The contribution of the minor characters to Charlie`s character development in the perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.



HAURA ZAHMALIA, VINA. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to Charlie’s Character development in The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017

All people in this world must have their own story in the past, whether it was good or bad. Good memories lead them to have strong personality; meanwhile bad memories might damage their personality, especially when happened in their childhood. This problem somehow shows in the novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It tells about a high school student named Charlie who finally let his past because of the contribution from his best friends.

The writer formulated two-problems in order to analyze this study. The first problem formulation is about how are the characters depictions in the novel. The second problem formulation is about the contribution of the minor character to major’s character development.

To analyze this study, the writer used theory of characterization, theory of character development and new criticism approach. Since the study itself is about the contribution of the minor characters, the related theories help the writer to find the character of the major and minor characters and also the contribution of the minor characters.

After the writer analyzing the problems formulation with theory of characterization, the writer found that Charlie has timid character. Meanwhile his best friends have outgoing character; they tend to be active in the social. The minor characters help Charlie develop his character with ask him to do activities and stuffs with them and it motivates Charlie to open himself more.



HAURA ZAHMALIA, VINA. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to Charlie’s Character Development in The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Seluruh manusia di dunia ini pasti memilki kisah mereka sendiri, baik itu kenangan yang membahagiakan atau kenangan yang menyedihkan. Kenangan yang membahagiakan biasanya membuat manusia memiliki kepribadian yang kuat, sedangkan kenangan yang menyedihkan bisa membuat manusia memiliki kepribadian yang lemah apalagi jika itu terjadi pada saat kecil. Permasalahan ini terlihat di novel karya Stephen Chbosky yang berjudul The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang seorang sekolahan bernama Charlie yang akhirnya bisa membuka dirinya melalui kontribusi sahabat terdekatnya.

Peniliti membuat dua perumusan masalah yang akan digunakan untuk penilitian ini. Yang pertama adalah menganalisa kepribadian dari dua jenis karakter yang ada di novel tersebut, yaitu karakter utama dan karakter pembantu. Yang kedua adalah, menganalisa kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu terhadap karakter utama yang mengalam perkembangan karakter menjadi lebih baik.

Peniliti menggunakan teori karakter, toeri perkembangan karakter, dan pendekatan New Criticism karena penilitan ini tentang kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu. Teori karakter membantu peniliti menemukan karakter dari kedua karakter novel. Teori perkembangan karakter membantu penulis menemukan kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu kepada karakter utama karena penulis novel tersebut menuliskanya melalui percakapan, opinin karakter dan lain-lain..

Setelah peniliti menganalisa rumusan masalah menggunakan teori karakter, peneliti menemukan bahwa Charlie termasuk golongan yang memiliki kepribadian tertutup, Charlie adalah seorang yang pemalu. Sedangkan teman-temannya memiliki kepribadian mudah beradaptasi dengan sekitar. Mereka lebih terbuka dan aktif berpartisipasi di publik. Maka dari itu, kontribusi dari karakter pembantu membantu Charlie menjadi lebih bisa bersosialisasi di publik karena mereka selalu meminta Charlie untuk berpartisipasi bersama mereka dan itu memotivasi Charlie untuk lebih membuka dirinya.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214095











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214095
















I would like to express my biggest gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessing to making this thesis.

I express my gratitude to my advisor Drs. Hirmawan Wijarnaka, M.Hum for his time, support, and suggestions to finish this thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to my co-advisor, Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari S.S, M.Ed for her time to read and suggestions.

I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, Novizal BM and Ekarina Desmara. I will try to be a daughter that you can be proud of. Also my brother, Rinov, Akbar, and my beautiful guardian angels, Rocky and Shiro.

I thank my big family, close friends, and sisters for their endless supports. The biggest happiness source from 2009, my favorite musician and artists that always brighten my day, I sincerely thank them because they always motivated and inspired me.

Last but not least, I thank my Cobra Squad since 2012 Lydia, Arum, Kris, Shelma, Petra, and Sekar. Seriously, I cannot do it without you guys, so thank you so much!








MOTTO PAGE……….. vii





ABSTRAK……….. xii


A. Background of the Study……….. 1

B. Problem Formulation……… 4

C. Objectives of the Study………. 4

D. Definition of Terms……… 4


A. Review of Related Studies……… 6

B. Review of Related Theories………... 8

1. Theories of Characterization………. 9

C. Theoretical Framework……….. 10


A. Object of the Study………. . 12

B. Approach of the Study……….. 13

C. Method of the Study……….. 13


A. The Depiction of the Characters in The Perks of being a Wallflower... 15

1. The Character of Charlie……… 15

2. The Character of Sam……… 23

3. The Character of Patrick……… 25

4. The Character of Bill………. 27

5. The Character of Mary Elizabeth……….. 28

B. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to the Major Character……….. 30




HAURA ZAHMALIA, VINA. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to

Charlie’s Character development in The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University, 2017

All people in this world must have their own story in the past, whether it was good or bad. Good memories lead them to have strong personality; meanwhile bad memories might damage their personality, especially when happened in their childhood. This problem somehow shows in the novel The Perks of Being a

Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It tells about a high school student named Charlie

who finally let his past because of the contribution from his best friends.

The writer formulated two-problems in order to analyze this study. The first problem formulation is about how are the characters depictions in the novel. The second problem formulation is about the contribution of the minor character to major’s character development.

To analyze this study, the writer used theory of characterization, theory of character development and new criticism approach. Since the study itself is about the contribution of the minor characters, the related theories help the writer to find the character of the major and minor characters and also the contribution of the minor characters.

After the writer analyzing the problems formulation with theory of characterization, the writer found that Charlie has timid character. Meanwhile his best friends have outgoing character; they tend to be active in the social. The minor characters help Charlie develop his character with ask him to do activities and stuffs with them and it motivates Charlie to open himself more.



HAURA ZAHMALIA, VINA. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to

Charlie’s Character Development in The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas

Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Seluruh manusia di dunia ini pasti memilki kisah mereka sendiri, baik itu kenangan yang membahagiakan atau kenangan yang menyedihkan. Kenangan yang membahagiakan biasanya membuat manusia memiliki kepribadian yang kuat, sedangkan kenangan yang menyedihkan bisa membuat manusia memiliki kepribadian yang lemah apalagi jika itu terjadi pada saat kecil. Permasalahan ini terlihat di novel karya Stephen Chbosky yang berjudul The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang seorang sekolahan bernama Charlie yang akhirnya bisa membuka dirinya melalui kontribusi sahabat terdekatnya.

Peniliti membuat dua perumusan masalah yang akan digunakan untuk penilitian ini. Yang pertama adalah menganalisa kepribadian dari dua jenis karakter yang ada di novel tersebut, yaitu karakter utama dan karakter pembantu. Yang kedua adalah, menganalisa kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu terhadap karakter utama yang mengalam perkembangan karakter menjadi lebih baik.

Peniliti menggunakan teori karakter, toeri perkembangan karakter, dan pendekatan New Criticism karena penilitan ini tentang kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu. Teori karakter membantu peniliti menemukan karakter dari kedua karakter novel. Teori perkembangan karakter membantu penulis menemukan kontribusi yang diberikan oleh karakter pembantu kepada karakter utama karena penulis novel tersebut menuliskanya melalui percakapan, opinin karakter dan lain-lain..

Setelah peniliti menganalisa rumusan masalah menggunakan teori karakter, peneliti menemukan bahwa Charlie termasuk golongan yang memiliki kepribadian tertutup, Charlie adalah seorang yang pemalu. Sedangkan teman-temannya memiliki kepribadian mudah beradaptasi dengan sekitar. Mereka lebih terbuka dan aktif berpartisipasi di publik. Maka dari itu, kontribusi dari karakter pembantu membantu Charlie menjadi lebih bisa bersosialisasi di publik karena mereka selalu meminta Charlie untuk berpartisipasi bersama mereka dan itu memotivasi Charlie untuk lebih membuka dirinya.



A. Background of the Study

People around the world have their own story in the past, whether it is good or bad. Good memories lead people to have strong personality when they grow up. On the other hand, bad memories might damage their personality especially when happened in their childhood. As Feist stated, personality is a pattern of traits and unique characteristic that give consistency to a person‟s behavior (2008:10).

Children still in the phase where they can just play happily with others while having their parents taking care their business and stuff. They are not supposed to receive bad experience from adults. Adults also cannot treat them like to the others adult, because children‟s mentality is not strong enough than adult. Even if they misbehave and make mistakes, the punishment that they receive must be in the right manner. It will be strange for them to receive abnormal behavior from adults, even from their family because it might leave them traumatic. However, reality filled with many things from happy to sad events. To the fact that so many children are suffering from bad experience that happen when they are still learning the surrounding, it is make so many people concern that this might be one of the reasons that some people have anti-social personality.


Literary work is one of the ways for people to send message to other people. It made with purpose. Starting from back then when people cannot speak their opinion freely, moreover if they are in the middle or lower class. Then some people used literature as a media to speak out what is in their mind. Surprisingly other people acknowledge the meaning behind it. Since then, literary works become tools to send information to other people that read it.

According to Bertens, literature focuses on the message that author wants to tell through their work. It oriented toward the code –the code of literature- (2001:45). Literature is used as a communication tool to send the message with story and imagination to the people that read it. Arnold also said that literature has important things; one of them is teach and remind us about what happen back then until now (2001:2).

This study aimed to identify the character, which are the major and the minor characters. Major character had personality complex due to his past, and also he has difficulties to socialize in public. However, the minor characters help him to come out from his shell. In the end of the story, with their contributions and major‟s character passion, the main character makes significant change in his life.

The novel entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is a story about a high school boy named Charlie who has introvert personality. It tells about how Charlie spends his teenage days. Ingri Wahlstrom from Norwegian University of Science and Technology stated that,


The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an intertextual text regarding themes and genre, and a classic coming-of-age story that has fulfilled it is genre‟s movement towards also being a classic young adult novel (2014:50).

The Perks of Being a Wallflower also tells how Charlie learns about life. Of

course, he cannot handle it by himself. There are minor characters around Charlie that help him. The Perks of Being a Wallflower speaks more than just how introvert lives their life. It tells how introvert might develop, and how actually our surrounding can be the reasons and also the methods to heal from it. Character‟s personality is the

main concern in this story since people‟s character might get timid because of their

experiences in the past. Bad development and difficulties establish teenager to become bad if they cannot control themselves. For the worst case, it can cause juvenile delinquency, crime, until suicide attempt. Since this story happened in real life, the author asks the readers to open their eyes and see the imperfect life that happen around us.

The reason why this topic is chosen because the writer found that the book tells about how important our surrounding is. When we thought that we could live alone, the book tells us that having good friends around make us realize that probably we really cannot live by our self. Their contribution is an important element; they might help us when we get confused. They are the one that see us, see our face, see our expression, and read our mind. From their perspective, we can get the best advice and become a better person because of them.


As stated above, in Charlie‟s life, Patrick, Sam, and the other characters make Charlie out from his shell. They make him become outgoing, try new things, until Charlie finally discover his interest in writing. With this study, the reader might take the story as their way to reflect their life. It also can encourage the reader that has similar case with Charlie.

B. Problem Formulation

1.How are the characters depicted in The Perks of Being a Wallflower?

2.What are the contributions of the minor characters to Charlie‟s character development in The Perks of Being a Wallflower?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation above, there are two objectives of the study. First, the writer tries to see the major and minor character in the novel. Second, to identify the contributions of the minor characters, Sam, Patrick, and some characters

to Charlie‟s character development.

D. Definition of Term

These are the definitions of some terms to understand this study better. The first term is the minor character. According to Stanton in An introduction to Fiction, minor character is the one that help major character and other minor characters. In other hand, minor character is also important character in a story (1965:17). The


second term is development. Barbara H. Lemme states that development is systematic changes in behavior over time as a result from interaction between individual and the external environment (1995:8). .




In this chapter, there are three parts of reviews. Firs part is review of related studies; this part discusses about others studies that have similarity with this study. Second part is review of related theories, the theories that applied in this study. Third part is theoretical framework, to explain how the writer applies the theories to the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

Since this study is about the contribution of the minor characters to main

character‟s character development. Therefore the writer found an undergraduate thesis that discusses the same topic but in different works. The first study is from Alvin Ginardi from Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta with his thesis entitled

“The Influence of Minor Characters on Harriet‟s Personality Development in Rumer Godden‟s The River”. He said that, “As a growing up children, they need care, compassion, opinions, solutions, and family support to make them comfortable and creating a good character and temperament” (2010:47). He used psychological approach. He explained about how Harriet‟s character and how Harriet‟s personality changed due to her surroundings. Alvin explains that Harriet is an extrovert person, who is very active and open-minded. However, an extrovert also needs attention from other people, even they are the one can give a lot of attention to


other people. Her family and the surroundings unfortunately did not pay too much attention to Harriet. That caused Harriet to become an introvert; even she closed herself more than before.

The second study is from Martinus Bangkit Riandito from Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. His thesis entitled “The Minor Characters‟ Influence toward

Chaudarani Kaniz‟s Personality Change as seen in Qaisra Shahraz‟s The Holy Woman”. Martinus said that, “Person outside and inside the home or a member of

family‟s affection have a great contribution in changing a character.” (2014:3). He used psychological approach. His study tells about how Kaniz‟s personality changed from bad into a better person, the process of changing character is also from the influence of her family member. Because of that, she solved her problem with her own son, Khawar and dealt with her past.

The third study is from Rissa Egitia Yuniarti from Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Her thesis entitled “The Influence of The Minor Characters toward The

Main Character‟s Motivation for a Better Life as Seen in Constance Briscoe‟s UGLY”. She said in her thesis that, “Her mother, Carmen Briscoe, treats her in very

horrible way, while her teacher treats her really nice, these two minor characters are

the ones who pull out Clare‟s motivation on revealing her willingness to get a better

life.” (2013: 54). She used psychological approach, in her thesis she said that even though the minor characters have different personality, both of them make the major


character understand the situation that happen to her, therefore she is willing to change her life.

For the fourth study, the writer chose different work but it has the same topic. Rengganis Hendrysari from Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta in her thesis entitled “The Effect of the Minor Characters to the Development of Emma in Jane

Austen‟s EMMA” said about how the major character, Emma become a better person

because of the influence from her surroundings. “The minor characters have a significant role toward Emma. The minor characters give contribution towards

Emma‟s character changing.” (2015:43). Emma was an arrogant woman before

because she is born with high social status. It makes her become cocky to other people. Luckily, people around her complain about her behavior. Then, she realizes that what is she did was wrong.

The related studies above tell about the possibility of how people can change their character because of their surroundings. The difference between the related studies with this study is this study is focus more on the contribution of the minor characters.

B. Review of Related Theories

Theory that applies in this study is the theory of characterization and theory of character development. These theories apply in order to identify the major and minor character and the minor characters contribution to major character development.


1. Theory of Characterization

The characteristic of character are made in order to make the reader understand what the author wants to tell in their story. Usually, he/she makes their characters close to the reality. They have emotion and feeling. Abram stated that characters are the person represented in literary work; they show their feeling with what they say and what they do in the story (1999:32).

The theory of Characterization in Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to

English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, M.J Murphy stated that

there are nine steps on how the author describes the characters:

1. Speech

Murphy stated that the author gives us the insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person say (1972:164).

2. Past life

Letting the reader learn something about a person‟s past life by give a clue to events

that have helped to shape a person‟s character (1972:166).

3. Direct Comment

Describe or comment on a person‟s character directly (1972:170).

4. Personal Description

The author can describe a person‟s appearance and clothes in the story (1972:161).


6. Thoughts

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person thinking about (1972:171).

7. Character as Seen by Another

Describe the character through the opinion and eyes of other characters (1972:162).

8. Reactions

With the reactions of the character to some events or situations, it can show the

character‟s personality (1972:168).

9. Mannerism

The author can describe a person‟s mannerism, habits which may also tell us

something about his character (1972:173).

This theory enlightens the writer to answer the problem formulations. It helps the writer finds the characteristic of Charlie, Sam, Patrick, Bill, and Mary Elizabeth. It also help the writer to find the contribution of the minor characters to major character since the author reveals it through dialog, thought, direct comment, and so on.

2. Theory of Character Development

About the theory of character development, E.M Forster stated that character development is the changing of the character from the beginning until the end of the story. Characters are developing if they experience a change in themselves, for from personality, disposition, or outlook. They will change into a better character but of course, the changing depends on the situation in the story (1980:54).


Character is not changing easily. The author makes them change with process. Laurence Perrine says that characters do not change in a sudden way, but with step by step. Characters change with smaller change and it motivated by circumstances. It must follow by time and reason the changes (1974:71).

C. Theoretical Framework

The study entitled “The Contribution of the Minor Characters to Charlie‟s

character development The Perks Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky” tells about how the minor characters in this novel give contribution into the major character development until they encouraged the major character to take a new level in his life. The theory of characterization helps the writer to analyze the objects of the study, the major and the minor characters. The theory of character development helps the writer shows that Charlie had significant change in his character. It is because of the contribution of Patrick, Sam, Bill, and Mary Elizabeth.




A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It published on February 1, 1999 by Pocket Books. The book as the object of this study is a paperback edition, published in 2012 by MTV Book/Gallery Books. It contains of 213 pages and consists of four chapters and an epilog. In 2012, the novel is adapted into the silver screen with the same title. The author itself is the director and the scriptwriter for the movie. Logan Lerman, Ezra Miller, and Emma Watson are starring in this movie. After the movie screening, the

novel‟s sales boosted until it rewarded as #1 New York Times Bestseller.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a story about Charlie, a freshman student

who is shy and cannot interact with the other students. That is makes him become the target of bullying. Actually, Charlie is brilliant, and he has desire in writing. In his early days in high school, he did not want to hang out with anybody until he encourage himself to talk to Patrick, his senior, in a football game. Charlie also met

Patrick‟s sister, Sam who is also his senior in school. Both of them surprisingly did

not see Charlie as a freak. In their first meeting after the game, instead of make Charlie awkward, Patrick and Sam make Charlie comfortable with asking him some casual questions that is not make Charlie pressured at all. After that, their friendship goes to a new level. Charlie spent his first year like a normal student; he experienced


all the wild things yet fun that he never felt before as an introvert. He became a normal teenager because of Patrick and Sam. In the end of the story, it stated about the reason why Charlie does not hanging out with the other students and how Charlie overcome his past with telling the truth to his family and became more open about his situation. He finally can let go all of his problems in the past and ready to face the future. The novel is talks about friendship, love, and family that its matter.

B. Approach of the Study

The Approach that writer use to analyze this study is New Criticism. Bressler stated that New Criticism in literary work is an organizer of the human experience‟s content and it is sometime confusing and contradictory experience of life, it stirs

readers‟ emotions and makes its readers to reflect literary content (1999:43). He also

states the elements of the literary works are important because they have the interrelation and interconnection to the work (1999:44).

The study itself focuses on the characters, Charlie and his friends. From how the character of them, especially Charlie as the major character until the

contribution of the minor character to Charlie‟s character development. They help Charlie to become a better person.

C. Method of the Study

To analyze this study, the writer did library research in order to find the related theories to elaborate this study. The primary data of this study is the novel


The first step was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower from the beginning until the end. Then the writer noted some points that are important to the study, for example highlight the name of characters, important events in the story, the climax of the story, and the ending. After that, the writer described the characteristic of the major and the minor characters, then the writer tried to seeing the different between major and minor character. The next step was elaborated the contribution of the minor characters on Charlie‟s character development used related theory. For the first problem formulation, the writer described the character of Charlie, the major character and the minor characters using the related theory. The writer analyzed through their speech, direct comment, personal description, and so on. The writer found that Charlie had more than five characters. On the other hand, the minor character had more than one character. After finding the entire characteristic of major and minor characters in the novel, the writer analyzed the second problem, which is the contribution of the minor characters to major character development. In the final step, the writer made the conclusion about the study.



In this chapter, the writer tries to answer the problem formulation. First, the writer discusses about the characters in the novel. There are two types of character in the book, major and minor character. For this study, only one major and some minor characters that will be discussed. The major character is Charlie; meanwhile the minor characters are Patrick, Sam, Bill, and Mary Elizabeth. Second, the writer discusses the contribution of the minor characters to major character development. Then for the final, the writer makes the conclusion of the study.

A. The Depiction of the Characters in The Perks of Being a Wallflower 1. The Characteristics of Charlie

In this part, the writer tries to analyze the first problem formulation, which is how the characters depicted in the novel. According to Murphy there are nine steps on how the author describes the characters such as speech, past life, direct comment, personal description, conversation of others, thoughts, character as seen by another, reactions, and mannerism (1972:16). Since the characters divided into two types, the major and minor character, the writer will discuss the major character first, Charlie. The writer used speech, past life, direct comment, conversation of others, thoughts, character as seen by another, reactions and mannerism.


a. Shy

Charlie described as a shy person. The writer found it through his speech in the beginning of the novel. These are the evidence that the writer found.

The author describes him as a person that only close with certain people including his family. Since his close friend in the middle school commits suicide, Charlie becomes more timid than before. When most of the students feel that school is a fun place to make friends, Charlie thinks the opposite. He said that he does not like high school and afraid going to there (Chbosky, 1999:6).

In the first day of school, Charlie says that he is only looking the other students around him instead of getting closer with them. He does not think to socialize with other people. He keeps quiet the most of the time (Chbosky, 1999:7). Charlie shows his shy personality when he tries to greet his new friend, he said that normally he is very shy (Chbosky, 1999:19).

The writer also finds that Charlie likes to write letters to “someone”. He uses letter to let out his feeling since he does not have anybody to talk.

I am writing to you because she said you listen and understanding and did not try to sleep with that person at that party even though you could have.

I just need to know that someone out there listens, understands, and does not try to sleep with people even if they could have. I need to know that these people exist (Chbosky, 1999:1).


b. Emotional

Chbosky mentions it few times about Charlie being emotional. He stated that Charlie could not control his emotion. Charlie shows his feeling with crying or screaming hardly. It started when he finds out that his close friend in the middle school named Michael died.

I do not really remember much of what happened after that except that my

older brother came to Mr. Vaughn‟s office in my middle school and told me to stop crying. The he put his arm on my shoulder and told me to get it out of my system before Dad came home (Chbosky, 1999:3).

It continues when his school asks him some questions about Michael, he is crying really hard.

I was crying still. I never did stop crying (Chbosky, 1999:4).

Then Charlie shows his emotional side when he punches Sean as his defense, because Sean keeps bully him. He is crying again. Actually, it is not making any sense since the one that getting hurt more is Sean but Charlie might cry because he could not express his anger well. He turns his anger into sadness.

He also likes to scream out of nowhere and he says that he is crying or screaming when he is emotional.

Some kids look at me strange in the hallways because I do not decorated my locker, and I am the one who beat up Sean and could not stop crying after he did it. I guess I am pretty emotional (Chbosky, 1999:8).


c. Pedantic

Another characteristic of Charlie that the writer found is pedantic. He had so many thoughts even over small things. The author described it through direct comment that Billy made to Charlie.

“Do you always think this much, Charlie?” “Is that bad?”

“Not necessarily. It is just that sometimes people use thought to not participate

in life.” “Is that bad?”

“Yes” (Chbosky, 1999:24).

Bill curious after Charlie tells his concern about the girl that he likes to him. Charlie is too scared that he might not be able to confess his feeling to the girl he likes. He keeps think that he does not have any good point and he scared that his feeling might break their friendship.

d. Passionate in Writing

Bill gives his students task to read a book that he choose. The first book is To

Kill a Mockingbird. Actually, Bill only wants his students to read it, but after see Charlie‟s ability in reading and understanding the language, he asks Charlie to make an essay.

My advanced English teacher asked me to call him “Bill” when we are not in

class, and he gave me another book to read. He says that I have a great skill at reading and understanding language, and he wanted me to write an essay about To Kill a Mockingbird (Chbosky, 1999:10).

He seems satisfied with Charlie work. Bill gives Charlie more books to analyze. Bill gave my first B in advanced English class for my paper on Peter Pan... He told me that my sense of language is improving along with my sentence structure (Chbosky, 1999:46).


Charlie first score for To Kill a Mockingbird’s essay is C, but it does not make him give up. As Bill keeps giving him book, Charlie improves his writing skill.

I have decided that maybe I want to write when I grow up. I just do not know what I would write (Chbosky, 1999:46).

The writer found Charlie had passion in writing from the events above. He even likes every book that Bill gave to him.

I am starting to see a trend in the kind of books Bills gives me to read…. They are all my favorites. All of them (Chbosky, 1999:63).

e. Wallflower

The reason why Charlie nickname is wallflower is because since he is a kid, Charlie sees so many things that are consider as secret because some of them are quite embarrassing. Everyone around him even was making Charlie to do not spill the tea to other people. One of the examples is when his father crying over his aunt‟s death. Charlie witnessed his father crying like a baby. Since his father normally is not a crybaby in front of his family, his father did not want him to tell everyone in the family that he is crying like that.

Charlie discovers that Patrick is a gay because he spots Patrick is kissing a boy in his bedroom.

“Brad does not want people to know.” “Why?”

“Because he is scared.” ……

“Listen, Charlie. Brad does not want people to know. I need you to promise

that you will not tell anyone. This will be our little secret. Okay?”


After that he tells everyone in the party that Charlie is a Wallflower.

“He is a wallflower.”

And Bob really nodded his head. And the whole room nodded their head. And I started to feel nervous in the Bob way, but Patrick did not let me get too nervous. He sat down next to me.

“You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand” (Chbosky, 1999:37).

The writer found this characteristic through conversation of other, as Patrick told Bob that Charlie is a wallflower. A wallflower does not have any intention to tell to other people about their family or friend‟s abnormal behavior because they are shy and has a social disease. Just like Charlie could not handle the attention he gets even though he crave is as much as everyone else.

f. Observant

What Charlie did on his early days in high school was observing his surroundings.

Even though Charlie is a loner, actually he is not the type of person that closes themself from the public. He only has difficulties in building relationship with other students. Therefore, he keeps observe his surroundings without any intention to talk with the other students.

In middle school, Susan was very fun to be around. … But over the summer, she had her braces taken off, and she got a little taller and prettier and grew breast. Now, she acts a lot dumber in the hallways (Chbosky, 1999:6).

If Charlie does not have any interest with the other students, he might not care with his friend. Instead, he even knows his schoolmate appearance through the years.


He also likes to listen to Patrick‟s humor in shop class. The he finds that Patrick is a funny.

I was just kind of watching people, seeing who was in love and who was just hanging around, and I was that kid I told you about (Chbosky, 1999:19). From what he says above, the writer found that Charlie likes to observe the surrounding. Therefore, he is an observant. He tends to watch people from what they are doing until with whom they are with without any intention to join the crowd.

g. Brave

When the other student named Sean, bullies him, Charlie tries to defense himself with punch him really hard. He remembers the defense method from his brother.

Then, he got mad and started hitting me, and I just see the things my brother taught me to do. My brother is a very good fighter.

“Go for the knees, throat, and eyes” (Chbosky, 1999:7).

The writer found that Charlie is brave from the reaction that he gives when Sean is trying to hurt him. He protects himself with punch Sean until he gets hurt. Charlie is aware that Sean is going to do something bad to him, so when Sean starting to touch him, he punches his knee, throat, and eyes. He tries to protect himself since he knows that he is not guilty.

h. Quite Athletic

Charlie declares that he likes to do sport in the novel. Usually he watches some games with his family. His brother is also a football player. He talks about


not have any interest with sport, but from his speech, the writer sees that he has interest in sport

I always wanted to be on a sport team like that.

I used play sports when I was little, and I was actually very good (Chbosky, 1999: 52).

i. Mentally Unstable

The author is not describing in detail about this character. He just shows it little by little through his story. The writers can see it from what Charlie says in the novel. The first evidence is when Charlie and his family find about Aunt Helen‟s death.

I do not really know what happened next, and I never really asked. I just remember going to the hospital. I remember sitting in a room with bright lights. I remember a doctor asking me questions (Chbosky, 1999:91).

The second evidence is when Chbosky mentions that Charlie has a weird habit whenever he thinks about his past.

My brother…football…Brad…Dave and his girlfriend… and the tree kept moving… they just would not stop moving… so I laid down and made a snow


The policeman found me pale blue and asleep (Chbosky, 1999:99).

He keeps mention it as he refers this characteristic is one of the reasons that Charlie has timid personality.


2. The Characteristics of Sam

The writer chose four minor characters in this study. They are Sam, Patrick, Bill, and Mary Elizabeth. It is important to discuss their characters because they are the one that give contribution to Charlie‟s character development. In this part, the writer analyzes Sam‟s character.

a. Caring

Sam is one of the first people that Charlie meets in the game. The moment she sees Charlie, she does not give bad vibe to him but instead, she welcome Charlie very well.

When Charlie got stoned because Bob gives him brownie that contained some weed on it, Sam is angry with Bob because she acknowledges that Charlie does not consume something like that before.

“What the hell is your problem?” “Come on He likes it. Ask him.” “How do you feel, Charlie?” “Light.”

“You see”

Sam sat down next to me and held my hand, which felt cool.


… Then, Sam took my hand and stood me up on the dizzy floor. “C‟mon. We will get you a milkshake.

As we were leaving, Sam turned to Bob

“I still think you are an asshole” (Chbosky, 1999:35).

From the reaction that she shows above, it shows that she is caring with Charlie. She even takes Charlie from the crowd in order to makes him conscious again.


b. Low in Self-Esteem

Charlie‟s sister is the one that tells Charlie that Sam has low self-esteem. She

tells that Sam has reputation. She used to be a “blow queen”.

I asked my sister about this, and she said that Sam has low self-esteem. My sister also said that Sam had reputation when she was a sophomore (Chbosky, 1999 49).

She also likes to date older man; Charlie says her new boyfriend is older than his brother.

Now, I guess maybe you think that is because I am jealous of him. I am not. Honest. It is just that Craig does not really listen to her when she talks. I do not mean that he is a bad guy because he is not. It is just that he always looks distracter (Chbosky, 1999: 48).

The reason why she has a low self-esteem is because of her bad experience with her step dad in the past. Her father did not teach her in a good way. He even mock and make her to do dirty things.

3. The Characteristic of Patrick a. Funny

Charlie first meeting with Patrick is when he is in the shop class. He finds Patrick is funny and hilarious. He even thinks that Patrick is someone you could just walk up at a football game even though you were three years younger and not popular.

So, in shop class Nothing started to do a very funny impersonation of our teacher, Mr. Callahan. He even painted in the mutton chop sideburns with a grease pencil. Hilarious.


It was just that funny. I wish you could have been there because it was the hardest I have laughed since my brother left (Chbosky, 1999:13).


From what Charlie says, the writer found that Patrick is hilarious because he makes Charlie with his jokes about their teacher.

b. Caring

For someone who has no friend in the school and get the “freak” title, Patrick could ignore Charlie. However, when he sees another student tries to bully Charlie, he is telling the truth to the teacher about the accident.

And I did. And I really hurt Sean. And then I started crying. And my sister had to leave her senior honors class and drive me home. I got called to Mr.

Small‟s office, but I did not get suspended or anything because a kid told Mr.

Small the truth about the fight (Chbosky, 1999:7).

Charlie does not tell whom the kid that tells truth directly, but from his view, it is easy to assume that the kid is Patrick.

So, That is what I am doing until I meet a friend here. I was hoping that the kid who told the truth could be becomes a friend of mine, but I think he was just being a good by telling (Chbosky, 1999:8).

From the evidence above, the writer found that Patrick is also caring like Sam. The author reveals it through character as seen by another. It is from Charlie‟s view. He sees Patrick as someone that he wants to get close to because of the action that Patrick did to Charlie when other student tries to hurt him.

c. Friendly

Another characteristic from Patrick is friendly. The writer found it when he greets Charlie at the football game.


Charlie immediately thinks like that because when the other students ignore him, Patrick is the only one that is not avoiding him. Another prof is when Charlie and his friends celebrating Christmas with doing the annual event called “Secret Santa”. They are supposed to give the present in secret. In the end of the event, they need to reveal

themselves. Charlie reveals that he is Patrick‟s secret Santa. His entire friends laugh because they are already knew about it. Since, his gift is quite obvious. However, Patrick did something nice to Charlie instead of laughing like everyone else.

When I revealed that I was Patrick‟s Secret Santa, everyone laughed because everyone knew, and Patrick did his best impersonation of being surprised, which was nice of him (Chbosky, 1999:66).

Patrick does not see Charlie as a freak student. He always makes Charlie comfortable with his attitude and of course his jokes.

In another event, Charlie discovers Patrick secret for the first time. He knows that Patrick is a gay and he is in a relationship with Brad. Even though Charlie is his new friend and discovers his dark secret, Patrick is not angry with Charlie. He just asks Charlie to keep it as a secret.

When I got out of bathroom, I heard a noise in the room where we left, our coats. I opened the door, and I saw Patrick kissing Brad. It was stolen type of kissing (Chbosky, 1999:36).

Patrick then took me out of the room and closed the door. He put his hands on both of my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.

“Brad does not want people to know” “Why?”


4. The Characteristics of Bill

Besides teaching him in the class, Bill also gets personal with Charlie. They become so close even Charlie talks about his life and problem with him. He listens to Charlie‟s stories and concern. When Charlie had a problem with his love life, Bill is listening and giving him some advices.

Bill looked at me looking at people, and after class, he asked me what I was thinking about, and I told him. He listened, and he nodded and made

“affirmation” sounds. When I had finished, his face changed into a “serious talk” face (Chbosky, 1999: 24).

Bill is able to understand Charlie‟s condition. He‟s aware that Charlie has so

many thought since Charlie is hitting puberty already. Therefore, whenever Charlie is confused, he can calm and tells him not to worry too much. Their friendship is also until in the level that Bill can suggest Charlie to do famous dance to attract girl‟s attention. Bill is a good guy.

5. The Characteristics of Mary Elizabeth

Mary Elizabeth is one of Charlie‟s friends in high school. She is in the same group with Patrick and Sam. Charlie knows about Mary from them. For Charlie, Mary is a caring friend. She knows how to make Charlie comfortable just like Patrick and Sam.

a. Nice

Charlie says that Mary is the first girl he ever dated. He mentions that Mary asks him out first. It make his impression to Mary increased.


Mary Elizabeth was so nice that day. She said that it was the best issue we would ever had for two reasons, and both of those reasons were mine (Chbosky, 1999:109).

The writer found that Mary is nice from Charlie‟s opinion about her. Mary keeps complimenting about his work in the part-time job and stuffs.

“You looked really good in your costume” (Chbosky, 1999:111).

b. Straight Forward

Mary Elizabeth also has another characteristic, which is straightforward character. It shows when Charlie starts dating Mary Elizabeth. In the beginning of their relationship, Mary Elizabeth already announces their relationship without ask for Charlie‟s agreement.

She announces it to the group (Chbosky, 1999:112).

It actually makes Charlie a bit uncomfortable. Then some things keep happen as he has another date with Mary.

I did ask her question, and I let her talk the whole time. I learned a lot about

“objectification,” Native Americans, and the bourgeoisie. …

I asked her if she thought girls were pretty, and she looked at me like I was

stupid and said, “That is not the point.” …

The only thing she asked me the whole time was whether or not I wanted to kiss her good night. When I said that I was not ready, she said she understood and told me what a great time she had. She said I was the most sensitive boy she had ever met, which I did not understand because I really did was not interrupt her (Chbosky, 1999:114).

As we waited for the movie to start, she said what a shame it was that so many people would go to see a stupid Hollywood movie, but there were only a few people in this theater. Then, she talked about how she could not wait to get out of here and go to college where people appreciate things like that (Chbosky, 1999:124).


Her straightforward comment makes Charlie uncomfortable. She is not letting Charlie to tell his opinion because she feels that her opinion is the best. It is hard to Charlie to keep it up with her. When Charlie is not ready to kiss her, Mary called him

sensitivity and it is hurt Charlie‟s feeling.

B. The Contribution of the Minor Characters to Major character

In this part, the write tries to answer the second problem formulation, which is the contribution of the minor characters into major character development. It is about how Charlie‟s close people change him to be a better person. As Laurence Perrine says that characters are does not change in a sudden way, but with step by step. Characters change with smaller change and it motivated by circumstances. It must follow by time and reason the changes (1974:71). His best friends, Patrick and Sam give their contribution in making Charlie to be caring, confident, brave, expressive, and be himself. They make Charlie “participate” in the social. Meanwhile, Bill gives his contribution in making Charlie chose the right decision in his life with find his interest in writing. And as for Mary Elizabeth, Charlie learns about being honest with himself.

1. The Contribution of Patrick and Sam

The author describes Charlie as a shy person in the novel. He is into in the introvert category, which is type of person that does not want to involve in public because they are too shy. However, it does not mean that Charlie does not have any


It first show when Charlie meets Patrick in the shop class. He finds Patrick is

funny and hilarious. Patrick‟s personality makes Charlie thinks to get close to him

since he sees Patrick differently with other students. In the football game night, for the first time in his high school life, Charlie bravely introduces himself to Patrick and Sam.

Now, normally I am very shy, but Nothing seemed like the kind of guy you could just walk up to at a football game even though you were three years younger and not popular.

“Hey, you are in my shop class!” He is a very friendly person. “I am Charlie.” I said, not to shy.

“And I am Patrick. And this is Sam.” He pointed to a very pretty girl next to

him. And she waved to me.

“Hey, Charlie.” Sam had a very nice smile.

They both told me to have a seat, and they both seemed to mean it, so I took a seat (Chbosky, 1999:19).

Their nice reaction makes Charlie feel welcomed. They are making Charlie comfortable as they are heading to the Big Boy after the game. It was their first official meeting and Patrick and Sam already ask Charlie do things with them.

The nice thing about the Big Boy was the fact that Patrick and Sam did not just throw around inside jokes and make me struggle to keep up. Not at all. They asked me questions.

“How old are you, Charlie?” “Fifteen”

“What do you want to do when you grow up?” “I do not know just yet.”

“What‟s your favorite band?”

“I think maybe the Smiths because I love their song, „A Sleep‟. But I am

really not sure one way or the other because I do not know any other songs by

them too well” (Chbosky, 1999:19).

Since their personality is out going, they are asking questions to Charlie and it makes Charlie feels comfortable around them. After that, Charlie starts hang out with them..


There is a feeling that I had Friday night after the homecoming game that I do not know if I will ever be able to describe except to say that is warm (Chbosky, 1999:32).

In Patrick‟s friend party, Patrick and Sam keep treat him nicely. Everyone else in the party also kind to Charlie, they are asking Charlie questions like them. Because of that, he feels their sincerity from it.

Everyone was very friendly to me and asked me a lot of questions about myself. I guess because I am the youngest, and they did not want me to feel out of place (Chbosky, 1999:34).

As their friendship built, Patrick and Sam keep showing their affection to Charlie. Just like when they celebrate the annual event called “Secret Santa” on Christmas day. His secret Santa knows that Charlie has interest in writing so he/she, turned out to be Patrick, gives him a tie, a white shirt, shoes, and an old belt. Patrick is so thoughtful on his choice of gift for Charlie. He even prepares the last give nicely.

Sam knows Charlie‟s passion too; she wrapped an old typewriter with a fresh ribbon

to give to Charlie as a Christmas gift.

Everyone did. And he came out with three tubes of Pringles and a suit coat. And he walked up to me. And he said that all the great writers used to wear suits all the time.

I think it was the first time in my life I ever felt like I looked “good”

(Chbosky, 1999:67).

Their thoughtful gift makes Charlie feels happy and “good”. He says that his days become more special and interesting. Charlie even thinks that it would be very nice to


The writer found that Charlie is showing his feeling more than before. He gives all of his friends‟ presents, including Mary Elizabeth without any exact reason. It shows that he becomes more caring toward other people in his life. He finally understands the importance of having friends around him. The writer sees that Charlie treasure his friendship with Patrick, Sam, and Mary.

I wanted Sam and Patrick to have them because they were my two favorite people in the whole world (Chbosky, 1999:194).

Since he keeps doing activities with his friends, Charlie started to gain his confidence. It shows when Craig does not show up for Rocky Horror Picture Show. Mary asks Charlie to replace him as Rocky. It is his first ever show in his life, yet

Charlie does not reject Mary‟s offer. He plays as Rocky that night.

I would not go to into detail about the whole song, but I had the best time I ever had in my whole life (Chbosky, 1999:110).

From what he says, the writer finds that Charlie actually enjoys his first performance. He is not regret doing it.

All I could think was how nice it was that everyone applauded for me and how glad I was that nobody in my family was there to see me play Rocky in feather Boa (Chbosky, 1999:111).

In the end of the novel, Charlie greets another student confidently.

When I got to my locker, I saw this skinny kid who had the locker next to me all year. I had never really talked to him before.

I cleared my throat and said, “Hey, My name is Charlie.” All he said was, “I know” (1999:213).


His friends contribution makes Charlie confident than before as he finally does not feel shy in front of other people. After some time, he can introduce himself without being shy.

Their friendship also makes Charlie understand that when his friends are in danger, he has to safe them. The writer Charlie shows his brave personality in order to protect Patrick from Brad.

Later that afternoon, I was having a cigarette outside by myself, and I saw Patrick alone, also having a cigarette. I was not close enough to really see him, but I did not want to interfere with his personal time, so I did not walk up to him. But Patrick was crying. He was crying pretty hard. After that, whenever I saw him around anywhere he did not look like he was there. He looked like he was someplace else. And I think I knew that because that is people used to say I was. Maybe they still do. I am not sure (Chbosky, 1999:150).

Charlie cannot stand by just watching his friend fighting from afar, even though their friendship has a bit a problem at that time. Therefore, when Brad punches Patrick really hard, Charlie punches him harder. He involved in the fight.

That is when I got involved. I just could not watch them hurt Patrick even if things were not clear just yet (Chbosky, 1999:151).

Charlie is not defense himself this time but he protects Patrick. He even threaten Brad in order to not hurt Patrick again,

“If you ever do this again, I will tell everyone. And if that does not work, I‟ll blind you” (Chbosky, 1999:151).

Their friendship lets his brave personality out because he has to protect the people that give so much attention to him. Compared to the past, instead of crying, he


The contribution of the minor character is showing again when Charlie starts show his natural side to them. It is happen because Patrick and Sam never get bothered when Charlie doing something silly. They just smile and understand.

The great thing about Sam is that she does not think I am crazy for pretending to do things. Patrick does not either, but he was too busy watching the games and screaming at Brad, the quarterback (Chbosky, 1999:29).

The reaction that Patrick and Sam give makes Charlie feels that it is okay to show his side more. Another example is when Charlie angry to his sister‟s friend, Dave. Charlie cannot control his anger as the writer mentions it in the first problem formulation. This time he also wants to hurt Dave.

The next day at the homecoming dance, I saw them dancing together. Dave and his girl. And I got really mad. It is kind of scared me how mad I got. I thought about walking up to Dave and really hurting him like maybe, I should

have really hurt Sean …. But Sam saw me and put her arm around my

shoulder like she does. She calmed me down, and I guess I am glad she did (Chbosky, 1999:32).

Fortunately, Patrick and Sam help Charlie to solve the problem. Instead of agreed on his plan, both of them suggest Charlie to move his anger to another object. Sam

supports Charlie‟s idea, which let Dave‟s tires air out, she helps Charlie to find

Sean‟s car. Even though it is not a good action, but she does not want her friend involved in a serious problem. She also does not want Charlie to keep bottled things. Therefore, she supports his idea.

Another good thing that Charlie shows is he becomes more expressive. Their contribution makes him being himself. The writer found that Charlie is able to convey his feeling to his friends. He does not have to pretend that he is fine in front of them


since his friends understand his situation. It shows when Charlie had “bad day” because of his past. He starts to fall asleep somewhere again. It worries his family and friends but he pretends to act fine in front of them even though he cannot.

That is when I started laughing. I was so relieved. And Sam and Patrick smiled. I was glad they started smiling, too, because I could not stand their looking so weird.

Things have stopped moving for the most part ever since. I have not skipped another class. And I guess now I do not feel like a big faker for trying to put my life back together (Chbosky, 1999:102).

Then since he is comfortable with Patrick and Sam, he cannot hold it anymore. Charlie tells his condition to them. Both of them understand and encourage Charlie to be strong. Their contribution this time even help Charlie let out his stress. Instead thinks too much about everything. He just straight to his problem and tell his close people about it. Because of that, he can reduce his pedantic personality.

Time flies again and this time something bad keep coming to Charlie when remind his pasts. He starts to get hurt whenever he remembers his past, especially the one with his beloved, Aunt Helen. Charlie does not tell in the beginning that he has

“problem” but the author mentions it several times. Chbosky hints it in the some part of the story and reveals it in the end of the story. It makes the writer found that

Charlie‟s mental is somehow unstable. Apparently, Charlie is the victim of sexual abuse, the reason why he likes to crying and screaming out of control. The reason why he keeps quite all this time because he keeps thinks about it. To make it worse, the one that abusing him is Aunt Helen.


He does not tell anybody about it. He just keeps holding it for years. However, the bad memory keeps haunt him until makes him out of focus several time. The worst is when his family found him naked while watching television. He would not speak or snap out of it (Chbosky, 1999:208).

After his family decides to take him to the hospital to get diagnose, Charlie finally be able to talk about his problem because his family and friends reaction are not like what he is thinking before. They understand him.

Then he feels the things started to get clearer because there was nobody to hate anymore after that (Chbosky, 1999:210).

He likes the attentions that he gets when his family and his friends come to visit him. They treat Charlie as they usually do. They do not see Charlie as a freak or else; they see Charlie as a normal being even after the worst “accident. He feels so loved just because of the attention.

Just like the first time I saw Patrick. The best thing about Patrick is that even when you are in hospital, he does not change. He just cracks jokes to make you feel better instead of asking you question about feeling worse (Chbosky, 1999:209).

After Charlie discharges from the hospital, he finally thinks about what happen to him all this time. Charlie is finally letting out the biggest secret that he ever keep. He starts to appreciate things that happen around him more and feel happy because of it. The best part of it is he starts to enjoy and appreciate his life more.

When Sam and Patrick pick him up, they decide to go to the tunnel again. I listened to the music and thought about all the things that people have said to me over the past year. I thought Bill telling me I was special. And My sister saying she loved me. And my mom, too. And even my dad and brother when I


was in the hospital. I thought about Patrick calling me his friend. And I thought about Sam telling me to do things. To be really there. And I just thought how great it was to have friends and family (Chbosky, 1999:213). Just like what Sam does couple months ago, Charlie stands in the pick-up. He starts crying and smiling at the same time. He feels so happy.

Because I could not help feeling just how much I loved my aunt Helen for buying me two presents. And how much I wanted the present I bought my mom for my birthday to be really special. And how much I wanted my sister and brother and Sam and Patrick and everyone else to be happy (Chbosky, 1999:213).

The writer sees that his friends, especially Patrick and Sam help Charlie to see the reality more. They accept Charlie as he is, they do not push Charlie to do things like them. Instead, they just let Charlie knows things by himself. Bot of them are not the one who decided everything for Charlie, but they are the supporter in Charlie‟s life, which is a good thing. Moreover, Charlie also learns how to deal with things by himself because they always encouraged, support Charlie, and vice versa. The writer

can proudly say that they are the one that make Charlie want to “participate” more in


Hanging out together with Patrick and Sam also give Charlie a great impact since they like to play and stuffs. It leads Charlie be more active in the social or as he

say “participate”. Charlie starts his social activity by going to social events that their school sets up.

In terms of participation in things, I am trying to go to social events that they set up in my school. It is too late to join any clubs or anything like that, but I


He does not intend to join any club but he still makes an effort by going to the events that full of people. After months, he keeps showing good progress as he tries to socialize more. He takes a part time job in a fanzine called Punk Rocky as helper. The other friends also work in there; therefore, he also participates. In the end of the story, Charlie even says confidently to his pen pal that he will be busy trying to “participate” in public.

Tomorrow, I start my sophomore year of high school. And believe it or not, I am really not that afraid of going. I am not sure if I will have time to write any

more letters because I might be too busy trying to “participate” (Chbosky,


As their friendship gets stronger, he feels happier every time they hang out together. Just like after the homecoming dance. On the way home, all of them are in

Sam‟s truck. Sam asks Patrick to find a good song on the radio. After fails many

times, he finally finds a song that suits them. Suit the atmosphere. Since they are in right ambience, Charlie, Patrick, and Sam express their happiness right away. Sam tap her hand outside the car while listening to the music, Patrick held his hand outside the car made airwaves and surprisingly, Charlie says something after the songs finished.

“I feel infinite.”

And Sam and Patrick looked at me like I said the greatest thing they ever heard. Because the song was that great and because we all really paid attention to it. Five minutes of a lifetime were truly spent, and we felt young in a good way (Chbosky, 1999: 33).

From the events above the writers sees Charlie enjoys his friendship with Patrick and Sam. He finally can act and lives like the other teenager. He expresses his


happiness well because he has friends that can react to his emotion. Charlie keeps happy until the end of the story, especially when he is with his best friends.

In the last scene, when Patrick and Sam visits him after left for college. Charlie cannot hold his happiness because they are not forgetting him.


I stood up, and we all hugged like we had not seen each other in months. Considering everything that happened, I guess that makes sense (Chbosky, 1999:192).

Their friendship also has some conflict. When it happen his friends asks Charlie to stay away for a while. At first, he does not know how to do, but then Charlie understands the situation and he really keeps the distance with them. After some time, their friends start to meet him one by one, including Sam. She meets Charlie for the first time after the “accident”, she explains everything that Charlie wants to hear for a long time.

Then she said that Mary Elizabeth and she got over it, and she thanked me for

taking Patrick‟s advice and staying away for as long as I did because it made

things easier. So then, I said,

“So we can be friends now?” “Of course,” was all she said. “And Patrick?”

“And Patrick.” “And everyone else?” “And everyone else.”

She also asks Charlie to be honest about his feeling to Mary Elizabeth.

“You remembered what I said to Brad?”

“Yeah. You told him that he should tell Patrick that he was sorry himself.” “That goes for Mary Elizabeth, too.”


After Sam suggestion, Charlie goes to reflection and meets Mary Elizabeth to apologize.

They are starting to hang out again after Charlie settles something with Mary Elizabeth. Charlie realizes that he has to understand his friends feeling too. Therefore, when Patrick tells him that he still has a bad time because of the fight, he listens to his story and understands him.

Then he started crying. Then, he started talking about Brad.

And I just let him. Because that is what friends are for (Chbosky, 1999:161).

2. The Contribution of Bill

In the first problem, the writer mentions that Charlie has interest in writing.

Actually, that is because Bill‟s contribution since he has the ability to see Charlie‟s

potential in writing. He is the one that assigns Charlie to make more essays until he found his interest.

It first started when he makes his student to read a book; he wants them to read a few chapters at a time first, but then Charlie does not like read it that way. He read the book until finishes and he notices that. After that, he starts give him another book outside the class hour.

He says that I have a great skill at reading and understanding language and he wanted me to write an essay about To Kill a Mockingbird. (Chbosky, 1999:9) In the beginning of the story, Charlie says that he already read To Kill a

Mockingbird but it does not make him has any interest literature. Then, Charlie starts


Pan, The Great Gatsby, until The Fountainhead. Even though the essays are not his

regular tasks and he does not know why Bill keeps giving him more book and tasks, he keeps write it. Then Charlie begins to enjoy writing. He even wanted to be a writer in the future.

Bill affection also encourages Charlie. When Charlie takes his time to visit his house, he explains the reason why he keeps Charlie to make essays for him.

“Charlie… I want to say thank you.” “Why?” I said.

“Because it has been a wonderful experienceteaching you.” “Oh… I am glad.” I did not know what else to say.

Then Bill took this really long pause, and his voice sounded like my dad when he wants to have a big talk

“Charlie do you know how smart you are?”

I just shake my head no again. He was talking for real. It was strange.

“Charlie you are one of the most gifted people I ever known. And I do not mean in terms of my other students. I mean in terms of anyone I have ever met. That is why I gave you out extra work. I was wondering if you were aware of that.”

“I guess so I do not know.” I felt really strange. I did not know where this was

coming from. I just write some essays.

“Charlie please do not take this the wrong way. I am not trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I just want you to know that you are very special… and

the only reason I am telling you is that I do not know is anyone else ever has.” …

“I do consider you a friend, Charlie” (Chbosky, 1999:181).

He tells his opinion about Charlie and he compliments him a lot. Bill is one of the people that Charlie can talk to besides his friends. Therefore, his opinion and compliment affect Charlie a lot. They also like to spend some time together with talking to each other. Charlie is naturally talks about his family, friends, until his love


3. The Contribution of Mary Elizabeth

Charlie‟s first impression to Mary is quite good, that is why he agrees to have a couple dates with her. However, after he knows her personality more, he realizes that dating Mary Elizabeth is quite bothersome. The writer out proofs in the statement below.

At one point two days ago, she was talking about books, and she includes a lot of books I had read. And when I told her that I had read them, she asked me very long questions that were really her idea with questions mark put at the

end. The only thing I could say was either “yes” or “no”. There was honestly

no room to say anything else. After that, she started talking about plans for college, which I had heard before, so I put down the phone, went to the bathroom and when I came back, she was still talking. I know that was wrong thing to do, but I thought if I did not take a break, I would do something even worse. Like yell or hang up the phone (Chbosky, 1999:129).

He is having disagreement with Mary as if he does not know Mary that he knows before. Never ending one-sided talking and discussing things without break makes Charlie questioning himself about his relationship with Mary. It makes him at the point that he does not want to involve in Mary‟s life anymore.

However since Mary is his first girlfriend, he does not feel right to speak up his mind even though everyone around him keep saying that he should be honest with his feeling, if he likes her tell her, but if do not. They advices Charlie to be honest with her. At some points, Charlie confused with his feeling because this is the first time he has to make decision for his love life, but when Charlie keeps bottled his feeling, he accidentally kiss Sam over Mary because of the dare or truth game that they played that time. Actually, Charlie tries to be honest with his feeling about who is the prettiest that day but since he could not tell his feeling to Mary before the party,


it makes everything goes wrong. Because of that, Mary is angry with Charlie. After

he listens to Sam‟s advice, he goes to the show and meets Mary there. He ended their relationship in a good way.

When I went to The Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight, it was very tense. Not because of Mary Elizabeth. That was actually okay. I said I was sorry, and then I asked her if there was anything she wanted to say to me. And like before, I asked a question and got a very long answer. When I was done listening (I really did listen), I said I was sorry again. Then, she thanked me for not trying to make what I did seem less by offering a lot of excuses. And things were back to normal except we were just friends (Chbosky, 1999:154).

Mary‟s personality is different with the other minor characters. She is the only one that makes Charlie feels uncomfortable. Nevertheless, Charlie learns to be honest with himself through her personality.


3. The Contribution of Mary Elizabeth

Charlie‟s first impression to Mary is quite good, that is why he agrees to have a couple dates with her. However, after he knows her personality more, he realizes that dating Mary Elizabeth is quite bothersome. The writer out proofs in the statement below.

At one point two days ago, she was talking about books, and she includes a lot of books I had read. And when I told her that I had read them, she asked me very long questions that were really her idea with questions mark put at the end. The only thing I could say was either “yes” or “no”. There was honestly no room to say anything else. After that, she started talking about plans for college, which I had heard before, so I put down the phone, went to the bathroom and when I came back, she was still talking. I know that was wrong thing to do, but I thought if I did not take a break, I would do something even worse. Like yell or hang up the phone (Chbosky, 1999:129).

He is having disagreement with Mary as if he does not know Mary that he knows before. Never ending one-sided talking and discussing things without break makes Charlie questioning himself about his relationship with Mary. It makes him at the point that he does not want to involve in Mary‟s life anymore.

However since Mary is his first girlfriend, he does not feel right to speak up his mind even though everyone around him keep saying that he should be honest with his feeling, if he likes her tell her, but if do not. They advices Charlie to be honest with her. At some points, Charlie confused with his feeling because this is the first time he has to make decision for his love life, but when Charlie keeps bottled his feeling, he accidentally kiss Sam over Mary because of the dare or truth game that they played that time. Actually, Charlie tries to be honest with his feeling about who is the prettiest that day but since he could not tell his feeling to Mary before the party,


it makes everything goes wrong. Because of that, Mary is angry with Charlie. After he listens to Sam‟s advice, he goes to the show and meets Mary there. He ended their relationship in a good way.

When I went to The Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight, it was very tense. Not because of Mary Elizabeth. That was actually okay. I said I was sorry, and then I asked her if there was anything she wanted to say to me. And like before, I asked a question and got a very long answer. When I was done listening (I really did listen), I said I was sorry again. Then, she thanked me for not trying to make what I did seem less by offering a lot of excuses. And things were back to normal except we were just friends (Chbosky, 1999:154). Mary‟s personality is different with the other minor characters. She is the only one that makes Charlie feels uncomfortable. Nevertheless, Charlie learns to be honest with himself through her personality.



In this chapter, the writer concludes the analysis of the problem formulations. For the first problem, the characters of Major and Minor character, the writer finds out that Charlie is shy, emotional, pedantic, brave, observant, wallflower, passionate in writing, and mentally unstable. Even though he has some bright personality, he presented as a shy person in the beginning of the novel. Meanwhile, the minor characters have bright or out-going personality. They are caring, friendly, understanding, funny, and straightforward, a total opposite to Charlie.

For the second problem, the minor characters give good contribution to Charlie’s character development. Patrick and Sam always engage Charlie to do activities with them and never left him behind, unlike the other students. They also advice and even nag him whenever he made a mistake. What they did to Charlie is enough to make Charlie realize that he has friends that care for him. From that, he got motivated to become more active in the social. Patrick and Sam give the biggest impact to him.

Mary Elizabeth also gives her contribution through her romantic relationship with Charlie. She is Charlie’s first girlfriend. Their relationship did not ended well, but it makes Charlie learn to deal with his own feeling. He also learns about dating and woman characteristic. Another important minor character, Bill gives his contribution with listen to Charlie’s story. He can understand Charlie’s emotion. Therefore, Charlie finds comfortable to talk to Bill. He is also the one that asks


Charlie to read book and make essays because he realizes Charlie‟s ability in language and writing. His action makes Charlie find his passion in writing.

The writer finds out that the minor characters truly love him. When Charlie feels that he is not good enough, they keep cheering, encouraging, helping, and even nagging him. Their affection is good enough to make Charlie realize that he is loved. Therefore, Charlie starts to gain his confidence and to do things that he has not done before. It make him faces so many events and problems than before, but it makes him more alive. He feels like a real human being, deal with things. Their contribution affects in Charlie‟s character development. All of them are his friends and they are the biggest supporter in Charlie‟s life.




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