The Characteristic of Farming System for The Walik Chicken in West Java, Indonesia

The Characteristic of Farming System for The Walik Chicken
in West Java, Indonesia
Maria Ulfah1,*, Sri Mulatsih2, & Neng Mega Nurapriani1

Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor 16680 Indonesia
Faculty of Economic & Management, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor 16680 Indonesia
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor 16680 Indonesia

The Walik chicken is one of rare indigenous chicken breeds found in Indonesia.
The limited information on the management practices of the Walik chickens applied by
the farmers in Indonesia cause the difficulity to predict their potency of conservation
and utilization. Therefore, this study investigated the characteristics of the farmers,
and the practice of the Walik chicken farming, and their potency of utilization.

Thirty three (33) farms from Sumedang District, West Java were surveyed. Their
main occupations of the farmers were labor in agricultural field (46.15%), private
sector (30.77%), and house mother (23.08%). A mean flock size of Walik chicken
per household was 4.15, varying from 2-7 chickens. Farmers applied non traditional
(73%) by using commercial medicaments, and traditional (27%) health care and
management to prevent and control diseases of the chickens. However, none of the
farmers applied the vaccination program. Traditionally, most of the farmers (64%)
selected the chicken breeds by their own traditional knowledge. Broken rice, rice
hulls, and household by product were feedstuffs provided for the chickens. The
mean of egg production, and hatchability of semi-intensive were 11 eggs/clutch/
hen (31 eggs/hen/year), and 92,71%, respectively. The Walik chicken farming is
important for household income. Improvement in rearing management practices
should be done to increase the productivity of the Walik chicken. Giving education
for improved management system is also an alternative strategy to increase chicken
productivities and household income.
Key words: Walik chicken, farming system, egg production, hatchability


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

In Indonesa, Walk chcken breed that owns a frzzlng type of feather s
consdered as endangered populaton, reason for whch we consder that a specal
attenton should have been gven to save t. The unque characterstcs of frzzle
causes the chckens are more tolerance to hgh temperature, however ths propertes
are not utlzed yet n Indonesa snce there s lmted data on ther characterzaton
and dentfcaton of ther characterstcs, farmng system appled, and ther
utlzaton. The very small populaton of ths breed n a certan warm geographc
areas of Indonesa, such as Sumedang Dstrct, causes the chckens are unfamous
breed recognzed by the people.
The Strategc Prorty 5 of the Global Plan of Action (FAO, 2007) adopted
by the Internatonal Techncal Conference on Anmal Genetc Resources for Food
and Agrculture, acknowledges the contrbuton of lvestock keepers n ndgenous
and local producton systems to the domestcaton, development, mantenance and
conservaton of anmal genetc dversty. Moreover, Wegend and Romanov (2001)
argued that the possesson of chcken trats n relaton to current and future value
and socoecultural mportance s one of the crucal nputs for decsons on chcken
conservaton and utlzaton. The lmted nformaton on the management practces of
the Walik chckens appled by the farmers n Indonesa cause the dffculty to predct

ther potency of conservaton and utlzaton. Therefore, ths study nvestgated the
characterstcs of the farmers, and the practce of the Walik chcken farmng, and
ther potency of utlzaton.

Materals and Methods
The purposve samplng method was choosen to select the study areas of the
research. The ntal survey to dentfy the ndvdual households kept the Walik
chckens was done by ntervewng to the head of vllages, and the oldest people n
a socety who know well the people n the study areas as descrbed on the snow ball
methods. Thrty three (33) farms from 3 sub-dstrcts (Padanaan,
Padanaan, Palasah, Ujungjaya
dan Keboncau), Sumedang Dstrct, West Java were surveyed n June-August 2009.
The data of farm characterstcs, household flock characterstcs, farmng system, and
chckens performances and chckens utlzaton were recorded durng the research,
and then analyzed descrptvely.

Results and Dscusson
Farmers Characteristics
Thrteen farmers were devded nto 2 classes of productve age, 9 (69.23%)
%) and

4 (30.77%) farmers composed as productve age (17-55 years old), and unproductve
age (>55
>55 years old) respectvely (Tabel 1). The youngest was 38 and the oldest was
Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


68 years old). The range of ther ownershp was 98-5.110 m2. Ther man occupatons
were labor n agrcultural feld (46.15%), prvate sector (30.77%), and house mother
The chckens farmng system appled by the farmers were extensve (7.69%),
sem ntensve wth scavengng and backyard system (84.62%), and ntensve
(7.69%), wheren the women were predomnantly (61.54%) as the keeper of the
chcken under the scavengng, and backyard system. Women, who have to do a lot
of the work nvolved n carng for the chckens, have good motherng nstncts and
provde chcken meats and eggs that can be used for sold n the market. However,
Table 1. The Characterstcs of Farmers Surveyed

No Farmer Characterstcs







Number of farms

17 - 55 year
> 55 year

Educaton background
Elementary School
Junor Hgh School
Senor hgh school
Labor n agrcultural feld
Household mother
Prvate sector
Farmng system
Sem Intensve*
Purpose of farmng
Household consumpton

Farmng System (Farm)









































Note: *Scavengng and backyard system


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

due to the low nput management system, chcken productvtes appears stll very
Most of the farmers (45%) stated that the Walik chcken farmng s mportant for
ther ncome snce the man purpose of Walik chcken farmng s for tradng (92.31%)
as meat and egg producers, nstead of for household consumpton (7.69%). Some
farmers sometmes had dffcultes n tradng snce most consumers often judge
the Walik chcken as the unhealthy chckens due to the frzlng type of ther feather.
However, others earn hgh prce n tradng snce some consumers also prefer the
chckens as an exotc brds, and for cultural and relgon purposes. The data provded
by local Lvestock Department Servces of Sumedang Dstrct, West Java (2009)
does not break down the populaton for each type of chcken, but t s beleved that
Kampong s the most popular ndgenous chcken snce other ndgenous chckens
are only occasonally found n certan areas and ther populaton s low.
Rearing Management, Flock Size adn Egg Production Potency
A mean flock sze of Walik chcken per household was 4.15, varyng from 2-7
chckens. Durng study, the Kampong chckens were also kept by the farmers, and
predomnant (133 head; 66.52%) to Walik chckens (60 head; 29.56%). The Kate
chckens were also kept by the farmers (10 head; 4.92%). For men, chcken farmng
s only the second job therefore men usually had lmted work power whch allows
only for part-tme actvtes therefore the chcken populaton, and productvtes were
stll low. Women stated that lmted space and money for chcken farm nvesment
are the reasons they do not ncrease ther chcken populaton. In another work,
Muladno and Theme (2009) found that the reasons for not havng larger flocks
of local chckens nclude among others are the lmted space n ther house’s yard,
not enough money to nvest n a chcken farm and, and lmted work power whch
allows only for part-tme actvtes.
Under sem extensve system, the chckens are housed n an open-fenced area,
whch resembles a ranch and s usually bult n the backyard of the farmer’s house.
In some cases, colony cages are provded to allow chckens to sleep at nght. In most
cases, there are no cages avalable and the chcken sleep everywhere on the farm,
such as ktchen, around farmer houses.
Farmers provde feed and drnk regularly 1 tme to 3 tmes a day. Broken
rce, rce hulls, and ktchen waste were feedstuffs provded for the Walik chckens
under extensve and sem-ntensve system. Besdes, the chckens also scavenge
for feed nsects, worms, grasses and vegetables around the farmer houses. Farmers
appled non tradtonal (73%) by usng commercal medcaments, and tradtonal
(27%) health care and management to prevent and control dseases of the chckens. However, none of the farmers appled the vaccnaton program. Therefore, the
mortalty of chcks s usually hgh durng 3-6 months of age due to dseases (manly
New Castle Dseases and Coryza), and also predator.

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


Most of farmers (64%)
64%) bought the chckens from local markets, whereas the
rest (36%) got the chckens as a present from ther relatves. Tradtonally, most of
the farmers (64%) select the chcken breeds by ther own tradtonal knowledge.
Despte the absence of recordng, farmers often memorze the ancestry of ther
chckens n great detal and over several generatons. Introducton of good natve
chcken breedng practce (Deptan 2006) s therefore stll needed to mprove better
undertandng of the farmers on chcken selecton.
The mean of egg producton, and hatchablty of sem-ntensve were 11 eggs/
clutch/hen (31 eggs/hen/year), and 92,71%, respectvely. Ths egg producton was
lower compared to another ndgnous chcken such as Kampong chcken (59 eggs/
hen/year) (Dwyanto & Prjono 1996). In general, under natural condton, the Walik
chcken brood for between 21-23 days, and chcks reman wth ther mothers for a
perod of 2-3 months, after whch perod the hen wll start the next egg layng perod.
Poor nutrton and the absence of dsease preventon or control measures contrbute
to ths low producton. Dwyanto et al. (1996) also reported that the productvty of
local chcken n sem ntensve and ntensve systems s better than n extensve system. However, Mansjoer (1989) found that the chcken mantaned under ntensve
system were neffcent n ther feed consumpton and had hgher feed converson
ratos than commercal chcken breeds. Improvement n rearng management practces should be done to ncrease the productvty of the Walik chcken.

The Walik chcken farmng s mportant for household ncome. The chckens
rearng system appled by the farmers were extensve, sem ntensve wth scavengng
and backyard system, and ntensve, wheren the women were predomnantly as the
keeper of the chcken under the scavengng, and backyard system. Improvement
n rearng management practces should be done to ncrease the productvty of the
Walik chcken.

The authors thank the local government of Lvestock Department Servces of
West Java for supportng the annual populaton data of local chckens n Indonesa.
The authors also thank to the Walk chcken farmers for a very good cooperaton and
helpng durng feld survey.

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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012