Formal Compliance Material Compliance

30 performance can be measured through the four aspects of performance, namely: the aspect of speed, quality aspects, aspects of the service, and value aspects. Jewell Marc Ritonga, 2011 says that assessment performance is the process used by organizations to assess the extent to which members have been doing their job satisfactorily. Performance assessment can be conducted on the performance of individuals and groups of people who work in organized. Understanding of the organizations performance is the answer to success or failure of organizational goals that have been set. The supervisor or managers often do not notice it unless its already very bad or anything so completely wrong. Too often managers do not know how bad the performance has dropped so companies agencies face a serious crisis. Bad impressions profound organizational consequences and ignore the warning signs of diminished performance. Some management experts formulate the definition of performance as follows: a. Stoner in his book Management suggests that performance is a function of motivation, skills and role perception. b. Bernardin and Ruseil Bandarsyah, 2009 as presented in the book Achmad S. Ruby defines performance as the recording of the results obtained from the job functions and specific activities for a certain period. c. Handoko in his Personnel and Resource Management defines performance as a process in which organizations evaluate or assess employee performance. 31 d. Prawiro Suntoro Bandarsyah, 2009 in book Dandian Flag Merry suggests that the performance is the result of work that can be accomplished person or group of people within an organization in order to achieve organizational goals within a certain time period. e. According to John Whitmore in Coaching for Performance Bandarsyah, 2009 performance is the implementation of the functions required of someone . So, the performance is an act, a performance, a public exhibition ability. Furthermore, John Whitmore argues that performance is a condition that must be known and confirmed to certain parties to determine the level of achievement of an agency linked to embrace the vision of an organization or company and find out the positive and negative impacts of an operational policy. Performance is an overview of the implementation of an activity level of achievement in realizing the goals , objectives , mission and vision of the organization as stated in the strategic planning of an organization. f. Asad Bandarsyah, 2009 defines performance as a persons success in carrying out a job. g. Kurb Bandarsyah, 2009, defines performance as a combination of work and organizing ones personal characteristics. h. Gilbert Bandarsyah, 2009 suggests that the performance is what can be done in accordance with the duties and functions. i. Moh. Pabundu Tika Bandarsyah, 2009 in his book Culture and Organizational Performance Improvement Company argued that the