Validity of the Test

34 the students’ scores attained from the reading test would be the variable X, meanwhile the close-ended questionnaire Likert-type would be the variable Y. These two variables, then, will be calculated using the Pearson correlation.

3.3.1 Validity of the Test

According to Heaton 1988, a good test should have at least three characteristics namely validity, reliability, and practicality. In terms of validity, he proposes that there are several types of validity. Some of them which are related to this study are face validity, content validity and external validity. He explains that a test has faced validity if its appearance, the composition of its items, its organization and contents make the test look valid. In terms of multiple choice test, face validity can be fulfilled by having more or less similar length of answer options, having the same number of answer options, using the same numbering for example A, B, C, D for the whole items, and similar organization, i.e. once the options are written orderly from the left to right, the rest should also written in the same way. The test used in this study has the characteristics above, thus the face validity has been fulfilled. The content validity can be net if the test items reflect the contents of the curriculum the students have learned. It also should have relationship between the course objectives. The test used in this study can be said to have content validity as they are constructed based on the curriculum and the course objectives and it measures what it is intended to measure, i.e. to measure students’ comprehension skills on narrative and recount texts Harris, 1969. 35 Meanwhile, the external validity of the instruments in this study is reached by correlating the results of try-out with the students’ English scores they gained in the first semester. Here, the statistical analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient is used Evelyn, 1991:434 to analyze the data. The value of the correlation coefficient was obtained calculated by using SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The computation shows the result is .882 for the test, which means that the test is valid since r table with .01 and df = 28 is .4487 Appendix 10.

3.3.2 Reliability of the Test