Among two questions about suspect pairs Questions 2.2, 2.3 the latter –

IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 5 After this, naturally, the original question was adjusted into asking how many different 𝑛-multisets could generate the same multiset of 𝑠-sums. The maximum possible number of such multisets was denoted by  𝑠 𝑛. Of course, pair 𝑛, 𝑠 must be singular to begin with – which is equivalent to inequality  𝑠 𝑛 1. Then more inequalities for  𝑠 𝑛 were proved. For instance,  2 16 β©½ 3, 2 β©½  3 6 β©½ 6,  4 12 β©½ 2 . However, no other examples of triple or greater β€œmultiplicity” were found, which led to another open question: Question 2.5. a For 𝑠 = 2 does there exist 𝑛 = 2 𝑝 8 such that some three distinct 𝑛-multisets generate the same multisets of 𝑠-sums i.e.,  2 𝑛 2? b Generally, does there exist any singular pair 𝑛, 𝑠 different from 8, 2 with three pairwise distinct 𝑠-equivalent 𝑛-multisets i.e.,  𝑠 𝑛 2? Two more results in the same article deserve mention. One was to prove that when dealing with any question about multiset recovery it was enough to work with ring of integers β„€, instead of arbitrary fields of characteristic zero or torsion-free Abelian groups. The other result resolved one of the questions about number of elements in  𝑠 . Namely, the authors proved that  𝑠 was finite for all 𝑠 2. 1962. The very same year the first part of the original Problem 1.1 was used in one of the top math contests in the Soviet Union – namely, Moscow City Mathematical Olympiad. It is quite possible that some Soviet mathematician had seen article [5] and liked the original question well enough to submit it to the olympiad committee. It was given to high school juniors and proved to be one of the more difficult problems of that year. An unpublished compilation of problems from that competition translated into English can be found in [13].

1968. Among two questions about suspect pairs Questions 2.2, 2.3 the latter – 𝑛

= 12, 𝑠 = 4 – seemed easier. So it was not surprising that β€œonly” ten years after original article [3], John Ewell published his paper [6] claiming that pair 12, 4 was not singular and recovery was always possible for this case it became a part of his Ph.D thesis. He also found a purely combinatorial and more direct proof of the very important formula ⟨3⟩ see below, in Section 4. Many years later further investigation uncovered an error in calculations regarding pair 12, 4. However, another result in the same article was clearly correct – namely, Ewell demonstrated that answer to Question 2.5 b was positive. He has proved that  3 6 = 4 and then went on to provide complete characterization of all possible quartets of pairwise different 3-equivalent 6-multisets. We will give you one of these examples as a demonstration of Ewell’s discovery 𝐴 = {0, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13}; 𝐡 = {1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15}; 𝐢 = {1, 6, 7, 8, 11, 15}; 𝐷 = {3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 16} , leaving the actual verification as an easy exercise for the reader. 1981. Richard Guy mentioned multiset recovery in his compendium of unsolved problems in number theory, see [7], Problem C5. He explained that it had been solved for 𝑠 = 2 while the question for values of  2 still had not been answered in full. Case 𝑠 = 3 for 𝑛 = 27 and 𝑛 = 486 was once again posed as an open question. 6 DMITRI V. FOMIN 1991. As far as we know, after Ewell’s thesis Multiset Recovery Problem slipped into relative obscurity until 1991, when Boman, Bolker and O’Neil have explored a slightly different approach in their article [8]. More precisely, for point π‘₯ = π‘₯ 1 , π‘₯ 2 , ..., π‘₯ 𝑛 in 𝑛-dimensional euclidean space ℝ 𝑛 and for any 𝑠 -subset 𝐴 = {π‘Ž 1 , ..., π‘Ž 𝑠 } of 𝐼 𝑛 = {1, 2, ..., 𝑛} let us define π‘₯ 𝐴 as the sum π‘₯ π‘Ž 1 + ... + π‘₯ π‘Ž 𝑠 . Then we can define linear operator 𝑅 𝑛,𝑠 ∢ ℝ 𝑛 β†’ ℝ 𝑛 𝑠 , 𝑅 𝑛,𝑠 π‘₯ 1 , π‘₯ 2 , ..., π‘₯ 𝑛 = π‘₯ 𝐴 1 , π‘₯ 𝐴 2 , ..., π‘₯ 𝐴 𝑛 𝑠 , where 𝐴 1 , ..., 𝐴 𝑛 𝑠 is the sequence of all 𝑠-subsets in 𝐼 𝑛 . This is a β€œsort” of discrete combinatorial version of Radon integral transform. Mapping 𝑅 𝑛,𝑠 can obviously be transferred from euclidean spaces to their reductions modulo standard actions permutations of coordinates of symmetric groups 𝑆 𝑛 and 𝑆 𝑛 𝑠 respectively so that we have 𝑅 𝑛,𝑠 ∢ 𝕃 𝑛 β†’ 𝕃 𝑛 𝑠 where 𝕃 𝑛 = ℝ 𝑛 βˆ•π‘† 𝑛 . Then Multiset Recovery Problem can be posed as a question on whether 𝑅 𝑛,𝑠 is an injection. Or more generally, as a question on the size of 𝑅 βˆ’1 𝑛,𝑠 π‘₯, with π‘₯ ∈ 𝕃 𝑛 𝑠 . Using this notation and terminology they proved – among other things – that when recovering 𝑛 -multiset from the collection of its 2-sums one can not obtain more than 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 different multisets. Improving on that result they have also showed that for any 𝑛 β‰  8 this upper bound could actually be lowered to 2 and almost always to 1. Thus they solved Question 2.5 a. It is worth noting that judging by the list of the open questions, at that time the authors did not know about Ewell’s paper [6]. 1992. By some happy β€œaccident” in 1991 Question 1.2 was used in a students’ mathematical contest in St.Petersburg, USSR. Author of this survey was – as surely many other mathematicians before him – lured in by this seemingly simple problem, and started his own investigation. That resulted in article [9] by Fomin and Izhboldin submitted for Russian publication in 1992 English translation was published in 1995. Most of that article was about rediscovering the very same results already achieved in [3] and [5] – unfortunately, due to a rather poor access to international scientific magazines authors could not properly search for the papers already written on this issue. However, their article still contained one completely new result: singularity examples which positively answered Question 2.2 for both cases β€œunder suspicion”. Pairs 27, 3 and 486, 3 were proved singular. Thus, investigation of generalized Multiset Recovery Problem 1.4 for the case of 𝑠 = 3 was closed. 1996. Just a few short years later, Boman and Linusson have independently come up with sin- gularity examples for pairs 27, 3 and 486, 3 in [11]. Alas, they thought that case 12, 4 was already resolved by Ewell – at the end of their paper they mentioned that they were told apparently at the very last moment about article [6]. They also made some inroads into finding all possible singularity examples for 𝑠 = 3. 1997. Ross Honsberger dedicated a chapter called β€œA Gem from Combinatorics” of his book [12] to the case 𝑠 = 2 of Multiset Recovery Problem. It is curious that he never mentions Leo Moser. Instead Honsberger stated that the results he had reproduced came from Paul ErdΕ‘s and John Selfridge. This is the only time when ErdΕ‘s’s name appears in this story. It is not clear whether he really has done something there or possibly it was just a mistake in attribution. IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 7 2003. In chapter 46 of their engaging book [14], Savchev and Andreescu explained the solution for Question 1.2 and also went over the results from Lambek and Moser’s article [4] concerning Thue-Morse sequence. 2008. A slightly expanded version of Question 1.3 with extra items repeating parts of [5] and [8] was published as another problem in American Mathematical Monthly – submitted by Chen and Lagarias, [15]. Some of the results were subsequently posted and discussed on the Cut-The-Knot website, see [16]. 2016. Nothing significant happened for quite some time until Isomurodov and Kokhas [17] have discovered that Ewell made a mistake in his lengthy polynomial computations for pair 12, 4. We will never know how that happened, but nowadays mathematicians no longer have to do all these ex- hausting computations by hand – for instance, authors of [17] made use of symbolic computational package M APLE β„’. After that the authors proved the existence of the β€œrecovery failure” example and actually produced it, thus solving Question 2.3 and finalizing case 𝑠 = 4 of Problem 1.4 see below in Section 4. 3. S OME SIMPLE EXAMPLES This short section explains how construct some simple examples of singular pairs. Case 𝑠 = 2, 𝑛 = 2 π‘˜ . The most obvious and trivial of all examples of β€œrecovery failure” is pair 2, 2: one cannot hope to restore a set of two numbers knowing only their sum. This is not a β€œreal” singular pair because 𝑛 = 𝑠 but we can use it as a basis from which less trivial examples are built. Namely, if we have two 𝑛-multisets 𝐴 and 𝐡 which are 2-equivalent, then for any number 𝑑 we have 𝐴 βˆͺ 𝐡 + 𝑑 2 ∼ 𝐡 βˆͺ 𝐴 + 𝑑 ⟨1⟩ where 𝑋 + 𝑑 is multiset obtained from 𝑋 by adding 𝑑 to all of its elements. So if we start with 𝐴 = {1, 1}, 𝐡 = {0, 2}, 𝐴 2 ∼ 𝐡 then choosing 𝑑 = 1 we get 𝐴 β€² = {1, 1, 1, 3}, 𝐡 β€² = {0, 2, 2, 2}, 𝐴 β€² 2 ∼ 𝐡 β€² . Proceeding in this manner, we can easily build examples of 2-equivalent 𝑛-multisets for any 𝑛 which is a power of 2. Again, we will leave the proof of ⟨1⟩ as an exercise for the reader. Case 𝑛 = 2𝑠. Remember that singularity example for 𝑛 = 6, 𝑠 = 3 from Section 2? It can be easily generalized for any pair 𝑛, 𝑠 where 𝑛 = 2𝑠. Namely, you can take some 2𝑠-multiset 𝐴, find its arithmetic mean π‘Ž and reflect 𝐴 with respect to π‘Ž to obtain what we will call its mirror multiset Μƒ 𝐴 = 2π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝐴. As long as 𝐴 is not symmetric, Μƒ 𝐴 will be different from 𝐴 and 𝐴 𝑠 ∼ Μƒ 𝐴 . To prove that it is sufficient to notice that for each 𝑀 βŠ‚ 𝐴 with |𝑀| = 𝑠 the mirror image of π΄βˆ–π‘€ which is a sub-multiset of Μƒ 𝐴 consisting of 𝑠 numbers has the same sum of elements. For demonstration purposes we only need one example – let us consider 𝐴 = {1 2π‘ βˆ’1 , 1 βˆ’ 2𝑠} and its mirror Μƒ 𝐴 = {βˆ’1 2π‘ βˆ’1 , 2𝑠 βˆ’ 1}. All the 𝑠-sums of numbers in 𝐴 – there are 2𝑠 𝑠 of them – fall into two groups. One consists of the sums that include element 1 βˆ’ 2𝑠 – there are 2π‘ βˆ’1 𝑠 βˆ’1 of those, and each one of these sums is equal to 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 β‹… 1 + 1 βˆ’ 2𝑠 = βˆ’π‘ . The other one has 2π‘ βˆ’1 𝑠 sums that do not have 1 βˆ’ 2𝑠 in 8 DMITRI V. FOMIN them, each one of them equal to 𝑠. Thus we have 𝐴 𝑠 = {βˆ’π‘  π‘š , 𝑠 π‘š } where π‘š = 2π‘ βˆ’1 𝑠 βˆ’1 = 2π‘ βˆ’1 𝑠 . You can see that 𝐴 𝑠 is symmetric with respect to zero and thus Μƒ 𝐴 𝑠 = 𝐴 𝑠 . Duality 𝑛, 𝑠 ↔ 𝑛, 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠. If we have two 𝑠-equivalent 𝑛-multisets 𝐴 and 𝐡, then these same multisets are 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠-equivalent as well. To prove that, it is sufficient to demonstrate that sum of all elements of 𝐴 equals to that of 𝐡. Quick computation shows that βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖 1 𝑖 2 ...𝑖 𝑠 β©½ 𝑛 π‘Ž 𝑖 1 + π‘Ž 𝑖 2 + ... + π‘Ž 𝑖 𝑠 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 𝑖 . Thus sum of numbers in 𝐴 equals the sum of numbers in 𝐡 and denoting that number by 𝑆 we have 𝐴 π‘›βˆ’π‘  = 𝑆 βˆ’ 𝐴 𝑠 , 𝐡 π‘›βˆ’π‘  = 𝑆 βˆ’ 𝐡 𝑠 , which proves the duality. This means we can always assume that 𝑛 β©Ύ 2𝑠; if 𝑠 𝑛 2𝑠 then we can switch to pair 𝑛, 𝑠 β€² where 𝑠 β€² = 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠 and 𝑛 2𝑠 β€² . This duality allows us to generate more examples of singular pairs. For instance, since 8, 2 is singular then 8, 6 is singular, too. As we will see soon, pairs 27, 3, 486, 3 and 12, 4 are singular – therefore, pairs 27, 24, 486, 483 and 12, 8 are singular as well. Later in this article see Section 5 we will talk more about this duality and its partial expansion. Linear transformations. Finally, one obvious but useful fact. If 𝐴 𝑠 ∼ 𝐡 and 𝑓 π‘₯ = 𝑝π‘₯+π‘ž is some arbitrary linear function then multisets 𝑓 𝐴 and 𝑓 𝐡 are also 𝑠-equivalent. That simply means we can translate and stretchshrink singularity examples to obtain new ones. For instance, if you consider 𝐴 = {0, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13}, 𝐡 = {1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15} then 𝐴 3 ∼ 𝐡. Applying 𝑓 π‘₯ = 2π‘₯ βˆ’ 13 we obtain new pair of 3-equivalent multisets 𝐴 1 = {βˆ’13, βˆ’3, 5, 7, 9, 13}, 𝐡 1 = {βˆ’11, βˆ’3, 3, 5, 7, 17}. Of course, all the singularity examples that can be obtained from each other by such operations will be considered identical for the purposes of this investigation. 4. S YMMETRIC POLYNOMIALS . C OMPLETE SOLUTION FOR CASES 𝑠 = 2, 3, 4 Now let us delve into specific techniques used in multiset recovery. The main one is based on the following approach that utilizes symmetric polynomials. Given 𝑛-multiset 𝐴 = {π‘Ž 1 , ..., π‘Ž 𝑛 } we can produce sequence of sums of its π‘˜-th powers for π‘˜ = 1, ..., 𝑛. That is, we can apply power-sum symmetric polynomials of 𝑛 variables 𝜎 π‘˜ π‘₯ 1 , ..., π‘₯ 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ‘ 𝑖 =1 π‘₯ π‘˜ 𝑖 to multiset 𝐴 to obtain sequence 𝜎 1 𝐴, ..., 𝜎 𝑛 𝐴. It is well known that 𝐴 can be restored from this sequence – values of 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 determine coefficients of polynomial π‘₯ βˆ’ π‘Ž 1 π‘₯ βˆ’ π‘Ž 2 ...π‘₯ βˆ’ π‘Ž 𝑛 and therefore determine the multiset of its roots. Thus if values of 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 for π‘˜ = 1, ..., 𝑛 can be deduced from values of 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 𝑠 then multiset 𝐴 is uniquely determined by multiset 𝐴 𝑠 . Let us start from small values of π‘˜. For π‘˜ = 1 we have already computed 𝜎 1 𝐴 𝑠 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝜎 1 𝐴 and therefore, if 𝐴 𝑠 = 𝐡 𝑠 then 𝜎 1 𝐴 = 𝜎 1 𝐡. This means that 𝜎 1 𝐴 can always be found from 𝐴 𝑠 . IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 9 Now, if π‘˜ = 2 then 𝜎 2 𝐴 𝑠 = βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖 1 ...𝑖 𝑠 β©½ 𝑛 π‘Ž 𝑖 1 + ... + π‘Ž 𝑖 𝑠 2 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 2 𝑖 + 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 2 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖𝑗⩽𝑛 2π‘Ž 𝑖 π‘Ž 𝑗 = = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 2 𝑖 + 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 2 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖≠𝑗⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 𝑖 π‘Ž 𝑗 = = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 βˆ’ 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 2 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 2 𝑖 + 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 2 βˆ‘ 1⩽𝑖,𝑗⩽𝑛 π‘Ž 𝑖 π‘Ž 𝑗 = = 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝜎 2 𝐴 + 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 2 𝜎 1 𝐴 2 . We already know 𝜎 1 𝐴 and thus we can find 𝜎 2 𝐴 as long as coefficient 𝑛 βˆ’2 𝑠 βˆ’1 is not zero. But 𝑛 𝑠 0 and therefore 𝜎 2 𝐴 is also always β€œrecoverable”. Since 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 𝑠 is a symmetric polynomial of π‘Ž 1 , ... π‘Ž 𝑛 then it can be expressed in the following way: 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 𝑠 = π›ΌπœŽ π‘˜ 𝐴 + 𝜎 1 𝐴, 𝜎 2 𝐴, ..., 𝜎 π‘˜ βˆ’1 𝐴 , ⟨2⟩ where 𝛼 is a constant in terms of variables π‘Ž 𝑖 defined by three numbers 𝑛, 𝑠, π‘˜, and  is some polynomial of π‘˜ βˆ’ 1 variables whose coefficients are fully defined by that triplet as well. For instance, as we have just shown, for π‘˜ = 2 we have 𝛼 = 𝑛 βˆ’2 𝑠 βˆ’1 and  π‘₯ = 𝑛 βˆ’2 𝑠 βˆ’2 π‘₯ 2 . It follows that if we could show that coefficient 𝛼 does not vanish then we will have proved that 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 is determined by 𝜎 1 𝐴 𝑠 , 𝜎 2 𝐴 𝑠 , ..., 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 𝑠 . Let us denote that coefficient 𝛼 as 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛. Then the following equality is true: Theorem 4.1. 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 𝑠 βˆ‘ 𝑝 =1 βˆ’1 𝑝 βˆ’1 𝑝 π‘˜ βˆ’1 𝑛 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑝 . ⟨3⟩ It was proved in [5] by some neat manipulation of a formula from [3]. Later a purely combinato- rial and more direct proof of ⟨3⟩ was given in [6]. And then it was again β€œrediscovered” and proved in a somewhat different manner, by making use of exponential generating functions in [9]. We will leave it to the reader as a simple exercise to prove that for π‘˜ = 2 formula ⟨3⟩ is indeed equivalent to 𝐹 𝑠, 2 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’2 𝑠 βˆ’1 . Incidentally, even without this formula case 𝑠 = 2 Problem 1.2 can now be resolved in a very straightforward manner. Computing 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 2 we obtain using notation from ⟨2⟩ 𝛼 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 π‘˜ βˆ’1 , which means that 𝑛-multiset is always recoverable from the multiset of its 2-sums if 𝑛 is not a power of 2. As we already know, if 𝑛 is a power of 2 then 𝑛-multiset 𝐴 cannot always be recovered from 𝐴 2 . Case 𝑠 = 3. Equation ⟨3⟩ gives us 𝐹 3,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 2 π‘˜ βˆ’1 𝑛 1 + 3 π‘˜ βˆ’1 , 2𝐹 3,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 𝑛2 π‘˜ + 1 + 2 β‹… 3 π‘˜ βˆ’1 . 10 DMITRI V. FOMIN Investigation here is again relatively straightforward. First, we can prove that 𝐹 3,π‘˜ 𝑛 cannot be zero for positive integer 𝑛 if π‘˜ 12. Second, we check all the cases with π‘˜ β©½ 12 and verify that polynomials 𝐹 3,π‘˜ have integer roots if and only if π‘˜ ∈ {1, 2, 3, 5, 9}. For these five special cases we have 𝐹 3,1 𝑛 = 1 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 1𝑛 βˆ’ 2 , 𝐹 3,2 𝑛 = 1 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 2𝑛 βˆ’ 3 , 𝐹 3,3 𝑛 = 1 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 3𝑛 βˆ’ 6 , 𝐹 3,5 𝑛 = 1 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 6𝑛 βˆ’ 27 , 𝐹 3,9 𝑛 = 1 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 27𝑛 βˆ’ 486 . From Section 3 we already know that pair 6, 3 is singular. To prove the same for pairs 27, 3 and 486, 3 we present the following examples: 𝑛 = 27 𝐴 β€² 27 = {0, 1 16 , 2 10 } , 𝐴 β€²β€² 27 = {0 5 , 1 10 , 2 10 , 3 2 } , 𝐴 β€²β€²β€² 27 = {0, 1 5 , 2 10 , 3 6 , 4 5 } , 𝑛 = 486 𝐴 486 = {0 22 , 1 176 , 2 231 , 3 56 , 4} . We will leave it to the reader to verify that all these multisets are 3-equivalent to their mirrors. Nowadays, this can be done in minutes, using just a few lines of code in some decent computational package. Summary:  3 = {6, 27, 486}. Case 𝑠 = 4. From ⟨3⟩ we obtain 𝐹 4,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 𝑛 3 βˆ’ 2 π‘˜ βˆ’1 𝑛 2 + 3 π‘˜ βˆ’1 𝑛 1 βˆ’ 4 π‘˜ βˆ’1 , 6𝐹 4,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 𝑛 3 βˆ’ 𝑛 2 3 + 3 β‹… 2 π‘˜ βˆ’1 + 1 + 𝑛2 + 3 β‹… 2 π‘˜ βˆ’1 + 2 β‹… 3 π‘˜ βˆ’ 6 β‹… 4 π‘˜ βˆ’1 . Then using divisibility and other pretty routine number theory ideas we can prove that for π‘˜ 7 polynomials 𝐹 3,π‘˜ do not have positive integer roots. And, finally, 𝐹 4,1 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 1𝑛 βˆ’ 2𝑛 βˆ’ 3 , 𝐹 4,2 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 2𝑛 βˆ’ 3𝑛 βˆ’ 4 , 𝐹 4,3 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 3𝑛 βˆ’ 4𝑛 βˆ’ 8 , 𝐹 4,4 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 4𝑛 2 βˆ’ 23𝑛 + 96 , 𝐹 4,5 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 8𝑛 2 βˆ’ 43𝑛 + 192 , 𝐹 4,6 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 12𝑛 2 βˆ’ 87𝑛 + 512 , 𝐹 4,7 𝑛 = 1 6 𝑛 βˆ’ 8𝑛 2 βˆ’ 187𝑛 + 3072 . IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 11 Case 𝑛 = 8 is β€œtrivial” – this is the situation 𝑛 = 2𝑠 which is well known to us by now. The only other non-trivial root of 𝐹 4,π‘˜ polynomials is 12. As we mentioned before, this case turned out to be tougher than the others – a pair of 4-equivalent 12-multisets was found only in 2016 by Isomurodov and Kokhas. Namely, if we consider the two following different 12-multisets 𝐴 = {1 2 , 4, 6, 7, 8 2 , 9, 10, 12, 15 2 }, 𝐡 = {0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16} , then 𝐴 4 ∼ 𝐡. In [17] the authors have actually proved that this is the only possible singularity example for case 12, 4 considering pairs of multisets that differ only by linear transformation as identical. Summary:  4 = {8, 12}. 5. D IGGING FOR ROOTS OF 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ Since we know that pair 𝑛, 𝑠 can be singular only if 𝑛 is a root of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ then let us turn our attention to finding out more about those roots. The rest of this section was inspired by the proof of Theorem 7 from [3]. For this let us take another, closer, look at the polynomials 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ for the first few values of π‘˜. Case π‘˜ = 1. We already know that 𝐹 𝑠, 1 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑛 βˆ’ 1𝑛 βˆ’ 2...𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠 + 1 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 βˆ’1 ∏ 𝑝 =1 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 . Thus the roots are 1 through 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 and of no interest to us – 𝑛 has to be greater than 𝑠 to provide us with a possibly singular pair 𝑛, 𝑠. Case π‘˜ = 2. This one we have also computed before. 𝐹 𝑠, 2 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 2 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑠 ∏ 𝑝 =2 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 . Again, no roots of interest. Let us go on. Case π‘˜ = 3. It is still fairly easy to compute 𝐹 𝑠, 3 𝑛 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑛 βˆ’ 2𝑠 𝑠 ∏ 𝑝 =3 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 , which finally has a non-trivial root 𝑛 = 2𝑠. However, we already know about it – pair 2𝑠, 𝑠 is always singular. Case π‘˜ = 4. This computation might take a little longer but eventually you will get the following formula for 𝑠 2 𝐹 𝑠, 4 𝑛 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 6𝑠 βˆ’ 1𝑛 + 6𝑠 2 𝑠 ∏ 𝑝 =4 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 . ⟨4⟩ A-ha We now have quadratic Diophantine equation for non-trivial roots 𝑛 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 6𝑠 βˆ’ 1𝑛 + 6𝑠 2 = 0 , ⟨5⟩ which can be also rewritten as a quadratic equation for 𝑠 𝑠 2 βˆ’ 𝑠𝑛 + 𝑛𝑛 + 1βˆ•6 = 0 . ⟨6⟩ 12 DMITRI V. FOMIN Sum of the roots of equation ⟨6⟩ is 𝑛 – hence, if pair 𝑛, 𝑠 with 𝑛 𝑠 is a root of equation ⟨4⟩ then so is pair 𝑛, 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠. This is clearly a direct analog of singular pairs’ duality we have described in Section 3. Let us call such pairs βŸ¨π‘›, 4⟩-conjugated or simply 𝑛-conjugated. In the same manner from equation ⟨5⟩ we can conclude that if pair 𝑛, 𝑠 is a root of equation ⟨4⟩ then its other root is pair 6𝑠 βˆ’ 1 βˆ’ 𝑛, 𝑠. These two pairs will be called βŸ¨π‘ , 4⟩-conjugated. Obviously, both types of conjugation are symmetric. It is also clear from equations ⟨5⟩ and ⟨6⟩ that for any positive solution 𝑛, 𝑠 we have 6𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑛 and 𝑛 𝑠 – otherwise left sides of these equations are positive. Thus, conjugate pair always consists of two positive integers as well. Let us consider the smallest possible root of ⟨5⟩, namely π‘Ÿ = 2, 1 since we are solving the equation in positive integers, we are allowed to talk about β€œsmallest” solution. That pair is not something we can directly use because 𝑠 must be at least 3 for the formula ⟨4⟩ to make sense. But it is still a root of our quadratic equation ⟨5⟩ and we will use it to produce others. It is important to mention that pair π‘Ÿ is self-𝑛-conjugated 2 βˆ’ 1 = 1 so the only way to produce a different solution is via 𝑠-conjugation. So we jump to pair 3, 1, then through 𝑛-conjugation to pair 3, 2, then to 8, 2, then to 8, 6 and so on. Proceeding like that we will obtain one infinite chain of pairs-solutions of equation ⟨5⟩: 2, 1 𝑠 ↔ 3, 1 𝑛 ↔ 3, 2 𝑠 ↔ 8, 2 𝑛 ↔ 8, 6 𝑠 ↔ 27, 6 𝑛 ↔ 27, 21 𝑠 ↔ 98, 21 𝑛 ↔ 98, 77 𝑠 ↔ 363, 77 𝑛 ↔ 363, 286 𝑠 ↔ ... ⟨7⟩ We have marked the arrows with small letters 𝑛 and 𝑠 to show which type of conjugation was used in each case; also we have underlined pairs which are not β€œfully compliant” – they are roots of equation ⟨5⟩ but they are not roots of corresponding polynomial 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ with 𝑠 2 pair 8, 2 is singular but we have discounted it because of 𝑠 2 requirement. So, starting from 8, 6, pairs in the chain represent valid roots of polynomials 𝐹 𝑠, 4 . Thus, they are all β€œsuspect” as possible singularities for Multiset Recovery Problem. Case π‘˜ = 5. In this case computation is also not terribly complicated. For 𝑠 3 we obtain 𝐹 𝑠, 5 𝑛 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 12𝑠 βˆ’ 5𝑛 + 12𝑠 2 𝑛 βˆ’ 2𝑠 𝑠 ∏ 𝑝 =5 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 . Again we have a quadratic Diophantine equation which can be written like this 𝑛 2 βˆ’ 12𝑠 βˆ’ 5𝑛 + 12𝑠 2 = 0 . ⟨8⟩ or like this 𝑠 2 βˆ’ 𝑠𝑛 + 𝑛𝑛 + 5βˆ•12 = 0 . ⟨9⟩ As before, equation ⟨9⟩ gives us 𝑛-conjugation β€œduality” 𝑛, 𝑠 ↔ 𝑛, 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠. And equation ⟨8⟩ provides us with βŸ¨π‘ , 5⟩-conjugation – namely, 𝑛, 𝑠 ↔ 12𝑠 βˆ’ 5 βˆ’ 𝑛, 𝑠. Similarly to the previous subsection we obtain infinite chain of pairs-solutions: 3, 1 𝑠 ↔ 4, 1 𝑛 ↔ 4, 3 𝑠 ↔ 27, 3 𝑛 ↔ 27, 24 𝑠 ↔ 256, 24 𝑛 ↔ 256, 232 𝑠 ↔ 2523, 232 𝑛 ↔ ... However this case differs somewhat from the previous one. The β€œminimum solution” pair 3, 1 has 𝑛-conjugate 3, 2 that does not coincide with it – thus the chain can be extended in the other direction as well. Therefore we obtain more solutions: 3, 2 𝑠 ↔ 16, 2 𝑛 ↔ 16, 14 𝑠 ↔ 147, 14 𝑛 ↔ 147, 133 𝑠 ↔ 1444, 133 𝑛 ↔ 1444, 1311 𝑠 ↔ ... and so our two chains can be merged into one IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 13 ... 1444, 1311 𝑠 ↔ 1444, 133 𝑛 ↔ 147, 133 𝑠 ↔ 147, 14 𝑛 ↔ 16, 14 𝑠 ↔ 𝑠 ↔ 16, 2 𝑛 ↔ 3, 2 𝑠 ↔ 3, 1 𝑠 ↔ 4, 1 𝑛 ↔ 4, 3 𝑠 ↔ 27, 3 𝑛 ↔ 𝑛 ↔ 27, 24 𝑠 ↔ 256, 24 𝑛 ↔ 256, 232 𝑠 ↔ 2523, 232... ⟨10⟩ In both cases 𝑠 = 4 and 𝑠 = 5 it is easy to prove that all positive integer solutions of equations ⟨5⟩ and ⟨8⟩ belong to the chains 7 and 10 respectively. We will leave that to the reader. Case π‘˜ = 6. It would be great if same ideas could be applied for this and subsequent cases as well. However, computation of 𝐹 𝑠, 6 shows that for 𝑠 4 we have the following formula: 𝐹 𝑠, 6 𝑛 = 1 𝑠 βˆ’ 1 𝑔 𝑠, 6 𝑛 𝑠 ∏ 𝑝 =6 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 , where 𝑔 𝑠, 6 𝑛 = 𝑛 4 βˆ’ 30𝑠 βˆ’ 16𝑛 3 + 150𝑠 2 βˆ’ 90𝑠 + 11𝑛 2 βˆ’ 240𝑠 3 βˆ’ 90𝑠 2 + 4𝑛 + 120𝑠 4 . Some of the polynomials 𝑔 𝑠, 6 have integer roots. For instance, 𝑔 8,6 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 12𝑛 3 βˆ’ 212𝑛 2 + 6347𝑛 βˆ’ 40960 , 𝑔 10,6 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 32𝑛 3 βˆ’ 252𝑛 2 + 6047𝑛 βˆ’ 37500 , 𝑔 22,6 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 32𝑛 3 βˆ’ 612𝑛 2 + 51047𝑛 βˆ’ 878460 , 𝑔 30,6 𝑛 = 𝑛 βˆ’ 32𝑛 3 βˆ’ 852𝑛 2 + 105047𝑛 βˆ’ 3037500 . But that is basically all we can get for 𝑠 = 6. Alas, no more quadratic Diophantine equations, no chains of conjugation. Also, it seems likely that polynomials 𝑔 𝑠, 6 do not have integer roots other than the ones shown above. And, of course, same happens with cases of even greater values of 𝑠 – and so this line of inves- tigation ends here. 6. C OMPUTER TO THE RESCUE Roots of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ . Trying to find more roots for cases 𝑠 4 in hope of some insight, I have written a short program in S AGE which was then run through SageMath web interface at for 𝑠 = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. until the server started to stumble that happened somewhere around 𝑠 = 40. After that I have switched to local install of S AGE and proceeded until 𝑠 = 200 when every new value of 𝑠 started to require almost a day to process and then my computer ran out of operational memory. The program did the following. For every fixed value of 𝑠 it ran the loop for π‘˜ from 1 to 1000, where at each step it computed polynomial 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ , factorized it over β„€ and in case of non-trivial factorization printed out the roots of the polynomial. At the end it also produced π‘˜ max 𝑠 – the last value of π‘˜ for which a non-trivial factorization of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ occurred. Below in Table 1 you can see the summary of all non-trivial roots with pairs 2𝑠, 𝑠 excluded obtained from this experiment. We have marked each entry 𝑛 with the first value of π‘˜ for which 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 0. So, for instance, mark [4] corresponds to chain ⟨7⟩, and [5] – to chain ⟨10⟩. For all other values of 𝑠 between 3 and 200 the only roots found were either 𝑛 = 2𝑠 which would have been marked with [3] or trivial 1 through 𝑠 and therefore of no interest for us. 14 DMITRI V. FOMIN 𝑠 𝑛 3 27 [5] , 486 [9] 4 12 [6] 6 8 [4] , 27 [4] 8 12 [6] 10 32 [6] 14 16 [5] , 147 [5] 21 27 [4] , 98 [4] 22 32 [6] 24 27 [5] , 256 [5] 30 32 [6] 62 64 [7] 77 98 [4] , 363 [4] 126 128 [8] 133 147 [5] , 1444 [5] T ABLE 1. Non-trivial roots of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ for 3 β©½ 𝑠 β©½ 200 Roots of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ which have not been yet verified as multiset recovery singularities are emphasized in bold. They represent the current β€œsuspect” cases. In addition the experiment showed that for all 3 𝑠 β©½ 200 the value of π‘˜ max 𝑠 was equal to 2𝑠 βˆ’ 1. Claiming that to be always true is what we will call π‘˜ max -Conjecture – see Conjecture 7.6 below, in Section 7. The following proposition can be considered as a very easy β€œhalf” of this conjecture. Proposition 6.1. For any 𝑠 2, 𝑛 = 2𝑠 and any odd π‘˜ such that 1 π‘˜ 𝑛 we have 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 0. Proof. We can rewrite this statement by using ⟨3⟩, adding summand with 𝑝 = 0, and reversing the summation index 𝑝. As a result we obtain 𝑠 βˆ‘ 𝑝 =0 βˆ’1 𝑝 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘Ÿ 𝑛 𝑝 = 0 for any even number 0 π‘Ÿ 𝑛. Now, since 𝑛 𝑝 = 𝑛 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 , 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘Ÿ = 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘Ÿ , the equation above is equivalent to 𝑛 βˆ‘ 𝑝 =0 βˆ’1 𝑝 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘Ÿ 𝑛 𝑝 = 0 . Any polynomial of 𝑝 with degree less than 𝑛 such as 𝑠 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘Ÿ can be expressed as a linear combination of polynomials 𝑝 [𝑖] , 𝑖 = 0, ..., 𝑛 βˆ’ 1, where 𝑝 [𝑖] = 𝑝 β‹… 𝑝 βˆ’ 1 β‹… ... β‹… 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑖 + 1. Our IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 15 proposition then follows from well-known formula 𝑛 βˆ‘ 𝑝 =0 βˆ’1 𝑝 𝑝 [π‘Ÿ] 𝑛 𝑝 = 0 , which can be easily proved using generating function πœ† π‘₯ = 1 + π‘₯ 𝑛 = βˆ‘ 𝑛 𝑝 =0 𝑛 𝑝 π‘₯ 𝑝 . Polynomial πœ† π‘₯ has βˆ’1 as a root of order 𝑛, thus its π‘Ÿ-th derivative πœ† π‘Ÿ π‘₯ = βˆ‘ 𝑛 𝑝 =0 𝑛 𝑝 𝑝 [π‘Ÿ] π‘₯ 𝑝 βˆ’π‘Ÿ also must have βˆ’1 as a root for any 0 π‘Ÿ 𝑛. β–  And then from 𝐹 𝑠, 2π‘ βˆ’1 2𝑠 = 0 follows Corollary 6.2. For any 𝑠 2 we have π‘˜ max 𝑠 β©Ύ 2𝑠 βˆ’ 1. Singularity search. Well, since we already started using computer assistance, let us continue down this slippery slope. The next idea in automating our investigation is to hunt not for the roots of polynomials 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ but for the singular multisets themselves. The objective is to try and find singularity examples for the smallest β€œsuspect” pairs 27, 6 and 32, 10. The other suspects, not 𝑛-conjugated to these two, are too large to hope for any β€œbrute force” computer search to succeed. The main idea of this approach is to restrict the realm of the 𝑛-multisets that we deal with. Con- sider all 𝑛 +π‘šβˆ’1 π‘š βˆ’1 weak compositions of 𝑛 into π‘š parts, that is, representations of 𝑛 as a sum of π‘š non-negative integers π‘˜ 𝑖 , 𝑖 = 1, 2, ..., π‘š:  ∢ 𝑛 = π‘˜ 1 + π‘˜ 2 + ... + π‘˜ π‘š , π‘˜ 𝑖 ∈ β„€ β©Ύ . Each weak composition of this form can be treated as sequence of multiplicities – that is, from each composition  we will construct 𝑛-multiset 𝐴  = {1 π‘˜ 1 , 2 π‘˜ 2 , ..., π‘š π‘˜ π‘š } . ⟨11⟩ Alas, in both cases 27, 6 and 32, 10 we cannot hope to find 𝑛-multiset 𝑋 which is 𝑠-equivalent to its own mirror Μƒ 𝑋 . Indeed, if 𝑋 𝑠 ∼ Μƒ 𝑋 then without loss of generality we can assume that 𝜎 1 𝑋 = 0. Thus Μƒ 𝑋 = βˆ’π‘‹ and for any even π‘˜ 0 the sum of π‘˜-th powers of numbers in 𝑋 will be equal to that of Μƒ 𝑋 . From the experiment we already know and can easily verify this formally that 𝐹 6,π‘˜ 27 = 0 iff π‘˜ = 4 and 𝐹 10,π‘˜ 32 = 0 iff π‘˜ = 6. Therefore, for any 𝑋 such that 𝑋 𝑠 = Μƒ 𝑋 𝑠 we will have 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝑋 = 𝜎 π‘˜ Μƒ 𝑋 for all values of 1 β©½ π‘˜ β©½ 𝑛 – the only exceptions we could have hoped for were 4 and 6 for 𝑛 = 27 and 𝑛 = 32 respectively and we have just eliminated them. So, how can we proceed and what are the challenges? First of all, we cannot afford to generate an array of all weak compositions or multisets of type ⟨11⟩ and then analyze the result – the computer would soon run out of memory. For example, if 𝑛 = 27 and π‘š = 10 then we get almost 100 million of such compositions 94,143,280 to be exact. Thus, the algorithms here have to be iterative. It is fairly easy to write an iterator function which generates next weak composition based on the previous one. Hint: find the last non-zero part, increase the previous part by one and make all the following parts zero except for the last one. If necessary, same can be done when going through all 𝑠-subsets in an 𝑛-multiset. Second, the check function that verifies whether the two given multisets 𝐴 and 𝐡 are 𝑠-equivalent to its mirror Μƒ 𝐴 must be written very carefully and very efficiently because it will be called quite a few times. To make it work as fast as possible the function needs to implement some β€œquick 16 DMITRI V. FOMIN rejection” checks. For instance, the sum of the first 𝑠 numbers from 𝐴 let us assume it is sorted is always equal to the minimum number in 𝐴 𝑠 ; hence these sums for 𝐴 and 𝐡 must coincide. The more simple checks of this sort are employed the better. Third, calling this check function for every pair 𝐴  and 𝐴  β€² of constructed multisets is absolutely out of the question. So, some sort of simplified β€œsignature” has to be computed for each multiset 𝐴 𝑠  alas, no quick rejections there so we can compare these numbers instead of comparing very large multisets 𝐴 𝑠  . But even with that we cannot go much farther beyond π‘š = 10 for the reason I already mentioned above – such huge arrays of data will exhaust the computer memory. My own implementation of this approach did not find any examples of 6-equivalent 27-multisets of type ⟨11⟩ for π‘š 10. As a sanity check I ran the same code for pair 12, 4 with π‘š = 17 and after a few hours of number crunching it resulted in the same unique example of two 4-equivalent 12-multisets already found in [17]. Clearly, absence of positive results in this computational experiment doesn’t mean much as there could be 6-equivalent 27-multisets that span longer stretches of integers. And it is always possible that singularity example for 27, 6 simply doesn’t exist. For now, this remains an open question. If some of the readers become interested in this line of investigation I will gladly send them my code – I am sure it can be made more effective while consuming less memory. And then, who knows, perhaps the next value of π‘š will finally yield the desired singularity. 7. O PEN QUESTIONS Here is a list of a few open questions which have come up during this survey’s investigations. Question 7.1. Is it true that  5 = {10}? Question 7.2. Which of the new β€œsuspect” pairs 𝑛, π‘˜ found in Section 6 are singular? Of course, we are talking here about pairs highlighted in bold in Table 1. Perhaps some cleverly written computer program could answer this question at least for the smallest β€œsuspect” pairs 27, 6 and 32, 10. Question 7.3. Does a non-trivial root of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ guarantee an existence of corresponding singular pair? That is, is it true that for any positive integers 𝑠, π‘˜, 𝑛 such that 𝑛 𝑠, 𝑛 β©Ύ π‘˜ and 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 0 there exists a pair of different 𝑛-multisets 𝐴 and 𝐡 such that 𝐴 𝑠 = 𝐡 𝑠 ? All the results accumulated over the last sixty years so far confirm this hypothesis; however, it looks like an extremely difficult nut to crack. The following question could perhaps serve as a small step in that direction. Question 7.4. A singular pair 𝑃 = 𝑛, 𝑠 is such that 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ 𝑛 = 0 for π‘˜ = 4 or 5. Is pair 𝑃 β€² = π‘š, 𝑠 obtained from 𝑃 by βŸ¨π‘ , π‘˜βŸ©-conjugation also singular? We know that 𝑛-conjugation between roots of 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ has its direct analog in 𝑛, 𝑠 ↔ 𝑛, 𝑛 βˆ’ 𝑠 duality between singular pairs. However, the similar question about 𝑠-conjugation does not seem to be even remotely as simple. Question 7.5. Is there a less β€œaccidental” explanation for at least one singular pair with 𝑛 β‰  2𝑠, 𝑠 2? So far, all such examples were constructed in a rather ad hoc manner by grinding through solu- tions for simultaneous equations 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐴 𝑠 = 𝜎 π‘˜ 𝐡 𝑠 in cases where resulting polynomials were not IS MULTISET OF 𝑛 INTEGERS UNIQUELY DETERMINED BY THE MULTISET OF ITS 𝑠-SUMS? 17 overwhelmingly complex. Perhaps for at least some singular pairs there exists a less β€œaccidental” construction, combinatorial or algebraic. I think that the following hypothesis is the most important among reasonably hard open questions on multiset recovery. Conjecture 7.6. π‘˜ max -Conjecture Is it true that π‘˜ max 𝑠 = 2𝑠 βˆ’ 1 for all 𝑠 3? In other words, prove or disprove that polynomial 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ can have integer roots only if π‘˜ β©½ 2𝑠 βˆ’ 1. Positive answer to this question would mean a considerable breakthrough in any – computer- aided or not – search for the roots of polynomials 𝐹 𝑠,π‘˜ . For starters, we could immediately claim that  𝑠 = {2𝑠} for many small values of 𝑠. Proof of that for 𝑠 = 5 that is, a solution to Question 7.1 would go like this: Proof. If 𝑛 5 and 𝑛 β‰  10 then 𝐹 5,π‘˜ 𝑛 β‰  0 for any π‘˜ 0. Indeed, π‘˜ max -Conjecture implies there is no need to check values π‘˜ β©Ύ 10. From Section 5 we know the same is true for π‘˜ β©½ 5. So we only need to examine 𝐹 5,6 , 𝐹 5,7 , 𝐹 5,8 and 𝐹 5,9 : 𝐹 5,6 𝑛 = 𝑛 4 βˆ’ 134𝑛 3 + 3311𝑛 2 βˆ’ 27754𝑛 + 75000 , 𝐹 5,7 𝑛 = 𝑛 4 βˆ’ 262𝑛 3 + 9527𝑛 2 βˆ’ 107570𝑛 + 375000 , 𝐹 5,8 𝑛 = 𝑛 4 βˆ’ 518𝑛 3 + 27791𝑛 2 βˆ’ 420490𝑛 + 1875000 , 𝐹 5,9 𝑛 = 𝑛 4 βˆ’ 1030𝑛 3 + 81815𝑛 2 βˆ’ 1653650𝑛 + 9375000 . How do we do that? Again, we can use computer to help us produce a verifiable computer- independent proof. As an example, let us prove quite formally that 𝐹 5,6 has no integer roots in [5; ∞[⧡{10}. A couple of lines of code in M ATLAB β„’ or in S AGE will get us real roots of this polynomial π‘₯ 1 = 6.014875..., π‘₯ 2 = 7.745287..., π‘₯ 3 = 15.348149..., π‘₯ 4 = 104.891687... , We cannot use that as a proof, but we can compute by hand values 𝐹 5,6 π‘₯ for π‘₯ = 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 104 and 105. The results – 24, -600, 360, 2040, -4776, -745560 and 93480 – prove that there is a non-integer root inside each one of segments [6; 7], [7; 8], [15; 16] and [104; 105]. Those four non-integer numbers obviously constitute the set of all roots of 𝐹 5,6 . In exactly the same way but with longer computations one can prove the same for polynomials 𝐹 5,7 , 𝐹 5,8 and 𝐹 5,9 polynomials 𝐹 5,7 and 𝐹 5,9 both have one integer root but it is equal to 10. Finally, since 𝐹 5,π‘˜ 𝑛 β‰  0, then from Theorem 4.1 it follows that 𝑛-multiset 𝐴 is always recover- able from 𝐴 5 . β–  The following hypothesis proposes an update to Question 2.5. Conjecture 7.7. Magical Triplet Conjecture If 𝑠 2 and 𝑛 2𝑠 then for any three distinct 𝑛 -multisets some two of them are not 𝑠-equivalent to each other. If we agree to exclude fully investigated cases of 𝑠 = 2 and 𝑛 = 2𝑠 then let us call three different 𝑛 -multisets such that they are all 𝑠-equivalent to each other, a magical triplet. I submit that magical triplets do not exist – in other words, when one tries to recover a multiset from its collection of 𝑠 -sums they will always have no more than two options to choose from. 18 DMITRI V. FOMIN R EFERENCES [1] J. Lambek, L. Moser, 1954, Inverse and Complementary Sequences of Natural Numbers, Amer. Math. Monthly., 33, pp.454–458 [2] L. Moser, 1957 Problem E1248, Amer. Math. Monthly, 64, p.507