7. s ome concludIng remArKs

7. s ome concludIng remArKs

One unexpected side effect of the study of Werndly’s description of Malay (and that of his predecessor, Van der Vorm) are possible insights into what may have been aspects of domestic pre-seventeenth century Malay grammatical learning, although in absence of direct written testimony, this must remain to a certain degree speculative.

The primary division into three word classes, inspired by the grammar of Arabic, was possibly acquired by Van der Vorm from local scholars familiar with Arabic. As unmarked derivation (conversion) was only considered between these three primary classes, this could have likewise reflected observations of indigenous scholars in attempts to apply acquired knowledge of Arabic grammar to Malay. The treatment of the vowel-and-diphthongue pairs e – ai and o – au as extensions of i and u respectively in Jawi-script spelling possibly reflects even more ancient grammatical tradition resulting from Sanskrit influence.

As already indicated above with regard to so-called particles, the most impressive feature of Werndly’s work is his care for detail and comprehensiveness of scope. This elaborate manner of treatment considerably exceeds that, for example, of even the standard Dutch grammar of Twe- spraack (1584) and similar national grammars of the time. This is perhaps a consequence of what one might see as Werndly’s disadvantage: providing a description not of an own or domestic language, but of a – for Europeans – little-known foreign one. This set particular demands to comprehensiveness and elaborateness. The readers could not be expected to fall back on their own basic knowledge to fill in missing details of the description. Apart from that, considering Werndly’s Swiss origin, one is tempted to mobilize clichés about the love for detail of a nation that would in a century or two bring forward leading watchmakers and bankers as additional explanation for the extraordinary perseverance and painstaking care that he invested in this work.

Space and time limitations do not allow a comprehensive review of the richness of detail in Werndly’s grammar, and an elaborate discussion and critique would require an even more forbidding volume. Furthermore, as linguistics in general, and that of Malay in particular, has progressed a long way since Werndly’s days, that would probably not lead to worthwhile novel insights. More significant are perhaps points in which Werndly’s description anticipated developments of later times.

While following established linguistic canons based on Graeco-Latin tradition, Werndly also takes notice of the circumstance that Malay grammar escaped the structural straightjacket they imposed. He is not satisfied with mechanical listings of Malay correspondences to Latin declension and flection

Waruno Mahdi , The first standard grammar of Malay 281 tables, and proposes an alternative paradigm of verb forms based on the actual

alternation of affixes in Malay. In this he anticipates treatments at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century, such as by Gerth van Wijk (1890: 56-139), or by Van Ophuijsen (1910: 220-260).

Even more revolutionary, of course, is the treatment of conversion in Malay word derivation. However, as already noted above, Werndly was not the first to call attention to this feature of Malay morphology, contradicting conventional views that equated the appositon of word forms with contrasting markation. It is remarkable that the so persistently described situation in Malay escaped the attention of general linguistics, so that the concept had to be reintroduced one and a half century later by Von der Gabelentz (1886: 100) with regard to Chinese, and even later to English by Sweet (1900: 38-40) who was apparently the first to use the term conversion.

On the other hand, Werndly also anticipated future developments when

he was misled by the established language feeling of speakers of Germanic and Romance languages. The author expected a verb of being or its equivalent in existential and equational sentences, although it is quite superflous in Malay. 16 In this he inadvertantly anticipated the use of ialah and adalah as equivalence copula in the speech of indigenous Indonesian intellectuals since the early twentieth century (Mahdi 2012: 417-419). These had acquired their school education in Dutch – with English, French and German as “foreign languages” – and were led by the same West European biased language feeling as Werndly had been.

In the whole, the fundamental significance of Werndly’s work was its being the crowning fulfillment of the policy formulated by Melchior Leydekker: abandonment of the vernacular spoken by the domestic Christian community in favour of a literary standard language held free of all Portuguese and other European loanwords. The consequence of this language policy was, however, that Bible translations became quite incomprehensible for unprepared laypersons (Brumund 1853; Van der Tuuk 1856; Drewes 1929: 145). Consequently, Werndly’s extremely complex spelling system, still used in the early nineteenth century (as in Werndly 1826), was then abandoned (Mahdi 2016: 114).

However, Werndly’s Malay grammar based on the High Malay of classical literature – even seeing a revised re-edition as late as Werndly (1823) – anticipated future developments in a most unexpected manner. The same enforcement of that High Malay, likewise free of any European influence, characterized official language policy after 1918 as implemented by Balai Poestaka, spelled Balai Pustaka since 1948 (Mahdi 2006: 85). Throughout the period of Indonesian national resurrection, and the subsequent period of independence, the language of spontaneous public discourse had been forms of European-influenced Low Malay known as Modern Malay (Drewes 1932), but the standard grammars, such as Koewatin (1910), Alisjahbana (1949), and Moeliono and Dardjowidjojo (1988), were all essentially based on High Malay.

16 It is also superfluous, for example, in Russian.

, The first standard grammar of Malay 283 Hence, Werndly’s Malay grammar became the first in an unbroken tradition of

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a High Malay standard being officially enforced in an environment of inofficial or spontaneous use of Low Malay by the speech community.

b IblIogrAphIc references Ali Haji [no surname], Raja. 1857. Bustânu 'l-kâtibîn li ' ṣ-ṣibyâni ‘l-muta'âlimîn,

artinya, Perkebunan juru tulis bagi kanak-kanak yang hendak menuntut berlajar akan dia. Penyengat, 20 Sya’ban 1273 (H. = 15 April 1857 CE). [Seen as lithograph reprint 1892: Singapura; not seen original lithograph cited from Van Ronkel 1901, Kridalaksana 1991.]

Ali Haji [no surname], Raja. 1859. Kitab pengetahuan bahasa. [First reprint 1927, Singapore: Al-Ahmadiah Press; seen as 1997 reprint: Kitab pengetahuan bahasa: iaitu kamus loghat Melayu Johor-Pahang-Riau-Lingga. Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah Fathaniyah; not seen original print cited from Kridalaksana 1991].

Alisjahbana, S. Takdir. 1949. Tatabahasa baru Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. Alwi, Hasan and Dendy Sugono (eds). 2001. Kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi ke-3. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, Pusat Bahasa - Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. [Balai Pustaka No. 3658.]

Amirova, T.A., B.A. Ol’chovikov, and Ju.V. Rozjdestvenskij. 1980. Abriß der Geschichte der Linguistik. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut. Beestermöller, Bernhard. 1914. Geschichte des Akademischen Gymnasiums in Lingen 1697 - 1820, Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Unoversität zu Münster. Lingen (Ems): R. van Acken.

Besar, Raihoel Amar Datoek and Roelof Roolvink. 1953. Hikajat Abdullah. Diterbitkan lagi dengan anotasi. Djakarta /Amsterdam: Djambatan. [Biblia malaica]. 1731. ’Elkhawlu-’ldjadîd, ’ija ’îtu, segala sûrat Perdjandjî an bahâruw, ’âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ tersâlin kapada bahâsa Malâjuw. Dibendar ’Amisterdam, tertarâ ’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet istejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. MDCCXXXI [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein]. [New Testament, originally translated by Leydekker up to Ephesians 6.6, the rest by Petrus van der Vorm, reworked by a commission led at first by Van der Vorm, then by George Henrik Werndly, implementing the latter’s spelling system.]

[Biblia malaica]. 1733. ’Elkitâb, ’ija ’îtu, segala sûrat Perdjandjî an lâma dán bahâruw, ’âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ tersâlin kapada bahâsa Malâjuw. Dibendar ’Amisterdam, tertarâ ’awleh R. dán DJ. Wet istejn, Penarâ Kompanijâ. MDCCXXXIII [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein]. [Old Testament, originally translated by Leydekker, reworked by the same commission finally headed by Werndly as the Biblia 1731 edition.]

Brumund, J.F.G. 1853. “De Maleische Christenen hebben geenen Bijbel”, in J.F.G. Brumund (ed.), Indiana: Verzameling van stukken van onder-scheiden

Waruno Mahdi , The first standard grammar of Malay 283 aard, over landen, volken, oudheden en geschiedenis van den Indischen Archipel,

1e stuk, pp. 169-180. Amsterdam: Van Kampen. Casparis, J.G. de. 1997. Sanskrit loan-words in Indonesian; An annotated check-list of words from Sanskrit in Indonesian and Traditional Malay, NUSA 41. Jakarta: Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya.

[Collectanea]. 1708. Tweede deel van de Collectanea malaica vocabularia. Of Malaeische woord-boek-sameling. [...] Op Batavia, By Andries Lambert Loderus, s’E: Compags: en Stads Drucker, op de West-zyde van de Tijgers- gragt, agter ‘t Stad-huys [Batavia: Andries Lambert Loderus]. [Consists of three individually paginated sections, includes in the first section on pp. 3-27 a proposal for a Malay Latin-script spelling, being a reproduction of Van der Vorm 1708, and in the third section on pp. 283- 286 the “list of difficult words” from Leydekker 1685.]

Collins, James T. 1991. “The Malay of the oldest Malay grammar; Dialectology and internal evidence”, Linguistik (Jurnal Persatuan Linguistik Malaysia)

5: 73-82. Collins, James T. 2001. “Dutch scholarship and the study of Malay dialects;

A sketch of pre-twentieth century contributions”, Dutch Scholarship and the Malay World: A Critical Assessment. Bangi: Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu. [ATMA-KITLV Colloquium, Siri Kertas Kerja Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu, Prosiding No. 4.]

Cowan, William. 1983. “Arabic grammatical terminology in Pedro de Alcalá”, in: Cornelis H.M. Versteegh, Konrad Koerner, and Hans-J. Niederehe (eds), The history of linguistics in the Near East, pp. 121-127. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Danckaerts, Sebastiaen. 1623. Catechísmus attau adjáran derri agamma Christáon. Bersalin derri bahassa Hollanda dalam bahassa Maleya derri pada Sebastianus Danckaerts. In ’sGraven-Haghe, By de Weduwe ende Erfgenamen van wijlen Hillebrandt Jacobssz van Wouw, Ordinaris Druckers vande Ho: Mo: Heeren Staten Generael. Anno 1623 [’s-Gravenhage: Erfg. Hillebrandt Jacobszoon van Wouw; Heidelberg catechism in Low Malay.]

Dibbets, G.R.W. 1985. Twe-spraack vande Nederduitsche letterkunst (1584), ingeleid, geïnterpreteerd, van kommentaar voorzien uitgegeven. Assen/ Maastricht: Van Gorcum.

Dibbets, Geert R.W. 1992. “Dutch philology in the 16th and 17th century”, in: Jan Noordegraaf, Kees Versteegh, Konrad Koerner (eds), The history of linguistics in the Low Countries, pp. 39-61. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Drewes, G.W.J. 1929. “The influence of Western civilization on the languages of the East Indian archipelago”, in: B. Schrieke (ed.), The effect of Western influence on native civilization in the Malay Archipelago, pp. 126-157. Batavia:

G. Kolff. Drewes, G.W.J. 1932. “Oud en nieuw in de hedendaagsche Indonesische literatuur”, De Gids 54: 316-336. Eysinga, W.A.P. Roorda van. 1877. Maleisch-Nederduitsch woordenboek. Ook ten

, The first standard grammar of Malay dienste van hen, die geen Arabisch karakter gebruiken, veel verbeterde

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en aanmerkelijk vermeerde uitgave. Amsterdam: G. Theod. Bom. Fäsi, J.C. 1819. Zum Andenken an Georg Heinrich Werndli, von Zürich, gewesnen Vorsteher der Malayschen Kirche in Ostindien, Auf das III. Zürch. Reformationsfest herausgegeben. Zürich: Joh. Kaspar Näf.

Gabelentz, Georg von der. 1886. “Zur chinesischen Sprache und zur allgemeinen Grammatik”, Internationale Zeitschrift für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 3: 93-109.

Gonda, J. 1936. “Over oude grammatika’s en ouds in de grammatika”, Indische gids 58/2: 865-878. Groeneboer, Kees. 1993. Weg tot het Westen; Het Nederlands voor Indië 1600–1950; Een taalpolitieke geschiedenis. Leiden: KITLV Uitgeverij. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 158.]

Izzo, Herbert J. 1984. “Elitist and egalitarian attitudes toward language and dialect in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries”, in: Paolo Brezzi and Egmont Lee (eds), Sources of social history; Private acts of the Late Middle Ages, pp. 267-283. Toronto/Roma: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. [Papers in mediaeval studies 5.]

Jansen, Jeroen. 2003. “Purity and the language of the court in the late sixteenth and seventeenth century Netherlands”, in: Fiona Somerset and Nicholas Watson (eds), Vulgar tongue; Medieval and postmedieval vernacularity, pp. 166–176. University Park, PA: Penn State Press.

Klinkert, H.C. 1902. Nieuw Maleisch-Nederlandsch woordenboek. Met Arabisch karakter, naar de beste en laatste bronnen bewerkt, 2e verbeterde en vermeerderde druk. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Koper, Jacob. 1956. Enkele aspecten van het vraagstuk der missionaire Bijbelvertaling in het bijzonder in Indonesië. PhD thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Koewatin, Sasrasoegonda. 1910. Kitab jang menjatakan djalan Bahasa Melajoe, terkoetip dari bahasa Belanda ol h Koewatin, Sasrasoegonda. Semarang – Soerabaia – Den Haag: G.C.T. van Dorp. [Malay adaption of Gerth van Wijk 1890.]

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1991. “Bustanulkatibin dan kitab pengetahuan bahasa; sumbangan Raja Ali Haji dalam ilmu bahasa Melayu”, in: Harimurti Kridalaksana (ed.), Masa lampau Bahasa Indonesia; Sebuah bunga rampai, pp. 349-361. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. [Seri ILDEP.]

Kukenheim, Louis. 1932. Contributions à l’histoire de la grammaire italienne, espagnole et française à l’époque de la Renaissance. Amsterdam: Noord- Hollandse Uitgevers-Maatschappij.

Landwehr, John. 1991. VOC. A bibliography of publications relating to the Dutch East India Company: 1602-1800. Edited by Peter van der Krogt, introduction by C.R. Boxer, preface by G. Schilder. Utrecht: HES Publishers.

[Leydekker, Melchior]. 1685. Ichtitsaar Catechismoe, Atawa Risalet jang simpan pangadjaran agamma Meseehhi, Ya itoe agamma Natsarani, jang de-adjarkan pada barang sijapa mau masoc pada djamowan malam. Batavia, Detakankan oleh Abraham van den Eede, pada tarijch 1685. tahon. [Batavia: Abraham van den Eede].

284 Waruno Mahdi , The first standard grammar of Malay 285 (Leydekker’s authorship, not noted in the publication, is indicated by

Werndly 1736: 316-317. The supplement: Uitlegging van eenige woorden, die in het voorgaende Traktaetje invloeyen, en misschien niet, of kwalijk van eenige verstaen zullen worden – a list of “difficult words”, mostly Arabisms, was subsequently reprinted in Collectanea 1708: 3.283-3.286).

Lorber, Johann Christoph. 1688. Grammatica malaica, tradens præcepta brevia idiomatis lingvæ in India orientali celeberrimæ, ab indigenis dictæ Malayo, succincte delineata labore Johannis Christophori Lorberi [...] Extr. Vinariæ, impensis Joh. Andreæ Mülleri, typogr. aul. [Weimar: Johann Andreas Müller].

Mahdi, Waruno. 2006. “The beginnings and reorganization of the Commissie voor de Volkslectuur (1908-1920)”, in: Fritz Schulze and Holger Warnk (eds), Insular Southeast Asia: Linguistic and cultural studies in honour of Bernd Nothofer, pp. 85-110. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Mahdi, Waruno. 2007. Malay Words and Malay Things; Lexical Souvenirs from an Exotic Archipelago in German Publications before 1700. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [Frankfurter Forschungen zu Südostasien 3.]

Mahdi, Waruno. 2012. “Distinguishing Cognate Homonyms in Indonesian”,

Oceanic Linguitics 51: 402-449. Mahdi, Waruno. 2016. “Linguistic variety in later nineteenth-century Dutch- edited Malay publications”, in: Yanti and Tim McKinnon (eds), Studies in language typology and change. [NUSA 60, pp. 107-185.]

Moeliono, Anton M. and Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds). 1988. Tata bahasa baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, Pusat Bahasa - Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. [Seri Balai Pustaka no. 3657.]

Ophuijsen, Ch.A. van. 1910. Maleische spraakkunst. Leiden: S.C. van Doesburgh. Polomé, Edgar C. 1994. “The treatment of morphology in the Twe-Spraack

and its impact on Dutch grammars in the XVIIth century“, in: Jan de Clercq and Piet Desmet (eds), Florilegium historographiae linguisticae. Études d’historiographie de la linguistique et de grammaire comparée à la mémoire de Maurice Leroy, Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 75, pp. 203-216. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.

Robins, R.H. 1968. A short history of linguistics. Bloomington / London: Indiana

University Press. Roman, Joannes. 1674. Grondt ofte kort bericht, van de Maleysche tale, [...] t’Amsterdam, door ordre van d’E. heeren bewinthebberen der Oost-Indische Compagnie, By Paulus Matthysz., in de Stoof-steeg, in’t Muzyc-boek, gedrukt, 1674 [Amsterdam: Paulus Matthyszoon] [A preliminary version appeared 1655, t’ Amstelredam, in de Druckery van Joan Blaev (Amsterdam: Joan Blaeu).]

Ronkel, Ph.S. van. 1901. “De Maleische schriftsteller en spraakkunst getiteld Boestânoe’l Kâtibîna”, Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

44: 512-581. Schuchardt, Hugo. 1891. Kreolische Studien, IX. Über das Malaioportugiesische von Batavia und Tugu. Wien: F. Tempsky. [Sitzungsberichte der Kais.

, The first standard grammar of Malay Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Classe

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72, Abhandlung 12.] Stibbe, D.G. 1921. Encyclopædie van Nederlandsch-Indië, Deel 4: Soemb-Z. Tweede druk, met medewerking van E.M. Uhlenbeck. ‘s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff / Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Sweet, Henry. 1900. A new English grammar; Logical and historical, Part 1. Oxford: Clarendon. Swellengrebel, J.L. 1974. In Leijdeckers voetspoor, anderhalve eeuw bijbelvertaling en taalkunde in de Indonesische talen I, 1820-1900. ‘s Gravenhage: Nijhoff. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 68.]

Taubken, Hans. 1981. Niederdeutsch, Niederländisch, Hochdeutsch: die Geschichte der Schriftsprache in der Stadt und in der ehemaligen Grafschaft Lingen vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Köln /Wien: Böhlau. [Niedeerdeutsche Studien Bd. 29.]

Tenfelde, Walter. 1968. Die Prediger der reformierten Gemeinde der Stadt Lingen (Ems). Hefft 11 der Schriftenreihe “Die Lingener Heimat” der Bürgersöhne- Aufzuges “Die Kivelinge”. Lingen (Ems): R. van Acken.

Troostenburg de Bruijn, C.A.L. van. 1893. Biographisch woordenboek van Oost- Indische predikanten. Nijmegen: P.J. Milborn. Tuuk, Hendrik Neubronner van der. 1856. “Hoog-Maleische Bijbelvertaling”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië [nieuwe volgreeks] 1: 171-183.

[Twe-spraack]. 1584. Twe-spraack vande Nederduitsche Letterkunst/ ofte Uant spellen ende eyghenscap des Nederduitschen taals, uytghegheven by de Kamer In Liefd Bloeyende, t’Amstelredam. Tot Leyden, By Christoffel Plantyn. M. D. LXXXIV. [Leiden: Christopher Plantijn]. [Seen as facsimile reproduction in Dibbets 1985: 49-321; possibly edited by Hendrik Laurenszoon Spieghel.]

Valentyn, François. 1698. Deure der waarhyd, voor ‘t ooge der Christen-wereld geopend, waar door klaar te sien is, wat tale voor alle Malytse Christenen in Oost-Indien, van gebruik, en alleen van dienst zy. [...] Tod Dordregt, by Cornelis Willegaarts, boekverkooper [Dordrecht: Cornelis Willegaarts]. [Includes on pp. 9-30 a major passage of Melchior Leydekker to Christian Church Synode of North Holland of 15 November 1697.]

Vasu, Chandra (ed.). 1962. The Ash ṭâdhyâyi of Pâṇini, vol. I. Delhi /Varanasi/ Patna: Motilal Banarsidass. [First edition 1891.] Versteegh, Kees. 1997. The Arabic linguistic tradition. London: Routledge. [Landmarks in linguistic thought 3.] [Vorm, Petrus van der]. 1708. “Proeve om’t Mallays, na d’aard van de taal selfs, soo alsse in’t oosten van Asia op ’t allergeschickste gesproken, en wel voornamentlijk in d’eygene boeken dier inlanders gevonden werd, met onse Europæise letter altyd onveranderlijk en behoorlijk te kunnen schrijven”, in: Collectanea (1708), section 1, pp. 3-27.

[Vorm, Petrus van der]. n.d. Bahāsa Jāwī iya ītu Malāyu [in Jawi script]. De Djawische/ dat is/ de Maleische taal/ ofte de Maleische letterkunst/ waar in het

287 wezen der Maleische tale in hare orthographia, etymologia, en syntaxis vertoond

Waruno Mahdi , The first standard grammar of Malay

wordt [in Latin script]. Terkārang olèh Pandīta Bi ṭrus fander Form dālam kota Batāwiyah dinegerī Jakatrā pada tārīkh ’Isa alMasī ḥ ibnu ’llah serību tūjuh rātus tīga [in Jawi script]. [Unpublished manuscript, 1703.] [Not seen; cited from Werndly 1736: 305-306.]

Vries, Lourens de. [n.d.]. “Newton goes East: natural philosophy in the first Malay grammar (1736) and the first Malay Bible (1733)”. [Preliminary version of article, to appear in The Bible Translator.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1730. [in cooperation with Karel George Serruus], Ta 又 lîmu -’ldîni-’lmesêhhiji, ’ja ’îtu, pang ᶣadjâran ’agama Mesêhhij, serta

dengan ’ichtitsârnja, lâgi bârang sombahjang dan fatsal Mesêhhij. Dibendar ’Amisterdam. ’Âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ tertarâ ’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet ᶣistejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. 1730 [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein.] [Not seen; cited from Werndly 1736: 330; Catechism.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1732. Ta 又 lîmu u-’ltahhkhîkh, ’ija ’îtu, pang ᶣadjâran kabenâran jang pôhon 又 ibâdet. ’Âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ, terkârang dâlam bahâsa Malâjuw. Dibendar ’Amisterdam, tertarâ ’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet ᶣistejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. 1732 [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein]. [The author’s name is given under the foreword on folio 4v: George Henrik Werndly; includes 16-page spelling guide beginning on folio 5r,; Malay translation of Dutch original: Martinus Duirsma, Hillebrandus Mentes, Durandus Duirsma, Kort ontwerp van de leere der waarheit die naar de Godzaligheit is, of which there is a 1727 edition, Groningen: Jurjen Spandaw; first edition 1718.]

[ Werndly, George Henrik]. 1735a. Ta 又 lîmu-’ldîni-’lmesêhhiji, ’ija ’îtu, pang ᶣadjâran ’agama, dan sjahâdet ’awrang Mesêhhi, serta dengan segala sombahjang, dan fatsal jang lâjin. Dibendar ’Amisterdam, Tertarâ ’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet ᶣistejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. MDCCXXXV [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein.] [Anonymous; Werndly’s authorship is indicated in Werndly 1736: 331; Catechism.]

[ Werndly, George Henrik]. 1735b. [in cooperation with Karel George Serruus], Sji 又 r segala mazmûr Dâ ᶣûd, dan pûdji an jang lâjin, terkârang ’âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ. Dibendar ’Amisterdam, tertarâ

’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet istejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. 1735. [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein]. [Anonymous; Werndly’s authorship is indicated in Werndly 1736: 275; Psalms of David and other songs of praise.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1735c. Sji 又 r segala mazmûr Dâ ᶣûd, terkârang ’awleh DJerdjîs Henrîk Werndlij pandîta di-Batâwijah. Dibendar ’Amisterdam. ’Âtas tîtah segala tuwan pemarentah Kompanijâ, tertarâ ’awleh R. dan DJ. Wet ᶣistejn, penarâ Kompanijâ. 1735. [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein.] [The original is cited from Werndly 1736: 275 and Landwehr 1991: #719;

, The first standard grammar of Malay seen as 1822 and 1826 reprints cited below; a not seen 1864 reprint is cited

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by Landwehr; Psalms of David and Catechism.] Werndly, George Henrik. 1736. Maleische spraakkunst, uit de eige schriften der Maleiers opgemaakt; Met eene voorreden, behelzende eene inleiding tot dit werk, en een dubbeld aanhangsel van twee boekzalen van boeken, in deze tale zo van Europeërs, als van Maleiers geschreven. Te Amsterdam, op kosten van de E.A. heren bewindhebberen der Oost- Indische Maatschappye gedrukt by R. en G. Wetstein, drukkers van de Maatschappye. MDCCXXXVI. [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein.] [The presently reviewed grammar.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1738. Oratio inauguralis de linguarum orientalium et indicarum cognitione necessaria theologo ad Indos profecturo, habita Linguæ a.d.

17 Dec. 1737. Te Amsterdam, gedrukt by R. en G. Wetstein. [Amsterdam: R. & G. Wetstein.] [The original is cited from Van Troostenburg de Bruyn 1893:481; seen as 1740 reprint cited below.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1740. “Georgii Henrici Werndly* oratio inauguralis,

de linguarum orientalium et indicarum cognitione necessaria theologo

ad Indos profecturo”, in: Joh. Georgius Altmannus (ed.), Tempe Helvetica, Dissertationes atque observationes theologicas, philologicas, criticas, historicas, exhibens 4(4), pp. 617-662. Tiguri ex Officina Heideggeriana [Zürich: Heidegger]. [Reprint of 1738 edition; has following titular footnote: *Habita est hæc oratio inauguralis Lingæ ad diem XVII. Decembris anni MDCCXXXVII. quum extraordinariam Philologiæ Professionem in Illustri Gymnasio Lingensi solenni ritu auspicaretur. Amstelodami typis Wetstenianus excripta prodiit: ... Autor illius est G.H. Werndly, Helvetio – Tigurinus,...]

[ Werndly, George Henrik]. 1822. Sûrat segala mazmûr , tersji 又 r, bârang pûdji an jang lâjin; dan ta 又 lîmu-’ldîni-’lMesêhhiji, lâgi bârang sombahjang dan fatsal Mesêhhij. Tertarâ pûla, dibendar Hârlem, ’awleh Jahhjâ ’Ensjedej dan ’ânak

nja. MDCCCXXII. [Haarlem: Johannes Enschedé]. [Author’s name not indicated, but the contents are identical with that of the 1826 edition cited below; a re-issue of the 1735c publication.]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1823. Maleische spraakkunst, van George Hendrik Werndlij, herzien en uitgegeven op last van de hooge regering van Nederlandsch Indië. Door C. van Angelbeek. Batavia: Lands Drukkerij. [Revised edition of the 1736 grammar, re-edited by C. van Angelbeek, bringing it into agreement with the new standard Dutch grammar, the Nederduitsche Spraakkunst of Petrus Weiland (1805, Amsterdam: Johannes Allart).]

Werndly, George Henrik. 1826. Sûrat segala mazmûr , tersji 又 r, bârang pûdji an jang lâjin; dan ta 又 lîmu-’ldîni-’lMesêhhiji, lâgi bârang sombahjang dan fatsal Mesêhhij. Tertarâ dibendar Hârlem, ’awleh Jahhjâ ’Ensjedej dan ’ânak nja. MDCCCXXVI. [Haarlem: Johannes Enschedé.] [Author’s name and year of first publication indicated in the colophon:

289 terkârang ’awleh G. H. Werndly; pada tânon [sic] 1735; re-issue of the

Waruno Mahdi , The first standard grammar of Malay

1735c and 1822 editions.] Wijk, D. Gerth van. 1890. Spraakleer der Maleische taal. Batavia: G. Kolff. Wilkinson, R.J. 1901-1903. A Malay-English dictionary, Parts I-III. Singapore:

Kelly & Walsh. Wiltens, Caspar and Sebastiaen Danckaerts. 1623. Vocabularium, ofte uuoort-Boeck/ naer ordre van den Alphabet in’t Duytsch-Maleysch/ ende Maleysch-duytsch/ dat is/ ‘teerste daer’t Duytsch voor ende ‘t Maleysch naer/ ende ‘tandere daer’t Maleysch voor/ eñ ‘t Duytsch naer wert gestelt. [...]. In ‘sGraven-Haghe, By de Weduwe/ ende Erfghenamen van Wijlen Hillebrant Jacobssz van Wouw/ Ordinaris Druckers vande Hog: Mog: Heeren Staten Generael. Anno 1623 [‘s-Gravenhage: Erfg. Hillebrant Jacobsszoon van Wouw]. [Includes anonymous supplement: Observationes aliquot hinc illinc decerptæ ex Grammatica latinâ, utilissimæ studiosis linguæ Malaicæ, in insulis Iavâ, Amboynâ, Moluccis, Banda & earund ẽ circũvicinys usurpatæ, the author of which has been identified as Sebastiaen Danckaerts in the foreword of Roman 1674, and by Werndly 1736: 299-300, as well as Gonda 1936: 866.]


Wacana Vol. 19 No. 2 (2018)

, The first standard grammar of Malay PB