In this chapter, the researcher presents the analysis of the methodology used to obtain data of the research. There are six parts in this section. There are research method, research setting, research participant or subject, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher’s focus in this research was on the politeness strategy applied by the characters in the Sydney White movie in having adjacency pairs. The methodology was employed to find out the answers to the two problems: 1 Which adjacency pairs are used by the characters in the movie Sydney White? 2 How are politeness strategies employed in having adjacency pairs among the characters? This research is a qualitative research because the data are in the form of words and sentences. It is not dealing with numerical measurement or statistic procedure. It refers to Sutopo’s theory that in qualitative research, the data collected are usually in the forms of words, sentences or pictures in which the meaning is more significant than number 2002, p. 35. 51 This research used linguistic information as the data. Dornyei 2007, p. 24 states that qualitative research involves data collection procedure that result primarily in open ended, non-numerical data which is then analyzed primarily by non-statistical method. So, it will not use statistical procedure. The methodology used in this study was a document analysis as a kind of qualitative research. In many areas of investigation, documents are important sources of data Best, 1981. Document analysis was applied as the methodology for it “provides narrative description and interpretation” Ary, Jacob, Razavieh, 2002, pp. 22-25. In this research, the researcher presented and interpreted the characters’ utterance of Sydney White movie about the adjacency pairs and politeness strategies descriptively. Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh 2002, p. 442 define content or document analysis as a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the materials. The materials are usually in the form of newspapers, scripts, textbooks, advertisement, and any other types of documents.

B. Research Setting

The analysis of Sydney White movie was started from August 1 st, 2014 until February 28 th , 2015. Therefore, the researcher spent 6 months in analyzing the script. The technical process of data tabulation in the six-month period were watching the movie, analyzing the script, c ategorizing the characters’ utterances, interpreting the data, and writing up the report. 52

C. Research Subjects

Sydney White movie was the research subject in this study, in which the characters’ utterances were taken as the data. There were thirty five characters in the movie. However, the researcher only took eighteen characters as the research subjects. The first character was Sydney White, a daughter of a single father working as a plumber who was smart, friendly and kind girl having braveness to reveal the right and to against the unfairness. The second character was Tyler, a student of Southern Atlantic University who had good achievement in student council. He was also Rachel’s ex-boyfriend who was handsome and friendly. The third was Rachel, a student council president of Southern Atlantic University. She was also the leader of Kappa Phi Nu sorority who is unfriendly. The other characters were Dinky, S ydney’s friends in the Vortex Gurkin, Spanky, Jeremy, Terrence, Lenny, Embele, and George, Sydney’s father, Katy, Christy, Alicia, Moose, Big Ron, Professor Carlton, and Alicia. The characters chosen experienced more frequent appear than others main characters and others character dealing with adjacency pairs and politeness through their remarks.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

There is one instrument used in the study. It was Sydney White movie ’s script as the document. The researcher employed the script to collect the data of the character’s utterances. The script, consisted of forty pages, was taken from http:www.veryabc.cnmovieuploadsscriptsydneywhite.txt. The utterances were used to analyze the first research problem: 1 Which adjacency pairs are used by