Students’ Perception on the Use of Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and
Learning Process at EED of UMY

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizky Wijayanto

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Students’ Perception on the Use of Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and
Learning Process at EED of UMY

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizky Wijayanto

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Statement of the Authenticity

I am a student with the following identity:

: Rizky Wijayanto


: 20120540048

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Faculty of Language Education


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that this thesis with the title of “Students’ Perception on the Use of Ice
Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process at EED of UMY” is
definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this
Skripsi. Others’ opinion or finding included in this thesis is quoted in accordance

with ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, August 29,2016

Rizky Wijayanto
NIM. 20120540048



‫إ َن مع ْالعسْر يس ًْرا‬

‫فإ َن مع ْالعسْر يس ًْرا‬

 Working without praying will be nothing. Praying without working are
empty dreams.
 Be as yourself as you want.



Alhamdulillah, Praise and Thank to Allah SWT, The Most Gracious and the Most
Merciful, who has given me blessing and guidance so that I can accomplish the
writing of this thesis. This respective research entitled ‘Students Perception on the
Use of Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process at EED of
UMY’ is an undergraduate project which also is the final requirement to complete
the study in Strata One (S-1) for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English
Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Hereby, I would like to appreciate thanking to:
My beloved parents. Who always love me, support me and pray for me.
Thank you for the valuable efforts and contributions in making my education
My Supervisor. Dr. Suryanto who has done excellent supervising me
through good and hard times.
The Dean of Language Education Faculty. Gendroyono, M.Pd, whose
persistence encourages the researcher to finish this research.

My beloved family. Neli Rehayati and her Husband (Darto) and Sarif
Maulana with his Wife (Yanti) thank you very much for supporting and
understanding me during my study. And also my two nephew (Latif Nugaraha
Purwa and Ratry Laila Wiyatsih) who always entertain me.


For Her. (Yulia Dewi Ratnaningsih) who always spend your time for me,
motivate me and help me. Because of you, my world is really wonderful. Thank
for all sweet moments
Respondents of this research. who are willingly to give their time for the
researcher. Without them, this research will be nothing.
My B’rilliant Class. Especially for the Boyband (Teguh, Hardiansyah,
Antok, Adib and Didin) thanks for every moment that we have done, thanks for
incredible and unforgettable moment that we have passed together and make my
life meaningful and thank you for being my extraordinary friends ever.


List of Content

Cover ................................................................................................................i
Approval Sheet ................................................................................................ ii
Statement of Authenticity ...............................................................................iii
Motto ...............................................................................................................iv
Acknowledgement........................................................................................... v
List of Content ............................................................................................... vii
List of Figure ...................................................................................................ix
List of Appendices .......................................................................................... x
Abstract ...........................................................................................................xi
Chapter One: Introduction............................................................................... 1
Background of the study ..................................................................... 1
Statement and limitation of the study .................................................. 3
Research question ................................................................................ 4
Objective of the study ......................................................................... 4
Significance of the study ..................................................................... 5
Outline of the study ............................................................................. 5
Chapter Two: Literature Review ..................................................................... 7
Ice Breaking Activities ........................................................................ 7
The Aims of Ice Breaking Activities ................................................... 8

Application Techniques Ice Breaking ................................................. 9
Benefit of Using Ice Breaking Activities ........................................... 13


Teaching and learning ........................................................................ 14
Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process ............... 18
Review of Related Study .................................................................... 20
Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 22
Chapter Three: Methodology ......................................................................... 24
Design of the Study ............................................................................ 24
Research Setting and Participant ........................................................ 24
Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 26
Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 27
Chapter Four: Finding and Discussion........................................................... 29
Findings ............................................................................................... 29
Discussion ............................................................................................ 37
Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestion ...................................................... 43
Conclusion .......................................................................................... 43
Suggestion .......................................................................................... 44

References ...................................................................................................... 45


List of Figure

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework .................................................................. 23


List of Appendix

Appendix 1: Interview Guidelines ................................................................. 49
Appendix 2: Transcribe .................................................................................. 50


In teaching and learning process in the classroom, a teacher often meets some
problems. To solve the problem, a teacher can use Ice Breaking Activities. Ice

Breaking Activities are activities to get rid of boredom of the students that take
place in the classroom. This study aims to find out the types of Ice Breaking
Activities and the benefits of using Ice Breaking Activities in teaching and
learning process. This study used qualitative research design and provided
descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used interview in collecting the
data. The researcher used convenience sampling to choose participant in each
classes. This research was conducted at English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED of UMY) batch 2012 with 4 (four)
participants in May 2016. To analyze the participants’ answer the researcher used
three steps in qualitative research analyses namely open coding, axial coding and
selective coding. The research showed that there are 8 (eight) types of Ice
Breaking Activities used in the classroom, they are yelling, clapping hand, singing
song, making humor, playing games, telling fairy tales, doing massage and
gymnastics. The benefits of Ice Breaking Activities, they are getting rid of
rigidness and boredom, practicing concentration, making students enjoy in the
classroom. In addition, ice breaking activities that are conducted by lecturers can
be used, for references for students when they become teacher later, to get rid of
sleepiness, and to make a class more conducive.

Keywords: Teaching and Learning Process, Ice Breaking Activities


Chapter One
This chapter is divided into six parts. At the beginning it discusses about
background of this study that is followed by the statement of the problem on this
study. Then the next part talk about limitation of the study. It gives a focus for the
researcher to conduct this study. The following part presents the research
question. The last two parts elaborate the objectives and outline of this study.

Background of the Study
Teaching and learning processes are activities that are carried out by
students and a teacher who meet and interact one to another using resources in the
teaching learning processes. Teaching and learning processes are conducted at a
school or other places. In the teaching and learning processes, a teacher gives
some lessons that have been planned. In the lessons, the teacher delivers a
learning material that has been arranged in the curriculum to be delivered for the
students. After that, if the material has been explained by the teacher, students are
assessed in a midterm, final, and/or on-going assessment to evaluate whether or

not the students have understood the material being taught by the teacher.
A teacher is a person who is responsible for the students’. The teacher
should be responsible for the students’ education in school. In a school, teacher
may act as a manager as well in teaching and learning process. In this role, a
teacher is responsible for directing the students in order to achieve the learning
objective. As a manager in teaching and learning processes, a teacher should be


able to make sure that the students always pay attention for any materials
delivered by teachers in the classroom.
Based on the researcher’s experience during he doing internship or
teaching practice at high school, in teaching and learning process in the classroom
a teacher ever meets some problems. For instance, the students feel bored in the
classroom, play with their own friends, and get the difficulties in understanding
the lessons. These conditions can happen because the teacher does not make
variation in presenting the material like talking too much and face to the white
board dominantly. To solve this kinds of problem a teacher should be creative,
especially when they are in the classroom. In this case, being creative, a teacher
should communicate with students and also asks them whether understand or not
the lesson. Additionally, a teacher can also use games while teaching in the
In this case, the game is Ice Breaking Activities. The Ice Breaking
Activities is an activity to get rid a boredom happens by the students in the
classroom. According to Pathak and Verma (2011) Ice Breaking is an activity
where group participants slowly and gradually get familiar with (in case of
stranger groups) and/or begin coming closer to one another, this supports them
build/improve relationship and improve the comfort level between themselves for
working effectively in the next time. Pathak and Verma (2011) also said that the
Ice Breaking Activities also supports the method of teacher to motivate creative
thinking, challenge basic expectations, make persons step out of their amusement


areas, illustrate new ideas, and of course to promote calm communication. The Ice
Breaking Activities are like relaxation, riddle games and others.
The Ice Breaking Activities in the classroom are games that are made by
teacher or activities made by agreements teacher and students. The Ice Breaking
Activities can be done when the students are getting bored for example, at
afternoon class. These Activities are performed in the afternoon class because at
the time the students are getting tired and lazy. Therefore, it is important to do an
Ice Breaking Activities.
Ice Breaking Activities are very important to be conducted in teaching and
learning to get rid of stiff and boring atmosphere. These can also be used to
restore the missing of students’ concentration. Based from any resources, strength
of the human brain's concentration is only 15 until 20 minutes. After that they turn
to less concentrated.
Considering the good roles of Ice Breaking Activities, the researcher is
interested in conducting a study with the title Students’ Perception on the use of
Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process. The reasons to choose
this title are because not many students take Ice Breaking as their topic for their
thesis and because the researcher has strong interest to know the impact of Ice
Breaking Activities.

Statement and Limitation of the Problem
Based on the background of the study we can found that the problem of
this research are the benefits of Ice Breaking, the disadvantages of Ice Breaking,


the purpose of Ice Breaking, the types of Ice Breaking and how to perform Ice
Breaking. Based on the researcher experiences during his study at EED of UMY.
Ice Breaking activities are frequently carried out by teacher. However, whether
these activities take good effects for the students’ or not in EED of UMY.
Having this condition, the research assumed that a study on this topic
strongly need to be administered to reveal all related issues that are beneficial for
English learning process. This research will focus on the type of Ice Breaking and
the benefits of using Ice Breaking.

Research questions
The research questions of the study are:
1. What types of Ice Breaking Activities used in Teaching and Learning
2. What are the benefits of using the Ice Breaking Activities at EED of

Objective of the Study
The objectives of the research are:
1. To identify what types of Ice Breaking Activities used in Teaching and
Learning Process.
2. To find out the benefits of using Ice Breaking Activities at EED of UMY.


Significance of the Study
There are four significances that are pointed out by this study that provide
the valuable contribution to the lecturers, students, researcher and the Other
Lecturers. This study is expected that gives more information for teacher
about the types and benefits of Ice Breaking activities that can be used in teaching
learning process. The result of this study can be use as information for the teacher
in order to decide what Ice Breaking Activities the teacher should be use.
Students. The result of this study show the type of Ice Breaking activities
used in the classroom. Knowing these types of activities, the students can
contribute to improve the Ice Breaking Activities applied in teaching and learning
Researcher. This research contains a part of teaching strategy it is Ice
Breaking activities. The result of this research can be used as additional
information in teaching learning in the future.
Other researcher. The result of this study is expected that can be useful
to give references to the next related research. The other researcher may use this
research finding as a guide to conduct on the similar area.

Outline of the Study
This study consists of five chapters, namely Introduction, Literature
Review, Research Methodology, Finding and Discussion, and Conclusion.


Chapter one talks about the Introduction of Research. This chapter consists
of Background, Statement of the problem, Limitation of the problem, Research
Question, Objective of the research, Significant of the research and Outline of the
Chapter two presents about Literature Review. This chapter consists of
some explanations of the variable used in this study and discuss about the
conceptual framework used in this study.
Chapter three discusses about Research Methodology. In this chapter will
tell about research design of this study. Then, the research setting and participants
of the study. After that, the Instruments of the Study and Technique of data
collection. And the last the data analysis method.
Chapter four explains about the findings and discussion the result of this
study. That are to answer the research questions which are types of Ice Breaking
Activities are used in teaching and learning process and the benefits of using Ice
Breaking Activities.
Chapter five tells about the conclusion and the recommendation. The
conclusion is to conclude the research findings and the recommendation for
lecture, students and the next researcher.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
This study aims to investigate students' perception on the use of Ice
Breaking Activities in teaching and learning process. To get the framework of the
issue, this literature review discusses some important points related to the study.
Firstly, this chapter presents some definitions of Ice Breaking Activities.
Secondly, this chapter discusses about Benefits of using Ice Breaking Activities in
the classroom. Thirdly, it also discusses about Teaching and Learning Process.
After that, this chapter tells about review related study. Finally, this chapter
explains the conceptual framework of the study.

Ice Breaking Activities
Definition of Ice Breaking. Some researchers have argued that an Ice
Breaking activities is an activity that is performed in a teaching and learning
activity or in a training, which aims to get rid the boredom on students or
participants. Pathak and Verma (2011) argued that the Ice Breaking activity is an
action where students as group members slowly and gradually get familiar with
and/or begin coming closer to one another. This activity support students build or
improve relationship. This can also improve the ease level between themselves
for working effectively in the next time.
According to Alarifin and Susanah (2014) Ice Breaking is an activity to
refresh a boring, stiff and passive situation becoming fun, and to motivate students
to join learning. Based on the research conducted by Soraya (2014) Ice Breaking


activity is an activity that serves to change the atmosphere of rigidness, stiffness,
boredom or sleepiness in learning. This Ice Breaking activity is usually very
simple and short. This activity is expected to build a dynamic learning atmosphere
full of enthusiasm and can create fun atmosphere, serious, but relaxing.
From some definitions above it can be concluded that an Ice Breaking
activity is an activity carried during the teaching and learning process to change
the atmosphere of the class becoming more conducive for learning and also to get
rid the boredom on the students. This activity can be done with some groups of
students or not.
The Aims of Ice Breaking Activity. Basically, an entertainment or games
can make a person happy, fun and enjoy. It is like an Ice Breaking activity. An Ice
Breaking activity is expected to be able to create students happy, enjoy the class
activities and to break a rigidness also can refresh students’ mind when in
teaching and learning process. As explained by Irachmat (2015) that the aims of
Ice Breaking Activities to change the atmosphere of bored into a fun and
enthusiastic atmosphere in the teaching and learning process. The Ice Breaking
Activities also have goal to get rid students’ boredom, so the training or teaching
and learning to be more effective. Ice Breaking in learning can be define as
breaking the rigidity of mind or physical situation of students with characteristics
to create a fun learning environment as well as serious but relaxed, said Sunarto,
(2012) as cited in Novasari, (2014).
Novasari (2014) also stated the aims of Ice Breaking Activities are to
refresh a class and to build a dynamic learning atmosphere, passion, and


enthusiasm. Ice Breaking is used to create an atmosphere of learning from passive
to active, from rigid to be aware, and from bored to be fresh. Said (2010 as cited
in Novasari, 2014) also stated that Ice Breaking is a game or activity that aims to
change the atmosphere in a group when the group getting bored.
From the elaboration above, it can be inferred that the aims of Ice
Breaking Activities are to get rid students’ boredom and to change the atmosphere
of learning from passiveness to activeness, rigid to be aware, and from bored to be
fresh. Besides that, Ice Breaking Activities also can make fun students and
The Application of Ice Breaking Techniques. Sumardini (2014)
explained that the priority of Ice Breaking technic is teaching and learning
atmosphere which is cheerful, excitement, and fun. The use of this technique can
teach cooperation among students, can make students more active in the learning
process, and can be learn with a fun atmosphere.
Ice Breaking Activities can be performed at the beginning of the class so
the students feel relaxed and happy. According to Pits (2010) Ice Breakers are
collaborative activity that can be performed at the beginning of the class to make
the adult students relax and make an atmosphere of enjoyable in a formal
environment. According to Sunarto, (2012) as cited on Novasari (2014) there are
9 types of Ice Breaking Activities frequently used by teachers: Yelling, Claps
Hand, Songs, Body Motions, Humor, Games, Fairy Tales, Magic, and Audio


Yelling. According to Eliasa and Suwarjo (2011) Yelling is the best healer
Among the others, besides to restore a concentration, Yelling can also grow in
high spirits. There are 2 types of yelling: - Mono Yelling, expressed by the
students, both individual or group in one direction from the beginning to finish
yells be spoken. - Interactive Yelling, expressed by teachers with students or
between students and other students.
Hand Clapping. Eliasa and Suwarjo (2011) said that Claps Hand is also
very nice to do to refresh students. A teacher needs only minor modifications of
existing types or the teacher create own models existing Claps Hand. Several
variations of Claps Hand include: Word reply with Claps Hand, every word
spoken by teacher is responded by the students by clapping in a certain amount.
There are many types of responses given by students, ranging from being Claps
Hand also modified by the content subject matter. Claps Hand is replied with
Claps Hand, is a simple of Ice Breaking variation. In practice, the agreements are
required with the student about the model and the total of the model or other
variations that allow students to enjoy. Applause reply with body motions, needs
concentration of students, but it is very nice to be Ice Breaking.
Songs. Songs was very popular in the teaching and learning process.
However, today the teachers rarely use a song. Many variants of the songs can be
used for Ice Breaking in teaching and learning. Songs for the pure of happiness,
almost all children’s songs can be used as Ice Breaking. Remember that singing a
song that serves as an Ice Breaking is the level of seriousness. Compositions
Songs contain matter subject. Tracks Ice Breaking will be more meaningful if the


teacher is able to change song with lyric contains subject matter. Usually this kind
of songs used on the end of the study sessions as a form of reinforcement or
conclusion (verification).
Body Motion. This is to move the body after a few hours learning in the
classroom. With the movement of the body, flow of the blood will be smooth
again. Thus the teaching and learning process will be more fresh and creative.
Types of Ice Breaking are the kinds body motion. Begin from the easiest is to give
direct instruction for the students to do something, like stretching his hands,
bending the body, twisting the waist, and so on. To be more interesting, the
teacher can do with some of sort games. The instructions can also be combined
with a story.
Humor. Humor in teaching and learning does not require the students to
laugh loudly, but the humor can just make the atmosphere become fun after a few
hours concentrate with material.
Games. Games are the type of Ice Breaking that make students happy. The
students will get a new spirit by doing the games. Several factors should be noted
by teachers in choosing the games including safety factor, time factor, equiment
factor, and education factor. Firstly, safety factor comprises the top priority that
should be determined in the type of games that will be selected. Teachers should
choose the types of games that are safe for the students. Secondly, time factor is
essential. There are many types of games that can be done by the teachers and
students. The teacher should choose games that do not require too much time.
Thirdly, equipment factors constitute a tool used in a game. These should always


be available in the classroom, such as pencils, books, chairs, and papers. Fouthly,
education factors are whatever a teacher does for students to under take education
and learning. These may include educational values which can be obtained from
the implementation of games: a teamwork, independence, concentration,
creativity, etc.
Fairy tales. Fairy tales is one tool that is effective enough to focus
students' attention. Since early time, stories have been used to shape the character
of children in a way to bring them in bedtime. Based on the contents, fairy tales
are divided into several types, as follows: Fairy tales of motivation which aim to
build spirit High in the struggle for life and learning. - Fairy tales of advice are
fairy tales that contain wisdom advices. The advices are expected to be replicated
by students. There are so many examples of such fairy tales like a fable (animal
stories) and the legend. Fairy tales of joke are humorous (funny) tales that can
entertain and create a refreshing situation so that the classroom atmosphere
becomes more familiar and more conducive for teaching and learning processes.
Magic. Magic on Ice Breaking is very interesting for the students.
However, this type is very rarely used by teachers in the school, because not all
people are able to play magic. For the Ice Breaking in teaching and learning,
teacher does not have to use all kinds of magic. At least, the teacher learns some
types of magic that are easy and simple to be implemented in the classroom, such
as Sleight of hand, and tricks.


Audio Visual. There are many types of audio visual that can be used as an
Ice Breaking. The examples are short funny movie, inspirational, or motivate
students to learn harder, mutual respect, and others.
The technique of application Ice Breaking is a strategy used in applying
the Ice Breaking Activities. Soraya (2014) stated there are two techniques in
application of Ice Breaking: spontaneous technique and planned technique.
Spontaneous technique. This technique is usually used in learning
situations where students then need encouragement to get focus back to the
lesson. This activity is carried out without plan. Example: Yelling, Claps Hand,
Body Motion.
Planned technique. Ice Breaking that good and effective is the Ice
Breaking is planned and included in the learning plan. Examples: Games, Humor,
Fairy tales, Magic, audio visual, etc.
Based on some statements above, there are many types of Ice Breaking
Activities that can be applied in the classroom when teaching and learning
process. The teachers must be precise and careful to choose which one is good Ice
Breaking so they can get the good results.
Benefit of Using Ice Breaking Activities. Ice Breaking Activities are
helpful to get rid a boredom on the students and also to motivate the students to
follow teaching and learning in the classroom. But some researcher argues about
the benefits of Ice Breaking Activities. According to Almeth-Hib (2009) the
purposes and benefits of Ice Breaking Activities are mentioned in the following.
Firstly, the Ice Breaking Activities can get rid of rigidness, status, prestige,


authority, organized attitudes and behavior usually employed in daily activities.
Secondly, the Ice Breaking Activities also can make students to relax and enjoy,
not limited to roles or status holders, in preparation to becoming more open and
open-minded towards the practice of the teaching and learning to follow. Thirdly,
using Ice Breaking Activities can make the students communicate with each other.
The Ice Breaking Activities can also make students feel relax before they join in
teaching and learning. And the last is that the Ice Breaking Activities can also
improve the teaching and learning processes of the overall by preparing the
students as above.
Fanani (2010) explained the benefits of using Ice Breaking Activities.
They are: to get rid a boredom, anxiety, and weariness, develop and improve
students’ creativity, practice the students to interact in a group and work together
as a team, to practice a systematic thinking and creative to solve a problem, to
increase confidence, to rehearse students to decide a strategy carefully, to train a
creativity with limited material, to practice concentration.
From some statements above there are many benefits of Ice Breaking
Activities that are implemented in the classroom. However, they may take place if
the Ice Breaking is applied on the good time and in an appropriate manner.

Teaching and Learning
Teaching. Teaching is an activity that is carried by a teacher and some
students which aims to reach the goals of learning. According to Hasibuan and
Moedjiono (2009), teaching is the construction of environment system that allows


the learning process takes place. This environment system possesses several
components including the purpose of instructional to be achieved, the material
which taught by teachers, students that must have the social relationships of
certain types of Activities, and facilities that are available to support the learning.
Ball and Forzani (2009) also define what teaching is. Teaching is seen as
serving others to learn to do specific things in daily activities in which many
persons participate frequently. Another type of teaching is professional classroom
teaching. It is dedicated work that is separate from common classes, and is only
followed certain professional.
In teaching and learning, teaching has contained components in order to
deliver a message of teaching. The components in teaching was explained by
Hasibuan and Moedjiono (2009), consisting of teaching as a science, teaching as a
technology, teaching as an art, teaching as value option, teaching as a skill. First,
teaching as a knowledge is commonly addressed to teaching in the context as a
knowledge referring to the existence of a system of explanation and prediction.
Second, teaching as a technology can mean that teaching is referring to
technology in the procedure of work with mechanisms and a set of tools that can
and should be tested empirically. Third, teaching as an art represents the nature of
art that applied the principles, mechanisms and tools that referred to create art
materialized. For this context, teaching requires situational consideration and even
adjusting transaction demanded by feeling and instinct. So it is not only based on
the proposition and the formula that is individualized. Fourth, teaching as value
option constitutes a source of value selection or insight in education that is


adopted by the teacher. Fifth, teaching as a skill commonly refers to teaching as
process using an integrated set of skills.
We can conclude that teaching is an activity done to establish the
environment system serve to learn science, technology, arts, values, and other
necessary skills for human lives. Teaching is, of course, closely related to
learning tha is presented in the following.
Learning. Soraya (2014) stated that learning is a process to get a
knowledge which is related to the changes. The changes include behavioral
changes, and other changes in some aspects of the characters of the person, such
as skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence or an understanding. According to Dimyati
and Mujiono (2013), learning comprises complex activities that deal wih students
behaviour. As activities, learning can take place when students experience
themselves. According to Gage (1984, as Cited in Dahar, 2011) learning have 5
types, they are:
Respondent Learning. One type of learning is respondent learning. In
respondent learning, a response was released by stimulus of the self-learners.
Some children who had entered to a school, will afraid to the teacher and also the
discipline of school. The respondent learning as follow: the school and it is
components, such as the teachers, books, students. Perhaps, sometimes fell afraid
surfaced related with a stimulus that indicate a negative feeling.
Contiguities Learning. In the type of contiguities learning, a person can
be seen when provides a response to the statements that is not yet complete as


The son is clever than …
The ambition as high as …
Being able to fill the blank spaces above with “her father” and “the sky”
shows that students can learn a selected event or stimulus that happens at the same
Operant Learning. Operant learning is applied in the form of modification
technology, because the behavior is arising spontaneously without any stimulus.
Different from the type of respondent learning, operant behavior has no known
physiological stimulus.
Observational Learning. This type is frequently met in daily Activities.
Like when someone was invited at a great restaurant, in which there are various
kinds of foods and beverages. Perhaps he would wait until there is a man who
looks to know how eat before he begins to eat and he uses it as a guide for
himself. Observational Learning shows that a person can learn by observing the
others people Activities.
Cognitive Learning. Cognitive learning process involves, using deductive
logic and indicative. The cognitive have perspective that the learners process the
information and the lesson through the organizing, saving, and find the
relationship between the latest and the old knowledge.
Learning is an activity that has educational value. The educational value is
coloring the interaction between teachers and students. Learning has valuable
interaction because teaching and learning activities are carried out directed to


achieve certain goals that have been formulated before the teaching is done
(Djamarah & Zain, 1995)
The goals of learning. Gagne (as cited on Hasibuan and Moedjiono,
2009) argued that learning posseses five (5) goals of learning: intellectual skills,
cognitives strategies, verbal information, motoric skills, and attitude and value.
Firstly, iintellectual skills constitute the most important learning goal of the
system of scholastic environment. Secondly, cognitive strategies are the learning
goals to organise how to learn and think in the broadest sense. These goals include
problem-solving skills. Thirdly, verbal information refers to knowledge in the
sense of information and facts. Fourthly, motoric skills are addressed to the
students’ abilities to perform certain skills such as writing, typing, using compass,
and other movement skills. Lastly, the type of learning goals are attitude and
values. These are related to emotion and attitude of the human beings and their
tendency to behave to deal with people, goods or events.
In short, learning is a process to gain knowledge to changes of the
behavior and character of a person. As an activity, learning also includes from the
experience of people’s life. Learning also has a purpose, which is very useful for
students. In order to make changes, experience activieties to obtain certain
educational puposes, students need to perform learning in the teaching and
learning processes. One of the activitiess needed in these proceses is Ice Breaking
Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process. One of the
problems for teachers in teaching and learning process is when the teachers have


only standard teaching style, no entertainment. In the teaching and learning
process, teachers should use various techniques so that the students feel happy and
not bored by using Ice Breaking Activities. According to Khusnaini (2014), in
order to apply Ice Breaking Activities, teachers need to reflect four indicators to
measure whether the Ice Breaking Activities are effective or not effective. These
indicators are attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction of learners or
Attention Indicator. The Ice Breaking Activities can stimulate the
attention of students in teaching and learning, either at the beginning, middle, or
end of the teaching and learning process. Attention can stimulate the students’
interest towards the material being taught. If the Ice Breaking Activities is not
able to stimulate the attention and the students’ still bored, then the teacher needs
to evaluate both the methods of delivery, timing method, and the content of the
Ice Breaking Activities.
Relevancy Indicators. Good Ice Breaking Activities can be created as an
effective tool to relate daily experiences and thinking concepts of learners. The
terms of Ice Breaking Activities should be adapted with the material provided.
Confidence Indicator. Beliefs on students that they can follow the
teaching and learning process is very well and it can achieve good results. The Ice
Breaking Activities that can be carried out here is when teachers play a
motivational video or tell an inspirational story before the class begins.


Satisfaction Indicators. Satisfaction with the teaching and learning
process can be realized. If the learners or students feel the lesson is beneficial,
they may feel from not understandable to be understandable.
The Ice Breaking Activities in the classroom if done correctly can
optimize student learning but the results would be different if done incorrectly. As
explained by Khusnaini (2014) not all Ice Breaking can help optimize learning
results. If the application of Ice Breaking is incorrect, it will make the good result
of teaching and learning cannot be achieved. That's why teachers need to be
careful when they perform Ice Breaking Activities.
The Ice Breaking Activities were sometimes conducted by teachers in
English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta when
the students did not focus and the students were also no longer concentrated on
the subjects. As explained by Kavanagh, Murphy, & Wood (2011), Ice Breaking
Activities are real ways to make reviews. The Ice Breaking Activities can make
contacts and can donate to an optimistic learning environment as well as introduce
key content. By doing the Ice Breaking Activities, teachers can expect that the
students who are join in the activities will be motivated and feel enthusiastic to
continue the teaching and learning process. It is like the aims of Ice Breaking
Activities that have been elaborated before.

Review of Related Study
Many researchers studied about the Ice Breaking activities in teaching and
learning process. Below are two of them:


The first is the research conducted by Khusni in 2016 with the title
“Interesting Ice Breaking Activities to Reduce Students Boredom in Class”. This
research studied about the students’ boredom in the classroom and how to solve
this problem. This research used descriptive qualitative case study. The result of
the study showed that making some Ice Breakers to reduce students’ boredom in
class is a must, but since students may suffer from different level and forms of
another ability in English the Ice Breakers must be adapted by students’ level and
ability in English. Teachers can use Ice Breakers within their classrooms not only
to create a connected and comfortable learning environment for their students but
also to reduce students’ boredom in class. Ice Breakers are necessary for a
successful classroom.
The second is a study carried out by Alarifin and Kurniasih in 2015 with
the title “The Implementation of Ice Breaking to Improve the result of Study in
Social Science grade ����� Mts An-Nur Pelopor Bandarjaya on academic year

2013/2014”. The purpose of this research is to know the result of learning in

Social Science by using Ice Breaking of the student of the eighth grade class of
����� in MTs An-Nur Pelopor Bandarjaya TP. 2013/2014. This research is CAR

(Classroom Action Research) that is consists of 2 cycles, one cycle consists of

three meeting included of test. The result of this study showed that the result of
student’s learning is 58,06% in the first cycle, and 77,42% in the second cycle.
From the minimum requirement (KKM) namely ≥64. The average of the result of
the student’s learning is 66,29 in the first cycle and 72,09 in the second cycle. So,


it can be inferred that by using Ice Breaking can increase the result of student’s
In summary, according to those previous related studies, it becomes basic
knowledge for the researcher to conducting this research. Many researchers
conduct the study about the Ice Breaking activities in teaching and learning
process and those previous studies related with something discussed above. It
becomes researcher’s reason to conduct the researcher since there is study that
discusses about the Ice Breaking activities in teaching and learning process.

Conceptual Framework
The Ice Breaking Activities is an activity that aims to get rid boredom in
teaching and learning processes in the classroom and also to motivate the students
to be excited in following the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
Referring to the reviews above, the researcher has uncoverd several issues dealing
with Ice Breaking activities including learning, definition of Ice Breaking
activities, types of Ice Breaking activies, and the benefits of Ice Breaking
activities. Students of EED of UMY have witnessed the application of Ice
Breaking activities by their lecturer. This study, then, focuses to research, to
know the Student 'perception of the use of Ice Breaking Activities and the benefits
of using Ice Breaking Activities. This study was conducted in EED of UMY
batch 2012. The focuses of this study can be seen in the following chart.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Ice Breaking



- Yelling
- Claps hand
- Songs
- Body motion
- Humor
- Games
- Fairy tales
- Magic
- Audio visual

(2012, as cited
on Novasari,

- Spontaneous
- Planned
Soraya (2014)

- Get rid a boredom,
anxiety, and
- Develop and
improve students’
- Practice the students
to interact in a
- Practice a
systematic thinking
and creative to
solve a problem,
- Increase confidence,
Practice students to
decide a strategy
carefully, Train a
creativity with
limited material,
- Practice

Fanani (2010)

- Attention
- Relevancy
- Confidences
- Satisfaction



Chapter Three
This chapter is discusses the methodology used in this study. This chapter
tells about the research design of this study. In addition, this chapter also presents
the research setting and participants of the study. The chapter also talks about the
Instruments of the Study and Technique of data collection. Lastly, this chapter
discusses the method of the data analyzing.

Design of the Study
Before conducting the research, the researcher arranged a research design.
Basically, there are two kinds of the research, they are qualitative and quantitative.
In this research the researcher uses qualitative research to get the data. According
to Creswell (2012) “Qualitative research is best suited to address a research
problem in which you do not know the variables and need to explore” (p.16). It
means the researcher can explore the problem detailed from respondent. The
reason of choosing Qualitative research because it is suitable with the title of this
research: “Students’ Perception on the use of Ice Breaking Activities in Teaching
and Learning Process at EED of UMY” and the researcher analyze perception of
the students more detailed.

Research Setting and Participants
Setting. The research was conducted at English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The reasons of taking English Education


Department for the setting of the research because students are ready to be the
participants of this research. The second reason was the availability of support
from the faculty to conduct a research. The faculty facilitates the researcher to
carry out the research in the site. The last reason is feasibility. It means that that
the researcher feels confidence to finish it since the accessibility of all research
needs in the due topic and place.
This Research was conducted in Mei 2016. It was a good time for the
researcher to conduct the study since the students were still in the teaching and
learning processes. This provide ease to the researcher to meet them. Moreover,
the researcher was also aimed to finish his study soon.
Participants. The participants of this research were 4 (four) students from
EED of UMY batch 2012. In reporting the data, the researcher using pseudonym.
They are: Ipan, Pita, Rahmat, and Santo. The English Education Department
students batch 2012 were chosen because they had already obtained sufficient
learning experiences in the classroom being by various lecturers so that they were
likely being taught by teachers who used Ice Breaking activities in the learning
processes. In addition, they had practices various kinds of activities conducted by
lecturers when teaching and learning process in classroom. The participants of this
study were taken using convenience sampling in each class EED of UMY batch
2012. The reason chosen convenience sampling was because the researcher sure
that the students of EED of UMY batch 2012 have same experience in study at
this department.


Technique of Data Collection
To get the data the researcher uses a one to one interview. According to
Creswell (2012) “A qualitative interview occurs when researchers ask one or more
participants general, open-ended questions and record their answers. The
researcher then transcribes and types the data into a computer file for analysis” (p.
271). The researcher asked questions to respondents and records the answers from
the participants in the study at a period. The reason chosen interview was because
based on researcher’s experience during study, the lectures at EED of UMY ever
carried out the Ice Breaking activities. Therefore, the researcher sure that the
respondent also has same experience with the researcher, so the researcher choose
interview. And then, the reason chosen interview, was because the interview is
suitable with the title of this research “Students’ Perception on the use of Ice
Breaking Activities in Teaching and Learning Process at EED of UMY”
To minimize misunderstanding and to make easy when conducting the
interview, the researcher used Bahasa Indonesia because Indonesian is the
respondents’ own language and it is certain that the respondents are greatly able to
use this language. The respondents would be easy to express their opinions or
answer the questions given by the interviewer. The interview was conducted for 5
until 10 Minutes for each Respondent. For the documentation and to make easier
when coding the result of interview, the interviewer was used a Smartphone.
When collecting the data, the researcher asked some questions for the
participants in some aspects. They were the Types of Ice Breaking Activities used


in teaching and learning process and the Benefits of used Ice Breaking Activities
in teaching and learning processes.

Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the next step was analyzing the data. The aim of
this analysis was to understand and interpret the data to answer the research
questions. There were some steps applied in this research, the steps were
transcribing the data, coding the data, and categorizing the data.
The first step was to transcribe each interview which was conducted from
each participant. The researcher used a smartphone to record the process of
interview. Every words and sentences spoken by participants were completely
After transcribed the data, the next step was a member checking. Member
checking is a process to check the data from the interview with respondents. The
purpose of member checking is to know the data after transcribing was same with
the interview or not. Member checking was done by consultation with the
participants. The result of member checking is the respondents agreed with the
transcribed interview and all respondents sure that the transcribed interview same
with their perception and does not any additional word or phrase. So, the
researcher decided to continue the next step.
The last step was Coding. Coding is t

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