Myth of women’s beauty governs somebody’s behavior in gender role Myth of beauty governs one’s perceptions about themselves. Myth of beauty governs one’s perceptions about other people.

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. Conclusion After analyzing Shallow Hal, the researcher makes general conclusions referring to the research questions: “How does the myth of women’s beauty govern somebody’s behavior as reflected in Shallow Hal?” and “How does Shallow Hal present American stereotypes of women’s beauty?” The researcher makes general conclusion as the answer to the first research question on how the myth of beauty governs somebody’s behavior as reflected in Shallow Hal as follows:

1. Myth of women’s beauty governs somebody’s behavior in gender role

relationships. Hal and Mauricio represent as the ones who are manipulated by the shallow conception of women’s beauty. They are governed by the socially established interpretation of sexual difference that men hold the role of appraiser of beauty instead of the role of partner. It gives further impact on sexual relations that they seek perfect woman and has unrealistic expectations and superficial perceptions.

2. Myth of beauty governs one’s perceptions about themselves.

It is documented in Shallow Hal that the myth governs on how particular women perceive themselves. The way Rosemary feels about her body explains how the myth of beauty defines her self confidence and self esteem self- worth. The myth governs Rosemary’s perceptions about her body and relates it to her own sense of self-worth. She is objectified and defined by socially constructed image of slenderness. Thinness is the cultural pressure preventing Rosemary from feeling good about her body shape.

3. Myth of beauty governs one’s perceptions about other people.

Within Shallow Hal, the myth of women’s beauty governs on how particular women are perceived. The myth determines one’s acceptance and perception about other people. Rosemary and other women who are pointed as ugly physically in Shallow Hal are trapped in the circle of male dominated culture. They are stereotyped and perceive negative responses and treatment as they do not fit the culturally beauty ideal. They experience the power of stereotypes and its social implications. The general conclusions as the answer to the second research question on how Shallow Hal presents American stereotypes of women’s beauty are derived as follows:

1. There are many stereotypes resulted from the myth of women’s