Impact Of Forecast Modeling On Cost Performance.




TAN KAH EE B050710002





This report submitted in accordance with requirement of the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for the Bachelor Degree of Manufacturing Engineering

(Manufacturing Management)


TAN KAH EE B050710002





TAJUK: Impact of Forecast Modeling on Cost Performance

SESI PENGAJIAN: 20010/11 Semester 2 Saya TAN KAH EE

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I hereby, declared this report entitled “Impact of forecast modeling on cost performance.” is the results of my own research except as cited in references.

Signature : ………

Author’s Name : Tan Kah Ee



This report is submitted to Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering of UTeM as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Manufacturing Management). The member of the supervisory committee is as follow:

……… Supervisor




Secara umumya, kebanyakan pentadbiran dan pengurusan industri cenderung untuk mencari dan melaksanakan pendekatan sederhana untuk masalah-masalah operasi yang dihadapi dalam aktiviti harian. Dalam projek ini, penulis merujuk kepada pendekatan sederhana yang difahami oleh pengurus-pengurus. Para pengurus tidak akan merujuk kepada pendekatan yang mereka kurang fahami bagi mengelakkan risiko yang akan

ditanggung akibat membuat keputusan yang salah. “Exponential Smoothing” dan

Moving Average” merupakan kaedah ramalan yang paling umum bagi meramal

permintaan pelangan seperti mana dilapor dalam “Literature Review”. Selain itu, penulis

menggunakan inventori model di mana pengurus tidak jelas dengan corak permintaan data-data yang dimiliki. Secara maklumnya, projek ini adalah lanjutan daripada inventori model Lorenzo dan Stefano (2009) tentang sebuah pusat depot di mana data-data sebelum digunakan dan kesan daripada kaedah ramalan dalam kos bagi para pengurus dikenalpasti. Project ini dijalankan melalui contoh kes di mana pengurus mengaplikasikan kaedah ramalan yang popular. Di samping itu, impak daripada kaedah ramalan yang diaplikasikan dikaji melalui senario-senario khas yang disediakan. Selain itu, hasil-hasil simulasi akan diambil sebagai bahan analisis bagi project ini. Pada akhir projek, hasil analysis menunjukkan penentangan yang jelas daripada tanggapan asal. Hasil analysis menunjukkan bahawa makin lemah interaksi antara ketepatan ramalan dengan inventori system menghasilkan prestasi jumlah kos yang memuaskan.




As it seems, in real-life industrial situations, management tends to find and implement simple approaches for operational problems that they face in their day-to-day running of business, the author in this regard refer to simple approaches to the approaches that are well understood by managers. It is a known fact in management science that managers will not use approaches that they cannot understand, obviously, due to the risk of making the wrong decision when using an approach they truly not well understood. Exponential Smoothing and Moving Average are two most common and the simplest method to use for demand forecasting, as reported in the literatures. In this project, the author considers an inventory model in which the manager does not know the exact demand behavior. This project present an extension of the central depot inventory model, reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009) that allows the author to quantify the historical demand data and the impact of forecast modeling on the expected cost at the manager. This project approach is demonstrated through examples in which the manager employs the commonly used forecast technique and the impact is investigated through the designed scenarios, in addition analyze in term of simulation output measures. At the end of this project, in contrast to the expected finding, result analysis performed that, the weaker the interaction among the forecast accuracy and inventory control system provides the better solution to total cost performance.




First and foremost, the author would like to express the deepest gratitude to the Final Year Project supervisor, En. Nor Akramin b. Mohamad for his supervision and encouragement along the project duration. His advice and encouragement plays an important role to the project completion.

The author would like to thanks also persons that provided support and assistance to the project such as fellow course mates and lecturers. It was deeply appreciated regards to their helpful gesture.

Lastly, special thanks also to the family members for their understanding, supports, and encouragement. Their supports make the author grown stronger. Together with this, it is offered with regards and blessings to all of those who provided the supports in any aspect during the completion of the project.




This research is special dedicated to Professor Dr. Mohamed Khaled bin Omar regards to his kindness and patient in helping the author for this project. Furthermore, it is also dedicated to all those who are kindness in helping the author to the way of success in this project and those who need this project




Abstrak i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Table of Content v

List of Tables x

List of Figures xii

List of Abbreviations xiii


1.1 Overview 1

1.1.1 Forecasting 2

1.1.2 Inventory control system 3

1.2 Problem Statement 4

1.3 Research Objectives 6

1.4 Research Scope 6

1.5 Organization of Report 7


2.1 Forecasting 9

2.1.1 Steps in the forecasting 11

2.1.2 Advantages of forecasting 11

2.1.3 Forecast techniques 12

2.1.4 Forecast Error 13

2.2 Inventory Control System 15




3.1.1 Define Problem, Objective, and Scope 20

3.1.2 Literature Review 21

3.1.3 Model Development 21

3.1.4 Model Testing 22

3.1.5 Result Analysis 22

3.1.6 Report Findings 23

3.2 Project Methodology 23

3.3 Solution Methodology 24

3.4 Gantt Chart 25



4.1 Forecasting models 26

4.1.1 The concept of Exponential Smoothing 26 Simple Exponential Smoothing 26 Double Exponential Smoothing 27 Smoothing Constant 31

4.1.2 The concept of Moving Average 31 Simple Moving Average 32 Weighted Moving Average 33

4.1.3 Forecasting Error 35 Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) 35 Mean Squared Error (MSE) 37 Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) 39

4.2 Inventory Modeling 40

4.2.1 Single-Period Model 40

4.2.2 Fixed-Period System 42

4.2.3 Basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 44




5.1.1 Inventory Control of Central Depot 48

5.2 Model Formulation 51

5.2.1 Description of the proposed model 51

5.2.2 Description of the Project Model 52 Demand Forecasting Model 52 Order Point 54 Order-up-to level 54 Order Quantity 54 Number of Pallet 55 Coordinated Replenishment Policy (CRP) 55

5.3 Model Contribution and Modification 55

5.3.1 Assumptions made 56

5.3.2 Simplifications 58

5.4 Design of Experiment 58

5.4.1 Input Validity 59

5.4.2 Forecasting Models Validity 61

5.4.3 Designed Scenario 61 Scenario A 61 Scenario B 61 Scenario C 62 Scenario D 62


6.1 Model Verification 63

6.1.1 Inventory Model 64 Phase 1: Input parameter column checking 64 Phase 2: Model components checking 65 Phase 3: Function testing 65 Phase 4: Model flow testing 67 Phase 5: Model verifying 67


viii Phase 1: Input parameter column checking 68 Phase 2: Model components checking 68 Phase 3: Function testing 69 Phase 4: Model flow testing 69 Phase 5: Model verifying 69

6.2 Model Validation 70

6.2.1 Manual Calculation 72 Inventory control system 72 Cost model 75

6.2.2 Result from MS Excel Model 76 Inventory control model 76 Cost model 76

6.3 Results and findings 78




A Stationary demand

B Trend demand

C(I) Scenario A: Double Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Forecast


C(II) Scenario A: Double Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Inventory


C(III) Scenario A: Double Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Total cost result)

D(I) Scenario B: Moving Average with trend demand (Forecast result)

D(II) Scenario B: Moving Average with trend demand (Inventory result)



D(IV) Scenario B: Simple Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Forecast result)

D(V) Scenario B: Simple Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Inventory


D(VI) Scenario B: Simple Exponential Smoothing with trend demand (Total cost result)

E(I) Scenario C: Moving Average with stationary demand (Forecast result)

E(II) Scenario C: Moving Average with stationary demand (Inventory result)

E(III) Scenario C: Moving Average with stationary demand (Total cost result) E(IV) Scenario C: Simple Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand (Forecast


E(V) Scenario C: Simple Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand (Inventory


E(VI) Scenario C: Simple Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand (Total cost result)

F(I) Scenario D: Double Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand (Forecast


F(II) Scenario D: Double Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand

(Inventory result)

F(III) Scenario D: Double Exponential Smoothing with stationary demand (Total cost result)




4.1 Table of Exponential Smoothing with Trend Adjustment 26

4.2 A review of past sales 27

4.3 Forecast with ∝= .2 and = .4 28

4.4 Smoothing Constant with weighted period 29

4.5 Demand for shopping carts for the last five periods 31

4.6 Demand data 32

4.7 Example 4a, MAD 34

4.8 Example 4b, MAD 34

4.9 Example 5, MSE 36

4.10 Example 6, MAPE 37

5.1 List of variable information based on products 57

5.2 Stationary demand before adjustment 59

5.3 Mean Value if trend demand 60

5.4 Stationary demand after adjustment 60

5.5 Trend demand 60

6.1 Check list for Phase 2 Verification 65

6.2a Verification for Phase 3 66

6.2b Verification for Phase 3 67

6.3 Check list for Phase 2 Verification 68

6.4 Verification for Phase 3 69

6.5 Input variables for model 71

6.6 Output performance measure of costs 78

6.7 Correlation coefficient between cost 78

6.8 Simulation output for number of truckload 79



6.10 Correlation analysis of cost performance, truckload utilization, and number of

truckload 80

6.11 Simulation output of mean inventory control parameter for each product 81

6.12 Mean of mean analysis for inventory control parameter 81

6.13 Simulation outputs for forecast performance measure of Product A 84

6.14 Simulation outputs for forecast performance measure of Product B 85

6.15 Simulation outputs for forecast performance measure of Product C 85

6.16 Mean of forecast performance measures 85

6.17 Summary of simulation outputs 87




1.1 The Problem layout 5

3.1 Project Methodology 23

3.2 Solution Methodology 24

4.1 Inventory Level in a Fixed Period (P) System 43

4.2 Inventory Usage over Time 45

5.1 The model of final year project 47

5.2 Inventory Level in a Fixed Period (P) System. 48

5.3 Inventory Model Simulation Flow Chart 50

6.1 Procedure flow for Model Verification 64

6.2 Process flow for Validation 71

6.3a Result of inventory control system (Part 1) 76

6.3b Result of inventory control system (Part 2) 76

6.4a Cost model (Part 1) 77

6.4b Cost model (Part 2) 77

6.4c Cost model (Part 3) 77

6.5a Total cost vs. order point 81

6.5b Total cost vs. inventory on-hand updated 82

6.5c Total cost vs. order up-to-level 82

6.5d Total cost vs. order quantity 83

6.6 Forecast error base analysis 86




CRP - Coordinated Replenishment Policy

EOQ - Economic Order Quantity

MAD - Mean Absolute Deviation

MAPE - Mean Absolute Percent Error

MROs - Maintenance/ Repair/ Operating

MSE - Mean Square Error

ROP - Reorder Point

WIP - Work In Progress

SES - Simple Exponential Smoothing

DES - Double Exponential Smoothing





This project investigate the impact of forecasting modeling on transportation and inventory carrying cost of an environment that consists of inventory management of a central depot. In this chapter, the following topics will be addressed: overview is first introduced, followed by research problem, objectives, and scope of project.


Forecasting is a method to predict the future condition by recognizing the existing condition. It is common in the daily life, for instance, the daily weather forecast. In industrial, generally, they used to forecast the demand for their production lines and inventory level of replenishment. Since forecasting provides an estimated value which is computed from the historical demands, the forecasted demand is closer to the actual demands. In common, an appropriate demand forecasting method (DFM) generated a small variation of forecasted demands from actual, while, a wrong DFM may lead to either overestimate or underestimate of demands consequently. As mentioned by Ralph Snyder (2001), an understanding of key features in demand data is important in the process of simulation development for forecasting and inventory control. Mostly in inventory management, managers encountered only in the accuracy of forecast, however, this project highlighted the main concern of cost performance in term of annual carrying cost and transportation cost. At the end of this project, the author will conclude the finding whether is that a significant difference of total cost by applying difference forecast modeling.



1.1.1 Forecasting

Forecasting is an art and science of predicting future events (Heizer and Render, 2010). In an overview of forecasting, there is classified into two methods: quantitative forecasting method and qualitative forecasting method. Qualitative forecast method is based on educated opinion of appropriate person whereas quantitative forecast method is more to time series analysis such as historical data analysis and component of time series demand. Some examples of qualitative forecast method include Delphi Method, market research, product life-cycle analogy, and expert judgment (“Forecast”, 1997). For quantitative forecast method, which is the interested part in this project, there are two parts of concerns. Part 1 is the time-series forecasting modeling which is forecast the new demand based on historical data such as Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA models, etc., while Part 2 is discussed in the components of time-series demand such as trend, average, stationary demand, etc. As mentioned earlier, forecasting is always not an actual value. Therefore, it is important to encounter for its deviation from the actual, or called as error. The performance measures used to determine the forecast accuracy are Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), and Mean Squared Error (MSE).

In this project, the author concerns in quantitative forecasting. The forecast models applied are Simple Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, and Double Exponential Smoothing. The reason of author using selected forecast modeling is due to its simplicity and popularity used in industrial. Literatures in Chapter 2 reviewed some supportive statements according to author’s reason of choosing those forecast modeling. Moreover, the concepts of these forecast modeling is explained in Chapter 4. These forecasting models are then tested by using different component of time series as input demand. These include stationary demand and trend demand. Forecasting accuracy will be concerned as well in analyzing and explaining the resulted impact which will explain in detail in Chapter 6 later.



1.1.2 Inventory Control System

Inventory control system (also called inventory management) is a policy, procedure, and technique employed in maintaining the optimum number or amount of each inventory item. It is applied in both service and manufacturing industry. The objectives of inventory control are to prevent shortages, minimizing the production cost by reducing the stock-holding cost, work-in-progress, and inventory cost. Moreover, the ultimate goal of inventory control system is to achieve 100% demand fulfillment with as low as possible the stock keeping. There are several types of inventory in industry which can be classified into raw material inventory, work-in-progress (WIP) inventory, MROs (maintenance/ repair/ operating), and finished-goods inventory. However, inventory control is one of the most intriguing problems in industrial logistic.

In an inventory control, there are some general terms in inventory control to be introduced. Reorder point, s(t), the inventory level (point) at which action is taken to replenish the stocked item whereas order-up-to-level, S(t), is the optimum level of order quantity. It is noted that the order-up-to-level is not necessitate for every inventory policy, yet, depends on the chosen policy criteria. Next, replenishment lead time, L represents the time between placing and receiving the order and replenishment period (or also called review period), R is meant to the interval period which the order has to be made. Most industry applied the inventory policy into their inventory control system such as fixed period system and fixed quantity system. The concept applied for the former is based on the review period while the later is based on the fixed order quantity. Further description of inventory policy kindly refers to Chapter 4.

Briefly described for the project, the author will develop an inventory control template in MS Excel to determine the order quantity per replenishment period. The inventory control policy used is the fixed period inventory policy where order is made to a maximum level (order-up-to-level) for every review period. Detail explanation for the template will be reviewed in Chapter 5. It is known that the greater the safety stock, the higher the service level, however not every items can be stored for long period such as



the items in this project, canned food. Therefore, in order to keep the inventory at the minimum level, the author decided to keep the service level where two months forecasted demand will be keep as the minimum quantity. This is not only to reduce backorder, it also to standby for any emergency and uncertainty such as stock-out from supplier. However, in the project, backorder is not allowed. Further explanation for the last statement will be discussed in Chapter 5 under model formulation.

Another concern in this project is the total cost development. The cost model, reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009) will be used as the model in this project in investigating the impact of forecasting on cost performance. The proposed cost model is associated with the inventory carrying cost and transportation cost. By implementing different forecast approaches may bring to possible effects on inventory control policies. Transportation may be affected as well due to the deviation of forecasted demand resulted from different forecast approach. This final year project will study on the possible impacts resulted from different forecast approach on the cost associated with.

1.2Problem Statement

As it seems, in real-life industrial situations, management tends to find and implement simple approaches for operational problems that they face in their day-to-day running of business, the author in this regard refer to simple approaches to the approaches that are well understood by managers. It is a known fact in management science that managers will not use approaches that they cannot understand, obviously, due to the risk of making the wrong decision when using an approach they truly not well understood. In this project, a real case model, reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009), is studied to quantify the cost associated with inventory carrying and transportation subject to future demand which the historical data demand pattern is known.



The case involve a company that markets tinned food for hotels, restaurants and catering segment which supply chain network consists of a central depot, three suppliers, and six warehouses. The concern in this final year project is to determine the impact of forecasting modeling on total cost performance, as a consequence of the type of data used in inventory management, of the central depot where stocks received, distributed, packaged, and sent to warehouses and the transportation cost for every replenishment trucks from suppliers. The problem layout is illustrated as in Figure 1.1.

In a simple term, the problem address by this project is to investigate the impact of forecasting modeling on the total cost associated with the inventory and transportation situation depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.1: The Problem Layout


Central Depot

Warehouse 1

Warehouse 6 Warehouse 5 Warehouse 4 Warehouse 3 Warehouse 2


6 1.3Research Objectives

This project is dealing with an industrial situation as described in the problem statement with the ultimate objective to investigate the impact of the forecasting modeling selection transportation and inventory total cost, therefore the objectives of this project are

1. To fully understand the concept of demand forecasting practiced in the industry.

2. To fully understand the inventory policy that commonly used in industry.

3. To develop a mathematical model that can represent the transportation and inventory

carrying cost of the case described in the problem statement using MS Excel.

4. To conduct comprehensive computational works to determine the impact of

forecasting modeling on the inventory carrying cost and transportation cost.

5. To report the findings.

1.4Research Scope

The scope of this project is to develop a complex mathematical model that represents carrying inventory costs and transportation costs using MS Excel for the case reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009). Moreover, three forecasting modeling approaches will be developed, namely Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, and Moving Average to conducted the investigation of the impact of forecasting modeling on the total cost associated with the inventory carrying costs and transportation costs for the case reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009). The component of time series involved in this project is trend and stationary demand. Furthermore, the scope of this project includes a solution methodology that has been developed by the author to conduct the investigation suggested by this project which detailed in this section under proposed solution methodology. It is not in the scope of this project to investigate the impact of other forecasting modeling approaches and or





This project investigate the impact of forecasting modeling on transportation and inventory carrying cost of an environment that consists of inventory management of a central depot. In this chapter, the following topics will be addressed: overview is first introduced, followed by research problem, objectives, and scope of project.


Forecasting is a method to predict the future condition by recognizing the existing condition. It is common in the daily life, for instance, the daily weather forecast. In industrial, generally, they used to forecast the demand for their production lines and inventory level of replenishment. Since forecasting provides an estimated value which is computed from the historical demands, the forecasted demand is closer to the actual demands. In common, an appropriate demand forecasting method (DFM) generated a small variation of forecasted demands from actual, while, a wrong DFM may lead to either overestimate or underestimate of demands consequently. As mentioned by Ralph Snyder (2001), an understanding of key features in demand data is important in the process of simulation development for forecasting and inventory control. Mostly in inventory management, managers encountered only in the accuracy of forecast, however, this project highlighted the main concern of cost performance in term of annual carrying cost and transportation cost. At the end of this project, the author will conclude the finding whether is that a significant difference of total cost by applying difference forecast modeling.



1.1.1 Forecasting

Forecasting is an art and science of predicting future events (Heizer and Render, 2010). In an overview of forecasting, there is classified into two methods: quantitative forecasting method and qualitative forecasting method. Qualitative forecast method is based on educated opinion of appropriate person whereas quantitative forecast method is more to time series analysis such as historical data analysis and component of time series demand. Some examples of qualitative forecast method include Delphi Method, market research, product life-cycle analogy, and expert judgment (“Forecast”, 1997). For quantitative forecast method, which is the interested part in this project, there are two parts of concerns. Part 1 is the time-series forecasting modeling which is forecast the new demand based on historical data such as Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA models, etc., while Part 2 is discussed in the components of time-series demand such as trend, average, stationary demand, etc. As mentioned earlier, forecasting is always not an actual value. Therefore, it is important to encounter for its deviation from the actual, or called as error. The performance measures used to determine the forecast accuracy are Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), and Mean Squared Error (MSE).

In this project, the author concerns in quantitative forecasting. The forecast models applied are Simple Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, and Double Exponential Smoothing. The reason of author using selected forecast modeling is due to its simplicity and popularity used in industrial. Literatures in Chapter 2 reviewed some supportive statements according to author’s reason of choosing those forecast modeling. Moreover, the concepts of these forecast modeling is explained in Chapter 4. These forecasting models are then tested by using different component of time series as input demand. These include stationary demand and trend demand. Forecasting accuracy will be concerned as well in analyzing and explaining the resulted impact which will explain in detail in Chapter 6 later.



1.1.2 Inventory Control System

Inventory control system (also called inventory management) is a policy, procedure, and technique employed in maintaining the optimum number or amount of each inventory item. It is applied in both service and manufacturing industry. The objectives of inventory control are to prevent shortages, minimizing the production cost by reducing the stock-holding cost, work-in-progress, and inventory cost. Moreover, the ultimate goal of inventory control system is to achieve 100% demand fulfillment with as low as possible the stock keeping. There are several types of inventory in industry which can be classified into raw material inventory, work-in-progress (WIP) inventory, MROs (maintenance/ repair/ operating), and finished-goods inventory. However, inventory control is one of the most intriguing problems in industrial logistic.

In an inventory control, there are some general terms in inventory control to be introduced. Reorder point, s(t), the inventory level (point) at which action is taken to replenish the stocked item whereas order-up-to-level, S(t), is the optimum level of order quantity. It is noted that the order-up-to-level is not necessitate for every inventory policy, yet, depends on the chosen policy criteria. Next, replenishment lead time, L represents the time between placing and receiving the order and replenishment period (or also called review period), R is meant to the interval period which the order has to be made. Most industry applied the inventory policy into their inventory control system such as fixed period system and fixed quantity system. The concept applied for the former is based on the review period while the later is based on the fixed order quantity. Further description of inventory policy kindly refers to Chapter 4.

Briefly described for the project, the author will develop an inventory control template in MS Excel to determine the order quantity per replenishment period. The inventory control policy used is the fixed period inventory policy where order is made to a maximum level (order-up-to-level) for every review period. Detail explanation for the template will be reviewed in Chapter 5. It is known that the greater the safety stock, the higher the service level, however not every items can be stored for long period such as



the items in this project, canned food. Therefore, in order to keep the inventory at the minimum level, the author decided to keep the service level where two months forecasted demand will be keep as the minimum quantity. This is not only to reduce backorder, it also to standby for any emergency and uncertainty such as stock-out from supplier. However, in the project, backorder is not allowed. Further explanation for the last statement will be discussed in Chapter 5 under model formulation.

Another concern in this project is the total cost development. The cost model, reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009) will be used as the model in this project in investigating the impact of forecasting on cost performance. The proposed cost model is associated with the inventory carrying cost and transportation cost. By implementing different forecast approaches may bring to possible effects on inventory control policies. Transportation may be affected as well due to the deviation of forecasted demand resulted from different forecast approach. This final year project will study on the possible impacts resulted from different forecast approach on the cost associated with.

1.2Problem Statement

As it seems, in real-life industrial situations, management tends to find and implement simple approaches for operational problems that they face in their day-to-day running of business, the author in this regard refer to simple approaches to the approaches that are well understood by managers. It is a known fact in management science that managers will not use approaches that they cannot understand, obviously, due to the risk of making the wrong decision when using an approach they truly not well understood. In this project, a real case model, reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009), is studied to quantify the cost associated with inventory carrying and transportation subject to future demand which the historical data demand pattern is known.



The case involve a company that markets tinned food for hotels, restaurants and catering segment which supply chain network consists of a central depot, three suppliers, and six warehouses. The concern in this final year project is to determine the impact of forecasting modeling on total cost performance, as a consequence of the type of data used in inventory management, of the central depot where stocks received, distributed, packaged, and sent to warehouses and the transportation cost for every replenishment trucks from suppliers. The problem layout is illustrated as in Figure 1.1.

In a simple term, the problem address by this project is to investigate the impact of forecasting modeling on the total cost associated with the inventory and transportation situation depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.1: The Problem Layout Supplier

Central Depot

Warehouse 1

Warehouse 6 Warehouse 5 Warehouse 4 Warehouse 3 Warehouse 2


6 1.3Research Objectives

This project is dealing with an industrial situation as described in the problem statement with the ultimate objective to investigate the impact of the forecasting modeling selection transportation and inventory total cost, therefore the objectives of this project are

1. To fully understand the concept of demand forecasting practiced in the industry. 2. To fully understand the inventory policy that commonly used in industry.

3. To develop a mathematical model that can represent the transportation and inventory carrying cost of the case described in the problem statement using MS Excel.

4. To conduct comprehensive computational works to determine the impact of forecasting modeling on the inventory carrying cost and transportation cost.

5. To report the findings.

1.4Research Scope

The scope of this project is to develop a complex mathematical model that represents carrying inventory costs and transportation costs using MS Excel for the case reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009). Moreover, three forecasting modeling approaches will be developed, namely Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, and Moving Average to conducted the investigation of the impact of forecasting modeling on the total cost associated with the inventory carrying costs and transportation costs for the case reported by Lorenzo and Stefano (2009). The component of time series involved in this project is trend and stationary demand. Furthermore, the scope of this project includes a solution methodology that has been developed by the author to conduct the investigation suggested by this project which detailed in this section under proposed solution methodology. It is not in the scope of this project to investigate the impact of other forecasting modeling approaches and or