Tax Service on Tax revenue performance


D. Method of Data Analysis

The method of data analysis is a method used to process the research data by using the simplification of data in a form thatis easy to read and interpreted Ghozali, 2011:5. The method used in this study is a quantitative method.To find out how much the level of consciousness of the taxpayer, the tax service quality, and taxpayer compliance, variablesmeasurement tools required that is using scale model or called Likert type format. Likert method designed to measure the level of consciousness, service, and compliance by answering various questions about the variables that will be tested. Development usage of procedures which represent a bipolar continuum. At the end of the left a small number represents a negative answer, while the right end with a large number describing the positive. 1. QualityTest Data In a study to obtain valid and reliable data should be tested against the data. Instrument used for testing data are:

a. ValidityTest

The validity means that how far the precision and accuracy of a measuring instrument in doing the measuring function. A test or measuring instrument can be said to have a high validity when measuring instrument doing their functions properly. Validity indicates how farthe measuring device is able to measure what you want to measure. 46 Testing the validity of the thesis is done by comparing the value of r count and r table for the degree of freedom df = n-2, in this case n is the number of samples.

b. Reliability Test

If a measurement tools has been declared valid the next step is to measure the reliability of the tools. As a measure that shows the consistency of the measuring instrument to measure the same phenomenon in other occasions. Reliability tests aim to see the consistency of a measuring instrument will be used whether the gauge is accurate, stable, and consistent.

2. Classical Assumptions Test

In this classical assumption test that used is the normality test data, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. a. MulticollinearityTest Multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation between the independent variables independent. A good regression model,corelation should not happen between independent variables Ghozali, 2011:91. To detect the presence or absence multicollinearity in the regression model can be seen from the amount of the value of the Tolerance and VIF Variance Inflation Factor. Free regression from multicollinearity trouble if the Tolerance value 0.10 or equal to the value of VIF 10 Ghozali, 2011:92. 47 b. HeteroscedasticityTest Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is unequality variance from one residual observation to other observation. If the variance from one residual observation to another observation is fixed, then it is called homokedastitas and if it is different called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is a regression model that is homokedastitas. Detection the presence ofheteroscedasticitycan be do by looking at whether there are a particular pattern in scatterplot graph between the predictive value of the dependent variable ZPRED with the residual SRESID where the Y axis is the predicted while X is residual. If there are certain patterns so that will indicate there has been heterokedestitas, but if there is no clear pattern and the points spread above and below zero on the Y axis, so it heteroscedasticity does not happen Ghozali, 2011:105. c. Normality test Normality test data aims to test whether the regression model, both independent and dependent variables, have been distributed normally. Good regression models is regression model with normal distribution data or near normal. To determinewhether or not the normal distribution of the data can be detected by looking Normality Probability Plot P-Plot. If the data dots spread around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the diagonal line or line histogram,