Definition of Communication The objectives of Communication

commit to user order to create good relation and maintain goodwill between this university and its publics.

B. Communication

1. Definition of Communication

Communication is an essential part that cannot be separated from Public Relations. Communication technique which is often used in Public Relations is persuasive communication. Public Relations officers usually use persuasive communication in conducting communication with company’s publics, so besides being used to create a good image, building public knowledge, and create mutual understanding, are also has function to influence publics’ opinion as what the company desires in achieving the company’s purposes. The following are definitions about persuasive communication according to some experts: Gill and Adams defined that “Persuasive communication is intentional efforts which is done by individual or organization to make a change of thought, faith, or behavior on another individual or society” in Kristina, 2010:2 Burgon and Huffner 2002 defined that persuasive communication is communication process which has purpose to influence the thoughts and opinions of others in order to adjust the opinions and desires of communicators. From the definitions above, it can be concluded that persuasive communication is a communication which is done by communicator to influence commit to user the opinion of others, in order to adjust the desires of communicator, so it will create same ways of thought between communicator and others.

2. The objectives of Communication

The objectives of communication by R. Wayne Pace, Brent D.peterson, and M. Dallas Burnett in their book “Techniques for effective Communication” are: a. To secure understanding b. To create mutual understanding c. To establish acceptance d. To motivate action. in Effendy, 1986:72 The objectives of communication which was presented by R. Wayne Pace, Brent D. Peterson, and M. Dallas Burnett above are in accordance with activities, objectives, and roles of Public Relations as a study field which always uses communication techniques in its practice.

C. Communication Channels