Qualitative traits of walik chickens, the rare indigenous chicken, in West Java, Indonesia

Qualitative Traits of Walik Chickens, The Rare Indigenous
Chicken, in West Java, Indonesia
Maria Ulfah*, Jakaria, & Restymaya Tirama Tarigan
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor, 16680, Indonesia
*e-mail: mulfah@ipb.ac.id

The Walik chicken is one of the rare indigenous chickens in Indonesia owned
frizzling feathers. Since the external genetic information of Walik chickens is very
limited, therefore, the study on the qualitative traits of such rare indigenous chicken
is necessary to support their comprehensive repertoire that would be useful for their
preservation efforts and potency development. Thirty six Walik chickens (15 cocks,
21 hens), and 42 Walik chickens (16 cocks, 26 hens) from Sumedang and Bogor
District, respectively, were used in this study. The variety on base color of feather,
color of the plumage, flick feather, feather pattern, shank color, and comb types of
the chickens were identified based on Hutt (1949), and Somes (1988). The frequency
of autosomal genes, sex-linked genes, and feather pattern were quantified based on
Nishida et al. (1980), and Stanfield (1982). The Walik chickens from Sumedang and
Bogor District population have shown predominantly similarities on the plumage
color (i), the wild feather pattern (e+), single comb (p), and white/yellow shank

(Idid). However, the Walik chickens from Bogor District population were dominated
by the strip feather/B (52%), and the silvered-flick feather/S (54%). The Walik
chickens from Sumedang District population were dominated by the plain feather/b
(54%), and golden flick feathers/s (84%). The low frequency occurence of some
qualitative traits could be useful for selection in order to conserved the rare traits.
Further studies on the quantitative traits, and the molecular analysis need to be
done to complete a set of characterization of the Walik chickens.
Key words: qualitative traits, walik chicken

The Walik chcken s chategorzed as one of the rare ndgenous chckens
n Indonesa based on ther small populaton number, very lmted data of ther
morphologcal features and bologcal parameters, and very lmted data on ther

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


current utlzaton (Sartka & Iskandar, 2007). The Walik chcken own a frzzlng type
of feather (Sartka & Iskandar, 2007), and has varous names based on the geographc

regon of samplng, such as Walik or Rintit chckens n West Java. The monogenc
trats based on pgmentaton dfferences, and comb types are one of approach that
can be used to descrbe the genetc varatons n chckens. The qualtatve trats
of the chckens also have mportant economc, cultural, and relgous functon,
therefore the specfc characterstcs must be carefully dentfed and consdered n
developng breedng programs. In term of Walik chcken n Indonesa, tll now, the
data on ther qualtatve trats s very lmted. Therefore, the objectve of ths study
was to dentfy the qualtatve trats of the Walik chcken populatons cared under
tradtonal farmng system n West Java to provde base lne data that would be
useful for ther conservaton efforts and potency development.

Materals and Methods
The study areas were selected based on purposve samplng method. The ntal
survey to dentfy the ndvdual households kept the Walik chckens was done by
ntervewng the head of vllages, and the oldest people n a socety who know well
the people n the study areas as descrbed on the snow ball methods. Thrty sx Walik
chckens (15
15 cocks,, 21 hens) from 4 vllages (Padanaan,
Padanaan, Palasah, Ujungjaya dan
Keboncau) n Sumedang Dstrct, and 42 (16

16 cocks,, 26 hens) Walik chckens from 9
locatons ((Kampung Cangkrang, Desa Ckarawang, Kampung Carang pulang, Desa
Stugede, Desa Babakan Lebak, Desa Babakan Lo, Desa Cbeureum Dramaga, Desa
Neglasar, and Desa Kahurpan) n Bogor Dstrct, West Java, Indonesa were used
n ths study. The varety on base color of feather, color of the plumage, flck feather,
feather pattern, shank color, and comb types of the chckens were dentfed based
on Hutt (1949), and Somes (1988). The frequency of autosomal genes (plumage
color and comb types), sex-lnked genes (varety on base color of feather, flck
feather, and shank color), and feather pattern were quantfed based on Nshda et
al., (1980), and Stanfeld (1982).

Results and Dscusson
The frequency dstrbuton pattern of the qualtatve trats n Walk chckens s
presented on Table 1. The Walik chckens, ether from Sumedang and Bogor Dstrct
have shown predomnantly smlartes on the plumage color (), the wld feather
pattern (e+), sngle comb (p), and whte/yellow shank (Idd). However, the Walik
chckens from Bogor Dstrct populaton were domnated by the strp feather/B
(52%), and the slvered-flck feather/S (54%). Whereas the Walk chckens from
Sumedang Dstrct populaton were domnated by the plan feather/b (54%), and
golden flck feathers/s (84%).


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

The coloured plumage of brown, black, and mxture were predomnantly
observed among Walik chckens to whte colour ether n Bogor or Sumedang
Dstrct populaton (Table 1). Pgmentaton dfferences, whch are attrbutable to
melann, produce a varety of plumage colours n the chckens. The presence and
level of melann pgments such as trchochrome s related to feather colour and s
consdered to be ndcatve of genetc dfferences among certan plumage colours
(Smyth, 1991). There are 2 knds of melanne, namely eumelanne and pheomelanne.
Eumelanne forms the black and blue colour of feather, whereas the pheomelann
forms the red-brown, salmon and dark yellow (Brumbraugh and Moore, 1968). The
strp base color of feather present f the dstrbuton of melanne on seconday feather

Table 2. Frequency Dstrbuton of Qualtatve Trats n Walk Chckens found n Sumedang
and Bogor Dstrct, West Java, Indonesa
Gene Frequency
Qualtatve Trats

Plumage Color
Varety on base color of feather
Flck feather
Feather pattern
Comb type
Shank color















qI= whte, q= colored-plumage, qZB= strp; qZb= plan, qZS= slver, qZs= golden, qE= black, qe+
= wld, qe= columban, qP= pea, qp= sngle, qZId= whte/yellow; qZd= black/green.

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


s blocked. The varety of base color of feather s the sex lnked gene that wll be
found as ZBW and ZBZB or ZBZb, respectvely n male and female (Hutt, 1949).
The relatvely low frequency of the whte plumage colour (Tabel 1) can be
attrbuted to the fact that whte chckens (especally cocks) are mportant components
n tradtonal relgous of the communty, therefore they are readly to be sold. Large
varaton n plumage colour on the ndgnous chcken populaton s ndcatve
of unconscous selecton effort. Ensmnger (1992) stated that plumage color and
pattern, skn color, shank, and comb type are nherted by sngle pars of genes that
able to nfluence the preference of the consumers. However, tll know there was a

very lmted data that the varaton n plumage colour of the ndgnous chckens
n Indonesa s manly due to the lack of conscous selecton or breedng programs
towards choce of colour.
Our fndng also showed that the sngle comb/p predomnates wth a frequency
of 76%, and 83% for Walik chckens n Sumedang and Bogor Dstrct populaton,
respectvely, to pea comb (24%, and 17%). The hgher frequency of sngle to pea
comb ndcated that Walk chckens are manly recessve for comb type. If the
heterozygote genotpe has any relatve advantages, mprovement of the stock would
be slow to medum snce only 17% and 24 % posessed the pea comb that s generally
regarded as the domnant comb type.
The hgher frequency of whte/yellow shank color (79%) to black/green color
(21%) of Walik chckens n Bogor Dstrct populaton s n lne wth the report of
Sartka & Sofjan (2007) who found the whte/yellow skn was domnant n the
ndgnous chckens n Indonesa. The melanne on epderms relates to the black
color of chcken shank, whereas the lpochrome on epderms and melanne on
derms relate to the green color of chcken shank (Jull, 1951). It has been generally
assumed that the red junglefowl s the sole wld ancestor of the domestc chcken
(Crawford, 1990, Fumhto et al. 1994, Romanov & Wegend, 2001, Sulandar &
Zen, 2008). However, Erksson et al., (2008) demonstrates that though the whte
skn allele orgnates from the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), the yellow skn allele

orgnates from a dfferent speces, most lkely the closely related to grey junglefowl
(Gallus sonnerat). Therefore, the molecular characterstcs s also mportant to be
observed to complete a set of dentfcaton and characterzaton of the ndgnous
chckens n Indonesa, manly the Walik chckens. The rearng of Walik chckens
ether n Sumedang and Bogor Dstrcts s also an ntegral part of the smallholder
farmng system, where they kept by the rural poor to fulfll multple functon. Ths
could also become a sources of varaton of the qualtatve trats of chckens snce
the presence or absence of the carotenod pgments, prmarly xanthophylls, n the
feed s also responsble for the dversty n skn colour of chckens (Erksson et al.
Indgenous chckens of the tropcs are mportant reservors of useful genes and
posses a number of adaptve trats (Horst, 1989). However, dverse human needs


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

n the form of selectve breedng for dstnct phenotypes also contrbuted to the
dversty of the present day chcken populatos mantaned n dfferent parts of the
tropcs (Desse et al., 2011). From our fndngs, we predct that the Walik chcken

have a hgh smlarty wth the Kampong chcken whch naturally have e+ gene,
as descrbed by Nshda et al. (1980). We also predct that the Walik hens from
Sumedang Dstrcts, whch were domnated by the plan feather (54%), have shown
smlartes wth the Sngle Rhode Island Red that manly was developed as the
meat producng chckens. The foregn gene from Barred Plymouth Rock was also
dentfed based on the strp feather of Walk chcken from Bogor Dstrct populaton.
Hstorcally, the Barred Plymouth Rock are developed as egg producng chckens.
Wegend and Romanov (2001) stated that the dentfcaton and characterzaton of
the chcken genetc resources generally requres nformaton on ther populaton,
adaptaton to a specfc envronment, possesson of trats of current and future value
and socoecultural mportance, whch are crucal nputs to decsons on conservaton
and utlzaton. Therefore we recommend that the further studes on the quanttatve
trats, n term of egg and meat producton need to be done to predct the utlzaton
potences of Walik chcken.

The Walik chckens from Sumedang and Bogor Dstrct populaton have shown
predomnantly smlartes on the plumage color (), the wld feather pattern (ee+),
sngle comb (p), and whte/yellow shank (Idd). However, the Walik chckens from
Bogor Dstrct populaton were domnated by the strp feather/B (52%), and the
slvered-flck feather/S (54%). Whereas the Walk chckens from Sumedang Dstrct
populaton were domnated by the plan feather/b (54%), and golden flck feathers/s
(84%). The low frequency occurence of some qualtatve trats could be useful for
selecton n order to conserved the rare trats. Further studes on the quanttatve
trats, and the molecular analyss need to be done to complete a set of dentfcaton
and characterzaton of the Walik chckens.

The authors thank the local government of Lvestock Department Servces of
West Java for supportng the annual populaton data of local chckens n Indonesa.
The authors also thank to the farmers for a very good cooperaton and helpng durng
feld survey.

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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012