A set of english instructional reading materials using contextual teaching and learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten.



Sari, Deni Kartika. 2011. A Set of English Instructional Reading Materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study was conducted to design a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Contextual Teaching and Learning was chosen because it shares some principles that will help students more motivated and interested in learning reading. There were two majors problems discussed in this study. They were: 1). How is a set of English instructional reading materials for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten designed? 2). What does the set of English instructional reading materials for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten look like?

The writer adapted Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional design model as the theoretical model. The writer applied five steps in this designing the instructional materials as the combination of Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional design model. Those five steps were (1) Conducting Need Survey, (2) Determining Competence Standard, Basic Competence and Topics, (3) Determining Indicators, (4) Designing the Materials, and (5) Evaluating. Those five steps were in accordance with the first five steps in the Educational Research and Development cycle proposed by Borg and Gall. They were: (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Preliminary Field Testing, and (5) Final Product Revision.

The comparison between those models results in a model that is used in designing the materials. This model is the answer of the first questions in the problem formulation.

To answer the second question in problem formulation, the writer presented the designed materials in appendix F. The designed materials consists of four units and six sections in each unit, namely “Starting Point”, “Word Power”, “Reading the Text”, “What You Know”, “Your Task” and “Note”.

The writer employed a post – design survey to get feedback and suggestions on the designed materials. From the post – design questionnaire, the average point of the designed materials was 3 up to 3.3 on the scale of 4. Therefore, the instructional design materials were considered good and acceptable for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer done some revisions based on the comments and suggestions from the post – design respondents. Keywords: reading, instructional materials, contextual teaching and learning





Sari, Deni Kartika. 2011. A Set of English Instructional Reading Materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendesain seperangkat materi reading menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten. Contextual Teaching and Learning dipilih untuk membantu siswa agar lebih termotivasi dan tertarik dalam belajar membaca. Terdapat dua permasalahan utama yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini, kedua permasalahan tersebut adalah: (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi reading menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten didesain, dan (2) bagaimana penampilan dari materi yang didesain tersebut.

Penulis mengadaptasi model desain dari Kemp dan Yalden untuk sebagai model teoritis. Penulis menerapkan lima langkah dalam mendesain materi ini sebagai kombinasi dari model desain dari Kemp dan Yalden. Kelima langkah - langkah tersebut adalah: (1) melaksanakan survey kebutuhan, (2) menentukan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan topic, (3) menentukan indicator, (4) mendesain materi dan (5) melakukan evaluasi. Kelima langkah tersebut telah sesuai dengan kelima langkah pertama dalam siklus Educational Research and Development dari Borg dan Gall. Kelima langkah – langkah tersebut adalah: (1) pengumpulan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan bentuk awal produk, (4) pengujian awal lapangan dan (5) perbaikan produk utama.

Perbandingan dari model – model tersebut akan menghasilkan sebuah model yang akan digunakan dalam mendesain materi. Model ini merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, penulis mempresentasikan materi yang telah didesain pada appendix F. Materi tersebut terdiri atas 6 bagian, yaitu: (1) Starting Point, (2) Word Power, (3) Reading the Text, (4) What You Know, (5) Your Task dan (6) Note.

Penulis menggunakan kuesioner akhir untuk mendapatkan pendapat dan saran pada materi yang telah didesain. Dari hasil kuesioner akhir, nilai rata – rata dari materi yang telah didesain berkisar dari 3 sampai 3.3 dalam skala 4. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa materi yang telah didesain tergolong bagus dan dapat diterima dengan baik bagi siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten. Penulis melakukan beberapa perbaikan berdasarkan pendapat dan saran dari para responden.





Presented as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Deni Kartika Sari Student Number: 031214153










Presented as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Deni Kartika Sari Student Number: 031214153











I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts the work of other people, except those cited in quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 22 July 2011 The Writer

Deni Kartika Sari 031214153






Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Deni Kartika Sari

Nomor Mahasiswa : 031214153

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Sari, Deni Kartika. 2011. A Set of English Instructional Reading Materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study was conducted to design a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Contextual Teaching and Learning was chosen because it shares some principles that will help students more motivated and interested in learning reading. There were two majors problems discussed in this study. They were: 1). How is a set of English instructional reading materials for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten designed? 2). What does the set of English instructional reading materials for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten look like?

The writer adapted Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional design model as the theoretical model. The writer applied five steps in this designing the instructional materials as the combination of Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional design model. Those five steps were (1) Conducting Need Survey, (2) Determining Competence Standard, Basic Competence and Topics, (3) Determining Indicators, (4) Designing the Materials, and (5) Evaluating. Those five steps were in accordance with the first five steps in the Educational Research and Development cycle proposed by Borg and Gall. They were: (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Preliminary Field Testing, and (5) Final Product Revision.

The comparison between those models results in a model that is used in designing the materials. This model is the answer of the first questions in the problem formulation.

To answer the second question in problem formulation, the writer presented the designed materials in appendix F. The designed materials consists of four units and six sections in each unit, namely “Starting Point”, “Word Power”, “Reading the Text”, “What You Know”, “Your Task” and “Note”.

The writer employed a post – design survey to get feedback and suggestions on the designed materials. From the post – design questionnaire, the average point of the designed materials was 3 up to 3.3 on the scale of 4. Therefore, the instructional design materials were considered good and acceptable for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer done some revisions based on the comments and suggestions from the post – design respondents. Keywords: reading, instructional materials, contextual teaching and learning





Sari, Deni Kartika. 2011. A Set of English Instructional Reading Materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendesain seperangkat materi reading menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten. Contextual Teaching and Learning dipilih untuk membantu siswa agar lebih termotivasi dan tertarik dalam belajar membaca. Terdapat dua permasalahan utama yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini, kedua permasalahan tersebut adalah: (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi reading menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning untuk siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten didesain, dan (2) bagaimana penampilan dari materi yang didesain tersebut.

Penulis mengadaptasi model desain dari Kemp dan Yalden untuk sebagai model teoritis. Penulis menerapkan lima langkah dalam mendesain materi ini sebagai kombinasi dari model desain dari Kemp dan Yalden. Kelima langkah - langkah tersebut adalah: (1) melaksanakan survey kebutuhan, (2) menentukan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan topic, (3) menentukan indicator, (4) mendesain materi dan (5) melakukan evaluasi. Kelima langkah tersebut telah sesuai dengan kelima langkah pertama dalam siklus Educational Research and Development dari Borg dan Gall. Kelima langkah – langkah tersebut adalah: (1) pengumpulan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan bentuk awal produk, (4) pengujian awal lapangan dan (5) perbaikan produk utama.

Perbandingan dari model – model tersebut akan menghasilkan sebuah model yang akan digunakan dalam mendesain materi. Model ini merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua, penulis mempresentasikan materi yang telah didesain pada appendix F. Materi tersebut terdiri atas 6 bagian, yaitu: (1) Starting Point, (2) Word Power, (3) Reading the Text, (4) What You Know, (5) Your Task dan (6) Note.

Penulis menggunakan kuesioner akhir untuk mendapatkan pendapat dan saran pada materi yang telah didesain. Dari hasil kuesioner akhir, nilai rata – rata dari materi yang telah didesain berkisar dari 3 sampai 3.3 dalam skala 4. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa materi yang telah didesain tergolong bagus dan dapat diterima dengan baik bagi siswa kelas X SMA N 1 Klaten. Penulis melakukan beberapa perbaikan berdasarkan pendapat dan saran dari para responden.




First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Allah swt for blessing me with wonderful things in my life. His warm love always gives me a new spirit and strength in every steps of my life.

My biggest gratitude goes to my major sponsor, Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A., for his time, patience, advices and supports that help me a lot finish my thesis. My gratitude also goes to all lecturers of English Education Study Program that always inspired me in completing my thesis. I would also give my thanks to Maria Martarina Pramudani and Chatarina Artilantari for always providing me their best services along my study in the English Language Education Study Program. My gratitude also goes to all library staffs of Sanata Dharma University for their kindness and services.

I am also grateful to Drs. Widiyarto, M.Pd., the headmaster of SMA N 1 Klaten for giving me the opportunity to conduct the research. I would also express my gratitude for Drs. Triyono for his guidance, comments and suggestions on my designed materials. I would also thank Reni Kusumawardani, S.Pd. and Drs. Mulyadi for their willingness to evaluate my designed materials.

My deepest gratitude also goes to my beloved parents, Sugino and Setyo Rahayu. Their love, caring, patience and support encourage me to finish my thesis. I would also thank to my brother, Agung Widiyanto,Amd. His love and support always accompany me during the completion of my thesis.

My sincere thankfulness also goes to my beloved friends, Sindu Lestari, Yessy Adi Pranata, Winny Aditya, and all PBI 2003. I thank them for sharing





in Narada 2 for their companionship. Their kindness always cheers my days there. Finally, I would like to give my gratitude to Mochklis Bahtiar, S.Pd. His love, care and support always accompanies me that I can finish my thesis. He teaches me a lot about life that inspires me to be a better person. I would like to thank all people whose names I cannot mention one by one, who lent me a hand to finish this thesis. May God always bless them.








ABSTRAK ... vi







CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 4

D. Objectives of the Study ... 5

E. Benefits of the Study ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


1. Reading ... 8

a. The Nature of Reading ... 8

b. Teaching Reading... 9

c. Reading Skills and Strategies ... 11

d. Reading with Comprehension ... 15

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 16

a. Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 16

b. Basic Principles in Contextual Teaching and Learning .. 17

c. The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning .. 18

3. Curriculum a. School-based Curriculum ... 21

b. The Nature of English Language Based on School-based Curriculum ... 22





d. Scope of English Lesson based on School-based

Curriculum ... 23

4. Instructional Design Models ... 23

a. Kemp’s Model ... 24

b. Yalden’s Model ... 26

5. Materials Development ... 27

B. Theoretical Framework ... 28


B. Research Participants ... 33

C. Setting ... 34

D. Research Instruments ... 35

E. Data Gathering Technique ... 36

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 37

G. Research Procedure ... 38

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Elaboration of Steps in Designing a Set of English Instructional Reading Materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten ... 40

B. The Findings on the Designed Instructional Materials Evaluation ... 50

C. The Discussions on the Designed Instructional Materials Evaluation .. 53

D. The Presentation of the Designed Instructional Materials ... 54


B. Suggestions ... 59

1. Suggestions for English Teachers, especially for the Tenth Grade English Teachers of SMA N 1 Klaten... 60

2. Suggestions for other researchers for further study ... 60






Table 3.1: The Description of Respondents’ Opinion on the Designed

Materials ... 37

Table 4.1: Topics that Most Preferred by Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten ... 42

Table 4.1 : Learning Indicators in Each Unit ... 45

Table 4.2: Description of the Post – Design Survey Respondents ... 50

Table 4.3: The Respondents’ Opinion in the Designed Materials ... 51






Figure 2.1: Models of Instructional System ... 25

Figure 2.2: Language Program Development ... 27

Figure 2.3: The Theoretical Model ... 30

Figure 3.1: The Comparison between the Writer’s Theoretical Models with R&D Cycle ... 33





Appendix A. Letter of Permission ... 64

Appendix B. Pre-design Questionnaire and Interview Guidelines ... 66

Appendix C. Post-design Questionnaire ... 72

Appendix D. Syllabus ... 76

Appendix E. Lesson Plan ... 87

Appendix F. Presentation of the Designed Materials... 100






This chapter presents several important parts of the study. The first part

is the background of the study, which reveals the writer’s reason for

conducting the study. The second part is the problem formulation, which conveys the problem that will be discussed in the study. The third part is the problem limitation. This part gives a clear border of the study being discussed. The fourth part is the objectives of the study, which shows the aims of the study. The fifth part is the benefits of the study, which reveals the advantages of the study that other researchers may gain through reading the study. The last part is the definition of term that clarifies the terms used in the study.

A. Background of the Study

Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon. It is an era in which everybody is required to develop and compete in almost every aspect of life.

The globalization of the capital markets and the increased mobility of work force, students and specialists will increase cross – cultural

contacts…Contacts are facilitated enormously by the new information technology. It will make vast amounts of information services rapidly available to more and more people through international networks. The development will create new demands for global communication and tolerance for intercultural diversity. They will certainly open new opportunities especially for language learning through an easy access to authentic data in a variety of languages (Kaikkonen, et al, 2001).

The demands of global communication will challenge people to be able to communicate in international language. People need to master English as an



international language to support their activities at their workplace or even in their daily life. English is needed in many aspects of life such as economics, politics, culture, and education. Therefore, mastering English will be the main key to the mastery of science and technology. This reality increases the demand of people in learning English. Our government is really aware of this condition, so English is taught as a compulsory subject in our education to prepare students to be ready in facing the global world. School-based Curriculum is a curriculum that is now implemented in our education. Based on this curriculum, students are expected to be able to enhance their intelligent, knowledge, personality, character and skill to be autonomous in their life. One of the competence standards of the high school graduate in the School-based Curriculum is to be able to master skills in the four basic skills in English, e.g. listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Reading, as one of the four basic skills in English, is very important in

human life. We gain information and knowledge through reading. Students’

reading ability will bring them not only into their success in English mastery but also academic. Students who read more will have more knowledge; therefore good reader will do better in school, moreover reading is also used in almost every formal test.

Most formal tests use the written word as a stimulus for test – taker response; even oral interviews may require reading performance for certain tasks. Reading, arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as we create assessments of general language ability (Brown, 2004:185).

Developing reading skill in EFL setting is not easy to do. There are




many factors influencing students’ ability in reading; vocabulary, structural

knowledge, background knowledge, motivation and purpose, etc. This problem also occurs in SMA N 1 Klaten. Teachers find difficulty in developing

students’ reading skill. Students often feel bored when they have reading class,

since the materials provided are not interesting and the technique is monotonous. The students rarely get additional reading materials which support their need in their daily life, as now many of the instructions they meet in their daily life are provided in English. Hence, a careful material selection is needed. Concerning this problem, the writer attempts to design a set of reading instructional materials using contextual teaching and learning method.

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a learning concept which relates

the material being learned with students’ experience in their daily life. This

method requires students’ active participation and motivates students to relate

their background knowledge with the application in their daily life. Through

this method, students’ are expected to draw meaning from their learning. Thus, through this method student will be expected to have better understanding about materials being learned.

Contextual Teaching and Learning is one of methods that best suit the framework in School-based Curriculum. Some of the characteristics in Contextual Teaching and Learning reflect the characteristics of School-based Curriculum. The first is developmentally – appropriate practice, while in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and School-based Curriculum education practitioners should develop learning process appropriate to



students’ needs. The second characteristic is learner centered curriculum, in which students are actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, Contextual Teaching and Learning can be concluded as the appropriate method which in line with School-based Curriculum.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the discussion in the background of study, the writer formulates the problem in this study as follows:

1. How is a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten designed? 2. What does the designed set of materials look like?

C. Problem Limitation

The focus of this study is designing a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for first grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer is going to present various teaching techniques in the designed materials. Through those materials, it is expected that the teachers can increase the students’ motivation in studying English in order to yield better learning result. Thus, the writer attempts to design a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning to enable the students to acquire the competencies in English, especially in reading.




D. Objectives of the Study

This study is aimed to design a set of English instructional reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten. This study is also equipped in accordance with School-based Curriculum. This study is also equipped with the methods, techniques and the syllabus used in teaching English for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The objective of this study is mainly to help teachers in varying the English instructional materials which have been suited with the students’ needs, lack, and want. The second is to help students or the learners in increasing their competencies in English, especially in reading, through these new materials.

E. Benefits of the Study

This study will be beneficial for teachers, especially teachers of EFL (English for Foreign Language), and first grade senior high school students.

1. Teachers

This study will inspire teachers to assist students to learn English by employing various teaching techniques and activities provided in the designed material, especially under the framework of Contextual Teaching and Learning.

2. Grade X Students

This study will help students to prepare themselves to be accustomed to various teaching techniques and activities on the frame of Contextual Teaching and Learning. This study also aims to help students to enhance their ability in



English, especially in reading.

F. Definition of Terms

Several terms need clarification, namely: 1. Instructional material

“English instructional materials” refers to the printed materials such as

handouts, textbooks or magazines which are selected or made by the teacher for the teaching materials. The materials can be in the form of printed materials, computer – assisted instruction and televised instruction (Dick and Reiser, 1989:3). In this study, English instructional materials can be defined as all form of materials appropriate to be used as teaching material especially materials which are provided in English language.

2. Reading

Reading is one of the four basic skills in learning English which is used in most tests and applied in many aspects in daily lives. According to Grabe (1997), reading is an interaction between reader and text. Thus, reading requires background knowledge and comprehension skills. In this study, reading is referred as understanding meaning from the text.

3. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning helps us relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and applications to their lives as family members, citizen, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires




(http://www.cew.wisc.edu/technet/ctl/). In this study Contextual Teaching and Learning is implemented with the purpose of students can get meaningful learning. Therefore their learning will be long lasting and students will be more motivated in learning the subject matter.

4. Grade X Students

Grade X students in this study refer to students in the first grade of SMA N 1 Klaten. Their average of age is 16 years old. Most of them are active and highly motivated to study English.

5. SMA N 1 Klaten

SMA N 1 Klaten is the most favorite senior high school in Klaten, it is located on Merbabu Street 13th, Klaten. There are 1248 students in SMA N 1 Klaten, they are distributed into three grade: grade X, grade XI, and grade XII. Each of grades consists of 10 classes. Especially for the first grade (grade X), there is a special program called Immersion Class. This special program only opens for 2 classes. The number of teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten is 91 teachers. This number of teachers is expected to fulfill the need of educator staff in that school so that the teaching learning process will be carried out to achieve maximum result.




In this chapter, the writer discusses some theories that are relevant in designing reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) for the First Grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. This chapter is divided into two major parts. In the first part, the writer discusses the theoretical description and in the second part, the writer explains the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this theoretical description section, the writer is going to discuss about reading, contextual teaching and learning, curriculum, material development and instructional design models.

1. Reading

Theories of reading that will be explained consist of the nature of reading, teaching reading, reading skill and strategies and reading with comprehension. a. The Nature of Reading

Reading is an activity that actually people most done either consciously or not. People read something while they walk, drive, sit, and do many activities in their daily life. Reading, as suggested by Grabe and Stoller (2002) is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately.




Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael (1993: 284) as cited by Farrell, Thomas (2002) suggested that reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the reader‟s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation.

Another definition from Johnston (1983:17) as cited in Mikulecky, Beatrice (1990), reading is a complex behaviour which involves conscious and unconscious use of various strategies, including problem – solving strategies, to build a model of the meaning which the writer is assumed to have intended. From the three definitions above, the writer concludes that reading is an interactive process of interpreting message from a text which involves readers‟ background knowledge and the context of reading situation.

b. Teaching Reading

In designing reading activities for their students, teachers should be able to create an enjoyable environment for enhancing their students‟ interest in the lesson. Therefore, a three procedure in teaching reading should be taken into consideration; pre-, while- and post-reading instruction. Stoller (1994) as cited Celce-Murcia, Marianne (2001:191) discusses those three stages as follows:

1) Pre-reading instruction

Pre-reading instruction can serve five important purposes. It helps students to access background information that can facilitate subsequent reading, provides specific information needed for successful comprehension, stimulates student interest, sets up student expectations, and models strategies that students can later use on their own.



Some commonly used pre-reading activities include the following:  Previewing the text

 Skimming the text or portions of the text (e.g., the first and last paragraphs) to decide what the main ideas of the text are

 Answering questions about information in the text or formulating questions for which students want answer

 Exploring key vocabulary

 Reflecting on or reviewing information from previously read texts in light of the topic of the new text

2) While-reading instruction

During-reading instruction guides students through the text, often focusing on understanding difficult concepts, making sense of complex sentences, considering relationships among ideas or characters in the text, and reading purposefully and strategically. Some commonly used during-reading activities include the following:

 Outlining or summarizing key ideas in a difficult section  Examining emotions and attitudes of key characters

 Determining sources of difficulty and seeking clarification

 Looking for answers to questions posed during pre reading activities  Writing down predictions of what will come next

3) Post-reading instruction

Post-reading instruction typically extends ideas and information from the text while also ensuring that the major ideas and supporting information are well




understood. Post-reading activities often requires students to use text information in other tasks (e.g., reading to write). Some commonly used post-reading activities are:

 Completing a graphic organizer (e.g., table, chart, grid) based on text information

 Expanding or changing a semantic map created earlier

 Listening to a lecture and comparing information from the text based on a set of sentences provided

 Answering questions that demonstrate comprehension of the text, require the application of the text material, demand a critical stance on text information, or oblige students to connect text information to personal experiences and opinions

In order to achieve comprehension, students also need to learn more on reading skills such as skimming, scanning, previewing, predicting, etc. Besides those activities discussed above, there are some other activities that support some reading skills. They will be discussed in detail on the next part, reading skills and strategies.

c. Reading Skills and Strategies

Reading skills and strategies are regarded as major factor that lead to a success in comprehending message in a text. Hollas (2002) as cited in Duarte, Bikner Victor (2009) suggests that a reading skill is a helpful tool that a student practices in order to improve reading while a reading strategy is a plan or way of



doing something; a specific procedure one uses to perform a skill. Therefore, the writer is going to discuss some reading skills as follows:

1) Previewing

A preview is a quick and easy way to find out what a text will be about before reading it. This skill helps students decide if they need to read a particular text or not, it also helps them decide what the text will be about before reading it. If the information they want does not look like it will be in the text then they should not bother reading it. Example activities to build previewing skill:

 Look at the cover of a book and guess what the story will be about.  Examine the title or the front page of an article and guess what it will be

about. 2) Predicting

Predicting involves using cues in the text to guess what is going to come next. Understanding the context of they have already read help students to make predictions. They can also use the illustrations, vocabulary or the grammatical structure to guess what is coming next. Example activities to build predicting skill:

 Stop reading part way through a story and ask the students to guess what will happen next.

 Cloze exercises have some words missing from the context. Students have to use their understanding of the content of the text to guess the missing words and ideas.




3) Skimming

Skimming consists of quickly running one‟s eyes across a whole text (such as an essay, article, or chapter) for its gist. Skimming gives readers the advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or message and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas (Brown, 2001: 308).

Some activities to practice skimming as suggested by Leane, Shirley (2002) include:

 Match the titles of newspaper articles with the stories. As the students‟ ability improves, limit the time allowed to do the activity. This could be used as part of a media unit, or perhaps when they are learning to write recounts.

 Match the greetings and final paragraphs with the main part of a letter. (Use 3 or 4 letters with the different sections jumbled up). This could be used in a letter writing unit – use letters of the same style that you are teaching the students to write.

 Give the students a list of the key words that they will find in the text that they are about to read. The students read through the list of words and then give their ideas what they think the article will be about. After expressing their ideas, let them skim the text (with a time limit) and then compare their ideas with what they read in the text. This activity is extremely useful when introducing a new topic of study. It helps prepare the students for the topic that they are about to study and makes the reading of the text much easier.



 Show the students a newspaper headline and ask them to predict what the article will be about. As in the previous example, once they have made their predictions ask them to skim the text to check how accurate they were.

 Give the students a variety of emails and ask them to identify which ones are junk mail (spam) and which ones should be kept for later in-depth reading.

4) Scanning

Scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask students to look for names or date, to find a definition of a key concept, or to list a certain number of supporting details. The purpose of scanning is to extract specific information without reading through the whole text (Brown, 2001: 308).

Leane, Shirley (2002) suggests some examples of activities to practice scanning include:

 Give the students a train timetable and ask them to find out what time the train leaves a particular station. They only need to scan the timetable to find the information they want - the rest of the timetable is not relevant. Alternatively, they could search the Internet, for timetables and hotel information, to plan a trip.

 Give each student a copy of a TV schedule from an English language newspaper. Ask them to find out what time a certain TV program starts and finishes.




 Look at the contents page of a textbook to find the page number of a particular section. Alternatively at the beginning of the year, give the students an exercise to orientate them to their new textbook, e.g. „How many units are there?‟ „Which unit reviews past tense?‟ „Where is…..‟  Scan a biography (or an encyclopedia) to find specific factual information

such as date of birth, important events and places.

 Use a dictionary to find the meaning of a particular word.

 Look at a weather report and decide if they need to carry an umbrella tomorrow or not.

d. Reading with Comprehension

Reading with comprehension as suggested by Kustaryo, Sukirah (1988) means understanding what has been read. It is an active, thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skills but also on the student‟s experiences and prior knowledge. Comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary, seeing the relationships among words and concepts, organizing ideas, recognizing the author‟s purpose, making judgments, and evaluating.

Specific comprehension skills cannot be completely isolated because they are so interrelated that one skill depends to some degree on another skill. But in a broader sense comprehension could be divided into three level skills:

 Literal

Literal reading refers to the ideas and facts that are directly stated on the printed page. In fact, literal ideas and facts are usually so clearly stated that one could go back in the passage and underline the information desired.



 Inferential (drawing inferences, getting the main idea, summarizing) Inferences are ideas a reader receives when he goes beneath the surface to sense relationships, put facts and ideas together to draw conclusion and make generalizations, and detects the good mood of the material.

 Critical

Critical reading requires reading with an inquiring mind and with active, creative looking for false statements. It means questioning, comparing, and evaluating.

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Components of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) which are going to be discussed are the definition of CTL, basic principles of CTL, and the application of CTL.

a. Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

A preliminary definition of CTL emerged from projects sponsored by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education resulting in a study conducted at The Ohio State University, in partnership with Bowling Green State University (Contextual Teaching and Learning exemplary practices: 2000) suggests that Contextual teaching and learning is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations; and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning require.




Berns and Erickson (2001) states that contextual teaching and learning helps students connect the content they are learning to the life contexts in which that content could be used. Students then find meaning in the learning process. As they strive to attain learning goals, they draw upon their previous experiences and build upon existing knowledge. By learning subjects in an integrated, multidisciplinary manner and in appropriate contexts, they are able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in applicable contexts.

Contextual Teaching and Learning, then, involves students in a meaningful learning in which they can relate their past experience with the new concept they learnt. By implementing CTL, students are also introduced with contexts that are usually found in their daily life. Thus, the learning process will be more enjoyable and comprehensible for the students.

b. Basic Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning

According to Berns and Erickson (2001), to implement CTL, a variety of approaches may be used. Over the years, five teaching approaches that include context as a critical component have emerged. They engage students in an active learning process. Those approaches are problem-based learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning, service learning, and work-based learning. They will be explained as follows:

1) Problem-based Learning

Problem-based Learning is an approach that engages learners in problem- solving investigations that integrate skills and concepts from many content areas.



This approach includes gathering information around a question, synthesizing it, and presenting findings to others (Moffitt 2001).

2) Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning is an approach that organizes instruction using small learning groups in which students work together to achieve leaning goals (Holubec, 2001).

3) Project-based learning

Project-based learning is an approach that focuses on the central concepts and principles of a discipline, involves students in problem-solving investigations and other meaningful tasks. Allows students to work autonomously to construct their own learning, and culminates in realistic products (Buck Institute for Education, 2001).

4) Service learning

Service learning is an approach that provides a practical application of newly acquired (or developing) knowledge and skills to need in the community through projects and activities (McPherson, 2001).

5) Work-based learning

Work-based learning is an approach in which workplace, or workplace-like, activities are integrated with classroom content for the benefit of students and often business (Smith, 2001).

c. The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning

Applying Contextual Teaching and Learning in class will make teachers creative. This happens because teachers need some strategies below to be able to




apply CTL in an effective way, (retrieved from www.ateec.org/ateec_files/documents/ElementsofContextualTeachingandLearnin g.doc in June 10, 2009):

1) Problem-based

CTL can begin with a simulated or real problem. Students use critical thinking skills and a systemic approach to inquiry to address the problem or issue. Students may also draw upon multiple content areas to solve these problems. Worthwhile problems that are relevant to students‟ families, school experiences, workplaces, and communities hold greater personal meaning for students. This problem-based strategy can be applied in the pre-reading stage; it is expected to arise students‟ interest toward the text they are going to read. By presenting problems or questions, students will get a challenge to solve the problem; this will increase their motivation to understand the whole text.

2) Using multiple contexts

Theories of situated cognition suggest that knowledge cannot be separated from the physical and social context in which it develops. How and where a person acquires and creates knowledge is therefore very important. CTL experiences are enriched when students learn skills in multiple contexts (i.e. school, community, workplace, family). Using multiple contexts in which the students are involved will directly lead them to remember their past experiences. By relating their experiences in those contexts, students will comprehend the text more easily.



3) Drawing upon student diversity

On the whole, our student population is becoming more diverse, and with increased diversity comes differences in values, social mores, and perspectives. These differences can be the impetus for learning and can add complexity to the CTL experience. Team collaboration and group learning activities respect students‟ diverse histories, broaden perspectives, and build inter-personal skills. Using students‟ diversity will make the learning process interesting since students will understand others‟ experiences they have never experienced before.

4) Supporting self-regulated learning

Ultimately, students must become lifelong learners. Lifelong learners are able to seek out, analyze, and use information with little to no supervision. To do so, students must become more aware how they process information, employ problem-solving strategies, and use background knowledge. CTL experiences should allow for trial and error; provide time and structure for reflection; and provide adequate support to assist students to move from dependent to independent learning. Therefore, by giving students practices on using their background knowledge, they will be able to compare between what they already known with the lesson they learnt in the passage.

5) Using interdependent learning groups

Students will be influenced by and will contribute to the knowledge and beliefs of others. Learning groups, or learning communities, are established in workplaces and schools in an effort to share knowledge, focus on goals, and allow all to teach and learn from each other. When learning communities are established




in schools, educators act as coaches, facilitators, and mentors. Understand others experience, comparing with their self experience then it will encourage students to share the knowledge they have with others.

6) Employing authentic assessment

CTL is intended to build knowledge and skills in meaningful ways by engaging students in real life, or "authentic" contexts. Assessment of learning should align with the methods and purposes of instruction. Authentic assessments show (among other things) that learning has occurred; are blended into the teaching/learning process; and provide students with opportunities and direction for improvement. Authentic assessment is used to monitor student progress and inform teaching practices. This strategy is in line with the demand in School-based Curriculum, using authentic materials. This type of text will be more interesting and comprehensible for students.

3. Curriculum

a. School-based Curriculum

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or known as School-based Curriculum is an operational curriculum which is developed in each education unit (PP RI No. 19: 2005). This new curriculum is the completing of the latest curriculum, i.e. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (Competency Based Curriculum). The development of this curriculum is developed and carried out in each education unit; school. Therefore every school must develop their own curriculum based on the guidelines in KTSP’s Development Guidelines issued by



The National Education Standard Bureau (BSNP).

b. The Nature of English Language Based on School-based Curriculum In the School-based Curriculum, English is viewed as the communication tools both spoken and written. Helena (2006) in her book entitled “School based Curriculum: Competence, Process and Assessment Standards” states that communicating means understanding and defining information, ideas, feeling, and developing science, technology and culture. The ability to communicate in the comprehensive definition means discourse ability that is the ability to understand and develop written/spoken text which is realized into the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). These four skills are used for responding or creating discourse in the society. Therefore, English language is directed to develop those skills in order that the graduate students will be able to communicate in English under particular literacy level.

c. The Goals and Functions

The purpose of English in Senior High School is to develop students‟ abilities in:

1. Developing communication competence both spoken and written in order to achieve informational literacy level.

2. Having awareness on the importance of English to increase the nation‟s competitive ability in global society.

3. Developing the students „understanding on the relation of language and culture.




d. Scope of English Lesson based on School-based Curriculum The scope of English lesson in School-based Curriculum covers:

1. Discourse ability, that is the ability to comprehend and develop written/spoken text which is apprehended into the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in an integrated way to achieve informational literacy level;

2. The ability to comprehend and create various short functional texts, monologue and essay in the forms of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, review, public speaking. The degree of learning materials emerge in the use of vocabularies, grammar and rhetorical steps; 3. Supporting competence, that are linguistic competence (using grammar and

vocabulary, phonetics, syntax), socio-cultural competence (using idiom and tenses in the right order in various communication context), strategic competence (to overcome the problems appear in the communication in various ways in order that the communication goes well), and discourse maker competence (using the discourse maker).

4. Instructional Design Models

Instructional Design is a process used primarily to develop a wide variety of instructional materials, such as printed materials, computer-assisted instruction, and televised instruction. A formal definition of instructional design is: a systematic process for designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating



instruction (Dick and Reiser: 1989). In this study, the writer will employ the instructional design model from Kemp and Yalden. The writer will present the two instructional models, namely: Instructional Design Model by Jerrold E. Kemp, and Language Program Development by Janice Yalden. Those models will be discussed in details, one by one.

a) Kemp’s Model

According to Kemp (1977: 8) the instructional design plan is designed to supply answer to the three questions which may be considered the essential elements of instructional technology. The questions are:

1. What must be learned? (Objective)

2. What procedures and resources will work best o reach the desired learning levels? (Activities and resources)

3. How will we know when the required learning has taken place? (Evaluation) The plan consists of eight parts:

1. Consider goals, list topics, state the general purposes to teach each topic. 2. Identify the important characteristic of the learners for whom the instruction is

to be designed.

3. Specify the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measurable students‟ behavioral outcomes.

4. List the subject content to support each objective.

5. Develop pre-assessment to determine the students‟ background and present level of knowledge about the topic.




6. Select teaching/ learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content, so the student will accomplish the objectives.

7. Coordinate such support services as budget, personnel, facilities, equipment, and schedules to carry out the instructional plan.

8. Evaluate students‟ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objectives, with a view to revising and re-evaluating any phases of the plan that need improvement.

In this model, every part is interrelated, thus the designer may choose from any part he/ she likes to start. The flexibility of this model makes this model easy to be applied and the materials chosen are selected based on the learners‟ needs and interest.

Figure 2.1. Models of Instructional System (Kemps, 1977: 9)

Goals, Topics, and


Purposes Learner

Characteris tics

Learning Objectives

Subject Content

Pre-Assessment Teaching/Le

arning Activities, Resources

Support Services




b) Yalden’s Model

Yalden (1983: 89) suggested eight stages in language program development. Those eight stages are:

1. Need survey

2. Description of purpose to be prepared in terms of students‟ characteristics and students skills on entry to and on exit from the program.

3. Selection or development of syllabus type in terms of 4 and physical constraint on the program.

4. The proto-syllabus

The description of language and language use to be covered in program.

5. The pedagogical syllabus

It is the development of teaching, learning and testing approaches. It includes the development of teaching material and the development of testing sequence and decision on testing instruments.

6. a. The development of classroom procedures

It covers:

(1). Selection of exercise types and teaching techniques.

(2). Preparation of lesson plans.

(3). Preparation of weekly schedules




(4). Teacher training

It refers to briefings or workshops on principles, desired outcome, and exploitation/ creation of teaching material.

b. Evaluation towards the students, the program and the teaching process.

Theory of instructional design is much needed in the process of making an instructional material for the first grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. It will be based on the combination steps of the instructional models from some experts mentioned. Those instructional models have covered the entire requirement in producing an instructional design for the students.

The complete description can be seen from the figure below:

Figure 2.2. Language Program Development (Yalden, 1983:88)

5. Materials Development

In designing the materials, the writer applies the three stages in teaching reading namely pre-reading (before reading), while-reading (during reading) and post-reading (after reading) which is discussed in the teaching reading section

Needs Survey Descrip tion of purpose Selection/ developm ent of syllabus type Product ion of a proto-syllabus Production of a pedagogical syllabus Developme nt and implementa tion of classroom procedures Evaluat ion



above. The writer will select appropriate teaching learning activities and resources based on the students‟ needs, wants and lack which are the result from the need analysis process.

B. Theoretical Framework

In conducting the process of designing the instructional material for the first grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten, the writer will try to combine the two models of design; Kemp‟s and Yalden‟s model which have been discussed in the theoretical description above. Those two models will be modified to develop the new framework of designing to conduct the study. The new framework will consist of six steps:

1. Conducting Need survey

The step of conducting need survey was adapted from Yalden‟s model. A need survey was important in planning the instructional materials. This was carried out to gather information on students need, lack and wants. The writer conducted a survey by distributing questionnaire towards 40 first grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten, interviewing selected tenth grade students and interviewing a tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1 Klaten.

2. Determining competence standard, basic competence and topics

The next step was determining competence standard, basic competence and topics. This step was an adaptation from Kemp‟s model. This step was conducted to determine the goals or competence standard and formulate the general purposes or it can be said as basic competence in School-based Curriculum (KTSP). The




competence standard and basic competence are taken from the guidelines of School-based curriculum. Then, the designer specifies the topics based on the data taken from the need survey.

3. Determining indicators

The step of determining indicators is adapted from Kemp‟s model. Kemp (1997:23) stated that learning requires active effort by the learners. Thus, all objectives must be stated in terms of activities that will best promote learning. Therefore, the designer made a list of what the students have to learn in every meeting and what the students are expected to be able to achieve in the end of every meeting.

4. Designing the materials

The materials design process is also suggested by Kemp as listing the subject content to support each objective and selecting teaching/ learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content for the students to accomplish the objective. In this step, the designer selects the teaching learning activities and instructional resources that will be most appropriate for accomplishing each objective. The teaching learning activities are also adjusted with the framework of Contextual Teaching Learning. The materials are designed based on the competence standard and basic competence in School-based Curriculum.

5. Evaluating

Evaluation is done to measure the learning outcomes relating to the objectives. The materials design evaluation is done by distributing questionnaires. The result



of this evaluation will help in making any necessary adjustment. 6. Revising

Revising is the last step taken in designing the materials. This step is done after getting the feedback from the evaluation step in order to improve the designed materials.

The summary of the theoretical review can be seen in the figure below:

Figure 2.3. The Theoretical Model Need Survey

Competence standard, basic competence, topics


Materials Design








This chapter concerns the methodology used in this study. It also covers the methods, the research participants, the setting, the research instruments, data gathering techniques, data analysis, and the procedures of conducting the research. A. Methods

In order to answer the problem formulated in chapter one, the writer employed a research and development (R&D). According to Borg and Gall (1983: 775), there are 10 major steps in the R & D cycle used to develop minicourses which include research and information collecting, planning, preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination and implementation. However, in this study, the writer used only the first five steps, namely:

1. Research and information collecting – Includes review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of report of state of the art.

This first step was stated in the theoretical framework in chapter II, in the first step that is need analysis step, in which the writer used questionnaires and interview as the instruments. This research and information collecting was done in order to obtain information about the students’ needs and interest in learning English. In this step, the writer distributed questionnaires and conducted interview with the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer also conducted interviews with English teacher of the tenth grade class.



2. Planning – Includes defining skills, stating objectives determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing.

This second step was stated as the combination of second and third step in theoretical framework namely determining competence standard, basic competence and topics and determining indicators. The writer adapted the competence standard and basic competence as stated in the school syllabus based on the School-based Curriculum. This step was then continued with formulating the indicators as the objectives that students are expected to achieve.

3. Develop preliminary form of product – Includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices.

This step was stated as the materials design step in the theoretical framework, in which the writer selected teaching learning activities and resources to be presented in the designed materials. This activities and resources selected should be appropriate to the students based on the result in the need analysis process.

4. Preliminary field testing – Conducted in from 1 to 3 schools, using 6 to 12 subjects. Interview, observational and questionnaire data collected and analyzed. This step was stated as the evaluation step in the theoretical framework. This evaluation is done by distributing questionnaires for teachers and lectures in order to revise the design.

5. Main product revision – Revision of product as suggested by the preliminary field-test result.

This step was the continuous of preliminary field testing step, in which the designer done the final revision of her product based on the result from evaluation process. This product revision will be the final product presented.




In order to give a better understanding on the relation of the writer’s step and the steps in R & D, the writer present a figure to show the relation of both steps.

Figure 3.1 The comparison between the writer’s theoretical models with R & D cycle

B. Research Participants

In conducting the survey research, the writer had chosen some respondents who were considered to be reliable to help the writer in the study. Choosing the respondent was aimed to get the opinion, input, and the suggestion from the respondent of the research study in order to develop the research it self.

Step 1

Research and information collecting

Step 2 Planning

Step 3

Develop preliminary form of product

Step 4

Preliminary field testing

Step 5

Main product revision

Need Survey

Competence standard, basic competence, topics


Materials Design




1. Respondents of Needs Survey

The respondents were the first grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten and the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer needed to gain information on the students’ and teachers’ opinion of the material so far and their expectations in the new materials. It was aimed to have a clear description of the on going process of learning and the students’ needs towards the English materials.

2. Respondents of the Evaluation of the Designed Materials

The respondents of the survey research on the designed materials were the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten. Teachers happened to be people who would conduct the materials in class and the people who know the students ability in English.

C. Setting

This study was conducted in SMA N 1 Klaten. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out in the odd semester in the year of 2007/2008. It was continued with conducting interview to selected tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten on even semester of 2009/2010. The interview was also carried out with tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1 Klaten.




D. Research Instruments 1. Need Analysis

In this need analysis stage, the writer used interview and questionnaire as the instrument in collecting information.

a. Interview

This instrument enables the writer to explore more the answer of the respondents, in this case the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten. The interview was done in order to get information about the existing materials, the classroom activities, the tasks and assignments, the syllabus, and the curriculum. The interview was delivered to the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten, in which the teachers knew the ability of the students and the students need in learning English so the materials designed will be more effective and efficient for the learners. The interview was also delivered to selected tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten to gain their perception on learning English, their difficulties and their interests in reading.

b. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a printed form for data collection, which contains statements for subjects to respond (Seliger and Schohamy, 1989:72). The questionnaires in the pre-design survey were distributed to the first grade students in SMA N 1 Klaten. The respondents of this survey were selected randomly. The questionnaire for the students contains two sections. The first section established the respondents’ profile, age, gender, and family background. The second part required the respondents of his/her agreement on the statements about the target learning needs.



2. Evaluation of the designed materials

In the evaluation of the designed materials stage, the writer distributed questionnaire to the tenth grade English teachers of SMA N 1 Klaten. The questionnaire given to the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten contains three sections. The first one established the respondents’ identity, and English language teaching experiences. The next section made use of Likert- type items, which demanded the respondents to rate the degree of agreements on the statements related to the designed materials. The third section, the respondents were requested to give his or her comment, opinions, suggestions and criticism on the designed materials.

E. Data Gathering Technique

The process in the data gathering was divided into two parts, namely pre-design data and post-pre-design data.

1. Pre-design data

The questionnaires for the target need analysis were distributed to the selected First Grade Students in SMA N 1 Klaten in order to get basic information on the teaching and learning English there. It was continued then with conducted interview with selected tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Klaten. The writer went to the field and conducts the survey herself. The interview was done informally with the tenth grade English teacher in SMA N 1 Klaten.

2. Evaluation of the designed materials data

The questionnaires for revising the designed materials were distributed to the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten.




F. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis was conducted after the writer gets the complete data from the questionnaires and interview. The data from the questionnaires given to the students and interview to the English teachers of SMA N 1 Klaten in the pre-design survey were summarized into some points. The scores of the questionnaires were calculated using descriptive statistics based on Likert scale source: mean, median and mode to measure the opinions given by the respondent, the writer use four - point agreement.

1 = Strongly disagree with the statement 2 = Disagree with statement

3 = Agree with the statement

4 = Strongly agree with the statement

The writer applied the central tendency to measure whether or not the designed materials were appropriate for the target learners. The central tendency was useful to compute the average score, to find out the most frequent score and the mid-point score of the answer given by the respondents on the questionnaires.

The table of the descriptive statistic of the respondents’ opinions on the statement likes the following:

Table 3.1 The Description of Respondents’ Opinion on the Designed Materials

No Respondents’ Opinion on

Central Tendency



The data also contained the respondents’ suggestion, comments and criticism. The feedback from the teachers served as the supporting ingredients to revise the designed materials. The formula to measure the central tendency is:



M = Mean

Σ = the sum of the score X = the raw score

N = the number of the score

G. Research Procedure

Conducting this research, the writer followed some steps below: 1. Getting Permission from the Headmaster of SMA N 1 Klaten

The writer needed to get permission from the headmaster of SMA N 1 Klaten before conducting the study there.

2. Gathering information of the setting of place

The writer must collect information about SMA N 1 Klaten, the teachers, students, activities, and facilities there. This information was collected through some informal interview with some teachers, students and staff of SMA N 1 Klaten.

3. Preparing the thesis proposal

This third step, preparing the thesis proposal was conducted as the writer preparing the stages needed to carry out the study. The thesis proposal consists of three chapters, the introduction, review of related literature, and the methodology.




4. Getting permission from the sponsor, Head of The English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, and Bappeda Kabupaten Klaten

Before conducting the need analysis survey, the writer needed to have permission from the sponsor, Head of The English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and Bappeda Kabupaten Klaten.

5. Conducting Pre-design Need Analysis Survey

Before design the materials, the writer conducted need analysis. This needs analysis is aimed to find out the needs and interest from the target materials. This need-analysis helps the designer to design the materials easier. The need analysis survey was done by doing the interview and distributing the first questionnaire.

6. Analyzing the data obtained

By analyzing the data from the pre-design survey, the writer would be able to know the learners necessities, wants and lacks.

7. Designing the materials

The writer started to design her own materials by referring and combining the materials and made the writers own format in presenting the materials to the students.

8. Revising the designed materials

The result of the given questionnaire was used to revise the designed materials and to improve the weaknesses of the materials.

9. Writing the final version of the designed materials

This was the final step of the study in which the writer is ready to present the final version of her design.




This chapter describes the result and discussion of the finding of the study and the presentation of the designed materials. This chapter is divided into four parts. They are the elaboration of steps in designing a set of reading instructional materials based on Contextual Teaching Learning for grade X students of SMA N 1 Klaten, the findings of the designed instructional materials evaluation, discussions on the designed instructional materials evaluation and the presentation of the designed instructional materials.

A. Elaboration of Steps in Designing a Set of Reading Instructional Materials Based on Contextual Teaching Learning for Grade X Students of SMA N 1 Klaten

The elaboration of steps in designing the instructional materials were taken from the theoretical framework discussed in chapter two. This design model was used to answer the first problem formulation. There are six steps taken in designing the instructional materials. Those steps will be elaborated as follows:

1. Conducting need survey

This step was carried out to obtain students needs, wants and interests. In the process of this study, the writer did two stages of survey, the first one was done by distributing questionnaires to 40 students of grade X. This questionnaire




was mainly focused on understanding general information on English teaching and learning in SMA N 1 Klaten. The second one was interview with 10 students of grade X to find out their perception, difficulties and interests in reading lesson. There was also an interview with a tenth grade English teacher of SMA N 1 Kalten. This interview was done to gain information on the teaching learning process in teaching English especially on reading lesson. The complete description of the need analysis result will be explained as follows:

a. The results of the questionnaire and students’ interview

Based on the questionnaire, the writer found following information:

1) Many students of grade X of SMA N 1 Klaten have difficulties in learning English. Most of them are lack on understanding vocabulary, especially when they have to read an English text. They also have difficulties with grammar. 2) In the learning process, the students use a certain textbook which already

chosen by their school. Sometimes they also get a note from their teacher. This makes them felt that the materials are uninteresting.

3) The teaching process that the students experienced mostly is lecturing. Most of them like to work in group and have discussion with their friends.

In the process of this material design, after having that information, the writer continued with interviewing 10 students of grade X of SMA N 1 KLATEN. On this interview, the writer tried to gain information on students’ perception, lack, and interest on reading. The interview result will be described as follows:



 TASK 1

Ask the students to write a reflection about their family.  TASK 2

1. Ask some students to share their reflection with their classmates. 2. Discuss about the students’ reflection and make a conclusion on them.


Explain about the types of genre and the generic structure of the text the students have read before.




1. Ask the students to answer the questions related to the topic they are going to discuss.

2. Discuss the students’ answers together with the class.  WORD POWER

1. Ask the students to match the meaning of the difficult words with the synonym provided by referring to those words in the text.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  READING THE TEXT

1. Ask the students to read the first paragraph of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

2. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

3. Ask the students to read the second paragraph of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

4. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

5. Ask the students to read the third paragraph of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

6. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

7. Ask the students to read the fourth paragraph of the text then discuss the text together with the class.


1. Ask the students to answer the comprehension questions related to the text they have read before.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  YOUR TASK

Ask the students to make a survey on the advantage and disadvantage of having facebook account then ask some students to present their survey result and discuss it with the class.


Explain about the types of genre and the generic structure of the text they have read before.


Unit 3



Ask the students to fill the K-W-L chart on Know and Want part based on their understanding of Roro Jonggrang legend then discuss it with the class.


1. Ask the students to match the meaning of the difficult words with the synonym provided by referring to those words in the text.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  READING THE TEXT

1. Ask the students to read the first part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

2. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

3. Ask the students to read the second part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

4. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.

5. Ask the students to read the third part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

6. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.

7. Ask the students to read the fourth part of the text then discuss the text together with the class.


1. Ask the students to answer the comprehension questions related to the text they have read before.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  YOUR TASK

 TASK 1

Ask the students to mention the characteristics of the characters in the Roro Jonggrang legend based on the story they read before then discuss it with the class.


1. Ask the students to form a group of four then ask them to plan a role play based on Roro Jonggrang legend.

2. Ask three groups of students to perform their role play.  TASK 3

Ask the students to fill the K-W-L chart on the Learn part based on the lesson they learnt from Roro Jonggrang legend then discuss it with the class.


Explain about the types of genre and the generic structure of the text the students have read before.


Unit 4



1. Ask the students to answer the questions related to the topic they are going to discuss.

2. Discuss the students’ answers together with the class.  WORD POWER

1. Ask the students to match the meaning of the difficult words with the synonym provided by referring to those words in the text.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  READING THE TEXT

1. Ask the students to read the first part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

2. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

3. Ask the students to read the second part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

4. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

5. Ask the students to read the third part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

6. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

7. Ask the students to read the fourth part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

8. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

9. Ask the students to read the fifth part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

10. Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

11.Ask the students to read the six part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

12.Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

13.Ask the students to read the seventh part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

14.Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

15.Ask the students to read the eight part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.


to answer the following question.

18.Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.

19.Ask the students to read the tenth part of the text then ask the students to answer the following question.

20.Discuss the students’ answer together with the class.  WHAT YOU KNOW

1. Ask the students to answer the comprehension questions (True/False) related to the text they have read before.

2. Discuss the correct answer together with the class.  YOUR TASK

 TASK 1

Ask the students to make a list on the things they can do to help saving the earth then discuss it with the class.

 TASK 2

1. Ask the students to make a group of four and discuss how they will invite people to do the things which help saving the earth then ask the students to plan a role play on it.

2. Ask some groups of students to perform their role play.


Explain about the types of genre and the generic structure of the text the students have read before.

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