The Analysis Of Metaphor Used In Mitch Albom’s In Novel The Five People You Meet In Heaven









REG.NO. : 122202008






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Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma III in English Study Program

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program

Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Diploma III Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held on August 2015

Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara


Dr.Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP: 19511013197603 1 001

Board of Examiners :


1. Head of ESP (Dr.Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A)

2. Supervisor (Drs.Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum)



I am, EVA PURNAMA SARI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Title of Paper : The Analysis of Metaphor Used in Mitch Albom’s in Novel the Five People You Meet in Heaven

Qualification : D-III/Ahli Madya Study Program : English

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This paper describes about the analysis of metaphor used in Mitch Albom in the five people you meet in heaven’s novel. The problem that is found in the discussion of this topic is what kind of metaphor used in the novel. Metaphor is coming from Greece language methaperein, (meta : moving/berpindah or relating with changing, pherein : containing/mengandung atau loading/ memuat). Metaphor is a figure of speech comparing the position of two things being the same or coparable because both of them almost the same meaning. This problem will be discussed in more detail in this paper. The purpose of writing this paper is to find out the metaphor used and give the description of the metaphor. In writing this paper is, the author has some information from some books or internet to supports this paper.



Kertas karya ini berisikan tentang analisis metafora yang ada dalam novel the five people you meet in heaven karya Mitch Albom. Masalah yang ada dalam kertas karya ini adalah mendiskusikan tentang apa saja jenis metafora yang digunakan dalam kertas karya ini. Metafora itu sendiri berasal dari Yunani, yaitu metapherein, dimana meta artinya berpindah dan pherein artinya memuat. Metafora adalah bahas afiguratif yang membandingkan dua hal karenakedua hal tersebut hamper memiliki makna yang sama.masalah ini akan dibahas lebih dalam didalam kertas karya ini. Adapun tujaun penulisan kertas karya ini adalah untuk menemukan metafora yang ada dalam novel the five people you meet in heaven. Dalam menuliskan kertas karya ini, penulis mengumpulkan informasi dari beberapa buku dan mencari data dari internet.



First of all, I would like to give all honor and praise to Allah SWT who has been my inspiration and my strength in life. He has blessed me and guided me to complete this paper. I realize that without His grace, I can’t finish this paper well.

Furthermore, I find so many supports from people around me to complete this paper. So that, I would like to thanks to:

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

Dr. Matius C.A.Sembiring, M.A. as the Head of English Diploma Study Program, who have supervised me in doing this paper.

Drs.Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum as my supervisor. Thank you very much for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics and suggestions in completing this paper.

Dr.Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A as my reader. Thank you very much for the valuable time in reading for completing this paper. Thank you very much for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics and suggestions in completing this paper.

• All of the lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for sharing us a lot of knowledge.

• My lovely parents, my father, Badi and my mother, Syamsinar. Thanks for your prayer, love, patience, supporting me morally, spiritually, and financially. I love you more than anything. I present this paper for you.


• All my family members, who have prayed for me and supported me in anything that I do, especially for my lovely sisters, Lili Damayanti, Tetty Syariani, Nur Ai’ni, and for my lovely brothers, Dede Prayudi.

Ms. Putri for helping me to get over all the requirements to finish this paper.

• My beloved brothers and sisters for understanding me well. Especially

Taufik Aulia Rahman S.Pd. And Rotua Meyly, who has helped me in doing this paper.

• All of my friends, especially Sara Amalia, Anglika Natasya Saras Dewi, Anggi Rosalina Simatupang, Shella Burivana, Siti Mulianita,fitri Rosmawati and all of my lovely friends. And also for SOLIDAS, my frends grup A and B who always support me in all of my conditions

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect, so that I welcome any constructive critics and suggestion. May this paper is helpful for the readers.

Medan, August 2015

The author,

Eva Purnama Sari Reg. No. 122202008





ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study ... 2

1.3 The Scope of the Study ... 2

1.4 The Purpose of the Study ... 2

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 2

1.6 The Method of the Study ... 3

2. THE REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Definition of Metaphor ... 4

2.2 The Kinds of Metaphor ... 6

2.3 The Conceptual of Metaphor ... 7

2.4 The Meaning of Figurative ... 10


4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Conclusions ... 24

4.2 Suggestions ... 25



This paper describes about the analysis of metaphor used in Mitch Albom in the five people you meet in heaven’s novel. The problem that is found in the discussion of this topic is what kind of metaphor used in the novel. Metaphor is coming from Greece language methaperein, (meta : moving/berpindah or relating with changing, pherein : containing/mengandung atau loading/ memuat). Metaphor is a figure of speech comparing the position of two things being the same or coparable because both of them almost the same meaning. This problem will be discussed in more detail in this paper. The purpose of writing this paper is to find out the metaphor used and give the description of the metaphor. In writing this paper is, the author has some information from some books or internet to supports this paper.



Kertas karya ini berisikan tentang analisis metafora yang ada dalam novel the five people you meet in heaven karya Mitch Albom. Masalah yang ada dalam kertas karya ini adalah mendiskusikan tentang apa saja jenis metafora yang digunakan dalam kertas karya ini. Metafora itu sendiri berasal dari Yunani, yaitu metapherein, dimana meta artinya berpindah dan pherein artinya memuat. Metafora adalah bahas afiguratif yang membandingkan dua hal karenakedua hal tersebut hamper memiliki makna yang sama.masalah ini akan dibahas lebih dalam didalam kertas karya ini. Adapun tujaun penulisan kertas karya ini adalah untuk menemukan metafora yang ada dalam novel the five people you meet in heaven. Dalam menuliskan kertas karya ini, penulis mengumpulkan informasi dari beberapa buku dan mencari data dari internet.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study

Language is part communication that of human that can be used in daily activities. Many people has much language variation, both of formal language and informal language. The especially of language in using spesific languange can help our communication.

Carrol says that language is a system of sounds and sequences structural of the tread of sounds, which is used or which can be used in communication between individuals by a group of people and that is rather due to give names of object, event and processes in the human environment. In this era, developing of language is very advanced and highly developed using form of speech which is exactly known. One of them is methaphorical figure of speech.

There are so many languages in the world. These are defenition about metaphor according to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary:

1) A figure of speech denoting by a word or pharase usually one kind of subject or idea in place another to suggest a likeness betwen them.

2) A figure of speech which a term is transferred from the object it may designate only implicit comparision or analogies.

3) A figure of speech which a name or quqlity is atributed to something to which is not literally aplicable.

Figurative language includes special forms that writers use to help readers make a strong connection to their words. A metaphor is one kind of figurative language. It makes a direct comparison of two unlike things. You can tell the


difference between a metaphor and a simile because a simile uses the words “like” or “as”, and a metaphor does not. Metaphors often use a form of the verb “to be”. The verb can be in the past tense (was, were), the present tense (am, is, are), or future tense (will be).

From the above statements, it can be some sense we know that our daily lives we find sentences form of speech that uses the metaphor of the formal language and informal language. Many things that you do not know about how the conceptual of metaphor in a sentences or in magazine, newspaper and novels.

In this paper, the author will try how the conceptual metaphor in the novel ‘The Five people you meet in heaven’ by Mitch Alboms.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the explanation above the problem that will be analyzed is what kind of metaphor used in the novel?

1.3 The Scope of the Study

In this paper, the author only analized the conceptual metaphor and how many metaphor are used in Mitch Albom novel The five people you meet in heaven.

1.4 The Purpose of the Study

The purposes of study is to find out the metaphor used and give the description of the metaphor.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

As theoritical, the significance of this analysis is to understand metaphor in Mitch Albom’s novel. As a matter of fact there are so many people using the


sentence that form metaphor but they do not know what metaphor is and how the conceptual of metaphor in newspaper, magazine, radio and abolutely in novel.

1.6 Method of the Study

In writing this paper, the author used the method of research such as to read some books and internet to make easier to finish this paper and collect the books and some informations from internet that related to the topic of the problem. And in this case, the writer just analyses the conceptual metaphor in the novel.



2.1 The Definition of Metaphor

Metaphor is coming from Greece language methaperein, (meta : moving/berpindah or relating with changing, pherein : containing/mengandung atau loading/ memuat). Metaphor is a figure of speech comparing the position of two things being the same or coparable because both of them are almost the same meaning. In writing this paper is, the author has some information from somebooks or internet to support this paper, such as :

Dagut (197 :25), on the one other hand, there is a bit of translation experts, such a Nida, Vinay and Darbelnet metaphor can not be translated. On the other hand, some figures like Kloepfer and Reiss assume that metaphor, as part of the language can be translated.

Larson (1998:275-276) describes six factors that determine translatibility of metaphor:

1) Cause is the image use in the metaphor may be not be usually in the BSA. For example, the phrase “white and snow” is not well understood by speakers of indonesian, the pharase ios better that translated into “sputih kapas”.

2) The topic of metaphor is not always clearly. For example, the phrase “the tide turned against the goverment” is difficult to understanding the reader because of ignorance that “the tide” refers to theple, the “public opinion”

3) The sameness is sometimes implicit so difficult to identy or result in a different understanding for speakers of other languages. For example, the phrase “ He is a pig” could be “He is a slob,” or “He is greedy” in the culture.


4) The differences of cultural BSU and BSA can make different interpretations of the same point.

5) BSA may not make comparisons like the metaphor TSU. For example, the English language reveals intense debate with the phrase “storm”, as in “There was a storm in the pariement yesterday”. However, other languages may use “fire”, not “strom” to express the same thing.

6) Every language has difference in the creation and using of expression.

Snell- Hornby (1955:41) that adopt and develop a model of van den Broeck, stressing that tranlability a metaphor can not be determined only tought “a set of abstract rules” but it depends on the structure and function of metaphor in the text was done. Transbility a metaphorical level is determined by the level of cultural specifity of the target text as well as geographical distance and cultural backgrounds dividing time between BSU and BSA.

Snell-Hornby (1955:41) says that stressing that translability for a metaphor could not be determined only through “a set of abstract rules” but it depends on the structure and function of metaphor in the text was done. Translability a methaporical level is determined by the level of cultural specificity of the target text as well as geographical distance and cultural backgrounds dividing time between BSu and Bsa.

Newmark (1981 :88-91) on the all of point, metaphor translation is done in two steps:

1) To identify type of metaphor to be translate

2) Determine the appropriate translation procedure that centais to make metaphor into Bsu.


From the defenitions above, we must know how important the metaphor is to support the story of novel, magazine and so on.

2.2 The Kinds of Metaphor

Some experts consider the metaphor as “queen” of figure speech, because when viewed in process of its formation, so many types of other figure of speech.

Here the writer would like to present the kinds of metaphor :

1) Anthromorphis (Antronous human and Tide form) that is kind of metaphor named after of parts of human body. For example: certain objects are named: the sun, spring.

2) Metaphor of animal is sourced in zoological metaphor. For example: Say you are a pig, you are dog, you are buffalo

3) Metaphor sintesis, this type created by transfering of idea, namely the transfer of responses based from eyes to hearing. For example, the word comfortable (feeling to hearing), rudely, politely

4) The metaphor that appears because the moving from concrete to abstract. For example: the world star in “the star actress”

Orrecchioni (1977:149-156) says that there are two forms of metaphor: 1) Metaphor in Praesentia

Metaphors in praesentia ia a metaphor that is explicit. For example: She likes a rat in office (simile). Here there are two elements being compared appear, so do not be implicit. If we compare figure of speech meaning with simile to metaphor assimilation, it would appear to be different. Similes is an utterance with


comparison explicit that conveyed with preposition and conjuction like as if, as like, example, parable, as.

2) Metaphor in absentia

Metaphor in absentia is ametaphor that is formed based on the abuse of meaning. As well as the simile, metaphor contained in two words or other form whose meaning is compared. However, one of the elements of language than, does not appear, is implicit. The character of implicit causes a changing of reference and irregularities of meaning, so that it makes problem collocation, namely the suitability of the meaning of two or several linguistic units are appearing in a row in the same speech. These things that might be a problem in understanding of metaphor. For example: So many mean the wants to get sweety of flower.

2.3 The Conceptual of Metaphor

Language is an system of sounds that used by the public for the purpose of communication. As a system, the language is systematic and systemic. It is said to be systematic because language has a spesific rule or method. It can be said as systemic because the language has subsystems and the subsystems are subsystem phonology, subsystems gramatical and lexilal subsystems.

In order to understand a deeper meaning of the semantics, someone who will learn semantics must be able to understand some of the characteristics of language, one of which is arbitrary language. Chaer (1989:32) says that the characteristic of this language means that there is no specific relating between the part of phonemes that former of words with the meaning. Thus, there is no


relating between the means and the meant by. Chaer (1989:29) says that the linguistic sign consists of elements of sound and meaning elements. The second part of language which usually refers to something is a referent of outside parts of language.

The scope of the study of meaning is very broad. And to make these papers become more focused to discuss the real semantics of figurative meaning. Before going further discuss what the figurative sense, it is good for us to understand what exactly semantics is. Lyon (1971:1) says that generally semantics is defined as the study of meaning which means that the semantics is generally defined as a study of meaning. Palmer (1981:1) says that semantics is expressed as the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning and since meaning is a part of language, semantics is a part of linguistics which means that semantics is the technical terminology referring to the study of meaning and because the meaning is part of the language, then semantic is part of linguistics.

Pradopo (1994:66) says that metaphor is a form of direct comparison of two things, but in the form of shortly. The style of metaphor was seeing something through another thing. Metaphor as a direct comparison does not use words like another, so that the first subject directly connected with the second subject. One of the elements being compared, theat is the image, has parts of components of meaning and usually the one only of the components of meaning that is relevant and also has the second element that is the topic.

Furthermore, Beekman and Callow explained that metaphor consists of three parts:


1) the topic is objects or matters that discussed.

2) the image is part of the metaphorical figure of speech is used to describe a topic in a comparison.

3) the point of similarity, namely the part that shows the similarities between the subject and image.

The third part above is not always mentioned explicitly, but occasionally, one of three parts, namely the topic, some of the images, or the point of resemblance implicit. Keraf says that the metaphors included in a style of figure of speech. This style is first formed based on comparisons or similarities. Compare something to the other, then try to find the characteristic that show similarities between them. Comparison actually contains two terms, namely comparisons are included in the style of usual language, while the form of the others is the comparison that included in a figure of speech.

Keraf (1994:136) says that the usual or direction comparison includes the two same part who includes in the some class of words, while the comparison is the style of figure of speech includes two things in the other word class. Keraf (1994:137) says that in order to establish whether a comparison is a figure of speech or not, should be seen the three points:

1) firstly should be determining the second class that compared. 2) looking at the level of similarity of difference between two things.

3) Looking at the context where is the characteristics the two things that found. Keraf ( 1992:139) says that metaphor is a kind of analogy that compares to things directly, but in short form: flower of the state. As a form of direct


comparisions, metaphors do not using the words: as like, as if, like, and so on, so that the first subject directly was related to the second term. The basic meaning of connotation of metaphor can be determined. The metaphor is absolutely on. But if the basic meaning of connotation of metaphor cannot be determined, then it was nothing.

For examples: The boat was broken by waves The car broken since this morning

2.4 The Meaning of Figurative

Figurative meaning is the use of figure of speech that has not real meaning. For example, the phrase “the crown of women” is not meant as an object used by a woman on her head, a symbolic of power of a leader and decorated with gold and jewels, but his phrase is interpreted as ‘a woman’s hair’ and then, there is also the figurative meaning of a proverb or parable. Abrams (1981:63) says that figurative or figurative language is a deviation from daily language, deviations from the basic language or standard, meaning irregularities and deviations arrangement (parts) words in order to obtain the effect or a special meaning.

Figurative language is actually a style of figurative langauge. Pradopo (1994:93) says that to make differences between figurative language and rethorical device. Same like the opinion of Alterbernd Abrams (1981:63) says that classifies the style of figurative language and rhetorical devices into figurative language. Acoording to him, the figurative language is actually a devitation language of daily language or form a standart to obtain the effect.


A figure of speech or by Kridalaksana called the rhetorical figure is the part to make many meaning of a word or group of words to obtain the effect by the ‘teacher’. This displacement makes the ‘teacher’ to ‘giving light and warmth’ to the nation. Aristotle says that linguistic expressions resulting from the metaphor as a means of thinking it is referred to as stilistika.

Ortony (1993: 3) says that for aristotle, the main function is as stilistika metaphor or rhetorical ornament, espesially figure of speech. Danesi (2004: 118) says that adds the figure of speech used to make the beautify utterances in poetry. On the other hand, Aristotle is more concerned with metaphor as a linguistic expression, not as a concept thinking that produced the expression.

Since launched by Aristotle, metaphor becomes one of the major fields of study in philosophy, linguistic and literary criticism in the West. However, Punther (2007:10-12) says that the emphasis in the function of metaphor as a rhetorical ornament resulting in studies that focused only on efforts to attempt to distinguish the literal language and figurative language. As a result, for sixteen centuries, metaphor is not regarded as an integral part of the discourse of philosophy and everyday language, and understanding metaphor as a comparison between a foreign concept (topic) with an other concepts that have been understood (image) that generates similarity (common ground) between them, which is then moved to the topic so understanding toward increased also did not change substantively.

Comparision theory is suppoted by Larson (1998: 271), which emphasizes that, the simile metaphor is a figurative expression that is based on the


comparison. He explained that the metaphor and simile are gramatical forms that represent the two propositions in semantic structure. A preposition consists of a topic and the explanation of the topic. Relates between the two prepositions is a comparison contained in the explanation section. The explanations reveals similarities or show certain similarities point.



1) This is a story about a man named Eddie and it begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun.

2) It might seem strange to start a story with an ending. 3) But all endings are also beginnings.

4) Once, he had been strong enough to lift a carousel horse in each arm. 5) Teenagers gave him headaches.

6) He went about his dull routine as is all the days in the world were still to come.

7) Like his father before him, like the patch on his shirt.

8) She was like a wound beneath an old bandage, and he had grown more used to the bandage.

9) Sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river.

10) Because it was locked. The pulley had gradually ripped the cable’s steel wires-as if husking an ear of corn-until they were nearly severed.

11) In those final moments, Eddie seemed to hear the whole world: distant screaming. Waves. Music, a rush of wind, a low, loud, ugly sound that he realized was his own voice blasting through his chest.

12) In the story about life after death, the soul often floats above the good-bye moment, hovering over police cars at highway accidents, or clinging like a spider to hospital-room ceilings.


14) How do people choose their final words? 15) Do they realize their gravity?

16) His heart was racing.

17) On the outside old man in a cap and shorts and a brown maintenance jersay. 18) It might have seemed ridiculous to anyone watching,this white haired

maintenance worker, all alone, making like an air plane. 19) Your body feels like a child’s right?

20) The blue man smiled as if he’d heard the question. 21) His thoughts came spilling out like sentences.

22) But heaven can be found in the most unlikely corners.

23) His voice seemed to be breaking through a shell, like a baby chick.

24) I can still see that moment, my father pleading with him like a street begger,the foreman sneering,wiping his nose with the back of his hand. 25) The manager once called me the ‘best freak’ in his table, and, sad as it

sounds, I took pride in that.

26) When you are an outcast,even a tossed stone can be cherished.

27) That you can no more separate one life from an other than you can separate a breeze from the wind.

28) It is becausse the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives interect. 29) It slid intp Eddie like a drawer being closed.

30) The blue man whispered in his ear, this step of heaven is over for me, But there are other for you to meet.


32) Eddie felt his feet touch ground.

33) Every muscle he had was as tight as piano wire.

34) He tried to catch his breath,fear had found him,even in heaven.

35) Would they make a noise when he shot them, or would they jush go down, like the lons and giraffes?.

36) For a moment,Eddie stared,his mouth slightly open,his eyes bringing the scene into tighter focus.

37) Then his chest tightenedlike a man who’d just had bad news broken. 38) It hed haunted his dreams.

39) He learned to sleep on rocy earth. 40) But this damn leg.

41) Men adapt to captivity, some better than others.

42) But then the dreams turned, and the four crazies were on the adjacent poines,poking at him, sneering.

43) Years of waiting at the pier-for a ride to finish, for the waves to pull back, for his father to speak to him-had trained Eddie inthe art of patience.

44) The prisoners’ faces, by the end pf the day,were hopelessly black,and their and shoulders throbbed from leaning over.

45) Forced laughter ,buying time.

46) Eddie is in the kitchen,fooling with his young romanian cousins,his hands behind his back as they try to punch his stomach.

47) The font door opens and Eddie hears a voice that makes his heart jump,even now.


48) Eddie wants to hug her so badly,he thinks he’ll burst.

49) As always, with margueritr, Eddie mostly wants to freeze time. 50) But you were angry over yours.

51) That night, we might have all driven over taht land mine.

52) Some of the older womwn get teary-eyed,and Eddie figures they have sons of their own,already gone.

53) Savwd from a question taht has caught in his throat all night, he feels as if a string has just shot from his heart and looped around her shouldres,pulling her close,making her his.

54) It was tilted just a few feet below the upper platform, as if it had started downward then changed its mind.

55) Because it was locked, they pulley had gradually ripped the cable’s steel wires-as if husking an ear of corn-until they were nearly severed.

56) In those final moments, Eddie seemed to hear the whole world: distant screaming, waves, music, a rush of wind, a low, loud, ugly sound that he realized was his own voice blasting through his chest.

57) In the stories about life after death, the soul often floats above the good-bye moment, hovering over police cars at highway accidents, or clinging like a spider to hospital-room ceilings.

58) He could only feel calm, like a child in the cradle of its mother’s arms. 59) On the outside, he looked the same as he had that morning: a squat,

barrel-chested old man in a cap and shorts and a brown maintenance jersey. 60) It might have seemed


61) An elevator pings down the hall. A gurney emerges. 62) Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers.

63) Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair.

64) The hands on Eddie’s childhood glass then were hard and calloused and red with anger, and he went through his younger years whacked, lashed, and beaten.

65) Eddie’s father let the wrinkle of pride crack the veneer of his disinterests. 66) This was the final handprint on Eddie’s glass.

67) She begged and wept and beseeched her husband to change his mind, to let it go, but Eddie’s father would only say to her, through a clenched jaw, what he said to others who made the same request: “That boy raised a hand to me.”

68) And now, someplace place beyond death, Eddie slumped against a stainless steel wall and dropped into a snowbank, stung again by the denial of a man whose love, almost inexplicably, he still coveted, a man ignoring him, even in heaven.

69) The worst part is the general darkness the dream leaves over him, a guy film that clouds the day.

70) Even his happy moments feel encased, like holes jabbed in a hard sheet of ice.

71) Now, away from that ocean, in the confines of a hospital bed, his body began to wither like a beached fish.


72) It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their story, and their all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones up stones, beneath the waters of their lives,

73) He is used to it by now, making room for it the way you made room for a commuter on a crowded bus.

74) He saw a rainstorm at the farthest edge of Ruby Pier-the “north point,” they called it-a narrow jetty that stretched for out into the ocean.

75) “Drank his way to the grave. He never forgive himself for what happened” 76) But hatred is a curved blade.

77) Guests holding silver plates filled the grassy lawn.

78) Only in the late years of his life, when some of his teenaged pier workers had grown up and taken spouses, did he find himself getting the faded suit out of the closet and putting on the colared shirt that pinched his thick neck. 79) Eddie found a place against a wall and watched the bride and groom cut a

log in half with a two-handed rip saw.

80) The tarantella was dancing behind them and the sun was fading behind a ribbon of white clouds.

81) People say they “find” love, as if it were an object hidden by a rock!

82) But love takes many forms, and it is never the same for any man and woman.


84) Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy.

85) But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive.

86) The water of their love was hidden beneath the roots.

87) The riders floated through troughs of water and dropped, at the end, into a large splash pool.

88) And while a child never came, their wound slowly healed, and their companionship rose to fill the space they were saving for another.

89) The waters of their love fell again from above and soaked them as surely as the sea that gathered at their feet.

90) When she asked questions, they nodded sympathetically, as if their nods were medicine doled out with a dropper.

91) Eddie felt her in everything, in the steering wheel, in the gas pedal, in the blinking of his eye, in the clearing of his throat.

92) Every move he made was about hanging on to her.

93) She motioned to Eddie and nodded toward the distant top of a big, white amusement ride, with red carts dangling like tree ornaments.

94) “The bride waits here,” she said, running her hands along her hair, taking in her image but seeming to drift away.

95) Memory becomes your partner.


97) He realized how much he missed the old man, how strange it was not having him at the pier, barking orders, watching everything like a mother hawk. 98) No one had the heart.

99) It sure beat ending up like this poor slob, with little to show but a tidy kitchen.

100) White, there was only white now, no earth, no sky, no horizon between the two.

101) Only a pure and silent white, as noiseless as the deepest snowfall at the quietest sunrise.

102) Eddie looked at the old claking thing, which had been torn down years ago. He shook his head no.

103) The Blue Man smiled as if he’d heards the question. He touched Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie felt a surge of warmth un like anything he head over felt before. Hs thoughts came spilling out like sentences.

104) The Blue Man whispered in his eat. “This step of heaven is over for me. But there are others for you to meet

105) He felt stronger than before, but when he tried to touch his toes, he could no longer do so.

106) Eddie before enlisting, had been working to save money to study engineering.

107) Eddie watch the captain closely. He had always thought of him as so much older. But now, with some of the coal ash rubbed from his face.


108) The ocean thumped and crashed, but Eddie’s father reamined wedged under Micky’s armpit, pumping his legs, blingking. Widly to clear his vision 109) You can’t see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move

them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens memory.

110) She raised her charred hand and Eddie gripped it gently and slowly rubbed the stone along her forearm, until the scars began to loosen.

111) The flakes fell loose, glistening with a golden sheen. 112) He followed the flickering lights down the narrow ridge.

113) This landscape, stark and silent, was breathtaking, more like how he’d imagined heaven.

114) He came through the snow around a rock ledge to the large clearing from which the lights originated.

115) A teenage girl had a deep gash across her face.

116) He saw cooks wearing white paper hats, and plates of steaming food on the counter awaiting serving-food in the most succulent colors; deep red sauces, yellow butter creams.

117) Still, for countless hours of his boardwalk youth, Eddie waited for his father’s attention, sitting on railing or squatting in his short pants atop tool chests in the repair shop.

118) It got so that Eddie could tell by the thump of the foot step becoming down the hall how hard he was going to get it.


120) The darkness of combat had left Eddie changed. 121) Never made any real money

122) You are doing the same boring stuff, you are a ride man, just like 123) Eddies felt a rumbling of anger

124) When Eddie looked into the circle, he felt as if his eyes were falling from their sockets and travelling on their own, down a hole and into another moment.

125) The images sharpened

126) He grabbed the railing, searching the waters. 127) The wind blew the rain in sideways.

128) He stopped, pulled off the belt, yanked off one shoe, tried to undo the other, gave up, squatted under the railing and jumped, splashing clumsily in the churning ocean.

129) The skies clapped with thunder as the rainwater pelted them. 130) Eddie’s vision returned to his body.

131) He felt exhausted, spent, as if he had been in that ocean himself.

132) And when you were born, it was Mickey who lent your parents what little money he had, to help pay for the extra mouth to feed.

133) Silence was his escape, but silence is rarely a refuge. 134) His thoughts still haunted him.

135) The mountains were gone and so was the jade sky. 136) A low plaster ceiling just missed his head.


137) The room was brown-as plain as shipping wrap-and empty, save for a wooden stool and an oval mirror on the wall.

138) The sound startled him, as if it came from someone else. 139) He was rotting away.

140) She offered her hand. Eddie reached for it quickly, instinctively, as if grabbing for a failing object.

141) Eddie mumbled, as he dropped his head onto her shouldet and, for the first time since his death, began to cry.

142) What people find then is a certain love.

143) She was exactly as he remembered-more beautiful, really, for his final memories of her head been as an older, suffering woman.



Having analysed and studied metaphor as a of speech, the writer comes to conclusion that metaphor is a figure of speech comparing the position of two things being the same comparable because both of them have almost identical meaning. It is used for every novel, newspaper, magazine and so on, and metaphor is important to use in the novel as long as the novel has a good story or not. Without using metaphor, the novels perhaps will not be interested.

As a matter of fact, many novels are usually influenced by the story of the novel. If the novel has many simple words of its vocabulary, the reader will easily understand the novel, so that the novel will be interested to read.

The use of metaphor is very depending on the story of the novel, and if the metaphor has interested meaning, the novel will be more interesting and the reader should know the main point of the metaphor and its meaning.


4.2 Suggestion

The writer of this paper suggests that the readers have to read metaphor as an important figure of speech found in the novel as metaphor is the body of novel, so it is important to make the novel perfectly and make the story of novel perfectly. In order to understand the metaphor the writer hopes that the reader could see or read this paper because it is very useful and easy to understand the metaphor and the kinds of metaphor.

Sometimes, seeing and reading metaphor somewhere makes people guessing the true meaning of that metaphor because sometimes also people do not understand what is the point of metaphor in English. Because absolutely it is very difficult to get the meaning of that words first. By reading metaphor and understand the meaning of metaphor the readers could broader their knowledge in understanding metaphor.



Dagut, Menachem, 1987. Can Metaphor be Translated. Babel : International Journal Of Translation.

Danesi, Marcel.2004. Messages, Signs, and Meaning : A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication Theory. Toronto : Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Davidson, Donald. 1978. What Metaphors Mean. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press.

Gutt, E.A 1990. A Theoritical Account of Translation without a Translation Theory. Targetr International Journal Vol.2 No.2.

Holmes, J.S. 1988. Translated!: papers on literacy translation and translation studies: a collections of ten essays and papers by the late Holmes, J.S. (1924-1986) Amsterdam: Rodopi B.V.

Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Keraf, Gorys. 1994. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Larson, Mildred L. 1981. Meaning-Based Translation: a Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. Oxford: Pergamon press.

Lyons, Jhon. 1995. New Horizons in Linguistics. London: Penguin Books. Mahsun. 2005. Metode Penelitian Bahasa. Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada. Orrecchioni, K. 1986. La Connotation. Lyon : Presse Universitare de Lyon. Ortony, Andrew. 1993. Metaphor And Thought. Cambridge : University Press. Parcinson, GHR. 1990. The theory of meanings. London: Longman.

Snell-Hornby, Mary. 1955.. Translation studies : An Integrated Approach Amsterdam : John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Sembiring, MCA. 1990. An Introduction to English Grammar. Medan: USU Press.


Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode dan Aneka Teknik analisis Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.

Suracmad, Winarno. 1982. Pengantar Penelitian Ilmia. Bandung: Taesito Suryabrata. 1984. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Angkas.



120) The darkness of combat had left Eddie changed. 121) Never made any real money

122) You are doing the same boring stuff, you are a ride man, just like 123) Eddies felt a rumbling of anger

124) When Eddie looked into the circle, he felt as if his eyes were falling from their sockets and travelling on their own, down a hole and into another moment.

125) The images sharpened

126) He grabbed the railing, searching the waters. 127) The wind blew the rain in sideways.

128) He stopped, pulled off the belt, yanked off one shoe, tried to undo the other, gave up, squatted under the railing and jumped, splashing clumsily in the churning ocean.

129) The skies clapped with thunder as the rainwater pelted them. 130) Eddie’s vision returned to his body.

131) He felt exhausted, spent, as if he had been in that ocean himself.

132) And when you were born, it was Mickey who lent your parents what little money he had, to help pay for the extra mouth to feed.

133) Silence was his escape, but silence is rarely a refuge. 134) His thoughts still haunted him.

135) The mountains were gone and so was the jade sky. 136) A low plaster ceiling just missed his head.


137) The room was brown-as plain as shipping wrap-and empty, save for a wooden stool and an oval mirror on the wall.

138) The sound startled him, as if it came from someone else. 139) He was rotting away.

140) She offered her hand. Eddie reached for it quickly, instinctively, as if grabbing for a failing object.

141) Eddie mumbled, as he dropped his head onto her shouldet and, for the first time since his death, began to cry.

142) What people find then is a certain love.

143) She was exactly as he remembered-more beautiful, really, for his final memories of her head been as an older, suffering woman.




Having analysed and studied metaphor as a of speech, the writer comes to conclusion that metaphor is a figure of speech comparing the position of two things being the same comparable because both of them have almost identical meaning. It is used for every novel, newspaper, magazine and so on, and metaphor is important to use in the novel as long as the novel has a good story or not. Without using metaphor, the novels perhaps will not be interested.

As a matter of fact, many novels are usually influenced by the story of the novel. If the novel has many simple words of its vocabulary, the reader will easily understand the novel, so that the novel will be interested to read.

The use of metaphor is very depending on the story of the novel, and if the metaphor has interested meaning, the novel will be more interesting and the reader should know the main point of the metaphor and its meaning.


4.2 Suggestion

The writer of this paper suggests that the readers have to read metaphor as an important figure of speech found in the novel as metaphor is the body of novel, so it is important to make the novel perfectly and make the story of novel perfectly. In order to understand the metaphor the writer hopes that the reader could see or read this paper because it is very useful and easy to understand the metaphor and the kinds of metaphor.

Sometimes, seeing and reading metaphor somewhere makes people guessing the true meaning of that metaphor because sometimes also people do not understand what is the point of metaphor in English. Because absolutely it is very difficult to get the meaning of that words first. By reading metaphor and understand the meaning of metaphor the readers could broader their knowledge in understanding metaphor.




Dagut, Menachem, 1987. Can Metaphor be Translated. Babel : International Journal Of Translation.

Danesi, Marcel.2004. Messages, Signs, and Meaning : A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication Theory. Toronto : Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Davidson, Donald. 1978. What Metaphors Mean. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press.

Gutt, E.A 1990. A Theoritical Account of Translation without a Translation Theory. Targetr International Journal Vol.2 No.2.

Holmes, J.S. 1988. Translated!: papers on literacy translation and translation studies: a collections of ten essays and papers by the late Holmes, J.S. (1924-1986) Amsterdam: Rodopi B.V.

Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Keraf, Gorys. 1994. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Larson, Mildred L. 1981. Meaning-Based Translation: a Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. Oxford: Pergamon press.

Lyons, Jhon. 1995. New Horizons in Linguistics. London: Penguin Books. Mahsun. 2005. Metode Penelitian Bahasa. Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada. Orrecchioni, K. 1986. La Connotation. Lyon : Presse Universitare de Lyon. Ortony, Andrew. 1993. Metaphor And Thought. Cambridge : University Press. Parcinson, GHR. 1990. The theory of meanings. London: Longman.

Snell-Hornby, Mary. 1955.. Translation studies : An Integrated Approach Amsterdam : John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Sembiring, MCA. 1990. An Introduction to English Grammar. Medan: USU Press.


Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode dan Aneka Teknik analisis Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.

Suracmad, Winarno. 1982. Pengantar Penelitian Ilmia. Bandung: Taesito Suryabrata. 1984. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Angkas.