Teaching Vocabulary Integrated with Reading Cooperative Learning The Models of Cooperative Learning

2.4 Teaching Vocabulary Integrated with Reading

English as a compulsory subject is learnt by Senior High School students. It is stated in the 2006 English Curriculum that there are four language skills that should be mastered by the students’ who study the language namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and the language components: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation BSNP, 2006:2. Vocabulary is one of language components which is taught in Senior High Schools. It is usually taught integrated with listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this research, vocabulary was taught integrated with reading. The reading text that used based on the 2006 Institutional Based Curriculum Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP for the eleventh year students of Senior High School was narrative text. Isdaryanto 2011 states that a narrative text is a text amuse, entertain, and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. The narrative text that used in this research entitled “Androcles and the Lion” and “Beware of Mean Friend”.

2.5 Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning is an instructional task design that engages students actively in achieving a lesson objective through their own efforts and the efforts of the member of their small learning team Cooper, 1999:273. In this study, the students were divided into a number of small groups, learn the materials, and discuss with their groups to solve problems together. The purpose of Cooperative Learning is to give an opportunity to the students’ activity during the teaching learning process.

2.6 The Models of Cooperative Learning

In teaching leaning process, Cooperative Learning has some models that can be applied in the teaching and learning process. Slavin 1991:89 states that the best evaluations in cooperative models are Student Team Learning variations, Jigsaw, characteristics that may affect group participation are race, gender, or language minority status. A teacher will use this information to form group of four or five by choosing one or two students from each ability group. Each group consists of one student who has high ability, one student or three students have average ability, and one student has low ability.

b. Present Content