Conservative Management of DiaphragmmaticEventrationIn a 2 Days Old Boy A Case Report.

Conservative Management of DiaphragmmaticEventrationIn a 2-Days-Old Boy: A Case
Dania Meirianitha, PutuSiadiPurniti
Department of Child Health,
Medical School Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital Denpasar
Eventrationof the diaphragm (ED) refers to an abnormal elevation of intact diaphragm, that
arches smoothly from its normal costal attachments, which is immobile as a result of paralysis,
or reduced in thickness due to aplasia or atrophy of varying degrees of muscle fibers without
enlarged or abnormal orifices. The reported incidence in live births is approximated between
0.001 to 0.003% of live births, although the true incidence is believed to be much higher than it
is detected. Eventration of the diaphragm can be of congenital or acquired origin. Congenital
eventration of the diaphragm is due to maldevelopment of the muscular portion during the 8th to
10th gestation. The patient in this report is a two-days-old who was present with dyspnea that was
aggravated by supine position. The clinical course was progressive, his condition worsening
despite oxygen application. Physicalexamination, chest X-rays and CT scan of the diaphragm
confirmed the diagnosisdiaphragmatic paralysis.A diaphragmatic plication was not performed on
this patient.
Keywords:eventration of diaphragm, diaphragmatic elevation.