Direct Learning Model or Conventional Model Thinking Ability

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Chemistry Education Page 190 Department of Education 2014 suggested six stages in applying the discovery learning, namely : 1. Stimulation, that at this stage the students are exposed to something that raises question marks, followed by not giving a generalization so that the desire to conduct an investigation. In addition, teachers can start the learning activities by asking questions, suggestions reading books, and other learning activities that lead to problem solving; 2. Problem statement statement or identification of problems, at this stage the teacher give the opportunity to the students to identify as many issues that are relevant to the subject matter. The next problem is written in the form of questions, or hypotheses; 3. Data collection, teachers give students the chance to gather as much information to test the hypothesis; 4. Data processing, at this stage the data are classified, and tabulated; 5. Verification, at this stage, the students perform a careful examination to test the hypothesis. According to Bruner, the purpose of verification is that the learning process will go well and creative if the teacher gives students the chance to discover the concepts, rules, or theories through the examples he encountered; 6. Generalization Drawing conclusions or generalizations, stage generalization is to draw conclusions that can be used as a general principle and applies to all the issues or events. In applying the method of discovery learning teachers act as mentors by providing opportunities for students to learn actively, as the opinion of the teacher should be able to guide and direct the learning activities of students in accordance with the purpose. Conditions such as these will guide the teaching and learning activities from teacher-oriented to student oriented. Direct Learning Model or Conventional Model

Direct model or instructional also called conventional learning is learning that its activity is dominated by the teacher so that said as a teacher-centered learning.Teachers are required to demonstrate their ability step by step to students, the teacher should be an interesting model so that learning becomes fun. This learning model is based on behavioristic learning theory which views learning as a process of changing behavior through stimulus and response processes. Direct instructional goal is to facilitate students on knowledge of procedural and declarative knowledge well- structured. In the hands-on learning, the teacher presents the material in the shape of finished or final to students with the aim that students can master the knowledge . The method used in the direct instruction are lectures, demonstrations, and discussions. There are five phases or stages in direct learning, namely : 1 Present the objectives and conduct advanced organizer; 2 demonstrated knowledge skills; 3 guide students; 4 check for understanding, and provide feedback by asking question, and 5 providing independent training to students. To support the implementation of learning, teachers must be active and a good presente , and prepared students become observers, listeners and diligent participants. Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Chemistry Education Page 191 Thinking Ability

Piaget’s opinion on the development of learning processes in children are: Children have a different mental structure which is different from adults. Children has a unique way to appreciate the surrounding world. Mental development in children through certain stages , with a sequence that is the same for all children . The development stages are : a. Sensory Motor stage 0 to 2.0 years b. Pre - operational stage 2.0 -7.0 years c. Concrete operational stage 7.0 - 11 years d. The formal operational stage 11 years - up The ability to think concretely characterized by the operating system based on real objects and can be observed. Children ’s pattern think are not abstract. The level of concrete operational thinking is characterized by traits transformation capabilities, reversible, eternity, and classification Suparno, 2001. Formal thinking skills is the l ast stage in Piaget’s theory. This phase begins at the age of 11 years and above. Abstract thinking skills, logical thinking based on formal theoretical propositions and hypotheses and be able to draw conclusions without seeing the object being observed at the time. According to Ratna Willis Dahar 2011 there are some characteristics of formal thinking abilities, namely 1 the hypothetical - deductive thinking, 2 thinking propositional, 3 combinatorial thinking, and 4 reflective thinking.

4. Conclusion