The Purposes of Needs Analysis Target Situation Analysis

Vol 1, Nomor 1, Januari 2016 Halaman: | 1009 said that one of the purposes of needs analysis is to fill the “gap” of what a language program “lacks”. Jordan 1994 indicates that the main two approaches in needs analysis are the Target- Situation Analysis and the Present-Situation Analysis. Robinson 1991:8 argues that a needs analysis, which focuses on students’ needs at the end of a language course, can be called a TSA Target Situation Analysis. Dudley-Evans and St. John 1998: 124 refer to TSA as tasks and activities where learners arewill be using English for target situation”. TSA generally uses questionnaire as the instrument. Dudley. TSA includes objective, perceived and product- oriented needs.

2.1.1 Target Situation Analysis

Dudley-Evans and St. John 1998:124 refer to TSA as tasks and activities where learners arewill be using English for target situation”. TSA generally uses questionnaire as the instrument. Dudley-Evans and St. John 1998:124 explain that “TSA includes objective, perceived and product-oriented needs”. Munby 1978 presents a highly detailed set of procedures for discovering target situation needs. He calls this set of procedures the Communication Needs Processor CNP. The CNP consists of a range of questions about key communication variables topic, participant, medium, etc which can be used to identify the target language needs of any group of learners.

2.1.2 Present Situation Analysis

According to Robinson 1991:8, “PSA Present Situation Analysis seeks to establish what the students are like at the start of their language course, investigating their strengths and weaknesses”. Dudley-Evans St. John 1998 state that PSA refers to strengths and weaknesses in language, skills and learning experiences.

2.2 The Purposes of Needs Analysis

The effective needs analysis is very important for analyst and others teachers, staff, students involved in it in conducting needs analysis. We can refer to Richard’s book on Curriculum Development showing us shows that needs analysis in language teaching may use for a number of different purposes, for example: 1 to find out what language skills a learner needs in order to perform a particular role, such as sales manager, tour guide, or university students; 2 to help determine if an existing course adequately addresses the needs of potential students; 3 to determine which students from a group are most in need of training in particular language skills; 4 to identify a change of direction that people in a reference group feel is important; 5 to identify a gap between what students are able to do and what they need to be able to do; 6 to collect information about a particular problem learners are experiencing Richard 2001:52. Vol 1, Nomor 1, Januari 2016 Halaman: | 1010 3 METHOD Participants in this present study are 13 EFL learners in graduate level of English Language Studies of Hasanuddin University. Questionnaires were distributed to gather the data purposed to know the EFL learners’ responses related to their joining in EAP course especially on reading and their needs or wants for the course. In addition to questionnaires were distributed to students, interview was carried out to get supporting data from the Lecturer. Data were analyzed descriptively in table presentation. 4 FINDINGS The findings are based on the questions related to students’ target and present situations

3.1 Target Situation Analysis

Target Situation Analysis of this current study shows that most EFL learners want to read text books and journal articles as references for supporting their study. This is indicated in Pictures 1 as follows: Source: Primary Data Picture 1. The Expected Reading Material to Read There are 11 85 EFL learners expect to read text books as references and 2 15 EFL learners do not expect text books as reading material. All EFL learners 100 also expect to read journal articles as reading material. From the open questions, we got the answers from students as follows: What are your expectations for the EAP course especially for reading skill? My expectations for the EAP course particularly for reading skills are: - to improve my comprehension in reading, - to enrich my knowledge with the style of academic writing especially journal article, - to enhance my reading skill. - to improve my writing performance. - to enable students to comprehend the content and structure of the references books or journals - to improve reading skill in terms of speed, level of comprehension, etc. - to know how to read well any references using reading strategies - to read journal articles. What reading strategies do you should use in reading English for Academic Purposes materials? 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Text books Journal articles 11 13 2 Yes No Vol 1, Nomor 1, Januari 2016 Halaman: | 1011 2 4 6 8 10 T h e m a in S k im m in g T h e d e ta ils o f S ca n n in g G u e ss in g R e sp o n d in g 7 8 8 4 8 9 5 5 5 9 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Often Somestimes Never - Skimming - Scanning - Reading the abstract of journal article to know prior information about the article - Guessing unknown words in the text - finding main ideas - pay attention to the reference used in that article. - Predicting - Guessing unknown words in a text and afterward ensuring their meaning by using dictionary - Summarizing - Responding - Note taking outlining As an ELS student, what are your suggestions for the next EAP course especially for reading skill? - EAP course should be taught in the first semester and not in the last semester since it is very useful for ELS students; the present materials are very good and appropriate with the students’ needs however the subject credit is supposed to be increase from 2 to 3; - The next EAP especially for reading skill should lengthen the duration of meeting. - EAP course should focus on the development of students’ awareness in reading journal articles, so it can help the students easily get the main idea and information gap as the future reference in writing a paper.

3.2 Present Situation Analysis

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