Protecting Vital Fishing Grounds in Federal Waters

URI Coastal Resources CenterRhode Island Sea Grant, January 2016 40 [wind] project‐related; rather, they’re saying ‘Let’s pull something from this that enables us to be more effective in managing our own future.’” The next two sections describe examples in which FAB members and other fishermen have drawn on the Ocean SAMP to seemingly further the interests of their industry, both within the realm of marine spatial planning and beyond.

1. Protecting Vital Fishing Grounds in Federal Waters

Cox Ledge, an area in federal waters to the southeast of Rhode Island, is heavily used by both commercial and recreational fisheries. “Cox’s Ledge is the backbone of the ecosystem – of the multitude of species that migrate through southern New England,” says fisherman Fred Mattera. 13 CRMC’s Dave Beutel explained how, throughout the Ocean SAMP development process, fishermen emphasized the importance of this area to their activities and thus may have assumed it was off the table for wind farm development. Hence, they were dismayed to learn in December 2010 that BOEM’s newly‐released map of the Call Area see Figure 2, which would eventually become the RIMA WEA, included this valuable fishing area. 13 This area is formally named and denoted on nautical charts as “Cox Ledge,” but many fishermen and others with local knowledge describe it as “Cox’s Ledge”. URI Coasta Figure 2. L W through t influence how, at t individua fishing in developm according had know surround England. al Resources Ce ease blocks in What happen the Ocean S e in the large the urging of al fishing hist ntensity see ment becaus g to number wn all along: ding areas, a enterRhode Is the RIMA AM ned next sug SAMP proces er landscape f FAB memb tories, which Figure 3. S se fishermen r of fisheries : Cox Ledge i nd hence on sland Sea Gran MI included in ggests that th ss has, to som e of offshore bers, many fi h CRMC then uch maps w n had not sh s gear types is used inten ne of the mo t, January 201 BOEM’s 2010 he trust dev me extent, g e decision‐m shermen pr n combined were never cr ared the nec e.g., lobste nsively by a l ost importan 16 Call Area Sou veloped betw given the fish aking. Interv ovided CRM to create m reated throu cessary data ring, scallop larger numb nt fishing gro urce: CRMCUR ween CRMC hing commu view particip MC with their maps showing ugh Ocean S a. The maps, ping, proved ber of gear ty ounds in Sou RI and fisherm unity greater pants explain r proprietary g areas of hi AMP , color‐coded d what fishe ypes than uthern New 41 men r ned y gh d rmen URI Coasta Figure 3. N N a request Fugate ex agency c about fav early stag S formal pu BOEM di making t 4. 25 al Resources Ce New fishing int Next, the fish t to change xplained tha ould not sub voring one b ge in the pro ince the FAB ublic comme d so, and in he final RIM enterRhode Is tensity data sh hermen – act the Call Area at although C bmit it direct business inte ocess. B request for ent period, B February 20 MA WEA abo sland Sea Gran hown within BO ting through a by removin CRMC had d tly because t erest fisherm r a change in BOEM was u 012 removed out 20 perce t, January 201 OEM lease blo h the FAB – s ng Cox Ledg eveloped th the state of men over an n the Call Are under no leg d about 205 ent smaller t 16 ocks Source: C submitted th ge. CRMC Exe he map, with Rhode Islan nother wind ea was not p al obligation square mile han the orig CRMCURI his map to B ecutive Dire h URI technic nd wished to d energy de presented as n to conside es of Cox Led ginal Call Are OEM, along ctor Grover cal support, o be cautious velopers at s part of a r it. Howeve dge from lea ea see Figur 42 with the s t this er asing, re URI Coasta Figure 4. F T The first issues th verifiable that BOE stakehold decision

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