Analysis Moment I, Too.

34 “Tomorrow, Ill be at the table when company comes. Nobody will dare Say to me, Eat in the kitchen,” Line 8-13 While the civil helped reunite the united state and slavery was legally dissolved, racial ideologies remained, and the barriers that prevented black from integrating into American Society still exited. 26 This century black people were discriminated through the act of segregation. Black society was separated from whites in most public areas including trains, park, event cemeteries, and segregates school.

3. Analysis Moment

Racial Discrimination acted by the white race to the black race always continues daily in America. In 1932 Langston Hughes wrote his poem “I, Too” This form allowed him to illustrate the damage caused by racism while portraying the African American as an intelligent human being. Hughes, his style of writing reflected the plight of the African American while not idealizing black folk. In his poem “I, Too” Hughes wanted to capture the dominant oral and improvisatory traditions of black culture in written form, but he was more concerned with the possibility of his work lapsing into racist primitivism. The condition about racism in America still exists, and those issues appeared in American society, and this problem discussed in the American government. Tahun 1964, digunakan oleh senat Amerika sebagai siasat untuk mencegah diloloskannya Undang –undang Hak Sipil. Rancangan undang –undang itu bertujuan mengakhiri diskriminasi ditempat – tempat umum, berdasar warna kulit dan jenis kelamin. Banyak warga Amerika frustasi karena Rancangan Undang –undang itu nyangkut di 26 Paul A. Shackel, Memory in Black and White, USA : Alkamira,2003, P 7 35 Senat. Sebagian besar orang Amerika ingin agar RUU itu disetujui. Pada waktu itu muncul istilah baru “filibuster” untuk menyebut siasat yang digunakan dalam senat untuk merintangi langkah kelompok mayoritas. Filibuster berasal dari kata Belanda - Prancis- spanyol, yang secara harfiah, artinya adalah pembajak atau perampok. Selam 150 tahun ini , filibuster digunakan dari waktu kewaktu oleh golongan minoritas dalam Senat Amerika untuk menunda atau merintangi lolosnya Rancangan Undang-Undang. 27 It defines that on 1964, American senate discussed about Legislation Program that had purpose to finish discrimination in public places, based on race and gender. Much American society got frustrated because Discrimination Legislation Program still in American Senate. Part of American society wanted that the Senate agreed Discrimination Legislation Program. However, minority in America Senate did not want to allow that the Legislation Program applied in public, because they felt that discrimination should have made happened in America- for the best race that born from Aryan race or white people and the second race that born from black, Asian, Jewish, Indian people, etc. Since that time, had appeared new concept “Filibuster” that used by minority group in America Senate to block the majority’s way that had purpose to finish racial discrimination that happened in America. “Filibuster” came from Nederland – French-Spanish, which mean hijacker. About these 150 years, used by minority in American Senate to adjourn or block Discrimination Legislation Program to be applied to the public. This way, filibuster was successfully used by minority and made the issue about racial discrimination still occur in America. It means, in American Government, issue about racial discrimination would be long problem. Part of American Government in Senate agreed racial 27 http:www.sinar Surat dari Amerika: Heboh Soal Filibuster dalam Senat AS. Accessed on May 28, 2008. 36 discrimination should have made occurred in America. This problem affected the American society, which somebody could intimidate any everyone based on race and gender. And, it caused many crimes happened in America.

4. Analysis Environment