Off record Politeness Strategies in Sydney White

94 The dialogue above showed that Tyler employed off record strategy 15, be incomplete. Tyler did not finish her utterances. He seemed confuse about it. Dialogue 19 Professor Carlton : Ms. Witch burn, if you win another term as president, what will you do differently? Rachel : Why fix what isnt broken? This has been a great year for the university and I am proud to be breaking ground on the Greek Life Center very soon. 19Disc B min 40 The conversation happened in the morning at Southern Atlantic University. The presidential debate was about to begin. Professor Carlton as the moderator asked Sydney and Rachel as the candidates to report to the stage. However, Sydney did not come yet. Realizing that Sydney had not come to the stage, Tyler tried to look for her in the library. He gently tried to make Sydney woke up because she had to come to attend the presidential debate soon unless she would miss a big chance of being a student council president. Fortunately, she woke up and immediately went to the stage. The moderator began the presidential debate and for the first question was intended to Rachel. The dialogue above showed that Rachel employed off record strategy 10, use rhetorical question. Rhetorical question is a sentence in the grammatical form of a question which is not asked in order to request information or to invite to reply but to achieve a greater expressive force than a direct assertion. In Dialogue 19, Rachel did not need an answer from the Professor Carlton or audiences. Her saying was only for her opening in order to get attention from the audiences. 95 From the analysis of politeness strategies’ utterances, the researcher found four politeness strategies uttered by the characters. The researcher finally got fixed data as shown in the Table 5.0 below. Table 5.0. The form of Data Sheet for Politeness Strategies in Having Adjacency Pairs Found in the Data by the Characters in the Movie Sydney White. No. Politeness strategies Numbers of data 1. Bald-on Record 34 2. Positive Politeness 67 3. Negative Politeness 56 4. Off Record 14 Total 171 See in the Appendix B From the collect data, there were 171 data which contained politeness strategies founded in the film. From those data, the researcher found that there were four types of politeness strategies employed by the characters in that film. The detail information can be seen in the Table 5.0 above. They were 34 utterances used off record politeness strategy, 67 utterances used positive politeness, 56 utterances used negative politeness, and 14 utterances used off record politeness strategy. 96


This chapter consists of three sections, namely the conclusions, implications, and recommendations. The first section summarizes the research findings, the second one presents the involvement of the study in education, and the third gives the recommendations which consists of recommendations for the English learners, English lecturers, and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The last chapter of this research presents some conclusions that can be formulated based on the result of the research result and discussion about the types of adjacency pairs and the politeness strategies in Chapter IV. There are two research questions in this research: 1 Which adjacency pairs are used by the characters in the movie Sydney White?? And 2 How are politeness strategies employed in having adjacency pairs among the characters? There are two objectives of this research. The first objective is to find out the adjacency pairs which are used by the characters in the movie entitled Sydney White. The second objective is to identify how politeness strategies are employed in having adjacency pairs among the characters. The data were taken from American teenage movie entitled Sydney White. 97 The answer to the first research question, the research results can be seen on Table 4.0 in Chapter IV. The adjacency pairs which were shown by the characters in the movie Sydney White were namely question-answernon-answer, request-acceptancerefusal, offer or invitation- acceptancerefusal, assessment- agreementdisagreement, blame-denialadmission, greeting-greeting, summons- answer, and apology-acceptancerefusal. There were eight types of adjacency pairs were used by the characters in the movie. There were 182 utterances discovered from 8 types of adjacency pairs. Of those 182 data found, 92 pairs belonged to question-answernon-answer type, 29 pairs belonged to request- acceptancerefusal type, 12 pairs belonged to offer or invitation- acceptancerefusal type, 24 pairs belonged to assessment-agreementdisagreement type, 1 pairs belonged to blame-denialadmission type, 16 pairs belonged to greeting-greeting type, 4 pairs belonged to summons-answer type, and 4 pairs belonged to apology-acceptancerefusal type. In addition, among 182 data in the findings, both preferred and dispreferred second turns can be found in the data. Regarding the second research question, the research results can be seen on Table 5.0 in Chapter IV. The characters in the movie employed the types of adjacency pairs by using four types of politeness strategies, namely Bald-on- record direct, Positive politeness, Negative politeness, and Off-record indirect. There were 171 utterances discovered from 4 types of politeness strategies in having adjacency pairs found in the data by the characters in the movie Sydney White. There were 34 utterances which were employed by using bald on record strategy Brown Levinson, 1987, p. 95. Applying this strategy, the speaker 98 does in direct way by using imperative sentence in high tone and does not attempt to minimize the threat on hearer’s face. This strategy is used by the speaker when maximum efficiency is more important and usually is known by both speaker and the hearer. There were 67 utterances which were employed by using positive politeness strategy Brown Levinson, 1987, p. 103-129. This strategy provides an attempt to minimize th e damage to the hearer’s face so that they are used to make the hearer feel good about himself and his possessions. In this strategy, there are 15 sub strategies. There were 56 utterances which were employed by using negative politeness strategy Brown Levinson, 1987, p. 132-211. This strategy presumes that the speaker will be imposing on the listener. In this strategy, there are 10 sub strategies. There were 14 utterances which were employed by using off record strategy Brown Levinson, 1987, p. 211-227. This strategy is likely to call as an indirect strategy. It indicates that if the speakers want to avoid their responsibility of doing FTAs, they can employ the strategy and let the addressees interpret and the intended message. There are 15 sub strategies in the off record strategy.

B. Implications

English subject is one of subjects that must be taught as a compulsory subject at school. Teachers play important role to teach the materials contained in the English subject. Therefore, as English teachers in the future, they are important not only to teach the four standards of competence or the four language skills listening, reading, speaking, and writing but also the ethical values