to control food production, keep the food quality, take over the duties of the executive chef when the executive chef can not do the duties, implement special duty given by the executive chef. The chef de partie is responsible for the cooking operation including organizing the cooks to be responsible to their own duties. The cook’s duty is cooking food well, and the cook helper’s main duties are to assist the cook in preparing the cooking process from the early preparation of food ingredients and to do simple duties and less risk duties.


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2. Experiences in the kitchen section

I got valuable experiences during the job training in Sahid Jaya hotel Solo. From my experiences, I found some problems and their solutions that I thought as effectiveness.

Lacking of some ingredients to cook certain menu was a big problem for me and the other kitchen staffs, however, I and the other staffs could overcome the problem well by changing and modifying the menu with available ingredients without decreasing the deliciousness of the menu.

The chefs were often angry with me for my faults. It was a big personal problem for me during the beginning of the job training, but it did not matter for me anymore. I could face it with my own solutions. I kept to learn hard, kept focus on the duties, and to be positive thinking of the intention of the chef’s anger.

B. Suggestion

Based on what I saw and I did during the job training in the kitchen section of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, I have some recommendations that I would like to address to:

1. Kitchen Section

To avoid such problems like having a shortage of ingredients or limited ingredients, the kitchen sections should be careful in checking the stock of ingredients regularly, and do not postpone to report to the executive chef when a shortage of ingredients is found. Then, the kitchen section should provide more the additional or back up ingredients as the substitution ingredients. Then, the


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kitchen staff should always be more aware to the amount of ingredient stock whether it is almost finish, still enough, or still a lot.

2. Hotel Management

The hotel management should hold special meeting out of regular meeting to share and hear the kitchen staff’s complaint individually in doing the jobs. The hotel management should give more attention to the kitchen staffs’ complaint and try to find out the solutions. It is expected that hotel management will do changes to improve the hotel progress both from internal and external aspect.


commit to user C.4. My activity in the night shift.

On the night shift, the working activities started at 11.00 p.m.. As the other shift, the night shift was begun with briefing. After briefing, the first task to do was to cook porridge for breakfast, as cooking porridge needed a long time about 2 up to 3 hours. Therefore, by cooking porridge before doing the other meal, we could manage our time effectively to cook all menus. While cooking the porridge, I could prepare other ingredients that would be cooked. I took a break from 02.00 to 03.00 a.m. Then, I started to cook again for breakfast menu. All menu for breakfast must be ready at 05.00 a.m. After the breakfast was ready, I cleaned up the kitchen. When the clock showed 07.00 a.m. all night shifter were allowed to go home.

C.5. The Obstacles I Faced

1. The lack of ingredients to cook

Sometimes, various kinds of the ingredients did not arrive at the time. They were needed to cook. They were not available in the market, either locally or nationally and they must be imported. Sometimes, some ingredients were not available as the stock was used by another section like pastry section. In this case, the kitchen staffs have to wait until the next day. Such case was very annoying and it almost made the kitchen staffs frustrated.


commit to user 2. The Anger of the Chef

At the first time there, many chefs were angry to me because I did some mistakes while working with them. I did mistakes because I had not understood yet about what I had to do to assist the chefs in the kitchen. Sometimes, misunderstanding between me and the chefs happened. Working in the hotel kitchen was my new experience. Also, I was still nervous to do work in the kitchen. Such situation brought me into big problem. When I got nervous, I did more mistakes and it made the chefs angry. When he was angry, he shouted to me. At the time, I thought that I was in a big trouble as I had not adapted yet with them. Such problems made me down and unconfident in working.

C.6. The Applied Solutions

1. Change the menu

If the ingredients were not available at the time of cooking, I and other staffs had to be creative thinking to cook another menu to replace the menu order. Eventhough, the menu was changed, the taste should be similarly delicious as the ordered menu, and the cost spent for the replacing menu must be similar with the previous menu. So, the hotel would still get profit for this.

2. Focus and Learn Hard.

To solve such problems, I began to do introspection. I found a way to release my nervous and build more confidence while working. I tried to have positive thinking. I tried to focus on what the chefs wanted and what the chefs did


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not want. I tried to understand him, and I learned hard from the mistakes I had made. I considered what he said in angry expression was valuable advice, guidance, knowledge, and experience to me. I said to my self what he did to me had positive purpose to increase my ability working in the kitchen. Time by time, I could understand the job and I did all the jobs given to me well, so that the chefs and other staffs liked my working.

Keeping focus, learning hard, and being positive thinking are my ways to solve my problems in working. From my obstacles and problem solutions, I got valuable lesson and finally I could know directly what the real working experience was like. The important thing was what I and other staffs did still produce positive results. The guests enjoyed the best service whatever any situation happened in the kitchen for preparing the menu.


commit to user CHAPTER IV


A. Conclusion

Based on what discussed and explained in the previous chapter, I can draw the

conclusion as follow:

1. The general job description of kitchen section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo Generally, there are five section staffs in the kitchen section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, they are the executive chef, the sous chef, the chef de partie, the cooks, and the cook helper or assistant. The executive chef has responsibility for the administration and the policy formulation of the hotel. The sous chef is the executive chef’s right hand in charged to control food production, keep the food quality, take over the duties of the executive chef when the executive chef can not do the duties, implement special duty given by the executive chef. The chef de partie is responsible for the cooking operation including organizing the cooks to be responsible to their own duties. The cook’s duty is cooking food well, and the cook helper’s main duties are to assist the cook in preparing the cooking process from the early preparation of food ingredients and to do simple duties and less risk duties.


commit to user 2. Experiences in the kitchen section

I got valuable experiences during the job training in Sahid Jaya hotel Solo. From my experiences, I found some problems and their solutions that I thought as effectiveness.

Lacking of some ingredients to cook certain menu was a big problem for me and the other kitchen staffs, however, I and the other staffs could overcome the problem well by changing and modifying the menu with available ingredients without decreasing the deliciousness of the menu.

The chefs were often angry with me for my faults. It was a big personal problem for me during the beginning of the job training, but it did not matter for me anymore. I could face it with my own solutions. I kept to learn hard, kept focus on the duties, and to be positive thinking of the intention of the chef’s anger.

B. Suggestion

Based on what I saw and I did during the job training in the kitchen section of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo, I have some recommendations that I would like to address to:

1. Kitchen Section

To avoid such problems like having a shortage of ingredients or limited ingredients, the kitchen sections should be careful in checking the stock of ingredients regularly, and do not postpone to report to the executive chef when a shortage of ingredients is found. Then, the kitchen section should provide more the additional or back up ingredients as the substitution ingredients. Then, the


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kitchen staff should always be more aware to the amount of ingredient stock whether it is almost finish, still enough, or still a lot.

2. Hotel Management

The hotel management should hold special meeting out of regular meeting to share and hear the kitchen staff’s complaint individually in doing the jobs. The hotel management should give more attention to the kitchen staffs’ complaint and try to find out the solutions. It is expected that hotel management will do changes to improve the hotel progress both from internal and external aspect.