This chapter presents the detailed narration and description of teacher’s lived experience in teaching writing using shared writing strategy to high school students. There are three discussions in this chapter namely 1 text of participant 2 the lived experience description and its interpretation, and 3 the emergent themes.

A. Text of Participant

The participant of this study was a high school English teacher. She shared her stories of life and experiences related to teaching English specifically in teaching writing using shared writing strategy. In sharing her experiences, she was very cooperative and willing to learn new things from her previous experiences. During the interview session, she divulged her understanding, intention and action from her experiences of teaching writing using shared writing strategy. She also showed the implementation of shared writing strategy during the teaching writing process. Portraying an overview of the participant’s life stories was the beginning step to know her historical background of life intimately. The portrays of historical background of life stories of participant was proposed to bring about their historicity which attributed the meanings the participant assigned to the teaching writing using shared writing strategy.

1. Before studying at college

The participant was a female English teacher of a private school. She was a Javanese who was born thirty three years ago. Her childhood was spent in Meteseh, a small village in Magelang regency. Her father passed away when she was three years old. Six years later, at the age of nine, she lived with her uncle and aunt after her mother passed away. She felt fortunate because she had two lovely brothers who always took care of her during the hard situation. Few years later, her brothers graduated from a vocational school and worked at capital city. She wanted to follow their path, taking a vocational school, but her brothers and her uncle asked her to continue her study at a senior high school then go to college. The main reason was because she was a girl who must live close to family. At that time, she still wanted to go to a vocational school and then get a job. However, after she has attended a senior high school and college, she found out that becoming a college graduate was actually one of ways to make her family especially her late parents proud of her. When she should describe about her personality, she considered herself as a discipline person, even as a teacher. Since she lived with her uncle and aunt, she felt ashamed if she did not respect them. She loved reading and novels were her favorite. Shortly, she followed her heart to become an English teacher because she liked English and wanted to share it to others. Her English teacher in Junior High School also inspired her to become what she is now. In addition, she had a thought that English is very interesting and challenging since many people around the world use it as a means of communication. Therefore, she wanted to use and learn English to actualize her passion to her students so that they will be able to utilize English in the future.

2. College years

As English was her favorite subject, she registered in one of private universities at Magelang regency in 2000. At that time, she got a scholarship from the University. In the third semester, she was appointed to be a representative in debate contest. She told me that it was one of wonderful experiences in her life although she did not win. She was also appointed as a representative of writing competition. In the writing competition, she won as the third winner. She was surprised and delighted because she could make her family proud of her. After she won the competition, she started to teach English in the fifth semester in 2002 as a freelance English teacher in one of prestigious private institutions. When she joined that institution, she got a lot of money. “It was really a good start for me”. However, she should stop teaching for a year because she was in the middle of her way to her undergraduate final papers. After she finished her study, her previous principal in Junior High School asked her to teach several classes in a week. She spent three days a week in that school and joined back the previous private institution.

3. Beyond college

In 2006, she was offered to teach at a Senior High School around Magelang regency. The offer came from her college friend. It took two weeks to decide whether she would take the job or leave it. Finally, she took the offer and went to take several tests before officially was accepted in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. At that time, 2006, she started to work in three places in a week. In the first year, she felt everything all right. However, in 2007, she was asked to be a homeroom teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. This new responsibility required her to focus on the students. Then she decided to leave the previous jobs and focused on SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. Started from September 2007, she became a homeroom teacher and English teacher as well. As a teacher, she has notable understanding of teacher’s roles from her former teacher at Junior High school. She shared stories of her English class and her favorite teacher. Considering her request, I could wrote his initial in this research. Mr. B was her teacher. According to her story, Mr. B was a very loveable teacher. His look doesn’t give an impression of being friendly, but actually, he was very friendly to her and her friends. In his class, a pleasant atmosphere during an English lesson was always able to make students feel comfortable so that the knowledge transfer went smoothly. He was also very patient and diligent. Although sometimes he looked so displeased, truthfully, he was just very care of the students. The participant adored him very much. She took the good examples from him as a teacher. She had a thought that becoming a teacher should be able to be a loveable character. Loveable means he or she has to be able to teach the students, to make students understand on things and create meaningful teaching learning process in order to give experience to the students as well as the teacher. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI She viewed a t eacher as a person who is “digugu lan ditiru”, someone who should always be able to be followed and modeled. One of her friends stated the details of being a teacher. He also clarified that becoming a teacher was not an easy job. He or she had to be a good model for students and well-mannered, and should be able to teach students and educate them appropriately. If the teacher got upset, he or she may reveal the anger to the students but he or she should be able to manage it wisely. He added that nowadays, there are two kind of teachers; dedicated teachers and unfaithful teachers. The participant totally agreed with her friend’s opinion. According to her, teaching was not merely about knowledge transfer. She believed that knowing students was also important in order to create a meaningful teaching learning process. As a Senior High School teacher of a private school, she realized that her students were smart but skeptical. In her opinion, every generation had different traits. It was because the changing of the world. Technology was believed as one of factors that played a significant role in changing the world. She also stated that societies also had an influence in building students’ characteristics. She considered that knowing and understanding students’ characteristic would affect her way of teaching. The old fashioned teaching would make a “killer” teacher, so that, she had harmonized the current ideas of teaching, maintained good relationship with students and implemented eastern norms. She hoped that teacher who knew the students will achieve better meaningful teaching learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Furthermore, she often stated during an interview session that a teacher actually had important roles. The first role of a teacher is as a facilitator. She felt that becoming a facilitator make a class alive. She liked to use language laboratory to play a short movie to refresh students’ mind. Then, she asked the students to make a summary and find out the difficult words from the movie. She thought that students needed help to get succeed. They should learn and experience themselves, not only receive information from a teacher. In her point of view, making students active was a vital action to avoid boredom. Secondly, she felt that making a preparation before a class was important. She realized that the competition was getting tighter and she wanted to help her students to be ready for the competitions out there. In fact, having a good preparation made her ready in any condition. If she had an organized lesson plan and prepared power point presentation, media, and other teaching and learning equipments, she would be able to teach well. Her thorough preparation has given real support to her teaching learning process. Furthermore, in the classroom, she acted as a manager, a coach as well as a mentor. For example, she made an agreement or rules for the class, she walked around and repeated explanation about the materials given to the students, and she asked students to have practice over and over with her assistance. With her capabilities, the teaching learning process went smoothly without any significant constraints. As a teacher, she understood that time is crucial. She should be able to manage her time well so that she could teach well. She learned a lot about time management. As a result, she decided to reorganize her plan before she went to the class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Therefore, as a teacher, her main duty was teaching the students. She knew that teaching a foreign language, especially English, was not easy to do. Since she was keen on writing, using certain strategy was necessary action to apply in her class. For her, writing in English was very challenging since it was known as the most difficult skill to master. On the other hand, she had a different view of learning language. She stated that writing was the window of the world. Written form could change the world. As an illustration, the Wall Street could fall down into a crisis because of the written report. Then, she recognized that writing was essential for her students to produce or reproduce their thinking. Her consideration made me think that writing was not so scary. In fact, it helped people to gain knowledge and to share it to the world. She opened a wide view of teaching writing, in which any information can be produced or written by many people without age boundaries In her view, certain strategies would be able to help her teach writing better. Amongst the many writing strategies available to choose, she chose shared writing strategy. The chosen strategy did not come by the run. She got the idea from her lecturer then implemented the strategy on her PPL Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan which was known as field practice program. She ever practiced shared writing strategy during her college time with her friends as well. When she was teaching at elementary school and junior high school, she also used shared writing strategy to teach writing. The implementation of shared writing strategy when she was teaching writing gave her many experiences that the researcher would like to describe on the next part. It was caught my attention because the implementation of shared writing strategy required the cooperation from teacher and students. Teacher and students had to work together as partner although the teacher still acted as the director of the class who planned and managed the activities. Using shared writing strategy, the cooperation brought an effective communication between teacher and students. As a result, teacher could make the acquaintance of her class well. For instance, she knew how to drill with the students so that the students felt that writing was not difficult to do. During the process, students who were reluctant in writing would try their best. As a result, the unwillingness would fade away ploddingly during the activities that use shared writing strategy. Teaching writing using shared writing strategy had been implemented for several times by the participant. By the time, her experiences with shared writing strategy assembled her on different perspectives of understanding students, materials and her teaching as well. She learned that concrete experiences yielded reflection to herself as teacher too. Her view about the significance of reflection was an unusual occurrence that happened among teachers. It motivated the researcher dig out more information from her. Surprisingly, she has also shared the writing strategy she used to other teachers at her school. She believed that sharing information was a part of learning. As a participant, she was one of the best teachers that the researcher ever met. She gave a new perspective to the researcher about teaching learning process especially in teaching writing in which cooperating with students created huge opportunities in achieving meaningful teaching learning process.

B. The Participant’s Description