This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to
achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education





If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to
do something you have never done.
Success is a journey, not a destination

I dedicate this thesis to:
My beloved father and mother,
My sisters,
My lovely,
And all my friend,


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, the researcher expresses her highest
gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and
mercy to complete this thesis.
Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
who had delivered the truth to human beings in general and Muslim in particular.
In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice,
support, and even remark that had helped the researcher. In this valuable chance,
the researcher aims to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them.

Dian Inayati, M. Ed as the first advisor who has helped, given valuable
advice, motivation, experience, encouragement helped the researcher all
the times of study and analysis of this whole thesis.


Drs. Soeparto M. Pd as the second advisor who has helped her patiently
finishes this thesis by giving suggestion, guidance, and correction since the
preliminary of manuscript until the completion of this thesis.


My parents, Mr. Nizar and Mrs. Nurul, thank you so much for your
affection, advices, guidance, instruction and help in all my life, their love

is beyond any words. For my dearest sisters are Ifdah and Safira who
always give constant encouragement and tireless motivation.

Thank you for my lovely who always support and give me good advice.


All friends from I class, namely Nafis, Ika yuniasrinda, Ulfa, Mbak Maya,
Tika, Yopi, Gagoek, Lisa, Ratih, Iis, Iin, Zen.


My housemates, there are Amee, Penyok, Nje, Atmut, and Nuril for your
sacrifice and motivation. Without all of you the researcher would never
have the power to finish this thesis, and thank you so much for coloring
my life, cheerful days, beautiful togetherness and also unforgettable
moment for all of my life.

Finally, may Allah always blesses us. Aamiin

Malang, 30 December 2013
The Researcher,

Ziana walidah
Title .............................................................................................................


Approval ......................................................................................................


Legalization ................................................................................................. iii
Motto and Dedication ................................................................................... iv
Abstract ........................................................................................................


Acknowledgements ....................................................................................... vi
Table of Contents ......................................................................................... vii
1.1 Background of Study ..............................................................................


1.2 Statement of Problem ..............................................................................


1.3 Purpose of the Study ...............................................................................


1.4 Scope and Limitation ..............................................................................


1.5 Significance of Study ..............................................................................


1.6 Definition of Key Term ...........................................................................


2.1 Digital Native .........................................................................................


2.1.1 Characteristics of Digital Native .................................................... 11
2.1.2 Students as Digital Native ............................................................... 12

2.1.3 Non- digital native vs digital native student ..................................... 12
2.2 Twitter as a Social Networking Tool ....................................................... 14
2.2.1. The differences between twitter and facebook ................................ 15
2.2.2 Disadvantages and Advantages of twitter ........................................ 15
2.2.3 The special terms of twitter .............................................................. 17
2.2.4 The characteristics of twitter ............................................................ 18
2.3 Colloquial word ..................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Types of colloquial words ............................................................... 21 Literary Colloquial word ............................................................... 21 Familiar Colloquial word .............................................................. 22
2.3.2 Characteristics of Colloquial ............................................................ 23
2.3.3 The Use of Colloquial Words in Particular Context.......................... 24
2.4 Previous studies ...................................................................................... 24
3.1 Research Design ..................................................................................... 26
3.2 Research Object ...................................................................................... 27

3.3 Research Instrument ............................................................................... 28
3.4 Data Collection ...................................................................................... 29
3.5 Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 29
4.1 Research Findings .................................................................................. 30

4.2 Discussion............................................................................................... 46

5.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 49
5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................. 51


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This chapter presents background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the
study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term.
1.1 Background of the Study
In global area, the internet is a useful tool for communicating with other people around
the world. By using the Internet, people may get information easier and faster. Besides, people
may send messages to several friends, read some news and advertisement with the aid of the
Internet. Dealing with communication, the Internet has provided a tool for communication which
connects people, that is a social networking tool.
According to Lenny (2010), social network is a social structure made up of individuals or
organizations, it is called „nodes‟, which are connected by one or more specific types of
independency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike,
relationship of beliefs, and knowledge or prestige. Then, Myfield (2008: 6) adds social
networking tool is sites allowing people to build personal web and connecting with friends to
share content and communication. Based on above theories, it can be concluded that social
network tool can be used to relate people in scope of cyber space. Lately, there have been some
popular social networking tools, for example, Yahoo Messenger, facebook, twitter.
Beyond and Ellison (2007) explain that twitter is an online platform which allows users
to construct a public or semi public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other
users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connection and
those made by others within the system. So, it can be concluded that twitter is one of the social

networking tools that can be used to connect people, share information, and build a new relation
within the system.
People usually use twitter to find new friends and create networks around the world. By
using twitter, people are easier to communicate and interact with friends or even with people
who they have never known before. They may join some groups of twitter and introduce a topic
to discuss. Some of them might get addicted while others might not. People enjoy joining twitter
and spend almost all of their time for chatting and tweeting.
According to Yulius (2009), there are several superiorities of twitter. First, it can be used
to search new information or news easily because it is helped with trending topic. Secondly, this
form is simple, only (140 characters to every shout out), it makes this web easily to load in
mobile browser or desktop browser. Thirdly, using Hastag, it means that people can make a self
conversation in the several people at once. Fourthly, system following and follower, it means
that following is twitter user follow people are aimed. Besides, follower is twitter user are
followed by other people.
For students, Greenhow (2012) adds that twitter has some benefits. One of them is twitter
is used for learning instruction including material of the learning, and connecting teacher and
other students. Besides, twitter can help learning process for the students such as learn about the
way of think critically, and write sentences briefly and understandably.

According to

Burngardner (2011), social networking tool can help students share information and resources,
create professional learning communities, improve communications with other students, improve
student motivation, and help students develop a collaborative view of learning and create a
connection to real-life.

According to Wolfe (2011), the number of the twitter users per month has reached 82%
of adult and teenagers since the beginning of 2011, and half of the twitter users log in every day.
Moreover, Castolo (2011) states that 100 million people use twitter everyday, even though 40%
of twitter account owners have not logged into their accounts in the past 30 days.
Semiocast research (2012) reports that in 2012, Indonesia is in the world‟s fifth position
with 19.5 million of the number of the twitter users. According to Dunkles (2006), the most
dominant twitter user is students. Then, Pontoh (2012), the statistical of the students that use
twitter is not constant, but they increase two million everyday. Based on the above statistics, it
can be concluded that Indonesia is a country with the biggest number of the twitter users in
Indonesia, while the most dominant twitter user is students.
Based on a previous study done by Ika (2011), the reasons of students using twitter are:
1). Intertwine of communication and tighten of relation with each other. People can use mention
(@). It means that students can communicate with a person who is aimed. 2). Losing saturation.
It is one reason for the students who use twitter, because they consider that twitter becomes a
friend, when they have saturation in their activities. Besides, they consider that twitter as a place
to express their emotion by arranging sentences which is called tweeting, 3). Getting
information, students consider that twitter gives some information and new insight. They admit
that they need this information to increase their reference toward the kind of knowledge, 4). Self
existence, motif of existence appears in the students, because they always want to be appreciated
and be existed by people around them. They should join twitter in order to follow development
in nowadays.
In this globalization era, students cannot be separated with technologies. Even they spend
most of their time in front of computer. These students are called digital native. According to

Prensky (2001), digital native is all “native speaker” of the digital language of computers, video
games, and the Internet. A digital native is determined by age, experience, and breadth of use.
(Helper, and Rebecca, 2009). Thus, people are categorized as a digital native, when they always
grew up with new technology.
In written communication especially, people can use varieties of languages. They can use
varieties of language, for example, smiley or emoticons to show their expression, and colloquial
words to make their short sentences more simple and interesting.
Colloquial words are some informal and short speech which are different from the
standard language for the purpose to make it simple, such as “have to” to be “have 2”.
According to Trask (1999), colloquial is ordinary, relaxed, informal speech such as using
contractions, using connection words and phrase, using abbreviated utterances, using many
words and expressions people would avoid in formal context, and using swear words freely.
There are several previous studies about the use of colloquial words in social networking
tools. One of them is conducted by Annisa (2007) who analyzed the colloquial language used by
members of Friendster who were digital native in writing testimonials on the Internet. There
were 61 colloquial words and nine technical terms which could be divided into two. The first
was technical terms which support the theory such as clipping, blending, acronym, and
hypocorism. The second was a technical term which does not support the theory such as word,
number and letter as word, reducing letter, and changing spelling.
Another study was conducted by Indriawati (2010) who analyzed the content of English
written update status of Facebook members who were digital native in English writing and
technical terms of English colloquial words on English written used by facebookers on June
2010. The result of this study showed that there were varieties of colloquial words, including 43

colloquial words based on the theory of word formation process and 47 colloquial words based
on the theory of colloquial words.
This research aims to investigate the written English colloquial words used by digital
native students in tweeting. The previous studies were focusing on the colloquial words used in
facebook and Friendster. This study takes fifteen digital natives who are only from English
department at University Muhammadiyah of Malang who frequently compose status in twitter
using colloquial words.
Moreover, this study choses twitter because Indonesia is five position of twitter users in
the world, and lately, it is a popular social networking tool used by people, especially digital
native students. Also, twitter is called as microblogging that has 140 characters in every status
composition so that it can share and receive information easier. Thus, it is assumed that the
digital natives might also use colloquial words to limit these characters in their status updates.
So, this study wants to know about what colloquial words used by digital natives in their twitter
status updates. Thus, this study is aimed at knowing the types and varieties of English colloquial
words used by digital natives in twitter.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study above, the statements of the problem are elaborated
as follows:
1. What are the English colloquial words used by digital natives in tweeting?
2. What are the types of English colloquial words used by the digital natives in
1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the studies are related to the problems of the study. The purposes of the
study are as follows:
1. To analyze English colloquial words used by digital natives in tweeting.
2. To find the types of English colloquial words used by the digital natives in
1.4 Scope and Limitation
This study focuses on the English colloquial words used by digital natives in tweeting.
The limitation of this study is on English colloquial words used by the digital natives in
Indonesia, especially at University Muhammadiyah of Malang between the ages of 19 and 22
who usually compose status in the twitter.
1.5 Significant of the Study
This study is expected to motivate students in learning English. Besides, it is aimed to
analyze English colloquial words used by digital native in twitter. The result of the research is
expected to be one of valuable information for the digital natives about English colloquial words.
Furthermore, it gives the digital natives to increase knowledge about varieties of language,
especially English colloquial words.
1.6 Definition of Key Term
To avoid any misunderstanding about the terms that are used in this study, it is necessary
to define several key terms as follows:
1. Digital native is determined by three parts, namely: age, it means that the
youngest generation who has grown up with technology and does not know any
other context. Experience, it means those who have been on the Internet the
longest, while they might not have grown up with the Internet when they are

young, they have been „submerged‟ in it for the longest period of time. Breadth of
use, it means that those for whom the Internet is integrated into almost every
aspect of their everyday lives independent of their age or experience. (Helsper and
Rebecca, 2009)
2. Colloquial is ordinary, relaxed, informal speech such as using contractions, using
connecting words and phrase, using abbreviated utterances, using many words
and expressions that would be avoided in formal context, and may be using swear
words with freedom. (Trask, 1999)
3. Twitter is an online platform which allows users to construct a public or semi
public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom
they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connection and those
made by others within the system. (Beyond, and Ellison, 2007)
4. Tweeting is a post or composes update typed in the “What‟s happening?” status to
the people who are following, in 140 characters or less. (Jackie, 2012)