Sociology of Literature The Struggle Of Esther Greenwood Against Social Oppression In Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE In doing an analysis, it is important for reviews or theories that are related to the subject of discussion to support the study.

2.1 Sociology of Literature

The term of literature and sociology are two fields of knowledge that cannot be separated from each other. They are two studies that are different but have a very close relation. Sociology derives from Greek ‘socious’ society and ‘logos’ science which means the study of all the aspects of human and their relation in community. Literature derives from Latin ‘littera’ which mainly refers to written or printed words. Some relations between literature and society are: literary work is part of society and it uses language, which is part of social institution, and literary works is a picture of society. Novels and other literary works from a social phenomenon are strongly tied to a specific time in social history. The form and content of the novel comes from a social phenomenon and often related with moments in the history of society. According to Wellek Warren, literary sociology has the task to explore classes of social status, to examine the dependency towards ruling classes, as well as study economical sources and prestiges in society 1989:115. A literary work is an expression of social reality that has existed in the mind of the novelist; the forms and meanings are expressed from his own experience. Literary works are also trying to express reality as it is; it shows hidden things in life that may not be acceptable in our society. Universitas Sumatera Utara The quote below suggests that a novelist will show how society is actually like, how the men and women are. Through a society in the work they portray or imitate the truth about our real life society. We do not look to the novel primarily for social documents; social historians and sociologists can tell us about particular societies. Novelists teach us the varied meanings that society has for individuals and for human life, they instruct us in the mutual responsibilities of individuals and societies; they use depictions of society to speak truths about what men and women are, singly and communally, and what they might be. We look to the novel for what we ultimately find there, imitations and intimations of human life in society. Langland 221:1984 Literary works show a significant relationship between cause and effect, it also shows us what is going on where it is taking us. Modern novel like The Bell Jar consists of these elements where there are cause and effect leading to the next social situation, every saying or event is tied to one another. The existence of the novel is said, as there is no society without history and no history without society. It is through the novel the public enters into history that flows on to society. Just like in The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath include some flashbacks of the main character’s experience to support events in the future to be more meaningful and relatable. The novel also links the condition and history of American society during the mid 20 th century. The portal of history will always be in the novel but using different techniques by different novelists. According to Goldmann, there is no realistic social research that is not historical and there is no scientific research that is both historical and realistic if it does not contain elements of sociology. Therefore, in studying the facts and reality of humanity requires methods that are both sociological and historical. Wellek Warren states that, a literary historian will never be satisfied judging a literary work just from Universitas Sumatera Utara a contemporary perspective. They will evaluate the history in accordance with the needs and style of contemporary literary movement. 1989:43.

2.2 Dynamic Structuralism