The acts of making communication relation explcit in english itinerary of Dago Wisata International : job training report




1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Yuanita Aprilia Hertyanti

b. Address : Komp. Griya Mitra Cibiru-Bandung c. Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, 24 April 1990

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 082115101066

g. E-mail : [email protected]

2. Educational Background

a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1995- 1996 TK IMPRES KUNINGAN 2 1996 - 2000 SDN IX KARAWANG 3 2000 – 2005 SMP NEGRI 26 BANDUNG 4 2005 – 2008 SMU MEKAR ARUM BANDUNG 5 2008 - Now English Department

Indonesia University of Computer

b. Informal Education

No Year Name of education Certification

1 2008 Menntoring of english

conversation club


2 2008 Mentoring Agama Jurusan Sastra Inggris


3 2008

English Leadership Internal Training of Education (ELITE)


4 2009

Building Confidance In Delivering Public Speaking


5 2009

Seminar And Workshop Copywriting as a Creative Thinking


6 2010 Semiotica : Literature and Media


7 2010

Menjadi Konseptor yanf

baik dalam



8 2010

Upaya Meningkatkan

Motivasi Mahasiswa

Sasra Inggris Untuk

Beeprestasi dan

Mengapresiasikan Proses Perkuliahan


9 2010 Copy Writing and

Consumer Behaviour


10 2010 Workshop Translating and interpreting


11 2010 Seminar IT-preneur Certified

12 2011 Seminar Feminist,

Feminine and Text


13 2011 Kuliah umum “ Strategi PolitikLuar Negri



14 2012 “Kreatif menulis, Rejeki Tak Akan Habis”


15 2012 Fun with office 2010 Certified

c. Competency

a. English Correspondence

b. Good at English both oral and written

c. Operating Computer ( Ms.Office , Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, and Internet)

d. Organization and Work Experience

2008-2009 Member HIMA of English Departement of UNIKOM 2009




Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Yuanita Aprilia Hertyanti 63708010







The present writer thanks to the greatest creator, Allah S.W.T, who gives all gifts, blesses helps, and easiness to the present writer to write and finish the report. However, the report would never be done without the support of many people.

The present writer wants to express the appreciation to:

1. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S.,M.Hum.,the writer’s advisor, who helps and leads the writer to accomplish the report;

2. Dr. Juanda The head of English Department;

3. Asih Prihandini, S.S.,M.Hum.,The Coordinator of Job Training;

4. Staffs of PT. Dago Wisata International, who gave the opportunity to the present writer to conduct job training there.

Special thanks are also dedicated to the present writer’s family and close friends:

1. Beloved family, especially the present writer’s parents, Mr. Herlan Rosidianto and Mrs. Ety Suhaety , thank for all supports and spirits given to the present writer.

2. Rainier Umbu Marabi Letidjawa, thank for all understanding, patience, and lovingcare given to the present writer.

3. Ally my friends, Sastra Inggris, Class 2008 and 2009, thank for being good friends to share sadness and pain








1.1 Background to the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objectives 3

1.4 Significant to Knowledge 3

1.5 The Framework of the Theory 3

1.6 Research Method 4

1.7 Place and Time 4



2.1 History of the berau 5

2.2 Description of work 5


3.1 Managing Communication Relation in the Itinerary 8

3.2. The Acts of Making Communication Relation 10



in English Itinerary of PT. Dago Wisata International

3.3 Problem and Solution

3.3.1 Problem 16

3.3.2 Solution 17


4.1 Conclusion 18

4.2 Suggestion 19





Larson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalent. USA: University Press of America.

MAK, Halliday . 1985. An Introduction to Funcional Grammar . London: WC31B 3DQ



1.1 Background to the topic

Nowadays, sharing information is becoming daily needs for people to gain the same perception. To perform this activity effectively, people around the world may use specific information form whether written communication or oral. In written, for example, people may take language considerably. For tour and travel agent, let’s say, in making itinerary the usage of natural language should be considered carefully.

Itinerary is expected to be managed in natural and effective language to communicate tourism information to gain understanding of the intention of the agent. Gaining natural and effective language, the existence of a conjunction is, sometimes, badly needed. The conjunction is needed to make a relation between a sentence to the others explicitly managed. Managing the relation should be taken carefully since a relation between sentences will be different; moreover, this case will be harder when involving different languages. In translating, for example, the different ways in managing information should be taken carefully.

In translating an itinerary of Dago Wisata International, the present writer, a translator, is expected to manage information of target language same as that of source language. It means that I should know when the information is managed implicitly or explicitly in the case of conjunction especially.



When taking care of conjunctions, a lot of implicit conjunctions found in the itinerary of Dago Wisata International arise many problems in understanding the message. In this case, there should be a certain treatment on them; sometimes the conjunctions should be made explicit and sometimes it may remain implicit. This is the example that represents the case,

Hari pertama. Sarapan. Pergi ke Bandara

In this sentence, the assumption may appear as go to airport for breakfast. However, the message of itinerary is that after having breakfast, the participants of tour will go to the airport. So the explicit conjunction is needed for making understandable itinerary, as mentioned below:

In the first day, after having Breakfast you may go to Airport.

To learn how important of the case discussed, the report will present about how managing communication relation represented by the conjunction under the tittle, “The Acts Of Making Communication Relation Explicit In English Itinerary Of Dago Wisata International.

1.2 Scopes

The scopes for the job training report related to the communication relation would be focused on:



1. What is communication relation identified in the data?

2. What kind of conjunction is suitable for the data, if it is necessary? 1.3 Objectives

Some objectives may be formulated as:

1. To identify communication relation constructed in the data.

2. To determine the appropriate conjunction showing the communication relation.

1.4 Significant to knowledge

The report is expected to give a description about how managing implicit communication relation in data source. In managing it, sometimes the communication relation needs to be explicit to have understanding. In this case, the report will give a comprehensive data to show how managing communication relation so that a translator has an alternative solution to deliver the message.

1.5 The framework of theory

In translation, the communication relation is needed to support the one proposition to other. Using conjunction may be the indication that there is relation between propositions in the text. Communication relation is about combine two propositions as stated in a book titled Meaning Based Translation by Mildred L. Larson (1984):

Two terms which are very important in understanding communication relations are the terms addition and support. In grammatical structure, the words coordinate and subordinate would be used for corresponding relations. Addition and



support are used for the relation between communication units semantic structure in order to draw attention to the fact that these are semantic relations and grammatical ones. It is true that quite often the structure by coordinate grammatical units.

Communication relation is represented as a conjunction grammatically. The form of relation may be coordinate or subordinate.

1.6 Research Method

The method used is analytic descriptive that visualized and analyzed the data refers to the fact and information both of source language and target language to translate. According to Whitney (1960), analytic descriptive method is fact-finding with the proper interpretation. In that method, the present writer could compare the data and the case. Determining and analyzing are also used in this method.

The present writer was assigned to translate itinerary of the agent from Bahasa to English. The data collected are taken from documents of Dago Wisata International where the writer did the job training.

1.7 Place and Time

The writer did the job training at PT. Dago Wisata International located at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 262 A, Bandung. The present writer did the job training from Tuesday to Friday began from 08-12 am. The period of job training was 30 days, began from from 1th to 30th of July 2011.




This chapter is focused on general explanation of PT. DAGO WISATA INTERNATIONAL where the job training had been conducted. Status and the terms of work of company are described generally. The division of the company where the writer conducted the job training is also explained specifically.

2.1 History of The Beurau

The first name of tour and travel agent is PT. Visi Mandiri Tour and Travel. It was established by Ir. Wawan Setiawan and Dr. Ir Farida in 20ⁿ January 1996. Yet, it was popular to be called as Visi tour, addressed at 68 Jl. Dipati Ukur, Bandung. It had significant achievement in the first year of founded; the company was successfully growing as a tour and travel agency. Unfortunately, in September 1997, it was burn out and bankrupt.

However, with the power of the founders, the company was established under the name of PT. Dago Wisata International in 2006 and was located at Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 312.

2.1 Description of Work

During job training in PT. Dago Wisata International Tour and Travel, the present writer’s position is marketing staff under supervision of sales and marketing division, especially sales marketing management. Sales marketing



division has six subdivisions; they are: (1) sales marketing management offering a variety of package and services, (2) product management focusing on driving or offering a new product, (3) promotion planning focusing on promoting of company’s plan to attract the company’s customers with new invention of promoting product, (4) personal development focusing on activities that the company builds including recruitment, (5) distribution management which focuses on numerous activities and processes such as offer any package: Holiday and family confidential page 6 11/26/2011 package, umrah and haji, and (6) the last one, product information focusing on how to inform the product that the company offers to the customers by using the advertisement or media.

The fact is that from the six subdivisions the present writer informs there are two management divisions which have the similar job. They are the sales marketing management and the distribution management; their job is quite the same. They offer some holiday package or variety package to the customers.

The marketing division is the resource to offer a variety of packages and services that are designed to the customers’ market place. The head of sales marketing division is a marketing manager. The responsibilities of sales marketing staffs are as follows:

a. Providing specific information on services and produces enhancements to the customers;

b. Coordinating with the director of PT.Dago Wisata International regarding promotional materials and programs;



c. Containing current customers to maintain awareness of their needs, desires and level of satisfactions with tour packages, etc.;

d. Containing prospective customers to introduce Dago Wisata International’s product and their potential benefits to the customer;

e. Creating/maintaining PT. Dago Wisata International customer relationship- management database system; and




3.1 Managing Communication Relation in the Itinerary

Communication relation between propositions takes an important role. The relation structurally taking the form of conjunction may lead to different message. For example,

(1) Although I swept the floor, the floor was dirty. (2) I swept the floor because the floor was dirty.

By learning both constructions, it can be understood that the previous construction illustrates contra expectation and the later shows the cause-effect relation. Because of the significant role of the relation, the capability of understanding the relation becomes the main requirement, including a translator.

A translation is suggested as one of ways to reach good communication among people around the world from different countries. To deliver that good communication, a translator has to share the message of itinerary properly. Generally, before the translator will begin to translate the itinerary, he/she will analyze the text first. Analyzing the itinerary is part of strategy that the translator has. The present writer, as a translator, also had a strategy when conducting the job training in PT. Dago Wisata International. The present writer used a specific strategy to translate the itinerary, especially when finding many implicit communication relations in itinerary.



While executing my responsibility in translating itinerary, it was learnt that the implicit communication relations had potential and confusing problems. For that reason, the present writer managed them carefully by having a close consideration to make them explicit in the form of English conjunction. Since there are many kinds of English conjunctions, the present writer choosed the appropriate conjunction for itinerary based on the communication relation suggested.

However, the case is not as simple as mentioned. Sometimes, the implicit communication relation should remind implicit. For example,

“I like swimming and dancing and painting and writing and fishing.”

In that sentence, the explicit communication relations manifested by conjunctions may make the readers confused and/or bored and hard to understand. When that happens, it means the writer fails to share the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the consideration of the writer is needed to decide which one of the conjunctions remind explicit. For example,

“I like swimming, dancing, painting, writing, and fishing.”

As learnt from the sentence above, the natural sentence only needs one conjunction to make relation between one to others. In that case, only one explicit conjunction is badly needed to make the relation.

To sum up, the decision whether explicit or implicit communication relation is made based on full consideration. The communication relation may explicit if



the communication relation is not communicated clearly or if the communication events are not provided sufficiently.

1.2. The Acts Of Making Communication Relation Explicit In English Itinerary Of Dago Wisata International

While conducting translation of itinerary, the communication relation is managed carefully. Most of the relation is manifested by conjunction to make the relation explicit to avoid ambiguity and/or misunderstanding.

Data 1

Source language

Jemput di Bandara. Makan siang di lokal restoran. Menuju ke hotel.

Target language

Pick up at airport. Then lunch at local restaurant and get to hotel.

From the data itinerary above, there are three propositions in the three sentences. The first proposition is “jemput di bandara.” The second proposition is “makan siang di lokal restoran hotel.” And the last proposition is “menuju ke hotel.” It can be seen that in the source language text or itinerary the explicit conjunction does not appear. It leads to some assumption. The first assumption is someone will pick up at airport then lunch at restaurant which is located around the airport. Then go to hotel after lunch. The reader will be confused when reading the text. So the translator tried to make right proposition as follows:



Pick up at airport.

Then lunch at local restaurant. And get to hotel.

In this translation, the reader would not get misunderstanding, because the translator has put on the explicit conjunction in a text. So the proposition will be three proposition same as the source language. The first proposition is the participants will pick up at airport. The second is after the participants picked up they will go to local restaurant which is located around the town. The third proposition is to get to hotel as final tout in that day.

The function of conjunction will also be described in this analysis. In the sentences there are two conjunctions manifested relation between one proposition and another proposition. The first conjunction is “then”. In those sentences, the conjunction “then” gives the reader knowledge that after picking up, the participant is going to go to somewhere else. In the next sentence, the present writer also put the conjunction as connector between two sentences. Conjunction “and in this sentence gives an idea of addition; that is after having lunch at local restaurant the participants will be prepared heading to hotel for check in. To avoid repetition, the present writer used different conjunction. Though, the sentences have same relations that are additions.



Data 2

Source language

Hari 1 : Tiba jakarta-bandun: Lunch,dinner. Para peserta tiba di bandara soekarno hatta. Di jemput dari perwakilan dari bandung .

Kita menuju Bandung via toll dalam kota jakarta(tol cipularang). Tiba bandung kita shooping Cihampelas ( celana jeans ) Acara bebas.

Target language

First day: arrived at jakarta-bandung : lunch, dinner.

The participants arrived at Airport soekarno hatta, and our representative will pick up. Then go to to Bandung via toll local Jakarta (toll cipularang ). Arrived in Bandung, next destination go to cihampelas ( jeans). In the end of the day free programme.

In these sentences, there are four propositions. The first is “para peserta tiba di bandara soekarno hatta.” The second proposition is “peserta di jemput oleh perwakilan dari bandung.“ The three propositions is “menuju Bandung via toll dalam kota.” The fourth proposition is “sampai di bandung untuk berbelanja.” In those sentences, the implicit communication relations are found, so the present writer tried to explicit conjunction to avoid misunderstanding.

Each conjunction has a function in these sentences. So the present writer tried to describe the conjunction based on function. The present writer chose conjunction “and” because the present writer tried to combine two propositions. “And” in this sentence shows the relation of addition. It also indicates when the participants arrived at airport. There is still one activity, someone who picks up the participants. So, the present writer used conjunction “and” to make one proposition to others connected. In the third proposition, the present writer chose



conjunction “then” to make the relation explicit. “Then” in this sentence also shows the relation of addition. It is indicated that after executing the first activity, the participants have to continue their tour, that is heading to Bandung via toll. In the last proposition, the present writer chose the conjunction “next” and “in the end.” The first conjunction, next, indicates that the participants should be able to follow all activities, from one until the end of activity; there are a lot of steps to be followed by the participants. The present writer chose conjunction “next” because it represents the meaning. The participants should follow step by step until the end of the tour on that day. As the conclusion, the present writer chose conjunction “in the end.” It represents the meaning that the participants have followed all activities suggested. It is the final of the tour, so the participants are able to choose free program.

Data 3

Source language

Mencatat data client seperti : Nama lengkap sesuai KTP (disertai titlle name Mr, Mrrs, Ms, Mstr, Miss), Untuk child dan infant di cantumkan tanggal, bulan dan tahun lahir. No telp/tlp penumpang/ yang melakukan reservasi (saat pembookingan contact erson cantumkan no penumpang). Alamat client di Banadung, route perjalanan, tanggal keberangkatan, waktu berangkat (pagi, siang, sore, atau malam) ditanyakan one way atau return. (Data di catat di buku ticketing)



Target language

Note the data client, for instance : Full name suitable with ID card (with titlled Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mstr, Miss), For child and infant noted the date, month, and birthday year. Handphone number/seat number/ reserver (contact person of booker). The client address in Bandung, the departure time (Morning, noon, afternoon, night) it will ask for choosing one way or return. (All the data noted at book ticketing)

In analyzing the data above, there is conjunction that is made explicit, “for instance.” The present writer chose that conjunction because it is an appropriate conjunction to represent the meaning. “For instance” is usually used when a text gives the example or following description.

From data above, there are a lot of propositions. However, the present writer make them shorten in construction by choosing that conjunction. The present writer chose “for instance” as the conjunction because the present writer knows that it can represent the meaning. It is known that in the sentences there are a lot of propositions, but the present writer only used one conjunction to explain the sentences. The conjunction “for instance” indicates that in the sentences there is not only one activity to do. For example, in the sentences, the participants should put on the right identity.

Data 5

Source language

Menerimaa clinet dengan sistem antrian (first come first served) Target language



In that sentence there are two propositions. First come.

First served.

The analysis above indicates that conjunction “if” may represent the relations. The conjunction “if” suggests the consequence relation. The present writer, though, identified that sentence is a conditional construction. The first condition is that the client comes for having reservation, then the other condition happens, that is the staff will served them.

On the other word, the relation also can be mentioned as condition-consequence relation. The condition of coming first results the condition-consequence of having first service. The consequence of first service is depend on the condition of first coming or early coming.

Data 6

Source language

Sampai di bandara. Pergi ke hotel, makan siang di lokal restaurant. Target language

Arrived at airport. Then go to hotel. After, arrived at hotel get lunch local restaurant.

From the data above, there are three propositions. The first is “sampai di bandara.” The second is “pergi ke hotel.” The third is “makan siang di lokal restaurant.” If the present writer did not make the relation explicit, it may lead misunderstanding. The reader will assume that “sampai di bandara, pergi ke hotel



untuk makan siang. However, the message of itinerary is to arrive at airport, then go to hotel. After that, the participants will continue their tour and get to restaurant for having a lunch. Because of that reason, in this sentence the present writer considered to make conjunction explicit.

3.3 Problem and solution

During translating, the present writer found some difficulties for making communication relation explicit. But at the same time, the writer managed to understand the problems by reading some data slowly.

3.3.1 Problem

Translating the itinerary was not easy for the present writer since there were a lot of implicit communication relations in source language. The present writer had to identify the relation first before translating. In the first place, it was not easy to identify the communication relation suggested.

3.3.2 Solution

Reading comprehensively became the solution to the problem appeared in translating itinerary consisting of many implicit communication relation. The present writer took several steps to gain reading comprehensively. First, the present writer read the communication relation theory suggested by Larson. Second, dividing the data into proposition is taken to identify relation suggested.



Finally, the chosen of appropriate conjunction was conducted to make the relation explicit.




4.1 Conclusion

Managing communication relation is not as simple as thought. The fully consideration is required to make the relation seem as natural as it should be. In the case of the nature, every language has its own way to deal with communication relation. The translator should take it under consideration.

As the result of the analysis, the present writer learnt some steps to make a communication relation explicit in itinerary. They are the present writer should: (1) identify the implicit relation suggested; (2) know the relation in conjunctions; (3) have capability of chosing the appropriate conjunction for explicit relation; and (4) consider whether the explicit communication relation is effective.

4.2 Suggestion

After finishing the analysis, the present writer has some suggestions for the students who are interested in taking the research of translation. First, the students should find various data from other fields of study which have not ever been used in the previous research. Second, the students also need to use other methods to analyze data such as componential analysis, reduction and expansion, and many other methods and procedures in translation. Third, the students should learn more about cross-culture subject in order to know some cultures in other countries and be able to translate the texts naturally. Last, the students should understand the



theory that they will use and the most important is that the students should not do plagiarism from other research.

The suggestion under the topic is that the next writers are suggested to analyze communication relation by showing the notion and proposition not only those of the clause but also those of word. In addition, the analysis is still opened for who wants to explore the data showing different treatment of making explicit-implicit communication relation.


Target language

Note the data client, for instance : Full name suitable with ID card (with titlled Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mstr, Miss), For child and infant noted the date, month, and birthday year. Handphone number/seat number/ reserver (contact person of booker). The client address in Bandung, the departure time (Morning, noon, afternoon, night) it will ask for choosing one way or return. (All the data noted at book ticketing)

In analyzing the data above, there is conjunction that is made explicit, “for instance.” The present writer chose that conjunction because it is an appropriate conjunction to represent the meaning. “For instance” is usually used when a text gives the example or following description.

From data above, there are a lot of propositions. However, the present writer make them shorten in construction by choosing that conjunction. The present writer chose “for instance” as the conjunction because the present writer knows that it can represent the meaning. It is known that in the sentences there are a lot of propositions, but the present writer only used one conjunction to explain the sentences. The conjunction “for instance” indicates that in the sentences there is not only one activity to do. For example, in the sentences, the participants should put on the right identity.

Data 5

Source language

Menerimaa clinet dengan sistem antrian (first come first served) Target language



In that sentence there are two propositions. First come.

First served.

The analysis above indicates that conjunction “if” may represent the relations. The conjunction “if” suggests the consequence relation. The present writer, though, identified that sentence is a conditional construction. The first condition is that the client comes for having reservation, then the other condition happens, that is the staff will served them.

On the other word, the relation also can be mentioned as condition-consequence relation. The condition of coming first results the condition-consequence of having first service. The consequence of first service is depend on the condition of first coming or early coming.

Data 6

Source language

Sampai di bandara. Pergi ke hotel, makan siang di lokal restaurant. Target language

Arrived at airport. Then go to hotel. After, arrived at hotel get lunch local restaurant.

From the data above, there are three propositions. The first is “sampai di bandara.” The second is “pergi ke hotel.” The third is “makan siang di lokal restaurant.” If the present writer did not make the relation explicit, it may lead misunderstanding. The reader will assume that “sampai di bandara, pergi ke hotel


untuk makan siang. However, the message of itinerary is to arrive at airport, then go to hotel. After that, the participants will continue their tour and get to restaurant for having a lunch. Because of that reason, in this sentence the present writer considered to make conjunction explicit.

3.3 Problem and solution

During translating, the present writer found some difficulties for making communication relation explicit. But at the same time, the writer managed to understand the problems by reading some data slowly.

3.3.1 Problem

Translating the itinerary was not easy for the present writer since there were a lot of implicit communication relations in source language. The present writer had to identify the relation first before translating. In the first place, it was not easy to identify the communication relation suggested.

3.3.2 Solution

Reading comprehensively became the solution to the problem appeared in translating itinerary consisting of many implicit communication relation. The present writer took several steps to gain reading comprehensively. First, the present writer read the communication relation theory suggested by Larson. Second, dividing the data into proposition is taken to identify relation suggested.



Finally, the chosen of appropriate conjunction was conducted to make the relation explicit.


18 4.1 Conclusion

Managing communication relation is not as simple as thought. The fully consideration is required to make the relation seem as natural as it should be. In the case of the nature, every language has its own way to deal with communication relation. The translator should take it under consideration.

As the result of the analysis, the present writer learnt some steps to make a communication relation explicit in itinerary. They are the present writer should: (1) identify the implicit relation suggested; (2) know the relation in conjunctions; (3) have capability of chosing the appropriate conjunction for explicit relation; and (4) consider whether the explicit communication relation is effective.

4.2 Suggestion

After finishing the analysis, the present writer has some suggestions for the students who are interested in taking the research of translation. First, the students should find various data from other fields of study which have not ever been used in the previous research. Second, the students also need to use other methods to analyze data such as componential analysis, reduction and expansion, and many other methods and procedures in translation. Third, the students should learn more about cross-culture subject in order to know some cultures in other countries and be able to translate the texts naturally. Last, the students should understand the



theory that they will use and the most important is that the students should not do plagiarism from other research.

The suggestion under the topic is that the next writers are suggested to analyze communication relation by showing the notion and proposition not only those of the clause but also those of word. In addition, the analysis is still opened for who wants to explore the data showing different treatment of making explicit-implicit communication relation.